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What Happens When Rich Man Gets Out of Comfort Zone
What Happens When Rich Man Gets Out of Comfort Zone
What Happens When Rich Man Gets Out of Comfort Zone
Ebook185 pages2 hours

What Happens When Rich Man Gets Out of Comfort Zone

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Now all personal growth coaches, who have been bred as uncut dogs, unanimously repeat that for success you need to get out of your comfort zone. And if the comfort zone is warm, cozy and luxurious, then outside of it there is manure, a wooden toilet and a daring girl next to it. At least for Sergei Nikolsky, a millionaire, womanizer and self-confident male. Not every oligarch can do such a test, but what can't you do for a nice prize?

Release dateApr 11, 2021
What Happens When Rich Man Gets Out of Comfort Zone


Writing books is one of the most delicious feelings I can imagine. Discovery, adventures, psychology, mystery, all is one story for your and my great pleasure. I was one of those lucky guy who was the happiest when the bad weather outside confined me in my bedroom, a book propped against my pillow. I forgot the real world, entering in a new one I was looking after. Little surprise that I went from reading words to writing them.

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    What Happens When Rich Man Gets Out of Comfort Zone - Berrich36

    What happens when rich man gets out of comfort zone


    Now all personal growth coaches, who have been bred as uncut dogs, unanimously repeat that for success you need to get out of your comfort zone. And if the comfort zone is warm, cozy and luxurious, then outside of it there is manure, a wooden toilet and a daring girl next to it. At least for Sergei Nikolsky, a millionaire, womanizer and self-confident male. Not every oligarch can do such a test, but what can't you do for a nice prize?

    Chapter 1


    How boring! It was so boring that I wanted to bang my head against the expensive table of an expensive restaurant. The pasta seemed bland, I didn't even taste the soup, its color - the color of childish surprise - evoked melancholy and despair. Need that - something out, relax.

    I shook my head in search of prey for the night. Although, recently, even sex did not inspire enthusiasm, but at least I wanted it.

    I don’t believe in love, I don’t believe in relationships, I believe in money. If you have money, you can do anything. How many times have I been convinced of this, buying souls, forcing them to abandon people close to them for the sake of a tidbit. I played at fate as a God, in which I also do not believe. Although, what kind of God, I am the devil, Satan, Woland. And I'm bored.

    At one - the moment I satiated everything. When you have so much money that will be enough to buy half a planet, you stop what - the dream of what - to want. In fairness, thanks to my wishlist, I earned my fortune. Of course, I was not initially poor, my parents were rich people, they paid me for a good study, they gave me start-up capital, but then I was already spinning myself. And it turned up. I want a yacht - please, the best, the biggest. I want an island - the only question is what flora and fauna fascinates me. Houses, cars, apartments, businesses… .aaaaa. I'm tired of it.

    Then, in search of new experiences, he began to try drugs. Did not like. The mind is lost, the mind is turned off, I am not in control. And I'm used to controlling and deciding. Further extreme - parachute jumping, rafting, diving, base jumping. At first it was cool, new emotions appeared, adrenaline seethed, I wanted to live. Then I got tired of it. Then I began to play with people, my favorite game is to breed a girl for sex. Buy it. Most of them break at first, but the stakes are getting higher, and more than one has not left me, finding itself from the offered money. Each had its own price.

    And so, sighing at my fate - fate and poking around in pasta, I stumbled upon a new victim. A young, beautiful girl, her back straight, her lips pursed stubbornly. She sits with a man who, like a peacock, fluffed up his tail, but she is not. You offer little - flashed in my head, and meanwhile my eyes lit up with hellish flame, a bell from the underworld. 

    I took out my phone and dialed Mark, the chief of security, who was sitting next to me, making sure that no one encroached on my stately ass.

    Mark came up to me with lightning speed, bowing his head.

     Bring that one there,  I pointed at the girl. Preferably not by force,  I added after thinking.    

    - She's with a gentleman, - sometimes Mark take me out with his gentlemen. He would have white gloves and the image of the butler is complete.  

    - I see, - I snapped, - I don't need a man, if that's what you mean.   

    Mark did not touch my joke at all, but maybe he is only pretending.

    I saw Mark approached the girl, bent and that - then whispered in his ear, pointing at me.

    - What the hell do you want ?! - the peacock roused himself. But Mark opened the flaps of his jacket, pointing unequivocally at the gun, and the peacock sat back on his cowardly ass.  

    The girl turned to me, took the hand offered by Mark and walked to my table.

    I didn't even break, a thought flashed through my head. Not very interesting. Although it may start to bargain. 

    The girl gravely sat down in a chair opposite, raising surprisingly blue eyes at me, most likely lenses.

     I’m listening,  she said shortly.  

    - And you are beautiful, - I pronounced the verdict, examining the beautiful body, thin cheekbones, dark straight hair. A minimum of cosmetics, well, or such an effect from a well-applied makeup.  

     I know that,  the stranger was not at all embarrassed. Although I had no plans to get to know her.  

    - It's good that you know, I don't like pretentiousness. How many? I asked, wiping my lips with a napkin. Tasteless pasta all - yet, here it is necessary to dismiss the chief - cook. Or buy a restaurant? What the hell is a restaurant with bad pasta for me?  

    - How much of what? She asked, arching an eyebrow gracefully.  

    - 10 thousand is enough, not rubles, of course? 

    - Why such a huge amount of money? - the girl was still pretending to be a fool. Or indeed it was, I - do not understand.  

    " For the night given to me, of course. Although, what a night, we will manage a couple of hours. 

    She looked around, as if - then looking for, and then, without a trace of embarrassment and resentment, which I used to read in the women's eyes turned to me.

    - I was probably mistaken in the building, I thought it was a restaurant, but then it turns out a brothel. 

    And she smiled so sweetly that for a split second I believed what she was saying. Okay, devil.

    - Not enough? Well, you have some inquiries, maybe you’re a log in bed, but you want so much money. 

    The girl leaned across the table, grabbing my tie and bringing her face closer to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Mark's alertness and his glance pointed out to him not to twitch.

    - It seems to me - she whispered in my ear, - you the money that will be useful to - is more important than the occasional perepihon.   

    - And for what? - I answered her in the same whisper.  

    " For example, dry cleaning your super expensive tie. 

    And then she turned on her heels and walked towards the exit, and I looked down. What a bitch! My tie complemented the composition Soup of the color of woody diarrhea.

    I swore, tore off my tie and called Mark.

    - Catch up and return to me! 

    - Maybe, well, her? - my guard doubted. But I looked at him with such fierce hatred that he immediately rushed to carry out his assignment.  

    A couple of minutes later, he brought the restraining girl and sat down opposite me.

    - I listen to your conditions, - I grinned at the hushed girl. I saw the counter start up in her head and relax. So, everything is in order, now it will give out its price, and it is in my trap.  

    - Okay, I agree to spend an unforgettable night with you. Well, or a couple of hours, depending on how long you are enough, - the devil did not fail to shoot my pride. - But, I'm not interested in money.   

    I raised an eyebrow in amazement.

    - What? Car? Apartment? Sick dog surgery? 

    - The fact is that I am a psychologist, and your psychotype buy for money, whatever I want is very interesting. 

    Soooo, and the evening ceases to be boring.

    - And what does Miss Psychologist want - 2018? 

    - A deal. 

    - A deal with the devil, aren't you afraid? - I decided to pry her, although with every word it became more and more interesting.  

    She shrugged her thin shoulders.

    - Why be afraid? We are all mortal. 

    Brave. Bravery and stupidity?

    - So what's the deal? - I got her back on track.  

    - I'll sleep with you, but in two weeks. If you survive for two weeks in a remote village, without your bullies, without the Internet, with a toilet on the street. If you can stand it and don't run away, then I’m yours for the night, whatever you want, of course, without physical violence. 

    - And if not? - I decided to clarify all the conditions.  

    - How much did you offer me there? 10 kilobucks, if my memory serves me right. 

    Well, that’s back to money.

    - Well, yes. 

    - Here, you will list the animal nursery and follow the targeted use of funds. 

    All this is strange, both the offer and the conditions.

    Mark glanced at me so that I was afraid for the consequences in the form of squint. Of course he is against it. But he will survive.

    - And you - is that with this? - I asked a question that worries me, leaning back in a chair.  

    - Well, - First, I'm really interested to watch the beast got into another habitat. 

    I chuckled, not understanding whether to accept the comparison with the beast as a compliment or as an insult.

    - In - the second, - continued to bend-manicured fingers girl - my grandmother did not chop wood, carry water is necessary, the garden is now full pret. Thought someone - then hire to help, and then help arrives very well.   

    - Well, in - Third, - all intriguing anymore, I asked.  

    - And in - the third, you are a beautiful man. I don’t have my own handsome man at the moment, but I need sex for my health. So if I fail, I won't be upset. Of course, I'll laugh heartily, but I won't be upset. 

    And she smiled - sweet and insidious. And inside me a fire flared up. That - something new and interesting, it's harder drugs and sex. I have never been to a village, except for the village of an elite summer cottage settlement. Therefore, my idea of them was formed exclusively from the films.

     I agree,  I breathed, out of the corner of my eye noticing that Mark was almost fainting from my recklessness.  

    - Excellent, - smiled triumphantly, - then tomorrow, alone, you arrive at the railway station, and then by train and feet.   

    I grimaced.

    - We can get there fine by car. 

    - Well, here, - the girl gasped in disappointment, - have not yet started the test, but are you already giving up?   

     Okay,  I gritted my teeth, "if it's so important.   

    - With you only things and a phone, there is no Internet, and communication is only caught on the top of the hill. 

    I cursed, realizing that drop out of the work, but the lure of which two weeks - something new with a nice prize at the end, was too great.

    - Agreed. 

    - And no harassment for two weeks, - as if the girl read my mind, or I just looked at her carnivore.  

    - Unless you yourself want to. 

    She nodded, but still answered:

    - I don’t want to. Alice, by the way, - and held out her little palm to me.  

    - Sergei, - barely perceptibly touched his hand with his lips.  

    - Tomorrow at 8 am at the station, see you, - and, without waiting for an answer, slipped away.  

    Why so early - it?

    Chapter 2


    This is lucky, so lucky! I almost jumped for joy, being within the walls of my small apartment. Of course, I recognized him at once - Nikolsky Sergey Vasilyevich, the owner of factories, newspapers and ships, a womanizer and despot, a very disgusting person, I'll tell you.

    I am not a psychologist, I am a journalist, and of a low rank, but thanks to the appearance of this moral monster in my life, everything can change. In the beginning, of course, I didn’t care a bit. Still, I was never offered sex for money, but then I accepted the rules of the game, presenting myself to the audience as a breaking fifa. And he fell for it! Really! Sucked into my weak acting!

    My name is Alice, I work for the magazine Women's Law, this is something like glamor, only much lower in rank. Now I write stupid articles, those that the public imposes on me, such as what color of the season, what needs to be combined so as not to look like a fool and how to find out that you are interesting to a guy. My ego tells me that this is not why I studied for 5 years at the Faculty of Journalism, but life is ready to argue with him. I was already confronted with my uninteresting fate when I got the chance. Oh yeah!

    In addition to all nonsense, there are some very interesting articles in our magazine. For example, about domestic violence, how to protect yourself from it and where to go for help; assistance in interior design and various master - classes; legal aid and articles on the marriage contract and divorce, and so on. But they are written by feather sharks who have their own column and personal blog on the website of our magazine. They suggest themes themselves, and I have so many ideas! I am ready to create day and night, but no one was interested in me before. Yes, and now not really, but now at least I had a chance to show myself.

    Our magazine decided to hold a competition among employees - the one who brings the most interesting and unusual article, that fellow, get laurels, a position and freedom of writing. The topic, no, not how I spent the summer, but an unexpected side of a man's life,

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