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Pregnant by the Train Gang: Gender Bender Party
Pregnant by the Train Gang: Gender Bender Party
Pregnant by the Train Gang: Gender Bender Party
Ebook35 pages28 minutes

Pregnant by the Train Gang: Gender Bender Party

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After a careless accident in his science lab, Joe is transformed into a woman by a venom which contains gender bending properties. In order to get the antidote, Joe, who is now Joanne, must take the train to his science lab’s main facility – which is out of state.

It’s going to be a long train ride, but Ace and his two virile friends are more than willing to keep Joanne company. In the name of science, Joanne allows herself to explore her new female sexuality, but getting pregnant was never meant to be a variable within this experiment.

This story entails male to female gender swap, a fertile womb and first time pregnancy, submission to alpha males and a reason to be naughty after being turned into a woman.

PublisherNadia Lavoe
Release dateMar 16, 2019
Pregnant by the Train Gang: Gender Bender Party

Nadia Lavoe

Is there a such thing as a man who has a fertile belly? Well, they exist in my naughty tales of male to female (mtf) gender swapping. These feminized men are so conflicted by the double life they now lead that they don’t know what to do with themselves. However, when it comes to planting seeds on fertile ground and putting buns in the oven, the Alpha Males these mtf's fall for help them choose the more feminine side of life. ?

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    Book preview

    Pregnant by the Train Gang - Nadia Lavoe

    Pregnant by the Train Gang

    Gender Bender Party

    by Nadia Lavoe

    Smashwords Edition

    © 2019 Nadia Lavoe

    Notice: As this fictional story contains sexual content, it is intended for mature audiences. The sexually active characters of this story are (18) years of age or older and all sex is between consenting adults. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are fictitiously utilized. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Smashwords Edition License

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Excerpt from Pregnant by the Train Gang: Gender Bender Party

    Pregnant by the Train Gang: Gender Bender Party

    Story Excerpts

    More from Nadia Lavoe

    Excerpt from "Pregnant by the Train Gang:

    Gender Bender Party"

    .... I’m just a little anxious. I’ll be having sex tonight as a woman. I’m so psyched by it because I haven’t had sex in such a long time, but even so, this is going to be so much different.

    Hours go by and the sun sets. It’s getting late and Ace should be here any minute now. I look myself over to see if I need to make any last minute changes. Perhaps I’d do something about make-up if I knew how to apply it. Oh, well. A bare face is just going to have to do.

    Ace texts me that he’s here and just outside my cabin door. Hey., I greet him as I open the door to let him in.

    Hey, what’s up?, he replies.

    Oh, nothing. Just waiting around.

    Well, can I come in?

    Yeah. Sure. Come on in.

    ~ ~ ~ Fast Forward ~ ~ ~

    All of a sudden, Ethan and Olin walk through the door without warning. Ace must have forgotten to lock it when he closed it.

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