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Church Membership Really?
Church Membership Really?
Church Membership Really?
Ebook41 pages36 minutes

Church Membership Really?

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About this ebook

For as long as I can remember Church goers, Pastors, Church Teachers and anyone who attends church has taught the importance of “Church Membership.” This is a topic that has been taught to people, Lost or Saved, for a long as I can remember. I want to take a peek into the subject, (look under the hood per-se), in order to see clearly what scripture teach. Is membership truly a necessity of a believer? You’re welcome to journey with me as I dive deep into the written word to see how the church got its beginning, if church lines up with what the church should be, and what part we play in God’s plan for His people, and the Church.

Release dateApr 15, 2021
Church Membership Really?

Michael Dunhill

I began writing in my late teenage years. I had no intention of writing books and publishing them. The Lord placed on my heart to begin writing my first book in 2013; it took me over a year to write it. Many people have told me that when they started reading my first book “Broken Door”, it was hard for them to put it aside. Then the Lord gave me the unction to write my second book, “Faith is What?” Not long after I finished ‘Broken Door.’ ‘The Big Lie about Tattoos” is my third book as of this year 2016.I have worked in the ministry since 1985; I started preaching in prisons, in retirement homes and as a guest speaker for many churches. In addition, I started preaching out in the streets, at bars, parks, restaurants; I would bring my guitar to the parks and restaurants and sing songs that the Lord had me write. I was age 54; when the Lord led me to start writing books, I’m now 64; I’ve had some people tell me I’m just a keyboard preacher, but, I believe in that old saying,” The pen is mightier than the sword.” Comments are welcome, rather they are positive or negative. Thank YouMichael Dunhill

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    Book preview

    Church Membership Really? - Michael Dunhill

    Preface: For as long as I can remember Church goers, Pastors, Church Teachers and anyone who attends church has taught the importance of Church Membership. This is a topic that has been taught to people, Lost or Saved, for a long as I can remember. I want to take a peek into the subject, (look under the hood per-se), in order to see clearly what scripture teach. Is membership truly a necessity of a believer? You’re welcome to journey with me as I dive deep into the written word to see how the church got its beginning, if church lines up with what the church should be, and what part we play in God’s plan for His people, and the Church.







    When I say New Testament church, I mean the original church. For those of you who don't know when or where it started, we can find it in: Acts 2. Allow me to paraphrase the words of Acts 1 to 26. After Jesus rose up, but had not yet ascended; He (Jesus) remained, and spoke to the apostles of things pertaining to the kingdom of God. Jesus commanded the apostles not to depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which Jesus told them it was the same promise they had heard from Him. They were at the Mount called, Olivet.

    Jesus reminded them that John had baptized with water, but they will be baptized with the Holy Ghost not too many days later. Jesus tells them that they will receive power, after the Holy Ghost comes into them. He told them that they will become witnesses not just in Jerusalem but, in Judaea, Samaris and to the uttermost parts of the earth. After Jesus said this, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. In other words, Jesus went home to His Father. And the apostles returned from Olivet into Jerusalem. When they arrived there, the apostles entered the upper room; there they remained with one accord in prayer and supplication. These remained there until the day of Pentecost. Here are the names of the apostles that were there, Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the Alphaeus, Simon of the Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James, (Not Judas the betrayer). Also, there was

    Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and Jesus, brothers, Peter tells us that there were 120 in all. Acts 2-47) Still paraphrasing; on the day of Pentecost they were all in one accord and in one place. Then suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it

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