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No More Divorce: Enough Is Enough
No More Divorce: Enough Is Enough
No More Divorce: Enough Is Enough
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No More Divorce: Enough Is Enough

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Every man or woman going into marriage dreams of a lasting marriage that is filled with love and care. Couples have a perfect picture of marriage when signing the certificate. Sadly, many marriages do not last because one or both partners allow the enemy to change the course of their marriage. A subtle twist of a passionate love experience may eventually end in divorce leaving scars in the hearts of the couple and their children. The bitter taste of divorce lingers for life in most cases. Is divorce avoidable? This book provides answers to this and many more questions about marriage.

Release dateApr 14, 2021
No More Divorce: Enough Is Enough

Titilayo Akinniyi

Titilayo Akinniyi is an author, a loving wife, and a lifestyle and marriage coach. She has an abiding passion for women and families. She is blessed with a loving husband and three lovely children. She is the author of Guard Your Marriage, Woman Created to Help, What is in your Pillow, Setting the Course of Your Marriage, Free to Dream, The Marriage Door and No More Divorce - Enough is Enough. The titles are available at most leading ebook retailers.

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    No More Divorce - Titilayo Akinniyi








    Titilayo Akinniyi

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright Titilayo Akinniyi 2021

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture references are from the New King James Version unless otherwise noted.


    I would like to acknowledge the good and awesome God for His ever-present help in my life and for His divine inspiration that made the writing of this book stress-free and enjoyable. I thank my husband, Engineer Olusegun Akinniyi. You have made me know what a great marriage is. Always supportive, even when I am going off course. Thank you for being in partnership with God to redirect the course of my life to the right direction. I am grateful. My wonderful children, Oluwakemi, Olayinka and Oluwatobiloba Akinniyi, the priceless gifts from God. Thank you so much for being part of my life and part of the stability of my marriage. Thank you so much for your prayers. I appreciate you all.


    This book is dedicated to God, the initiator and owner of marriage.

    And to everyone out there who is going through one challenge or another in marriage.

    I salute you and pray that God will heal and restore your joy in Jesus’ name.

    Table of Contents



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    About the Author

    Review Comments (paraphrased)

    Other Books by Titilayo Akinniyi

    Chapter One

    Life is so miserable in this marriage, lamented Mrs. J. Nothing seems to be working in this prison called marriage.

    Let us try to cast a scenario here where your parents invested so much in you so that you could become great in life. They sent you to a good school to acquire knowledge that will enable you to get a good job or start a good business. And then you too had big dreams: finish from university with a first-class degree, get a fantastic job in a blue-chip company, ride the latest car, get married to a perfect, rich, and loving husband, become the best wife on the planet, and be a great mother and successful woman in the society. Great dreams! And nobody can fault that. But the dreams did not come true, unfortunately. Now let us ask ourselves a few questions:

    Why do many great dreams about marriage and raising a family end up in frustration? Why does the home suddenly become a battle ground and a place of confusion and discomfort? What happened along the way that made those butterfly feelings to turn into a feeling of anguish? Remember those feelings that made the world look empty every day until you saw your lover. Remember how the mere thought that your lover was coming to pay you a visit set you on fire. You started to tidy up the room, groom your hair, checked your dress and your tie and you looked in the mirror every second to make sure that your look was perfect for the love of your life. The voice of your man or woman was a sweet melody to your ears. It added colour and beauty to life and made the world a brand-new place for you. Suddenly, things started to fall apart. The once sweet voice of your lover (now your spouse) has become irritating, and you feel like running out each time you hear the voice. Your ears loathe the mere mention of the name of your spouse. Now you are wondering if you made the right choice falling in love with your spouse. You wonder how you got into a relationship with him / her in the first instance. Was I under the influence of alcohol?, you wonder. You try to look inward to see if you did something wrong. Is something wrong with me? Is it my appearance? You need help here, don’t you?

    The big question is: What really went wrong?

    The Bible says, in the beginning it was not so. If pain and regrets were never part of God’s plan for marriage, at what point did man miss it, or what was the part played by man to bring pain and regrets into the institution designed by God to be the best and most rewarding on earth? Please note that when I say man, I am referring to both genders, the man, and the woman. It takes two to tango, goes the popular saying.

    In the word of God, the Bible says that marriage is honourable and the marriage bed undefiled.

    Hebrews 13:4

    4 Marriage is honourable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

    If marriage is a thing of honour, why then do we have so much confusion and disgrace? Why all the battering and hatred? Why has the same bed that seemed so comfortable for two now feel too small? In the beginning, there were two naked bodies that used to enjoy each other’s soft touch, but now they feel like thorns in each other’s flesh. The home that you always loved to return to at the end of the working day now requires a second thought from you whether to go or not, because it feels so lonely, and it is filled with bitter memories. Those weekend movie nights have disappeared completely. Singing aloud in the shower cubicle has given way to complaining and murmuring. Does that mean that loving someone is a temporary thing? Does it mean that nothing

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