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Devil's Fury
Devil's Fury
Devil's Fury
Ebook158 pages2 hours

Devil's Fury

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

When she isn’t caring for her dying parent, Amelia works hard at several jobs. She doubts she’ll ever save enough money to escape the city that holds too many memories, but she doesn’t give up.

When the Devil’s Sons MC stops by the strip club she dances at, their president, Fury, is hooked with his first look of Amelia on the stage. She doesn’t belong there, and he’s determined to make her his woman and give her the life he knows she deserves.

Fury encourages Amelia to come to his clubhouse and give the MC lifestyle a chance, but it’s not a done deal just yet. Club drama ensues, complicating her trust in him. When a spiteful member of a rival MC takes her from him, Fury will do whatever is necessary to get her back and keep her safe.

Release dateMay 4, 2021
Devil's Fury

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Reviews for Devil's Fury

Rating: 4.1875 out of 5 stars

16 ratings3 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be an enjoyable MC romance with steamy scenes. The story revolves around Amelia and Fury, with a strong alpha male character. The book keeps readers engaged with the struggle between Amelia's desire to leave and Fury's determination to keep her. Overall, readers recommend this book for those who enjoy alpha male characters and MC romances.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent book with lots of steamy scenes. I highly recommend.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this MC romance and look forward to reading more of this series in the future.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the first box I read by this author. I enjoyed Amelia and Fury’s story. I love all things Alpha! Amelia is hell bent on leaving and Fury isn’t letting her go. Club girls are always trouble. Amelia makes every man she comes in contact with love her.

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Devil's Fury - Lila Fox

Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

Copyright© 2021 Lila Fox

ISBN: 978-0-3695-0339-8

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Editor: Audrey Bobak


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Devil’s Sons MC, 1

Lila Fox

Copyright © 2021

Chapter One

Amelia was startled when she was suddenly pulled aside as she came into the building she worked in. She tried to jerk her arm away until she saw it was her manager, Price.

What? she asked, concerned about the look on his face.

I just heard about your dad and wanted to tell you I’m sorry.

She blinked several times to dispel the tears that gathered. God, she was so sick of feeling empty and sad. The last few years had been tough, with her father getting sick and then dying. Although it was expected to happen, and the nurse had even told her it would be soon, watching the life fade from her father’s eyes made something inside her die.

She cleared her throat. Thank you, Price.

Does this mean you won’t be working here too much longer? I know you took this job because you only had to work a few hours a night, two days a week, so you could be home to take care of him.

She exhaled and looked away for a moment. I’ll be here for another few weeks. I want to save up and make a new start somewhere else.

You’ve given up a lot for your father.

He was worth it.

If you want to take the night off, I can have Candy take your shift.

No, really. It will help take my mind off everything.

Price patted her shoulder. Not many people would do what you did for a family member.

She hated that he was right. Then they’re fools.

I wish I had a kid like you.

You and Stacy won’t have any kids? Her manager and his wife were in their early thirties and still had time to have a family.

He snorted. No. We decided early on our lifestyle wasn’t meant for kids.

I think you should reconsider. It’s not the environment the child grows up in. It’s their parents and how much they are loved.

Price smiled. I’ll talk to my wife. I think we’ll regret it if we don’t have at least one.

I hope she agrees.

Go on to the back and get ready. The place is already filling up.

She looked around the room and noticed more than half the tables around the stage were already filled with men. The two waitresses were rushing around, and the show hadn’t even started.

As she passed by on her way to her own area, Amelia waved at some of the women in the back behind the stage where they got dressed. Several women either ignored her or were outright hostile to her. She didn’t know why and frankly didn’t care. She was there for one reason, and it was to make money. Not friends.

It didn’t take her any time to get dressed because the outfits were so damn skimpy. It was the makeup and wig that took forever to get on and looking right.

Tara plopped down in the chair beside her. Hey, girl. I’m so sorry about your dad.

Amelia turned to her friend and accepted the hug and comfort.

Tara was the woman she’d connected with at the very beginning. They both had so much in common and felt the same way about the family. Tara had her mom at home that she took care of while Amelia was home with her dad. They both believed that family came first.

Tara was the one she would miss the most when she left.

Amelia wiped a tear from her cheek.

So, are you leaving us? Tara asked.

God, I fucking hope so, one of the strippers, Sadie, said as she walked by.

Tara sneered at her. Fuck off, skank. You’re just jealous that the men like her and can barely stand you.

Sadie threw a hate-filled stare at Tara and Amelia. Fuck you. Then she turned and stormed away.

Well, she was pleasant like always, Tara said sarcastically, making Amelia laugh.

Amelia glanced at the doorway Sadie had left through. I think she’s just a very sad person.

Of course you do, because you are a sweet person and find the good in everybody.

Amelia giggled at the disgust in her friend’s tone. First off, you’re the same way, and secondly, you make it sound like a bad thing.

Tara shook her head. Naw, I’m just afraid someone is going to take advantage of you in the future, and I won’t be there to help. I worry about you, girl. You need someone to look after you.

Amelia squeezed her friend’s hand. I’ll get by. I’m serious. I’ll be fine. I worry about you too. You’re stripping for the same reason I am.

I know. It works the best for both our situations. Well, I hope you stay safe, and you know where I am if you ever need me.

I wish you could come with me when I leave.

Tara shook her head. I can’t leave my mom.

How is she?

The despair on her friend’s face saddened her.

Tara sighed. The doctors think she’s going to have to be put in a home that specializes in dementia. Mrs. Clark, who watches her while I work, can’t handle her anymore, and I’m having a tough time getting her fed and watching her twenty-four hours a day.

Amelia’s heart went out to her. At least her father had remembered her until the end. I’m here for you.

Tara hugged her again. I know. You’re what makes my situation bearable.

I’m glad. Now we have to hurry if we don’t want to get yelled at.

Chapter Two

Fury, the prez of Devil’s Sons MC, pulled up outside the strip joint, followed by several of his men. They were out to blow off some steam because Fury knew they’d all be fighting with each other to get the aggression out if he didn’t turn their attention to something else. This was all because they’d just finished a long run and were glad to be home.

He also needed to look into finding new whores for them. They only had three left, and that wasn’t enough for his men. He wasn’t worried. Women flocked to them, and they got to pick and choose. Druggies and mommies weren’t allowed. He didn’t want to have to deal with either of them. Straight-up sluts were what he needed for his boys, and he was hoping he’d find some tonight.

After he got off his bike, he turned and rolled his eyes when he heard the guys arguing and pushing each other around. An ear-splitting whistle was all that was needed to get their attention.

Burn and Ax, let’s go.

Burn pushed Ax, making him laugh, which pissed Burn off some more.

Fuck ’em, he told Traeger, vice-prez of the club and Fury’s closest friend.

Traeger chuckled and followed him through the door.

Fury handed the doorman a couple hundred to get them all in. It was way above the amount they asked, but he was on good terms with Price, the manager, and he wanted to keep it that way.

He was used to the way people would take one look at them and move out of their way. It was good that they feared the club. It kept the citizens of Los Alamos, New Mexico, on their best behavior.

Very rarely was there a rape. It was one of his super peeves when men took advantage of women, and he went beyond rage if it was a child. Murders were close to nonexistent if you didn’t count the ones they did. He smirked. Fortunately, the good people of Los Alamos didn’t know that, and the people they killed were worse than the club.

He scanned the large room and saw that Traeger had already procured a few tables up in front. The men sitting at the tables gave them up freely and rushed to the other side of the stage, making him grin. He thought his vice-prez enjoyed scaring the hell out of people a little too much.

Fury, I ordered a half-dozen pitchers for us.

Fury nodded at Ax. Thanks, man.

Oh, you’re paying. I’m just doing the ordering.

Fury snorted. Fuck, he had said it was his treat tonight.

Hey, I was hoping you guys would come in tonight, Price said as he came up to the tables and slapped Fury on the shoulder. It’s been a long time.

Fury turned his torso and shook Price’s hand. Yeah. We’ve been busy the last several months with construction on the compound. Then we had a run to make, but now we have some free time.

I ran into Bear on Main Street, and he said it was a possibility you’d come. How’s everything?

Good. The add-on to the clubhouse is done.

Price’s eyes widened. Jesus, I thought that would take you guys a year to build on. I saw it when I drove past the other day. It’s bigger than the original club.

"We decided to spend money and our time with it. We all want comfortable and bigger rooms, and we soundproofed

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