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NLP: Master your Mind and Learn how to Attract Money with Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques
NLP: Master your Mind and Learn how to Attract Money with Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques
NLP: Master your Mind and Learn how to Attract Money with Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques
Ebook117 pages2 hours

NLP: Master your Mind and Learn how to Attract Money with Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques

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If you recently said something similar to "Money does not make happiness" or "Money is not important, the important thing is to be happy", you should continue reading this.
"The mind is powerful", surely you have read or heard it somewhere, but many times we underestimate this phrase and without realizing it, years went by and we are still the same: same routine life, suffering in loan payments, waiting for the end of the month payment, etc.

Attracting money is possible, when you start a business with the right attitude, you are able to generate strategies that give results, strategies that point to a solid, measurable, quantifiable objective, that can be fulfilled.

To fulfill this purpose we need a guide that tells us how to master our mind, do you know the techniques to harness the real power of the mind? This book will give you the answer, it will help you understand what are the real mechanisms to activate this power through NLP techniques.

Forget about magic formulas and fanciful postulates. This is a practical book, with a map grounded in reality, with tips that you can begin to implement to build a powerful mind, that will lead you to ACTION.

In this book you will find:

  • The true principles to make neurolinguistic programming work to attract money and abundance into your life.
  • The antidotes to dispel the mental viruses that prevent you from having a good relationship with money.
  • What are the infallible formulas to reconfigure your mind and orient it to abundance.
  • The specific NLP Techniques to attract money and abundance.
  • How to use the true power of affirmations to attract money, master your mind and change your financial life.
  • Identify your passion and learn how to generate exponential income doing what you love and much more.

I am sure that after reading this book, you will see how you can really positively change your life, totally guaranteed.

Now it's your turn to start this positive change in your life, this is the mandatory book if you have that true desire, you need to read and discover how to master your mind and attract money with NLP techniques. You must read the book "now".


Release dateApr 23, 2021
NLP: Master your Mind and Learn how to Attract Money with Neurolinguistic Programming Techniques

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    great nlp book, focused on what the development of the mind promises
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    great NLP book, provides many contributions to the development of the mind

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If you want to succeed, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you will get the same results. Tony Robbins


Neuro-linguistic programming, also known as NLP, has been a fundamental strategy for the development and individual growth of people for a long time. Its implementation has led countless individuals to achieve their personal goals in different areas of daily life. Its discovery was an important step in different stages of daily life, such as professional growth, social interactions, academic performance and, of course, the realization of goals associated with money.

In the mid-1970s, since the specialists John Ginder and Richard Bandler, co-founders of Neurolinguistic Programming, formed a study group to develop this theory, the world has taken a momentous turn towards a new way of interpreting reality while capitalizing on every day-to-day scenario, no matter how difficult it may be.

It is clear that the vision of these specialists went far beyond any specific segment of life, however, their application to individual finances has brought about a drastic and positive change in the way we face adversities and specific situations from a pragmatic perspective.

In essence, neurolinguistic programming could be defined as a constant training that seeks, first and foremost, to understand and assimilate each and every human behavior in an immediate environment. This set of models seeks to radically modify the way people think and act. If we take into consideration that the human brain is the most amazing computer that can exist today, responsible among other things for amazing architectural works, scientific theories and works of art of incomparable virtuosity, it makes sense to accept that it is precisely within it that we harbor all the solutions related to life. This is an unquestionable reality.

It is no secret that we live in turbulent times, that the world is by nature as changeable as it is subjective. It is for this reason that reaching the pinnacle of success is a task that not everyone achieves, and yet, as difficult as it may seem, it is within the reach of every individual who is willing to change his or her thought structure, adapting it to the successive changes experienced in everyday life. Surely you have ever wondered why certain people seem to have all the facilities to be successful.

Who has not gone through moments like this? Moments when we question our approach to life and opportunities. Finances, for example, are a very common topic among those who know they are not doing as well as they could.

This is precisely the topic I will address in this chapter. The chapter you are about to read contains some of the keys to apply neurolinguistic programming as an exercise to attract money and abundance into your life.

The human brain, well directed, is as powerful a weapon as you could ever imagine. Think, for example, that human beings are creatures of habit. Approximately 80% of our daily behaviors have their raison d'être in behaviors that we have learned throughout life, either by specific conditioning or by repetition. It is there, in our brain, that these apparently inconsequential behaviors acquire the level of habits. By definition, a habit is nothing more than a neuronal connection that becomes stronger as a certain action is repeated. Following this order of ideas, what would you believe if I told you that you are able to reprogram your habits so that these, far from minimizing your chances of success, work as a catalyst for you to reach your goal?

NLP is, of course, one of these weapons. A powerful tool, conceived and strengthened by what neuroscience has qualified as the deep mind (or automatic mind).

Do you want to attract money into your life? Do you want to automate your internal processes so that they lead you indefinitely to abundance and success? In the following pages you will find some answers to these questions.


Absolutely everything that happens to us has a processing moment inside our heads. It is the brain that interprets the signals received from the outside to help us execute possible solutions to certain problems. Now, if the mind is in charge of devising solutions or action plans, what do you think happens when someone has allowed himself to be defeated by conditioning? What do you think will be the result of a weak mind, which crouches down instead of being proactive when circumstances are particularly difficult? Your mind is the master key to any problem. That is the premise of this chapter and, in a sense, of this book. Your mind is the center around which neurolinguistic programming gravitates as a scientific idea and model.

Abundance, in financial terms, is one of the elements that make NLP such an attractive and innovative concept since the early days of its discovery. There are many definitions of neuro-linguistic programming. The concept most commonly used to refer to NLP is that of a brain user's manual.

The first NLP scholars had to face this complex subject practically blind, like a road engineer looking for functional solutions on a piece of land without previous work on land use or adequate plans.

Since those first investigations, several concepts have been presented that seek to categorize NLP from a generic and broad approach, covering its different points of action. Richard Bandler himself, co-founder of the term and of the praxis, when consulted in 2006, defined NLP as:

(...) a series of techniques that I developed. It is also the name of a series of learning and epistemological models that differ from psychology in both structure and performance since the results it leads to are not theoretical, they are more like mathematics in the sense that they are formal models, i.e., what goes in is processed and comes out.

According to the Latin American Society of NLP, based in Santiago de Chile and São Paulo, neurolinguistic programming is defined as: the study of our mental patterns. It allows us to know the mental processes we use to encode information, and which determine the way we think, feel and act. These are two quite accurate meanings of what NLP means today.

In short, it is about understanding the brain processes, both internal and external, in order to capitalize on opportunities efficiently and accurately, once we understand the thinking and behavioral programs that we put into practice on a daily basis.

I'm sure you're wondering, what advantage can I gain from this information? A lot, actually! Your brain has habits, deeply ingrained behavioral programs. Many of these programs will bring you positive results, but others will only limit your chances of reaching the top, of reaching those goals you have set as a vital north. This is where NLP becomes especially important: reprogramming your habits to make them more useful in achieving your goals and objectives. It is possible to develop your capabilities to the maximum; the way to achieve this is by recognizing your thought patterns, discerning between positive and negative habits, and taking back control of your life.

But what do we mean when we talk about money and abundance? Ever since a handful of scientists began to consciously develop NLP techniques in California, there have been thousands of testimonies of success in everything related to the economic and financial health of individuals and companies. If there is one thing that characterizes neurolinguistic programming, it is that it generates results very quickly. It could not be otherwise, since it is about attacking the weak points in our thought structure.

Once you manage to modify your limiting thoughts, you will exercise functional actions from a totally new vision. The result: abundance. Whatever you understand by abundance (health, emotional tranquility, intellect, money), it will come into your life as soon as you learn to program your habits so that they work for you.


Before taking any action for the sake of your abundance, you need to learn that the definition of wealth can be really subjective, according to each individual. What I identify as abundance is different from what you, your partner or the neighbor upstairs identify. This is basically due to the fact that the human being is composed of a series of individualities and subjectivities that, in sum, make up his or her personality. Understanding this is a big step for those who seek to understand how the human mind works.

Your neighbor probably has a very different idea of abundance than you do. It is likely that your father feels full and abundant in the middle of a green field, with the sound of animals while appreciating the sunset. It is also possible that your best friend understands the richness of knowing new destinations, the more exotic, the better. Or it may be the case that the abundance for the aforementioned neighbor is an enterprise large and stable enough to

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