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Seasoned to Rise and Go Forward
Seasoned to Rise and Go Forward
Seasoned to Rise and Go Forward
Ebook149 pages1 hour

Seasoned to Rise and Go Forward

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About this ebook

As I traveled through life journeyed, I encountered many adversities and challenges. Some of these troubles were targeted to break and destroy us. I will say they even try to burden and weigh us down and you can’t rise if you have heavy weights on you. Seasoned to Rise and Go Forward is designed to help us get free and rise above life oppositions. I was determined with the help of the good Lord not to allow devastating encounters to make me bitter. So instead of becoming bitter, mean and nasty, I became better when life trials came my way. I want to encourage you that you too, can be better not bitter when life throws you a curl ball. You will see in Seasoned to Rise and Go Forward you can become Better not Bitter, Sweater not Sour and in the midst of it all you can have an inner peace.
You will learn what you need to shake off and how to shake it off. Not just shake it off but also how to let it go. Who the Son set free is free indeed (John 8:36, If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed). When you are made to hurt to heart cry, God will wipe the tears from your heart. God will heal the hurt, wipe away the pain and ignite you to rise, not just to rise but rise and go forward. Go forward with great success.
Release dateMar 31, 2021
Seasoned to Rise and Go Forward

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    Seasoned to Rise and Go Forward - Gloria DaCruz



    As I grew up and went through life, I was faced with many unexpected experiences, some unwanted, some undeserved, and others I had initiated myself. I would even say some were pleasant, but most were unpleasant. Most of the distasteful incidents caused tears, heartache, and pain. The pain was so deep, I did not know how to get through the heaviness, the pressure, and the weight or how to rise above it. Everyone I thought would help me or be there for me turned their backs on me. It was so bad, I even said, God where are you? Did you forget about me? Don’t you see what I am going through? I did not want to become bitter or have animosity in my heart. I began to ask myself a question. What shall I do? How shall I handle this? God, is there someone who can help me? Can you help somebody like me? I really needed help but did not know how to get it or who to turn to. As I began to get deeper in the Bible and cry my heart out to God in prayer, God began to reveal to me how to get free.

    In my walk with God, I had the pleasure of meeting many people of all ages. In my experience with the people that the Good Lord put in my path, including my four sons, I learned everyone had been through some type of situation. Some encounters are so painful that they can make you, break you, depress you, or just weigh you down. Some men, women, and even saints carry hurt and a heavy weight in their hearts that go back to their childhood. They grow up to become teenagers, adults, and seniors who are still hurting and do not know how to get free.

    I recognized that I was not the only one. I asked myself a question: How many others do not know how to rise in the midst of their dilemma or through their trials? Oftentimes, these same people, the teenagers, adults, seniors, and the elderly, are looking for help. Most times, we look for help in the wrong places, such as alcohol, sex, or drugs. Some become workaholics, working to try to escape their problems, not realizing this creates a greater problem. They feel lonely. Many have been rejected by lovers, loved ones, and family. They frequently feel left out, like they do not fit in anymore. Many, especially seniors, believe there is no need for them. They ponder in their mind, what is my purpose for existing in life? They feel like giving up. I will even say several have given up, and others just checked out.

    Numerous people are just existing, not living — but God does not want us to just exist. He wants us to live (John 10:10, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly). A great many in our society are made to feel unneeded and unwanted, like no one cares about them. I would repeat what some say: Who cares about me? Well, my friend, this is just a trick of the enemy.

    Interestingly, after a while, I grasped that what I went through was not just for me, but to help someone else. I understood how important it was to know how to get free. People want to be freed, but they do not know how or the importance of being free. When you are weighed down or have heartaches, it can lead to depression, illness, and disease. I would even say it causes mental health issues. The statistics have shown many died of a heart attack due to stress and aggravation. I would also add a broken heart. It is of the utmost importance that we are delivered, because sorrows, bitterness, and unforgiveness affect your character, behavior, and relationships with others. I had to be careful that I did not take my frustration out on my children, family, friends, and coworkers. Unnecessary burdens can affect our ability to function properly in every aspect of our lives. I want others to experience the same freedom that I have, and to have that inner peace that no one can take away. I desire for everyone to be at peace. When you are at peace with God and at peace with yourself, you can be at peace with others.

    This book is based on the scripture John 8:36 — Who the Son set free shall be free indeed — and designed to guide you to be Seasoned to Rise and Go Forward. In each chapter, you will learn how to rise above it and stand through it all. You will understand what the big foxes are that can hinder you from going forward. You will be made aware of what it is and how to shake it off. We don’t always know what it is we need to rise from. We harbor thoughts in our hearts. Most of us do not know how to let things go, but we will learn what we need to let go and how to let it go.

    The purpose and goals of this book are through Christ (the Living Word of God) and to show and remind you that God has a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end). We are not forgotten; we are not left out; we still fit in. There is one body of Christ but many members. Each member is important. The children, teenagers, adults, and seniors play an important role in the body of Christ and in life. Seasoned to Rise and Go Forward is designed to motivate, encourage, set free, build up, and charge you, so that you will rise above the storms of life. Also, it is designed to help you rise above yourselves and go forward. It is intended to give you hope. Several believe there is no hope. We desire to set you free to rise and accomplish your goals, dreams, and visions. You will be successful and be the best you that you can be so that you can rise go forward in life, in the things of God, the work of God, the plan of God, and the Divine Purpose of God.

    Each chapter is aimed to release you from your prison — the prison you may not see but feel. In this book, you learn Who You Are. You will gain your identity and be reminded of who you are. After you have gained back Who You Are, you will Find Your Place and Know Your Place. One great thing about knowing something is that you can perform better. You can’t operate in what you don’t know. Once you Know Your Place, you can properly operate in your place. This will make everything run more smoothly. However, before you operate in your place fruitfully, you must let some stuff go. We will show you how to Let It Go.

    You will understand that you still Have Purpose. You must Know Your Purpose. After knowing what your purpose is, you will fulfill the duty of Serving Others. The people you serve will benefit from your experience to the point that they will be blessed. You will learn how you can be Living Single and Save, not just exist. Singles are not the only ones that have to live and not exist. Married couples have a responsibility to live, not just exist. When you are Living Married, Committed, and Saved, you will be able to stay married. Marriage is work, but it is a blessing. One must be committed to their spouse and committed to God. Whether you are married or single dealing with the trials of life, you must Be Strong in the Lord. Once you strengthen, you can make better decisions.

    However, when challenges come your way, you must Be Mature About It. Not only do you have to make the right decision, you must make a mature decision. You should never make a permanent decision in a temporary crisis. When you are developed, you will make the right choice. Maturity will help you see your infirmity as an opportunity. Infirmities vs. Opportunities will free you up to go forward because you will take a positive approach. As you go forward towards your aspiration, circumstances shall come to crush you. You might be Crushed But Not Broken because you are stronger.

    Yes, certain conditions can force one to become bitter. I will show you how to be Better, Not Bitter. Nevertheless, instead of crying and complaining when you are on a fixed income, you will perceive that your income is Fixed But Not Limited. You will make it. Through all this, you must accept the fact that Somebody Cares. We will establish who that somebody is. You are not alone. Somebody cares for you and somebody cares about you. When you appreciate the fact that somebody cares, you will make every effort to be seasoned. Seasoned Conduct will give you a display of proper behavior. When we behave properly, we can be productive.

    Now you are ready to learn why you must be seasoned. You are Seasoned To Rise and Go Forward with God, in life, and to progress.

    Know Who You Are

    Who am I? Have you ever asked yourself this question? What would be the grounds for this type of inquiry? Here, you will find some of the reasons that lead to these thoughts. One of the most popular reasons why you don’t know who you are is because you have lost your identity. I would even say some

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