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Paradise Discovery: Passion In Paradise, #3
Paradise Discovery: Passion In Paradise, #3
Paradise Discovery: Passion In Paradise, #3
Ebook179 pages2 hours

Paradise Discovery: Passion In Paradise, #3

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Book 3 of a sexy series from the New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of the Play-by-Play series and Hope series.

Dr. Isabelle King has arrived on Paradise Island for one thing and one thing only—marine life research. Certainly not to explore her sexual fantasies or indulge in erotic adventures at Paradise Resort.

But when she discovers a sexy stranger named Dax, she can't help but feel the physical and emotional attraction. Dax is hiding something. After all, he dives without an oxygen tank and has capabilities no human should have. And how does he know so much about her? It's almost as if she's connected to him, and that scares her.

Dax opens up new worlds for Isabelle that she never even dreamed of. But Isabelle will have to fight her fear of giving her heart before she can embrace the unknown future with Dax.

Release dateJun 14, 2017
Paradise Discovery: Passion In Paradise, #3

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    Paradise Discovery - Jaci Burton

    Other Titles by Jaci Burton


    The Perfect Play

    Changing the Game

    Taking a Shot

    Playing to Win

    Thrown by a Curve

    One Sweet Ride

    Melting the Ice

    Straddling the Line

    Quarterback Draw

    All Wound Up

    Hot Holiday Nights – A Novella

    Holiday Games –A Novella

    Holiday on Ice – A Novella

    Unexpected Rush

    Rules of Contact


    Hope Smolders

    Hope Flames

    Hope Ignites

    Hope Burns

    Love After All

    Make Me Stay

    Don’t Let Go

    Love Me Again


    Riding Wild

    Riding Temptation

    Riding on Instinct

    Riding the Night


    Paradise Awakening

    Paradise Revival

    Paradise Discovery




    Laced with Desire

    Nauti and Wild

    Nautier and Wilder

    Hot Summer Nights


    The Ties That Bind

    No Strings Attached

    Wild Nights

    Rescue Me

    Nothing Personal


    Dare to Love



    Wild, Wicked, & Wanton

    Bound, Branded, & Brazen

    Paradise Discovery


    Jaci Burton 

    Paradise Discovery

    All Rights Reserved ©2003 by Jaci Burton

    ISBN: 978-1-946535-08-5

    Cover by Designs By Dana

    eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    Published by Jaci Burton 

    Praise for Jaci Burton


                                                            —USA Today

    A wild ride.

      —#1 New York Times bestselling author Lora Leigh

    Jaci Burton delivers.

       —Cherry Adair, New York Times bestselling author

    As always, Jaci Burton delivers a hot read.

                                                           —Fresh Fiction

    Burton is a master at sexual tension!

                                                     —RT Book Reviews

    One to pick up and savor.

                                                     —Publishers Weekly


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    About Jaci Burton


    To my editor, Briana St. James, for encouraging me to put onto paper the strange worlds that live in my head.

    To Mel, for always being around to listen and to brainstorm my wild ideas. You know I couldn’t do this without you.

    To my Paradise group. You make me smile every day. Thank you for spending your time with me.

    To Tracey, and you know why. May your life always be a paradise.

    And to Charlie, whose love makes all my fantasies come true. I will always follow you to the ends of the earth and beyond.

    Chapter One

    The balmy breeze lifted her hair and blew it across Isabelle’s cheek. She smiled and looked out over the turquoise water, happy to be in the Caribbean again.

    How long had it been since she’d stood with her toes buried in the warm sand, her gaze searching far into the horizon? Years, it seemed. The waters off Texas weren’t the same as the sandy beaches of the Caribbean. The ocean not nearly as compelling or jewel-like.

    She inhaled the salty air and squinted, her eyes focusing on an object in the distance. Something bobbed in the water, but Isabelle couldn’t tell what it was. Scenes from her childhood on the beach in Puerto Rico flashed before her. She must have been thirteen or fourteen years old at the time. Back then she’d seen something too. Only it hadn’t been something, it had been someone.

    A very special someone. A man. She’d smiled at him, and he’d smiled back. He’d been the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, and she could have sworn she’d just seen him again.

    Of course, that was impossible.

    She lifted her hand to shield the setting sun from her eyes, but all she could make out was a glint of something on the ocean surface.

    As a marine biologist, she should know everything that lurked in the warm waters of the Caribbean. Whatever it was, it wasn’t a man.

    It also wasn’t a fish, that was for certain. Although she could swear it looked like a man’s head. But that couldn’t be since there were no boats nearby and it was too far out to be a swimmer.

    She rubbed her hand against her lower stomach, a twinge of pain on the right side annoying her again. For the past day she’d felt little stabs of pain in the lower right of her stomach, but cast it aside as indigestion from the new foods she’d been eating at Paradise Resort.

    It was nice of Morgan Marino, the owner, to let her occupy one of the bungalows on the far side of the island, considering she wasn’t the least bit interested in the hedonistic activities that took place at the resort. She was here to do research, but certainly not the sexual kind.

    Shaking her head at the various activities outlined in the brochure she’d seen earlier in the day, she dismissed the thoughts of sex running rampant on the other side of the island right now, and concentrated instead on the object in the distance.

    It seemed to be watching her, but that was ridiculous. More likely it was a discarded piece of trash, maybe someone’s beach ball or something, and in her weird mind she’d conjured up a man’s head.

    She hadn’t thought about that episode in Puerto Rico for years, although she’d never forgotten the way the man had smiled at her. Every now and then the memories crept into her thoughts, especially when she stood at the water’s edge and looked out over the white-capped sea.

    Too bad she hadn’t been close enough to really make out his face and features. She’d just known it was a man from the shape of the upper half of his body.

    Ouch! She reached for her abdomen and caressed the pain that had grown sharper by the hour. She should know better than to eat rich food.

    She pushed the discomfort aside as the object appeared again. The sun was now a bright orange glow, melting into the horizon and obstructing her vision of the mysterious object in the water.

    Too small for a dolphin or whale, but about the right size for a sea turtle.

    If she stepped into the bungalow to grab her dive gear she’d lose sight of it. She had to go into the water now and check it out. At least get closer so she could identify it.

    It had to be a turtle. It couldn’t be him. He didn’t exist except in her childhood imaginings.

    Shedding her wrap skirt, she walked into the water, thankful she practically lived in her swimsuit. The eighty-degree water soothed her aching muscles. That’s what she got for lugging around suitcases filled with dive gear and instruments as well as her laptop. Good thing she didn’t have much of a wardrobe.

    She sliced through the ocean in quick strokes, keeping her eyes on the object that hadn’t seemed to change locations. It almost seemed like it wanted to stay put so she could find it.

    Ridiculous. Sea life wasn’t that welcoming to humans. Even if it was a dolphin or a sea turtle, they’d swim in the other direction once they saw her coming, or at least change course.

    Another fifty yards and she’d be there. It still hadn’t moved, appearing and disappearing with the roll of the waves. She could almost make out its shape now as she drew closer. How strange. If she didn’t know better she could swear it was a—

    Ow! Dammit to hell! An unbelievable pain knifed through her side. Nausea bubbled up into her throat and she fought back the piercing stab that threatened to double her over.

    Not now. Not in the water. She stopped and treaded, circling around to search for the shore. Damn, what an idiot she was. The pain pierced her and she could barely stay afloat. Despite the body-cooling water, she broke out into a full body sweat and began to pant.

    Don’t panic. Stay focused. She had to reach shore, had to get help. The pain seared hot and knife-like. She cried out, but no one heard her. No one could hear her. She was completely alone.

    Making her way back to shore wasn’t going to be nearly as quick as her swim outward. In fact, she could no longer stretch her arms over her head to make the strokes. Her feet wouldn’t work.

    Oh, God, all she wanted to do was curl up in a little ball and hold onto her side.

    Someone please help. She wasn’t ready to die. Not like this. Even though the ocean was her love, she didn’t want to be buried here.

    But she was already losing the fight, the agony too much for her conscious mind to bear. She slipped under the water, sucking in a quick breath and fighting her way back to the surface. It wouldn’t do any good. Between the pain and the lightheadedness she was doomed.

    Too dizzy to even think clearly, she prayed for forgiveness for the sins she’d committed during her life and hoped that drowning was as pleasant an experience as she’d read about. She inhaled deeply and held her breath as she lost control and spiraled downward into the abyss.

    She wouldn’t be able to hold her breath long. Her lungs expanded as she desperately tried to hang on, but failure was imminent. Her chest burned from the need to breathe. Opening her eyes, she took one last look at the rainbow of coral rising up to greet her. She sank into the depths and opened her mouth to inhale the water.

    Her eyes fluttered closed and it was almost the slow fade of falling asleep, that brief moment between consciousness and unconsciousness. Between life and death.

    Then, a sudden rush of water swirled around her. Instead of sucking in the salty ocean, a warm, full mouth covered hers and strong hands slipped under her arms, cradling her against a rock solid body. A man’s body.

    Was that a kiss searing her lips? It was. A kiss that sent life-giving oxygen sliding down her throat. She gulped in as much of it as she could take.

    Maybe drowning really wasn’t unpleasant. Maybe it was just like breathing. At least her mind registered that she was breathing air. The sensation of lips covering hers certainly wasn’t unpleasant. It wasn’t sexual, more of a soft, gentle layering of mouth over mouth. She’d never felt so protected, so cared for in her life. A strange, almost languorous feeling swept through her, as if everything was as it should be.

    Everything but the pain that still cut through her side. Funny how that hadn’t left her body yet. Wasn’t death pain free? It still hurt, bad. Why wouldn’t the hurt go away? She’d give anything for that.

    A voice whispered in her mind. Relax. I’ll take the pain away.

    Who spoke to her? The body holding her? She couldn’t open her eyes no matter how hard she tried. It was all she could do to linger on the fringes of consciousness.

    A hand palmed her lower stomach and a burning heat spread through her. She jerked upright, then relaxed immediately as the pain began to dissipate.

    She was dying, the pain was going away and she was finally, blissfully dying. Her world slipped away and faded to nothing.

    * * * * *

    You can’t have her.

    I know, Dax replied to the voice of Ronan, the guardian of all the sea people. Dax didn’t turn around—Ronan wasn’t there. But his consciousness found Dax, as always.

    Then, why the interference? Ronan asked. You could have interfered in her destiny.

    Dax glanced down at the dark-haired beauty resting in his arms, instinctively wanting to pull her closer, to protect her. It wasn’t her destiny. She swam out because she saw me. If I hadn’t been watching her, she’d have sought help for her pain instead of swimming toward me.

    Ronan laughed, a deep rumble that spread throughout the oceans. You see only what you want to see. You are like so many of the other guardians. Why is it you’re all so stubborn?

    Maybe because we take after you?

    No response to that one. But Ronan was right. Dax shouldn’t have watched her, shouldn’t have lingered

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