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Dream On
Dream On
Dream On
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Dream On

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Since her husband Jack left her five years ago, Kate has done nothing but dwell on the anger and feelings of betrayal, vowing to forget their twenty year marriage and move on. But she can't. She dreams about him every night. Dreams of his smile, his touch, the way he used to look at her and the way he made love to her. Her body responds as if he's really there, but in the harsh light of morning she knows that she's living in the past and needs to let go.


When Jack suddenly returns without explanation of where he's been or why he left, Kate fights the attraction that still smolders between them. Determined to win her back at all costs, Jack reminds her of the passion they shared, when every touch, every look, every word sent her soaring into heights of ecstasy. It's like a dream she can't wake up from, a trip to the past when life with Jack was wonderful. But the past is over and Kate is determined not to live in dreams any longer, even if that means she has to face reality and live without the man she's loved all her life.

Release dateFeb 9, 2005
Dream On

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    Dream On - Jaci Burton

    Other Titles by Jaci Burton


    The Perfect Play

    Changing the Game

    Taking a Shot

    Playing to Win

    Thrown by a Curve

    One Sweet Ride

    Melting the Ice

    Straddling the Line

    Quarterback Draw

    All Wound Up

    Hot Holiday Nights – A Novella

    Holiday Games – A Novella

    Holiday on Ice – A Novella

    Unexpected Rush

    Rules of Contact

    The Final Score


    Hope Smolders

    Hope Flames

    Hope Ignites

    Hope Burns

    Love After All

    Make Me Stay

    Don’t Let Go

    Love Me Again


    Riding Wild

    Riding Temptation

    Riding on Instinct

    Riding the Night




    Laced with Desire

    Nauti and Wild

    Nautier and Wilder

    Hot Summer Nights


    The Ties That Bind

    No Strings Attached

    Wild Nights

    Rescue Me

    Nothing Personal


    Dare to Love



    Wild, Wicked, & Wanton

    Bound, Branded, & Brazen

    Animal Instincts

    Bite Me

    Dolphin’s Playground

    Dream On

    Garden of Eden

    Hands On

    Lycan’s Surrender

    Magnolia Summer

    Midnight Velvet

    True Lies

    Dream On


    Jaci Burton

    Dream On

    All Rights Reserved ©2005 by Jaci Burton

    ISBN: 978-1-946535-24-5

    Cover by Designs By Dana

    eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    Published by Jaci Burton

    Praise for Jaci Burton


    A wild ride. —#1 New York Times bestselling author Lora Leigh

    Jaci Burton delivers. —Cherry Adair, New York Times bestselling author

    As always, Jaci Burton delivers a hot read. —Fresh Fiction

    Burton is a master at sexual tension! —RT Book Reviews

    One to pick up and savor. —Publishers Weekly


    Other Titles by Jaci Burton


    Title Page

    Praise for Jaci Burton

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight


    About Jaci Burton

    "We are such stuff

    As dreams are made on…"

    William Shakespeare’s The Tempest (IV, i, 156-157)

    Chapter One

    Kate stood outside on the porch and wrapped the quilt around her shoulders to ward off the chill of impending night. Dust filtered through the setting sun, coloring the lake a rusty orange. It was spring and the days were beginning to grow warmer, but at night when the sun went down so did the temperature. She shivered, grabbed her cup of tea and sat on the old wooden swing. As she rocked back and forth and watched the orange glow of the horizon, the memories slapped at her like flies at a summer picnic.

    Spring used to be Jack’s favorite time of year. During the rare occasions he had a weekend to spare, they’d travel out here to the country house and sit on the swing, talking about anything and everything. His job, the kids, what they wanted to do when they retired. They’d made so many plans together, counting the years until the kids were grown and off creating their own lives.

    The kids were gone now. Problem was, so was Jack. Only his departure had been more abrupt. One day he was there, sharing his life with her, and the next he was gone. Without any warning, he’d disappeared from her life completely.

    Her mellow mood vanished in an instant, replaced instead by the cool chill that had permeated every day for the last five years. And all because of Jack.

    The sonofabitch. She’d go to her grave hating him for what he’d done.

    He’d made promises. Big promises about their future together, sucking her into his dreams so easily, only to shatter her illusions in one day. Now she was forty-five years old and alone, and all those things Jack had promised her for twenty years had meant nothing. They’d never enjoy making love in the middle of the day because the boys were no longer there to interrupt. They’d never sell their house in the city and retire here in their country house. They’d never grow old together.

    Empty words. Betrayal.

    You lied to me, Jack, she whispered to the breeze swirling around her. You promised me forever and you didn’t keep your part of the bargain. How could you do this to me? How could you make promises and not keep them?

    Swiping at the tears rolling down her cheeks, she summoned up the righteous anger that always made her feel better. Screw him! He’d left her after twenty years, destroying her dreams. She’d long ago vowed never to hurt over him again. Better to stay angry. Much more productive that way.

    So why did she still dream about him at night? Why did his face, his touch, still haunt her?

    Because you can’t let go.

    She shook her head, refusing to dwell on him any longer. Jack was part of her past now and the house in the city was up for sale. One part of her memories would soon be gone. At least she still had the country house, even though it was way too quiet these days with the boys gone. Both Ron and J.J. were

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