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In Bed with a Russian President
In Bed with a Russian President
In Bed with a Russian President
Ebook133 pages2 hours

In Bed with a Russian President

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The murders of the politicians have shaken Russia. During the investigation, the trace led to Britain where the crimes have been worked out and executed. The next victim is the Russian president. The joint work of the police of both countries, the unique qualities, bravery and wisdom of the Russian president, the magic which will help everybody to protect themselves and to become happy and to love, stopped the crime.
Release dateApr 30, 2021
In Bed with a Russian President

Lyudmyla Finch

Lyudmyla Finch was born in the USSR, Kiev, now capital of the Ukraine. She is a teacher and interpreter. She started to write fairy tales from the childhood. Later, she used it for the teaching of foreign languages. In 2001, Lyudmyla moved to Britain where she started to write crime dramas, using the experience of living in the USSR and the UK. Another hobby of the author is fortune-telling, and for this reason, there is always the element of magic in the books.

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    In Bed with a Russian President - Lyudmyla Finch


    Chapter 1

    The prohibited fruit is the sweetest one. All events of the foreign life were covered with gossips and secrets which made them extremely attractive for the Soviet people. Everything in the Western countries was exciting, ideal and clever. The stupid idea to marry a foreigner dominated in my head. The best husbands live abroad and I must find my match there, I used to think. The first time I felt strong feelings for someone was for a Canadian film director, but I couldn’t do anything about it. KGB didn’t allow me to marry him. The young generation of today doesn’t understand how the intelligence service could interfere into the private lives of the adults back then. Every political system has advantages, like free medical care, free education, secure job, good pension and disadvantages like the absence of political freedoms. By the way, in Britain, now you can’t live with your husband or wife from Eastern Europe if your income is low.

    So, my desire to leave the USSR increased. The idea that my husband should love me and I may reciprocate with care and respect led me to England ten years ago.

    I know several ladies whose cleverness helped them to stay happy in their marriage, even with the unbeloved men. It’s not my case. My life becomes a nightmare if I am not in love.

    The desire to create a strong and friendly family from both sides became a failure.

    My ex-husband had dreamt of a speechless mixture of a servant, slave and a housewife as his wife. The result of the experiment was dreadful. It’s impossible to tame a wild tiger for it to be your house cat. It was impossible to create a speechless robot from Lucy Danova.

    We both were disappointed and the most tragic moment of the ‘love story’ was the interference of the British court.

    This situation can be described in a humorous way or with tears in the eyes. I will try to entertain you and choose the first option.

    Together, my husband and I, bought a family house in England. I invested some money into the purchase and showed the papers confirmed by the notary.

    This money was returned to my wife in Budapest. My ex-partner said in the court and gave the bank statement along with the transaction.

    Sorry, I have never been to Hungary. You may check my visas, I protested.

    At this moment I had a Ukrainian passport and all my foreign trips were officially registered.

    It doesn’t matter. My husband’s solicitor said.

    Excuse me, please, but where is my Hungarian visa? The situation seemed ridiculous for me.

    You should obtain visas for the domestic flights but the foreign trips are free for everyone, was the opinion of the lawyer.

    When did you visit the Ukraine last time? I asked my husband’s solicitor.

    I have never been there but it’s not important in this case. The gentleman’s voice became irritated.

    I accept this explanation. The judge made the conclusion.

    It was a real circus. My stepfather was a judge too but there were legends about his cleverness and honesty and for that reason, I have always had a huge respect for the representatives of law have. In this country the foreigners are suspected in all crimes and their words and evidence mean nothing.

    At that time, I was stupid and started arguing in the court. By the end of the day, I received nothing at all. Seven years of marriage and a little son were not taken into consideration. I couldn’t even imagine that it was only the beginning of the nightmare called the British immigration.

    I like most of the British schools. Not all of them are nice but there are still educational establishments with a special atmosphere of friendship and mutual co-operation.

    Caistor Grammar School is one of such places. I have worked there and can tell that students are real treasures. They are so devoted and enthusiastic people. The headmaster has created a family where every child is precious.

    I remember my lecture about the wives of the Russian Decemberists who left the wealthy society and followed their husbands to exile to Siberia.

    The modern generation has its own opinion about life and love. It was a real discovery for me when the students continued staying in the room after the end of the lesson and their eyes were full of tears.

    The students are extremely bright and the teachers are super professionals.

    I described the atmosphere in Caistor Grammar School because there I had some of my happiest moments in Britain.

    Chapter 2

    My dear friends, international economic crises are very disgusting events. Usually, they bring nothing but nervous shocks. The last one has taken all my properties in Ukraine and made me as poor as a church rat. With all my love to my English friends, (by the way, there are no nations and nationalities for me; only good and bad people) the British nation can’t be characterised as sentimental and kind. If you go to Georgia, the local people will treat you as the most valuable guest even if they have never met you before. They’ll go as far as sharing even their very last piece of bread with you.

    In Britain everything is on the contrary. You have money, you are a respected member of the society, but if not, you are nothing.

    Maybe I offended English people. There are many kind and brilliant people but the system of the country makes you feel miserable and isolated if you aren’t enough wealthy. All your personal qualities don’t help you.

    As soon as I became poor, I became homeless. Can you imagine to be on the street with a seventy-four-year-old mother and a fourteen-year-old son in our days. I was born in the USSR and for me it was a shock. In Britain such situations occurred quite frequently.

    God, please, bless this country the best in the world. I will never wish even my enemies to become homeless. Who told me the fairy tale about the democracy? If you are poor and don’t live in a house, you are a slave.

    Some officials will try to hide the indifference by nice words but some will never pretend of being kind. How often did I hear the question, Would you like to return to your country?

    Sorry, I have a British passport but in reality, there is a division into English and foreigners, rich and poor. It’s a pity that I am not a poet. I can’t write a poem about social services and housing advice teams. I have only one question, did the staff get a special training in the prison before they join the councils? Excuse me, dear criminals, you also have the right to be treated well. The clerks of the mentioned establishments humiliate and offend people without repercussions.

    Who said that there is no mafia in the UK? I will tell you more, it’s legal and you can’t complain about it. It’s interesting for me, if there is someone higher than the council?

    Usually, every institution is created in such a way that there is a district branch, then a regional branch, then a republican branch and lastly, a national branch. In the UK there is no necessity to disturb someone on the high level, you will be sent back to your local authorities. You may complain to a manager or a supervisor who is a friend of your offender. Even if the colleagues hate each other, they have joint interests. The first one is not to lose the profitable job. So, my experience of life in Britain shows that there is only the council and then God. The decision made by the smallest clerk would be never questioned.

    Your life is very often depending on the idiot who hates you only because you are a foreigner. I stopped fighting with the indifference of the local system, it’s possible to pray. If you want to visit the hell, welcome to Britain without money.

    Did the neighbours see? the colonel asked his staff.

    Mr Panov returned yesterday at midnight with a charming blonde lady. They were drunk and laughed. The owner of the accommodation locked the door and nobody saw them later, Detective Shkolnyy reported.

    Who found the body? asked Mr Petrov.

    His secretary, Igor Shkolnyy answered.

    My dear friends, I am happy to remind you that we all attended the joint meeting of a federal security service FSB, the special department of the criminal search and the police. You must give the answers with all the details, names, places. So far we have nothing at all. Every word can help to break the vacuum around us. Is everything clear? the colonel of FSB, Max Petrov, said angrily.

    Yes, everyone replied in chorus.

    OK. Let’s return to my question. Max spoke again to the colleagues.

    Every morning, at nine o’clock, the secretary comes into the apartment of Mr Panov. Yesterday nobody opened the door. The secretary called the guard but he is a professional man and offered immediately to call the police. When there are problems with the famous people, it’s better not to risk. Detective Shkolnyy finished the report.

    Did he have only one guard? The chief detective was surprised.

    Andrey, the time has changed. We now live in a peaceful democratic country. Our officials want to correspond to the international standards of the high authority. They have one strong driver who is a guard at the same time. A crowd of big guys with pistols and fighting skills was left in the period of Perestroika. Nobody and nothing will protect against the bullet, Max explained to his mate.

    Can the neighbours help us to make a portrait of the unknown lady? Mr Litvinov asked the detectives.

    No, the inhabitants of the prestige house are celebrities, wealthy businessmen, politicians. They don’t cooperate with the police. The security on the ground floor is not allowed to examine the appearance of the visitors, Igor Shkolnyy replied.

    "I don’t understand these famous people. They don’t want us to interfere into their life but if something happens they are angry with us. How can we find their surroundings, learn the habits. You keep

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