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Ward Witches: The Complete Series
Ward Witches: The Complete Series
Ward Witches: The Complete Series
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Ward Witches: The Complete Series

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This boxed set includes all three novels in the completed Ward Witches YA Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance series.

Her blood might be the only thing to save him...

Piper Ward isn’t new to the supernatural world. She comes from a long line of Cloaking Witches and lives in the city of Newvale, a supernatural mecca. However, when her crush reveals his mystical roots, Piper discovers there’s a shifter breed she hasn’t encountered yet.
Tristan Jarek is part of a shifter tribe long ago forgotten, one whose magical abilities were stolen seven years ago. Having been separated from their magic for so long, his tribe is faced with a crippling reality—it’s dying.
As more to the story of Tristan’s tribe is revealed, Piper finds herself faced with a decision: let an entire breed of shifters die out or give them the thing that might save them—her blood.

If you like Young Adult Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance series with witches, high stakes, shifters, first love, and kick-butt female leads with a bit of snark get ready for a page-turning experience!

Release dateApr 24, 2021
Ward Witches: The Complete Series

Jennifer Snyder

Jennifer Snyder lives in North Carolina where she spends most of her time writing New Adult and Young Adult Fiction, reading, and struggling to stay on top of housework. She is a tea lover with an obsession for Post-it notes and smooth writing pens. Jennifer lives with her husband and two children, who endure listening to songs that spur inspiration on repeat and tolerate her love for all paranormal, teenage-targeted TV shows.To get an email whenever Jennifer releases a new title, sign up for her newsletter a It’s full of fun and freebies sent right to your inbox!

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    Book preview

    Ward Witches - Jennifer Snyder

    Ward Witches

    Ward Witches

    The Complete Series

    Jennifer Snyder


    The Complete Series

    Copyright © 2018/2019 by Jennifer Snyder

    © 2019 Cover Art by Cora Graphics


    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the above author of this book.

    Author Note:

    This is a work of fiction. The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


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    Of Witch’s Blood

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Of Breath & Soul

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Of Time & Spells

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26


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    Of Witch’s Blood

    Ward Witches - Book One

    Chapter 1

    J asper, enough with the freaking games! This isn’t funny anymore! I sifted through the crap piled on my dresser, searching for my car keys. It was the second time this week my idiot brother had decided to hide them. I didn’t see the humor in watching me tear through the house in search of them, but apparently he did.

    He had no life.

    I don’t know what you’re talking about. His brown eyes twinkled with amusement from where he stood in my doorway.

    I squeezed past his six-foot-two frame blocking my exit and headed toward the kitchen, wondering if I’d left them in the catch-all area on the counter. I don’t have time for this crap every morning. If I’m late again, Mr. Bell is going to have my ass.

    First off, it’s not crap. It’s how we make a living, Piper. Second, this is easy. Use your skills. Irritation laced his words as he followed me through the house.

    I paused mid-step. While I thought he’d hidden my keys, I had no proof until now. Anger pulsed through me. I was so sick of this. You cloaked my damn keys again? What’s wrong with you?

    Skills, you have them. Jasper leaned against the kitchen counter and folded his arms across his chest. Use them.

    He could be intimidating as hell—to everyone except me. I could see through his solid-as-a-rock build, tattooed arms, and menacing stare. Deep down he was a softie. At least when it came to me. But, that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy pestering the shit out of me every chance he got. Some would call it brotherly love. I called it being a pain in my ass.

    Uncloak my keys. Now! I smacked my palm against the countertop and narrowed my eyes, flashing him the most pissed off expression I could muster.

    A crooked grin sprang onto his face at the sight of my rage, which only flamed new life into what I was feeling. Use. Your. Skills. He enunciated each word, his shit-eating grin never wavering.

    Sometimes I hated him.

    Damn it, Jasper! I’ve got like— I glanced at the digital clock on the microwave. —ten minutes to get my butt in my desk or else I’ll be considered tardy. Do you know what happens if I’m tardy again?

    Use. Your. Skills, he repeated, ignoring what I said and causing my anger to boil. Then you won’t have to find out, will you?

    He was such an ass.

    I’ll get detention, Jasper. I slouched against the counter. My bottom lip poked out as a new way to go about this situation hit me. You said I couldn’t go to L.A. with you over spring break if I got detention one more time, and now you’re sabotaging me. That’s twisted, Jasper, even for you. Remembering the L.A. warning he’d given last week was a goldmine. Surely he’d uncloak my keys so I could get out of here now.

    While I wanted to go on the L.A. trip, I wouldn’t be upset if he followed through with his threat and made me stay home. A whole week without my brother hovering would be awesome.

    I did say that, didn’t I? Indifference darkened his brown eyes. I chewed along my bottom lip, unsure what it meant. Jasper could be tough to read sometimes. Guess you’d better use your skills fast then. He winked. I wanted to slap away that shit-eating grin on his face.

    Damn it. I slung my head back and growled at the ceiling. Fine.

    I twisted my long red hair into a ponytail and attempted to collect myself. The sooner I was able to calm myself, the better. It meant I’d be able to tap into my magic faster. Pressing my palms together, I began the process of locating my freaking keys with my cloaking magic. God, this was so typical of Jasper. He was hell bent on me practicing my skills. Practice makes perfect and all that jazz.

    While I wanted to be as good as he was with cloaks, Jasper was a tough candle to compete with. My brother was legendary. His talent with cloaks was unheard of, and he had the smarts to turn it into a career. Supernaturals sought his help from miles away. Jasper was powerful. He could cloak entire blocks with a strong enough spell to keep it hidden from everyone’s eyes for years. Okay, maybe not years. That was an exaggeration. But, he was the best at what he did. Everyone knew it.

    He was my hero because of it, but I’d never admit it to him. It would only inflate his already economy-sized ego.

    While I didn’t think I would ever be as good as him, he thought differently. This was why he pulled crap like cloaking my keys to keep me on my toes. He wanted it instilled in my brain to always reach for my magic whenever an issue came up. Nothing that would alert humans to us, of course, but if it involved my safety or a way for me to make a living, he was all for it.

    To him, using magic daily was the best way to build a relationship with it. Jasper didn’t view cloaking magic the way others did. It was part of the reason he stood out. There was a respect between him and his magic others didn’t harbor. He understood it for what it was. He didn’t fear it; instead he respected it.

    Before I could learn to respect my magic, he wanted me to become familiar with it. Playing tricks to force me to use it was how he went about teaching me this lesson.

    I closed my eyes and continued to rub my palms together, warming them to feel the lingering magic in the air his cloak would have left behind. The entire process for locating a cloak made us look like idiots. Why we couldn’t do something cool when we used our magic like on TV was something I would never understand. I wanted to close my eyes and have a massive gust of wind slam against me so those nearby would know I’d tapped into something powerful. Instead, I had to rub my hands together as though I was warming them from the bitter cold and lick my lips like I was eating air.

    Not sexy. Not cool. Just stupid.

    Once my hands were primed to help me feel for my brother’s cloak, I extended them in front of me and swept the kitchen as though little sensors were built into my palms. Nothing. I didn’t feel anything. The kitchen was clear. Before I made my way into the living room, I licked my lips, tasting the air for any residue of magic I might have missed. Still nothing.

    There you go, Jasper said. I could hear his bulky work boots thumping against the tiled kitchen floor as he followed me. Feel it out. Taste it. Focus on your senses.

    I’m trying, but you’re distracting me with your loud boots and talking, I snapped.

    Sorry. There was amusement in his tone, but I ignored it. I needed to find those keys. If I didn’t in the next ten seconds, I wasn’t going to school. It was that simple. I’d rather miss an entire day than be tardy again and have to face Mr. Bell.

    Once I was in the center of our living room, I closed my eyes and repeated what I’d done in the kitchen. This time, however, there was a distinct taste in the air. My brother’s magic. Jasper had cloaked something in here for sure. I knew the keys where here somewhere. I also knew Jasper had started counting the second we stepped into the room.

    He was timing me.

    Last time it took me nearly a minute and a half before I was able to pinpoint the location of my keys. The need to beat my record surged through me. I pushed my magic outward, striving to do better this go-around.

    As my hands swept over our couch, my fingertips began to tingle. I took a step closer, knowing the keys were there somewhere. Brushing my palms against the soft suede, I zeroed in on the location. When my palms started to tingle as well, I knew I was right above them. I tossed the couch cushion up, revealing my shiny set of keys sitting on top of a slew of crumbs. Gross.

    One minute and ten seconds, Jasper announced. I couldn’t tell if he was happy with my time. His face was still stuck in serious mode. Then again, I didn’t really care. He was an ass for hiding them in the first place. That’s twenty seconds better than the last time. Pride rang through his words. Part of me wanted to bask in it, while the other half wanted to spew something bitchy at him.

    Instead, I kept my mouth shut and my face neutral. I’d learned long ago, when in doubt, that was the best thing to do. It made people wonder what you were thinking, and gave you the upper hand and a level of surprise.

    Practice does make perfect. You can’t argue with that old adage, he boasted. And you didn’t even let the couch cushion act as a buffer.

    I rolled my eyes before heading toward my room to grab my backpack. My eyes drifted to my alarm clock when I entered the room. It was eight fifteen. I was ten minutes late. Damn it. Mr. Bell was going to tear into me.

    Don’t be mad, Big Bird, Jasper called down the hallway.

    My nose crinkled at the mention of my childhood nickname. I fought the smile wanting to twist my lips. Stupid bird always made me want to laugh. He was so goofy looking. Knowing this, when I was upset or pissed, Jasper always pulled the name out of his bag of tricks in an attempt to smooth the situation. I refused to let it work this time.

    I slung my backpack over my shoulder and hightailed it to the front door. When I broke into the living room, I noticed him blocking the front door. His arms were extended as though he was waiting to swallow me in a bear hug before I left. The sliding glass door it was then. I made it to the door off the kitchen before he realized what I was doing.

    Seriously? You’re that pissed about it? he called as I pulled the door open with more force than necessary. Big Bird, come on.

    I laughed as an image of the goofy bird popped into my head. My powers against the bird had been swayed. I’m not, I’m just late, I called over my shoulder. See you later.

    I left the door open behind me and crossed the porch to the stairs. Once I made it to the driveway, I climbed behind the wheel of my car and traveled at breakneck speed to school. The desire to skip since I was late was overwhelming, but I knew I couldn’t. There was someone I needed to meet. The thought of seeing him had my stomach somersaulting in the best way possible.

    Chapter 2

    Why did the main office always smell like moldy sugar cookies? There was something nauseating about the mixture. I’d been sitting in one of the hard, red chairs lined against the wall, waiting for Mr. Bell to see me for what felt like forever. My eyes shifted to the clock behind the receptionist. Fifteen minutes had already passed. I puffed out a long breath as irritation pulsed through me. I figured that was what Mr. Bell was going for though. He wanted me to sit here, waiting on him until my frustration was on the verge of shifting into anger.

    Damn Jasper for cloaking my keys. All of this could have been avoided if he’d decided to give me another job as more training instead of pulling another prank. I rolled my eyes and resorted to plotting my revenge on him while I waited. I knew Mr. Bell was in his office; I could see him through the Plexiglas windows. He was sipping coffee, staring at his computer screen. His bushy brows were furrowed, giving the impression he was concentrating hard. We both knew he wasn’t. What was there to concentrate on when it came to his job?

    Being principal was a cake job.

    He didn’t have to do much besides open the school, close the school, and patrol the halls between classes unless some unruly teen was sent his way. Even then, half the time he directed them to the guidance counselor’s office.

    What did a principal do that was important? I couldn’t think of one thing.

    Mr. Bell’s eyes locked on mine through the glass windows of his office as though he could no longer ignore them boring into him. I held his stare, willing him to get this over with. When he finally stood, a grin slipped across my face as silent victory crept through me.

    Miss Ward. He grimaced from the doorway. I swore my name left a bad taste in his mouth. It was plain to see he disliked me, but I’d never been able to figure out why. I knew I wasn’t a picture-perfect student, but I wasn’t horrible either. There were students here who were far worse than I was. Step into my office, please.

    I stood and started toward him, taking in his appearance. There was nothing interesting about him. He was a human, weak and feeble, and yet he thought he was powerful. A king ruling over his subjects. Poor guy. He had no idea half his staff and students were supernatural and far more powerful than he could imagine. For the millionth time I wished I could clue him in. Jasper would have my head though.

    Good morning, Mr. Bell. I slipped into his office. My voice wasn’t dripping with sarcasm, but it wasn’t riddled with a sense of kiss ass either. It was somewhere in between.

    While his office was large, it felt small due to the massive oak desk dominating the space and the over-stuffed chair behind it. Golf memorabilia littered every corner of the room. I hated the stupid statues lining the wall behind him. They were of the bobble head variety. Cartoonish and weird. Their goofy heads shook as the heat kicked on, pushing the stale scent of Mr. Bell through the room. Maybe he was where the moldy smell in the office came from. I wondered if Mrs. Bluebell, the receptionist, was where the sugar cookies smell stemmed. I suddenly felt bad for her. She had to marinade in his stench all day.

    Miss Ward, you’re late. Again. Mr. Bell slipped behind his desk and melted into his worn leather chair. It made a creaking sound, rebelling against his weight. He wasn’t fat, but he wasn’t in shape either. He was what a mother would call husky or pudgy around the center.

    I’m aware of that, sir. My sir was tacked on in a condescending tone as I situated myself in the chair opposite him. I hated when people stated the obvious. It was a waste of time.

    We didn’t need to hash out the particulars here. All we needed to do was discuss what he planned on dishing out as my punishment. I wished he would cut to the chase.

    That’s the third time this quarter. Second this week, if we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty, and I do believe it’s time. He folded his hands and placed them on his desk while keeping his eyes locked on mine. It was a move I was sure he’d practiced numerous times, thinking it amped up his intimidation factor. It didn’t work on me. I lived with one of the most intimidating men on the planet. Mr. Bell was chopped liver compared to my brother. I think it’s time we set up a conference. I’ve looked over your unimpressive file and have noted your parents are deceased. His eyes were devoid of the sympathy I was used to seeing when someone mentioned their death. Judgement gleamed in them instead. What an ass. The meeting will have to take place with your legal guardian instead. His beady eyes searched my face for whatever reaction he’d been hoping for, but I gave him nothing. I didn’t even flitch.

    What did he want me to do, break down and cry because my parents were dead? He should be able to add up how long ago their deaths had been from the date in my file. I was ten when they passed. Even though I still missed them, the pain wasn’t fresh anymore. Time had dulled it to a bearable level. His reminder didn’t stab at me the way it would have a few years ago.

    Something shifted in Mr. Bell’s eyes, and I got the impression that wasn’t what he’d been going for. Instead, it seemed as though he’d hoped to scare me. My lips twisted into a smirk. He had no clue who my legal guardian was. He and Jasper had never met.

    Mr. Bell’s gray eyes darkened as he took in my expression. His face reddened beneath the florescent light above us.

    Okay. I shrugged. Fine with me.

    He might actually be doing me a favor. After this meeting Jasper might think twice before hiding my keys. He hated having to play the role of my legal guardian, preferring his born role of big brother instead.

    Tomorrow afternoon, four o’clock sharp. Mr. Bell’s nostrils flared as each word passed his lips.

    Noted. My legal guardian and I will be here.

    And detention this afternoon. He opened his desk drawer and pulled out the pad of paper he enjoyed ruling over most. His hand flew across the pink slip, the flow and curl of my name comfortable to his pen. He tore the slip out and handed it to me. Here you are. Have a great rest of the day, Miss Ward. There was sick pleasure in his words. I was certain he got off on governing over this school and its students. Control freak bubbled within his soul.

    You too. What else was I supposed to say? Thank you? Not going to happen; he’d given me detention. Again.

    I reached for the paper as I stood. After tucking it into my pocket, I hoisted my book bag over my shoulder and exited his smelly office. I glanced at the clock on the wall as I stepped into the hallway. First period would be over in twenty-five minutes. There was no point in going. I headed downstairs toward the class anyway, knowing Mr. Bell would most likely be watching me from his office windows. Once I reached the bottom of the steps, I turned left instead of right and speed-walked to the girls’ bathroom.

    It was empty with the exception of one girl washing her hands in the sink. She was younger than me, a freshman maybe. I could tell right away she was a supernatural, but I couldn’t determine what kind. The only one I could rule out was vampire, as they couldn’t come out during daylight unless they were ancient. The girl’s eyes didn’t scream ancient to me. They told me she was meek. Her shoulders slumped forward as though she was cowering from me. Maybe she was a shifter. A mouse or something else small and shy. Determining what species of supernatural someone was seemed like another valid skill Jasper should be teaching me, not how to find cloaked keys. I needed to learn something of value. Trying to tell him would only start a fight though. To Jasper, everything involving my magic was of value no matter how small.

    I slipped by the girl, heading straight for the window along the far wall. The sill was large enough to sit in. I often did, when I wanted a break from my torturous first period class. Pre-Cal was not, and never would be, a favorite of mine.

    Hoisting myself up, I maneuvered my way onto the sill. I could feel the girl watching me from the corner of her eye as she dried her hands. She left in a hurry, making me wonder if she thought I was about to light a cigarette. This window drew in a crowd of smokers during the lunch periods. I propped my feet on the sink nearest me and leaned against the window, getting comfortable. My plan was to wait out the end of first period. Afterward, Tristan would be looking for me. We were supposed to meet before school, but Jasper had ruined it.

    Tristan’s kilowatt smile and sinful gray eyes filled my mind. My blood pumped harder through my veins. There was something about him I couldn’t get enough of. I didn’t understand the way he made me feel, but I knew I already craved the sensations like a drug. He’d gotten into my bloodstream.

    I wanted Tristan Jarek desperately.

    Chapter 3

    Ileaned against the rail behind me and scanned the thick crowd of my peers rushing about as I searched for Tristan. He should be easy to spot. Blue hair generally set a person apart.

    Besides the hair, he was tall. Taller than I was by more than a few inches. And built. The muscles he harbored weren’t something most seniors had and combined with the slight amount of scruff that always seemed to grace his face, gave him a rugged, older appearance. Then again, he was older. Tristan was eighteen, nearing nineteen. Having a birthday late in the year must suck. I was grateful mine was before the August cutoff date for the school district.

    My gaze drifted over the faces pushing past me. None of them belonged to Tristan. As the seconds ticked away, anxiety prickled through me, causing my heart rate to spike. I inhaled a deep breath and pushed it past my lips in a long sigh, gathering my emotions. He would be here today because I had what he wanted, I reminded myself. God, I was bordering on pathetic.

    Tristan turned me into one of those googly-eyed girls I hated. The type who fawned over every inch of her crush until it was clear she needed to be committed. It sucked. Mostly. My lips quirked upward into a smile.

    You’re in a good mood, I see. A rush of warmth slipped through my lower belly at the sound of his voice.

    Tristan had come from the opposite end of the breezeway, surprising me. I’d memorized his schedule and routes to classes after the first week of school, so I knew today he’d done something different. I stared at him, soaking in his charming smile, as I wondered what. God, I was sick and in need of professional therapy when it came to him. It wasn’t healthy to obsess over a person the way I had been since seeing him on the first day of school. I knew this, but I still couldn’t stop. I’d been captivated.

    My eyes skimmed over him, allowing myself to soak in his appearance today. We didn’t have any classes together, which meant now was my only chance.

    Sweet Jesus, he looked good.

    His glossy hair seemed brighter than usual in the sunlight filtering around us and the stubble on his face longer. I wondered what it would feel like to kiss him. If it would tickle. If the friction would send me into a tailspin. My eyes locked with his, causing my heart to thump forcefully in my chest. I licked my lips, struggling to regain my composure before he busted me. There was always something calculating about his stare.

    Looks can be deceiving. I said, realizing I had yet to answer him.

    His head cocked to the side, and a wry hint of a smile twisted his face. I don’t know. I think that was a genuine smile I saw.

    Maybe. I fought like hell to keep another from forming. Call me stubborn, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of making me smile again. He had to earn it.

    My fingers reached into my back pocket for the reason he’d sought me out. When they brushed against hard plastic, I pulled the card out and wrapped my fist around it, concealing what I was about to give him. My heart beat triple time as I ran through my plan on how to pass the card to him without being busted and while seeming sexy. Holding my breath, I went for it. Maybe he wouldn’t mind. After all, we’d been acquaintances for months now. Maybe the gesture would come off as friendly instead of random.

    Without removing my eyes from his, I crammed my hands into the pockets of his jacket as though we were a couple and I was warming them there. Confidence was something I could always fake. It was a talent.

    The movement pulled Tristan closer to me, causing the air between us to charge. All the breath expelled from my lungs as I stared into his eyes. Nope. There was nothing friendly about the gesture. It was electric, at least to me. I’d never been this close to him before. It made me feel things I didn’t think were appropriate in public. As the sensations spiraled through me, my cheeks warmed. In seconds, my creamy skin would be blood red. I forced in a steady breath to calm myself. Releasing my grip on the card, I pulled my hands free from the warmth of his pockets and took a step back.

    There you go. The words fell from my lips in a wavering whisper. I cleared my throat and looked away, hoping he hadn’t noticed what his proximity had done to me. Strength was what I’d built my reputation on, especially when it came to my underground business. It was essential I held on to it. This money was what funded my dreams and I needed it to continue.

    Reminding myself of that, I allowed my eyes to shift back to Tristan. His lips curled into a half smile the second our gaze met as though he knew what I’d been attempting, and then he did something unexpected. He stepped forward, pressing his body flush against mine. I was crushed between the metal railing behind me and him. My breath hitched at his sudden movement. I lifted my brows up in a silent question, unsure what he was doing, but not wanting him to stop. My expression gained me a devious smirk as his hands snaked out and gripped my hips. The heat of them seeped through my jeans, searing my already flaming skin. Heat bloomed through my chest as delicious tingles slipped along my spine.

    And here you go. He slid one of his hands into the back pocket of my jeans, depositing the money he owed me for what I’d given him. My brain glitched at the feel of his hand on my ass. Before I could fully recover and say something witty, he cupped my butt and let out a moan I felt all the way to my toes. My insides melted as his gray eyes pinned me in place, watching my reaction. A challenge burst through their brightness as his other hand started to move in the same direction as the one residing on my butt. It slipped along the denim of my jeans, leaving a trail of heat in its wake.

    A twinge of something unnamable built in my lower belly, and I pushed him away, creating space between us so I could breathe. That was uncalled for. My voice shook as my heart continued to pound in my throat.

    Tristan had never done something like that before. While I’d wanted him to, I’d never expected it to happen. Then again, I’d never expected I would follow through with my plan either. Maybe he’d been waiting on me to initiate something. If that was the case, I wondered why I hadn’t done so sooner. I knew he’d become acutely aware of me lately. I couldn’t explain the reasoning behind the shift I’d felt, but I knew it was there. Now I knew I hadn’t imagined it.

    Was it? Tristan stepped back. His eyes narrowed and sparked with a dangerous glimmer. God, he was trouble, and I loved it. I craved it. The metal rail behind me became the only thing capable of holding me up. My legs had turned to Jell-O. Because you seem as though you might have liked it.

    I rolled my eyes, but only because I couldn’t force a denial past my lips. He was right. On so many levels.

    He licked his lips, and my eyes dipped to them. I wished I was ballsy enough to press mine against them. His mouth opened, but anything he might have been about to say was interrupted when his friend walked up.

    Did you get it? his buddy asked in a loud whisper. His name started with a J, but I couldn’t remember what it was and didn’t care to. I only cared about the moment Tristan and I had shared.

    Yeah. Tristan released me from his mesmerizing stare and shifted toward his friend.

    When he reached into his coat pocket for what I’d placed there, I slipped past him and started toward my next class. He’d gotten what he wanted and so had I, double really: money and a nice grab on the ass I was sure to replay in my mind forever.

    Wait up! Tristan shouted from behind me.

    I glanced over my shoulder and spotted him jogging toward me. I didn’t stop. My cheeks were still flaming, and I had yet to calm my crazed heartbeat. I can’t be late, I said the first legitimate excuse I could muster for why I’d walked away in such a hurry. Hopefully he bought it.

    He was beside me, matching my pace in seconds. His broad shoulder brushed against me as we walked. I couldn’t tell if he was doing it on purpose, or if he noticed it at all. All I knew was I noticed it. My entire left side did to be honest.

    Neither can I, he said. Mrs. Holbrook knows me by name now.

    Me too. I grinned. Mrs. Holbrook managed detention in the afternoons. She was nice, but stern. Something about her screamed cat shifter to me. I could picture her shifting into a fluffy old cat at night. The kind with a grumpy-looking face.

    How do you make them look so real? Tristan whispered into my ear. His hot breath slipped along my neck and down my spine.

    A shiver ran through me as I became highly aware of his proximity again. The side of my body nearest him pulsed with new life.

    I know my stuff. I shrugged. I was pleased with my nonchalant attitude, given the circumstances. It was hard enough to breathe with him this close, let alone talk.

    He didn’t have to specify. I knew what he was talking about. The fake ID I’d made for him. It was as close to the real thing as it could be. Fakies had become my specialty over the last month. I’d created one for myself as a tester a while ago. Once I knew it was legit enough to fool even the sharpest of eyes at nightclubs in the city, I started offering my product to those at school.

    They sold like hotcakes.

    Whether my peers were buying one so they could obtain alcohol or get into one of the adult-only clubs in the city, I never had any complaints.

    "Nobody knows their stuff this good, Piper. These are like professional." Tristan placed exaggerated emphasis on his last word, but all I could focus on was the way his lips had curled over the letters of my name.

    I was a lost cause when it came to him. Always had been.

    In fact, I’d known I would be the second he’d bumped into me on the first day of school. I’d been leaning against the rails outside the main building, skimming over my schedule and waiting for my friends when he’d smacked into me. He’d started to apologize before I could look up, claiming he hadn’t seen me. I’d been about to tear into him, but when my eyes lifted to see who I was dealing with every smartass comment I’d been toying with in my mind disappeared. There was something about him that supercharged my heart and set my insides on fire. Instantly I’d wanted to know who he was, and so I had set out to learn everything about him I could. Over the next few weeks through good listening habits in the girls’ room I picked up that his name was Tristan Jarek, he was new to the city, was a senior, drove a black car, and he didn’t have any siblings who went to this school. Later, I’d purposely memorized his schedule and routes to classes so I could catch a glimpse of him throughout the day since we didn’t share any classes.

    Yep, I’d been a lost cause when it came to him since day one.

    My feet continued forward, propelling me toward my next class. I stared straight ahead as I searched for something witty to say, but nothing came. I decided to go for sarcastic instead. Generally, a little sarcasm was quick to shut down any conversation. And I can’t be labeled as a professional because…?

    You’re in high school. Skills like these come after years of experience.

    How would you know? I reached for the handle to the main entrance of the science building, but Tristan’s hand got to it before mine. He pulled it open, allowing me to slip past him into the building first. People were starting to stare at us. I could feel their eyes boring into me from all sides.

    My mind drifted as we continued walking, and I found myself wondering what everyone found so alluring about seeing the two of us together. Was it him or me? While Tristan was incredibly attractive, he wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. As for me, I was certain it was my hardass attitude and lack of dating history that was turning heads. The only guy I strolled the halls with was Paxton, and everyone knew we were only friends. We’d practically grown up together.

    I don’t. I’m just assuming, Tristan insisted.

    Well don’t. For all you know, I could be a genius with mad computer skills. I risked a glance at him then. His teeth had sunken into his bottom lip as though he was contemplating my words, either that or he was struggling to not laugh at me.

    Irritation sparked through me. Why did he care how I created them? No one else had before. Then again, maybe it was because the majority I created had been for supernaturals who already knew what I was. The rest were for dimwitted humans hoping to get drunk and anything close to the real thing seemed fantastic.

    Tristan had gotten what he’d paid for—a quality fake ID. Shouldn’t that be all that mattered?

    Are you happy with the product? I questioned.

    Yeah. Definitely.

    Then don’t question it. I paused once I reached the entrance to Mr. Cassidy’s class and flashed him a smirk. You’re welcome. See you around.

    I hoped he would drop the conversation because I couldn’t give him a better answer. The real answer would be mind boggling. Most humans didn’t believe in magic. While I wasn’t one hundred percent sure Tristan was a human, I was fairly certain. He didn’t seem nuts when we neared a full moon. He could go out in daylight—obviously. He looked nothing like any fairy I’d ever seen. And I liked to think I would be able to tell if he was a demon of some sort. Plus, he couldn’t be a witch because I would sense it. At least I thought I would. Besides, Paxton and Reese hadn’t thought he was anything supernatural either, and I trusted their opinions more than I trusted mine. All they’d mentioned was that they thought something seemed off with him, but I didn’t see it. He seemed fine to me. Oh so fine…

    What are you doing this weekend? Tristan’s question surprised me.

    I’d dreamed about those exact words coming out of his mouth, but never thought it would happen. He’d shocked me into silence. Twice in one day. It was a record.

    Well? he pressed.

    What was I supposed to say? I’d never been asked out before. A flush crept across my cheeks. Was he even asking me out? I didn’t want to presume he was, but it sort of seemed like it. Wasn’t that what guys said to Reese when they asked her out? I couldn’t remember how it happened; it just did.

    Suddenly, I wished my best friend was standing beside me. She would know what to say to prompt me in the right direction. She had more experience in the guy department than I did. I didn’t date. Ever.

    One, I didn’t have the time. And two, guys seemed intimidated by me. Or maybe it was my brother who intimidated them. Jasper wasn’t into the idea of his baby sister dating. If it were up to him, I’d be lucky to have my first date when I turned thirty.

    Tristan’s lips shifted into a smirk. I could sense his nerves playing behind it though. The pointed change in his facial features made me realize I was staring at him, also I hadn’t responded to his question yet. I was an idiot, or at least making myself look like one.

    Thanks to you, I’m going to see Spinners play at Movement Saturday night. I patted my back pocket, insinuating the money he’d given me was what I planned on using to buy my ticket, even though I already had one. I’d bought one the second I learned they would be playing in the city.

    Silence built between us. The unbearable kind that left me crawling in my skin. I stepped into Mr. Cassidy’s room, thinking our conversation was over. Besides, I couldn’t be late. If I was inside the room when the tardy bell rang, it didn’t count as being tardy. Right?

    Spinners, huh? Tristan said. Something like amusement shifted through his eyes.

    Yeah. I wondered if he’d ever heard of the band. They played rock music, and I couldn’t get enough of them. At Movement, I added unnecessarily, knowing he’d heard me the first time.

    Movement was a newly opened teen club downtown that hadn’t drawn in the regular high school crowd yet. I assumed it was because the music they played wasn’t pop, hip-hop, or rap. It was more of a rock/alternative vibe. The place had become my second home.

    Me too, he said, leaving me to wonder if he meant he was planning to see them too. We should go together, he suggested, confirming my earlier thought as he started walking backward toward his class. The bell was about to ring.

    I blinked. How many times would he surprise me today?

    Seat, Miss Ward. You have one. I suggest you find it, Mr. Cassidy insisted. He brushed past me to reach for the door handle.

    Just think about it, okay? Tristan insisted before Mr. Cassidy closed the door.

    Romeo will have to come calling later, Miss Ward. It’s time to take your seat now, Mr. Cassidy snapped.

    I headed to my desk in the back row. There was a smile on my face I couldn’t dim. Leaving Tristan hanging was something I would have done anyway, but Mr. Cassidy had added to the effect. My grin widened as I imagined him worrying over my answer for the length of second period.

    When Mr. Cassidy’s class was over, I took my time gathering my things. I wanted to give Tristan plenty of time to catch me between classes. All period long I’d thought about how I would answer his question. Seconds before the bell rang to dismiss us, I finally decided on something that didn’t make me sound lame. When I exited the room, I expected to see him leaning against the far wall of the hallway, waiting on me with one of his deep, brooding expressions I found so attractive. But he wasn’t there. Reese was though. Her dark brown ringlets were a stark contrast with the white block walls of the hallway behind her. Her lips, painted their typical shade of deep violet, twisted into a grin when our eyes locked across the distance. I knew her smirk well. It was one reserved for when she thought I was keeping secrets from her and she’d found a tiny sliver of information out on her own.

    I hitched my backpack up higher on my shoulder and crossed the hall to meet her. What’s that look for?

    Tell me what’s going on with you and Tristan Jarek. She pushed herself off the wall, and we started walking side by side.

    My lips ached to form a grin, but I managed to keep it at bay. Smiling would only make whatever happened between Tristan and I seem as though it were more than what it was. What do you mean?

    Reese rolled her eyes. Don’t even. I spotted the two of you before second period. I even saw the butt grab. She narrowed her blue eyes at me and leaned in, practically begging me without using words to give her details.

    I laughed. You should see your face right now.

    Details. Now, Reese pressed.

    I opened my mouth to say something, but Paxton appeared from nowhere and fell in step beside us. Being a panther shifter gave him a certain amount of stealth that crossed over into his human form.

    Please, for the love of all things holy, give the girl some details, he said, his nose in a book like always. It was a biography on Edgar Allan Poe. My lips pressed into a thin line at the sight of it. The guy was creepy. Hearts in floorboards, ravens, and dreams within dreams? He clearly had issues. I wasn’t sure why Paxton was fascinated by him. She won’t stop blowing my phone up with texts about it. I had to turn it off last period because Mrs. Casen could hear it vibrating in my pocket from across the room and kept giving me the eye. There was a shift in his facial features that made me think he found Reese’s persistent text messages amusing.

    Sorry, but I thought you might know something I didn’t, Reese said. Plus, I was excited Piper finally gained the guy’s attention in a way she wanted. I know I’m always saying how I think there’s something off about him, but you’ve been crushing on him for so long now I got chills when I saw the two of you together looking so intimate. You two looked so stinking cute together. She bumped me with her shoulder.

    Thanks. My eyes fell to the tiled floor of the hallway.

    Oh look, Pax, she’s blushing! Reese pointed out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush before, Piper.

    I rolled my eyes and fought to calm my heartbeat, knowing both of them could hear it hammering against my rib cage. Heightened hearing was something they each harbored. Whatever.

    Spill. Reese elbowed me. You know we’re dying for details and limited on time.

    She was right. On both accounts. Plus, I was eager to share what happened with them. Reese always pestered Paxton for his opinion on all things guy related, but now it was my turn. I met him after first—

    Why? Where were you this morning? Reese cut me off.

    Jasper cloaked my keys again, I grumbled. Mr. Bell gave me detention this afternoon, and he’s calling for a parent meeting tomorrow after school.

    That sucks. Paxton stuck his finger in his book and glanced at me. Does Jasper realize what he’s doing when he does that in the morning? Isn’t it the third or fourth time he’s caused you to be late this quarter?

    Something like that, hence the meeting, I said. We rounded the corner, and I bypassed smacking into a group of girls standing in the way. They were staring at a poster for some club. I’ve told him a thousand times he needs to stop making me late. His response is always the same, ‘You should learn to be faster.’ I did my best impression of my brother. It was horrible. My man voice sucked.

    Reese laughed. Sorry, that voice gets me every time. So does the face you make. You look like you’re constipated!

    Nice. I cleared my throat. Anyway, back to my story. I met Tristan after first period and gave him his card. I did it exactly like I said I wanted too. My heart kick-started in my chest as the memory rushed through my mind.

    She did. I was so dang proud of her. Reese bumped into me as she sidestepped a guy jogging down the hall.

    Did you make what you wanted off him? Paxton asked.

    Yeah. I nodded.

    She also got a butt grab out of the situation. Reese wiggled her brows in a suggestive manner.

    Heat crept up my neck and spread across my face. I did.

    He likes you, Paxton insisted. I’ve already said this to you before.

    I don’t know. I thought he might, since he asked me what I was doing this weekend, but I—

    "He asked what you

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