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Angel Guides, Love Communication
Angel Guides, Love Communication
Angel Guides, Love Communication
Ebook221 pages3 hours

Angel Guides, Love Communication

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"This book is the "medicine" that everyone needs right now-not Tylenol, not Xanax, not Advil." Vania M
Bookworks Book of the Week Award

Get your Angel Groove on! Your Angels and Spirit Guides are waiting to meet, talk and work with you!
Communicate and allow your Angels and Spirit Guides to flow comfort, love, insights, and inspiration. A wonderful life path and to fulfill your soul’s purpose, is your birthright.
Oodles of loving comfort, insights, support and inspiration. Easy and grow at your own pace exercises, an Angel Guides invocation prayer, and a meet, talk and work with your Angel Guides mediation journey and more.
The best of your ancestors and the magic of the cosmos is in your DNA!
Jan Porter is an award-winning author of numerous personal growth and literary fiction books. A seasoned Spiritualist/Metaphysical Minister, Angel workshop facilitator and the author of: "Angel Guides, love communication Workbook", “Soul Calling, your Angel guided life purpose” and numerous literary fiction books.

Angels and spirit guides, How to Communicate, personal spiritual growth, Comfort and Guidance, new age, self-help, spirit guides, comfort, guidance, messages, easy.

PublisherJan Porter
Release dateApr 16, 2021
Angel Guides, Love Communication

Jan Porter

Award-winning author Jan Porter brings unsung heroes to life in her notable collection of award-winning books. A connoisseur of literary fiction with strong female leads, Jan seeks to move and entertain with her humorous and heartwarming novels.Born in rural Ontario, Canada, Jan grew up in the great outdoors where she was captivated by the tales of small-town rural and the northern wilderness. She discovered her destiny to become an author during her teenage years when she came across old copies of Voltaire’s 'Candide', Margaret Caven’s 'I Heard The Owl Call My Name' and the works of Robert Service. The worn pages of old books unearthed a passion for transforming thoughts into stories. Handwritten scribbles became short stories until retiring from a career in Human Services when Jan began to focus on her writing and bring her female protagonists to life.Jan is currently cocooned in a northern Ontario sanctuary, where she pens books with strong female heroines and personal growth books.With each new release, Jan continues to share the wisdom of unsung heroes and explore the human condition in literature. Jan’s popular contemporary women literary fiction novels and personal growth books are profound, heart-warming, moving, inspiring and often humorous must-reads.​Awards:2021 Reader's Favorite 5 Star Award 'Barefoot Alice'2021 Wishing Shelf Book Awards - Best Book Cover Finalist for 'Barefoot Alice'2021 Wishing Shelf Book Awards - Best Adult Fiction Finalist for 'Barefoot Alice'2018 Wishing Shelf Book Awards Finalist for 'Maddy's Wings'Two-time winner of the Bookworks Book of the Week AwardReader’s Favorite Award for ‘Soul Skin, Woman, have you had enough?’ and ‘Angel Guides, love communicationLiterary fiction:Barefoot AliceMaddy’s WingsSoul Skin, Woman, have you had enough?Peaceful Warrior WomanSelf counsel booksAngel Guides, love communicationAngel Guides, love communication – workbookAngel Guides, love communication – journalSoul Calling, your angel-guided life purpose

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    Angel Guides, Love Communication - Jan Porter

    Angel Guides, Love Communication

    Jan Porter

    For J.D. and Marhti.

    Profound gratitude to our Angels and Spirit Guides.

    The best of your ancestors and the magic

    of the cosmos is in your DNA.

    Your body, mind, soul, angel communion

    and happiness is your sacred space.

    Claim all that is good and powerful in life

    and make it your own!

    Angel Guides, love communication, By; Jan Porter,

    Copyright © June 21, 2011, J. I. Porter and M. I. Porter-Crowley.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author.

    Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

    Porter, Jan, 1958-, author, Angel guides love communication: workbook journal

    / Jan Porter. Angels--Miscellanea. 2. Self-realization. I. Title.

    Cover Design By; RebeccaCovers

    The book cover colour and content is designed to radiate vitality, healing wisdom insights, peaceful understanding, and balanced emotions. Clearing the soul of anything less than all that is good and for fulfillment, the power to see, hear and work with your own soul’s higher wisdom intuition, your angel guides, to know and claim your sacred space, to remember who you are as an empowered and inspired spiritual being. Allowing forgiveness, gratitude, and honour to free your mind, body and soul, your blossoming into wholeness.

    This book is a work; presented solely for self-study consideration, providing information, gathered and presented as an opinion by the author. None of the materials or opinions expressed within are intended to replace qualified professional medical, legal and mental health assistance.

    Someone is waiting

    to formally meet you!

    You are always being love smooched by your angels

    and ancestor spirit guides, so pucker up!


    If this book has made its way to you, then either you or someone you care about is at a soul and spiritual crossroads.

    There is a profound comfort, hope, inspiration, and growth imbued into this work via, your own Angel Guides as well as the Angelic Outreach entourage, the editors and me.

    You are more loveable, loved, supported, stronger,

    smarter, intuitive and powerful than you think.

    Consider the following important messages that they wish to impart to you:

    ~ You came into this world with an entourage of angel guides and spirit world friends as well as your own soul’s higher wisdom and intuition.

    ~ Your own soul intuition wisdom and angel guides’ purpose is to comfort, support and guide you along your soul path, to love yourself just as you are.

    ~ Like tuning into an angel-world radio station, communicating with angels, guides, ancestors, masters, and spirited loved ones, it is as simple as an asking thought for the highest guide to making him, her or its presence tangibly known to you or to bring about a solution for the highest good.

    ~ It was not your imagination, you have felt and heard them before.

    ~ They are as easy to recognize as any living person might be, you can see, feel, sense and hear their distinct presence and messages.

    ~ Some of your angel guides maybe a loved one who has passed into the spirit world, an animal or pet, an ancestor, angel, goddess, saint, master and so on.

    ~ They never abandon you; often they are on standby or quietly working behind the scenes.

    ~ Often, they send similar repetitive messages through the words of others, images, symbols and circumstances in the world around us; feathers, re-occurring numbers to get through to our conscious minds or by impressing a soul freeing emotion within us.

    ~ It is not the fault of your soul or angel guides when it appears bad things happen (more on this topic later) you still have life lessons and free will to make your own choices.

    ~ They are most often lovingly playful and have a great sense of humour.

    ~ The more you grow into loving yourself unconditionally and trusting your own soul’s wisdom and intuition, the easier and more profound this heavenly relationship grows.

    Your soul path to working with and living with angelic assistance begins through loving yourself just as you are and allowing the amazing love and insights of your angels and guides, to enter.

    It is my wish that you gain all the love, comfort, insight, inspiration, skills savvy, empowerment, peace of mind, and fulfillment that your soul longs for, and more.

    Be prepared for change.

    Change is not only necessary; it is inevitable and brings opportunities for your most profound soul longings to come to life. In time, calm stability, grace, and inspiration will take a stronger and more profound hold within you that radiates outward into all of life. You will also come to solidify the knowledge that you are where you are supposed to be, and doing what you are supposed to be doing. With practice, you will also come to count on their loving comfort, support, and guidance.

    Getting started, it is as simple as tuning into a radio station, It is just a heartfelt asking thought and it does not need to be a formal or serious prayer or ritual that sets the connection into rapid motion. It is profoundly helpful to let go of past hurts and regrets while allowing in more fun, fulfilling activities and gratitude. Gratitude is the attitude that connects and dials you in.

    "The world breaks everyone, and afterward,

    some are strong at the broken places."

    Ernest Hemingway

    What I have come to personally know

    ~ No one else dictates if your angel guides exist or not, you do!

    ~ No one else dictates if you get to have a conscious loving personal angel guide relationship; you do!

    ~There is no human rule, structure, religion, school of thought that rules above your own soul’s natural higher wisdom and connection with your angel guides and the divine flow of all that is; you do!

    ~ Play and living in the divine flow, harnessing your soul wisdom and growing your angel guide relationship is simply a matter of forgetting all the judgments, thoughts and feelings of shame, guilt, unworthiness and audaciously aiming for it and claiming it for yourself!

    ~ There is no one golden rule book of what angel guides look like nor are there categories to contain them all. One person may have an affinity for ancestors, while others may have masters, or spirit loved ones, animals and so on. Viva la diversity!

    ~ This is all your own sacred space that includes your own thoughts, feelings, body, interests, and activities that give you joy and fulfillment.

    What I love most in communing and working with my angels, is in knowing that I am never alone. My life and work are important to me, thus important to the rest of the world in some capacity. I do not have to figure it all out on my own and there will always be more to learn. I absolutely love their influential presence that I often experienced as loving comfort, inspiration, wit, humour, and sometimes slapstick comedic antics. It need not always be serious.

    We live in a world of phenomenal change and change in social consciousness. With inner and outer change and growth come wisdom and inspiration. Nothing is forced; it is a simple allowing of their assistance. A natural process takes place where old hurts that once interfered with life, dissipate with insight and wisdom. You will find yourself making new choices about who you really are and who you want to be forward. You will let go of frantic activity and meaningless obligations and shift focus to what activities you sincerely enjoy and want to spend time doing. In time, fulfillment transforms into a completely new lifestyle of using your skills, abilities, and interests that have either been stunted or that you did not know that was within you.

    It has been many years since I first wrote and taught the original workshop on this topic, entitled ‘Basking with the Angels.’ In days of old and not so long ago, much healing occurred over a friendly cup of tea with angel connected soul sisters and a whispering caring wise ear. Memories flashback in my mind's eye of handwriting and scribbling copious amounts of angel whispering notes late into the night and then months later, typewriting wildly while my young children slept. It was one little workshop with a grand vision to share, offer insights and healing. It surely has had a wondrous journey. Ten years later, this book version arose.

    As I write, I can feel, hear and see three unlikely companions: first, there is an entourage of an ancient multi-cultural sisterhood with an infusion of Arch Angel Ariel’s magical presence, sparkling and vibrant with magenta’s, indigo’s and harmonious music. There is also a white wolf-woman who is a shapeshifter teacher and loyal companion. Behind these amazing women, are the masculine masters who bring balance to all projects, such as Father Joseph, a crow and a deer, all of which constitute the Angelic Outreach.

    It is with profound love that we collectively now offer this material to all who seek their angel guide connection, communion, wholeness, spiritual growth, and fulfillment.

    Snippets of my own journey are woven within the healing concepts of Earth Angels 101. Just as it is in all aspects of life, we are all connected and interconnected. The details of my own unique journey occurred so long ago that it all seems but a glimpse of another lifetime, someone else's lifetime. Most incidents of the past have long since held my attention, save for those precious moments that I have loved. I am happy to look back and know that while I never completely forget, I strive to disallow past events to define who I am now and who I am becoming. In fact, looking back on painful times, I can see that my angels were beside me, coach whispering. My attention and awareness are magnetically drawn to the angel guide and natural spirit realm, much like tuning into that one amazing radio station, I cannot help but long for more. When I get too busy or distracted by a human drama, I start to feel like rap very quickly; this is my cue that I am off track and must get back into alignment and on the right path.

    I include philosophical spiritual insights into the spiritual path with some reference to modern science or quantum physics because the bigger picture is typically at some crossroad in everyone’s journey. It is important to know that while you may feel alone, it is a fact that they are there with encouragement, hope, and higher care. We are all, always connected to each other and to something bigger. Life is an intimate soul journey, so take only what you need that gives you hope, insight and value from the following pages and leave the rest.

    If you are uncomfortable with the notion of a loving God, Creator, Goddess or higher intelligence and any references offend your non-secular senses, simply replace the word in question with one that feels more comfortable for you now.

    After some thirty years in the human services and world religions fields, I am continually amazed at the human spirit's natural astounding capabilities to transcend the most extraordinary of adversities. I have a profound appreciation for those on a spiritual journey and of what it means to overcome adversity in a practical, spiritual and most importantly, authentic way of experiencing angelic assistance.

    I envision a new path of hope as we grow and evolve into a global community who functions as 'One' caring cooperative community while honouring an inclusive cultural diversity. I also envision a world where the teachings enclosed, are openly taught to small children and grown, might they never lose their own divine flow and angel guide connection.

    Each person's life and spiritual path is as unique as our fingerprints and what works for one may differ from another. It is interesting to note that, at the core of most traditions, religions, and philosophies lay fundamental similarities that despite varying interpretations and different terminology, their principles and philosophies, for happiness, fulfillment, and wholeness are remarkably similar and universal. We are all in this life together and must respectfully take care of each other, have necessities of life and opportunity to contribute in whatever capacity they are able. Since ancient times, nothing heals so wondrously as loving yourself and positive caring supportive relationships with others. You are an angel guide in the physical world, yes, equals.

    Always aim for your highest good. Love yourself unconditionally, as your angels wish for you. Do what inspires you, what you love to do. Be grateful for all miracles and what you do have. Happiness is an attitude of gratitude. Love all of life.

    Once you begin to allow conscious angelic guide assistance in, your life will change in miraculous ways!

    Blessings from Angelic Outreach and moi.

    Your mind, body, and soul are Sacred Space.

    Honour this, always!

    Chapter 1 ~ Your Happiness is Sacred

    Imagine finding out that your DNA tests indicate that you are a descendant from a long line of powerful wise loving ancient sisterhoods (or brotherhoods), healers, mystics, saints, peaceful warriors and visionaries. You are of this lineage and do have access to this amazing resource within your cellular memory.

    Many years ago, the adage that ‘Happiness is Sacred’ became one treasured mantra. I have walked many, many miles in my own journey and now with the fortitude of post menopause (chuckle as you may), brings a very different objective sense of discerning grace, faith, passion, and confidence. I have sincerely grown to accept and appreciate what I once considered as my flaws, quirks, cyclical issues and mistakes. Most importantly, I have long accepted most dramas and misunderstandings as aspects of Life 101 gift lessons. The older I grow, the more I appreciate family and soul women friends who may not belong to the enlightened millionaires club but are treasured.

    With Mom in spirit world now, there is not a day that goes by that I do not feel, sense, see and hear her loving comfort and guidance. There is no mistaking her distinct personality, touch, and voice. I talk with her normally, knowing that there is only physical death, her spirit and expanded objectivity in the spirit world gives her a higher vantage point than my three-dimensional world. This love bond relationship from the spirit world gives a completely new and higher depth extension to her comforting presence. Having a loved one in spirit exponentially brings you to profound experiences in knowing divine unconditional love. Therefore the allowing is a doorway to a higher angelic, spirit world consciousness above religion, science, and philosophy that surpasses prior comprehension. There is no mistaking her loving presence, the touch of her hand or hug and distinct sarcastic humour, I am profoundly grateful. Along with acknowledging and growing in awareness of her presence, there are guides, masters, ancestors, and angels who continue to grow in deeper communion.

    At this juncture, without doubt, it is all of my soul loved ones and friends along life’s path that exemplifies what I would consider ‘angels’. Now sharing with you, a summer has passed without a lawnmower, yet a neighbour seeking no financial remuneration or gratitude otherwise has consistently tended to my lawn care. Ah, it is the simple gifts in life that remind us of all the good in people and the world around us and today there are simply too many to articulate here.

    Oh, and please, if any of the terms or words offends your religious or non-secular sensibilities do not get your knickers in a twist; simply replace the offending word with one you are comfortable with. This contribution is not intended to be a religious exercise or new age regurgitation; it is simply a love offering. What I do know for certain is that constant prayer invocation and gratitude for the healing of self and love of self is

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