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Cursed- A Dark Werewolf Romance from The Broken Immortals Series (Book 2)
Cursed- A Dark Werewolf Romance from The Broken Immortals Series (Book 2)
Cursed- A Dark Werewolf Romance from The Broken Immortals Series (Book 2)
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Cursed- A Dark Werewolf Romance from The Broken Immortals Series (Book 2)

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Ben Logan wakes up in a strange bed with a stab wound in his chest, but no memory of how he got there or what happened to him. Still, the strangest part of it all is that he can no longer shift or communicate with the wolf that lives inside him.

Haunted by a beautiful woman each night, Ben becomes more hopeless while he spends his days as a caretaker for the Order’s wealthy elite. After performing some maintenance on his favorite house, he steps out of the Georgia mansion and comes face to face with the woman of his dreams. But when the cruel hand of Fate binds you to the one who damned you, finding your soul mate is a curse.

Cursed is the second book in The Immortals Series. In this Dark Fantasy and Paranormal Romance series of stories, you’ll meet a cast of broken, but loveable witches, werewolves, and Immortals trying their best to save the world.

PublisherJessica White
Release dateApr 28, 2021
Cursed- A Dark Werewolf Romance from The Broken Immortals Series (Book 2)

Jessica White

Author Jessica White - Unveiling Dark Fantasies and Steamy Romance in Small Towns? Welcome to the enchanting world of Jessica White, where the world comes alive with dark immortals, small-town secrets, and sizzling romance. As a passionate storyteller, Jessica weaves tales that transport you to realms unknown, blending dark fantasy, steamy romance, and heart-pounding suspense.? Series Highlights:•The Broken Immortals: Journey into a realm where immortality comes with a price, and forbidden desires ignite a war between light and darkness.•Stories from the Realm: Explore mystical landscapes and unearth the secrets that bind magical beings in this captivating series.•Love Stories from a Small Town: Immerse yourself in the charm of small-town romance, where love blossoms amidst close-knit communities.?‍? About the Author: Jessica, a former Registered Nurse turned masterful storyteller, hails from the breathtaking landscapes of West Virginia. Her graduate degree in Business Administration adds a strategic touch to her narrative prowess. Beyond crafting tales, Jessica is captivated by metaphysical wonders, the beauty of nature, irresistible buttercream icing, and the magic of Harry Potter (still waiting for that letter!).? Stay Updated: Curious about Jessica's upcoming releases? Explore Jessica's world beyond the pages. Follow her journey on and sign up for exclusive email alerts. Be the first to dive into new worlds and discover fresh tales of love, mystery, and fantasy.? Connect with Jessica: Have questions or just want to share your thoughts? Reach out to Jessica at

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    Book preview

    Cursed- A Dark Werewolf Romance from The Broken Immortals Series (Book 2) - Jessica White


    It’s You

    Achestnut-haired beauty pressed her hands against her back and stretched away from the pain of sitting in a wagon for four straight days. My ass is sore, Thorin. Are we almost there?

    The man beside her with matching hair rolled his green eyes away from her newest complaint while the words lingered in the sultry Louisiana August morning. Not much longer now, Sweet Girl.

    It finally dawned on her that the only scenery they passed so far was farmland, and she sighed as her fat, red lips pouted. Please tell me there’s some proper shopping and entertainment here. I don’t want to just sit around talking to you all day.

    The leather straps pulled tighter around his fist as he tried not to snap at his ordinarily pleasant sister. I understand a young woman being stuck out here in the country with nothing to do can’t be easy, but we’re in hiding. Remember?

    A house came into view through the trees, and he nudged her with his elbow. We’re home.

    With a quick yank on the reins, the horse pulled right as he made the turn for the drive, and the weeping willow trees lining the driveway presented them with a white-washed French Colonial. She gasped and threw her hand dramatically over her chest. Oh, Thorin. Her hands clapped together, and she pointed at the porch. Look at that swing. I love it.

    After trotting around their driveway circle, the steed stopped at the front porch. The dapper gentleman’s perfectly combed hair fell over his eyes as he jumped down from the seat, and he gave his curly locks a push back with his hands before he gave one to Imara. Go on in and air the place out.

    Little clouds of road dust puffed from her skirt as her palms patted it down, and her eyes darted over the old house. Yes, sir, this will do fine.

    It took a few slaps of her palm against the key to make the lock click, but eventually, the door popped open. The stench of the dusty old house that was closed up too long poured from the door, and Imara coughed as she swatted it away. Lord have mercy. Thorin, can you bring me my bag, please? It needs proper saging. This place is full of spirits.

    As he chuckled at her childish fears, he leaned across the buggy and grabbed her bag from the floor. We’re witches, for Pete’s sake.

    The horse pulling down the drive whinnied, and Thorin narrowed his eyes at the wagon, leaving a trail of dust in its wake. He jogged up the stairs and tossed the bag into her arms. Here you go. His hands rested on his hips as he smiled and inched away. Now, when you’re all done chasing away the boogedyman, can you come out and help us with the crates and bags? They’re coming down the road now.

    The back of her hand waved him off as she crossed the threshold and glanced around the foyer. I won’t be long.

    With a snap of her fingers, the bundle of sage she pulled from her bag smoked, and she waved it about the rooms as she passed through each one, peeking through one eye while she navigated her way through the house. Begone, all of you. You don’t live here anymore.

    Thorin was waiting for her with the sheets he’d removed from the furniture in his arms when she rounded the corner. So, what are your thoughts?

    Her slightly upturned nose wrinkled as she nodded. I got a good feeling. Better things are coming for us.

    The giant of a human wearing denim overalls carried a trunk through the door on his shoulder like a bag of feathers. Where should I put this?

    Imara nodded to the other side of the foyer and waved her hand. The kitchen’s this way.

    The scuffs of her soft leather shoes across the wooden floor got Shaw’s attention, and he glanced up to see her smiling at him as she inched backward. What do you think, Shaw?

    He set the trunk on the floor as the thin, blonde butler squeezed around him and laid a crate on the table. A red handkerchief blotted the sweat off Shaw’s bald head, and he shrugged. Not a lot of neighbors. Seems safe enough. You like it?

    Little hands came together at her chin as if she were praying he’d say yes. I do. Maybe we could stay here a while this time.

    A smirk and a hot puff of air shot from his mouth as he wiped his neck and wagged his finger. Don’t go falling in love with this place. This is the third time we’ve moved this year.

    Sighing, she slumped into a chair and puckered her lips in disappointment. Who’s going to come looking for us out here in the boondocks?

    His massive hand wrapped around her jaw as he lifted it to meet his eyes when he bent down. Things are safe when I say they are.

    A plump woman with fiery orange hair set down a stack of dishes on the sideboard and shoved her fists on her hips as she narrowed her eyes at the two of them. Are you going to help me? We have deliveries coming and nowhere to put them.

    Yes, Miss Sofia. Imara tucked her hair behind her ear and stepped out the side door to find Thomas with a box ready to hand her.

    His blue eyes met her green ones, and he gave her a disapproving shake of his head. You’re far too old to have Shaw dictating your life to you. You should be off having your own adventures.

    She pulled the box against her chest and scoffed at the thought of it. They treat me like a child.

    Shaw jerked another trunk from the wagon with the grit of his teeth and placed it on his shoulder. Stop flapping your gums and move your ass.

    The Englishman pushed his curly blonde hair back on his head and pointed at Shaw. You’re not her father or any kind of relative at all. It isn’t your place to talk to her that way.

    It wasn’t the first time someone reminded him of his family role, but Shaw didn’t care what anyone thought. I’ve been watching over her since the day she was born. I’m as much her father as anyone.

    The blast of increasingly brutal summer heat slapped Imara’s face as she returned through the kitchen door, where Thorin was inspecting the home. With his arms crossed, Shaw shook his head and inched away from the limb sticking out of the roof. We’re going to need a few workers. Someone has to climb up there, and I’m sure as hell not doing it.

    A throaty cackle came from the handsome witch as Thorin grabbed the big man’s arm for support when he bent over laughing. I never thought I’d live to see the day. He sighed and wiped the tears from his eyes as he tried to compose himself. A giant ass man like you afraid of heights.

    He nearly fell when Shaw shoved his hand into his arm and pushed him away. Shut up, asshole.

    The beating of hooves on the ground made Imara cup her hand over her eyes to shield them from the sun as she peeked down the driveway. A wagon with a lone rider stopped before them, and the black-haired driver hopped down from the carriage when he saw her standing there. It’s you.


    The Farmer

    The jolt of the tall, dark stranger’s feet hitting the ground was like a bolt of lightning charging through the earth between them, straight to the young witch’s nerves. She shifted her feet to keep steady when the quake came to her legs. Still, they buckled as his will to be seen commanded her to submit to him.

    The bright sun hit his broad shoulders, and Imara could make out the lines of his perfect muscles through his dirty, tattered shirt. Every step closer he came brought a flip-flop to her heart, and her knees grew weaker.

    Imara glowed like a wildfire while she stood there bathed in sunlight, and he slid his fingertips through his hair to catch a better glimpse of her magic. A hot breeze caught her body, carrying the scent of apple pie as the trembling man walked through it. He understood then and there that she belonged to him.

    Peeling his eyes away from her long enough to offer his hand to the man beside her, Ben lifted his chin to Thorin. Mr. Parker. I’m Ben Logan.

    Oh yes. Thank you for coming on such short notice. After shaking his hand, Thorin pointed at him as he glanced at his sister. Imara, this is Ben. His family runs the farm right down the road from us. Dark eyes burned with jealousy as they minded every movement Thorin made as he moved his hand around her back and tugged her to his chest. Why don’t you say hello to the nice man, Sweet Girl?

    The farmer held his hand over his breaking heart as if he could catch each piece while it fell to the ground, and his eyes followed along as he tipped his head to her. Mrs. Parker.

    A blast of high-pitched laughter came from the pit of her stomach, and her hand slapped her chest as she waved the other one in front of her. Good Lord, no.

    A mouthful of perfect white teeth smiled at the confused deliveryman as Thorin shook his head. No, sir. This lovely creature standing beside me is my sister. She wiped her eyes with her fingertips until Thorin nudged her with his elbow. Imara, would you be so kind as to introduce Ben to Sofia?

    Yes, of course, I will. After she fanned her face and dried her eyes, she nodded to the house. Every primal instinct Ben possessed kicked into gear when her fingers met his arm to bring him along with her. Please, come with me, sir.

    Tingles spread over her back while she led him around the side of the house, and she realized he was watching her move. She glanced back to find his eyes on her bottom, but they snapped up to hers as soon as Sofia’s voice came from the kitchen.

    A blue dishtowel took a quick swipe of the inside of a cup before Sofia draped it over her shoulder and held out her hand. How do you do?

    Like he was dead for a hundred years, and she was the hand of God, each cell of Ben’s body instantly sprung to life when Imara touched his back. Sofia, this is Ben Logan from the farm down the lane. It left behind a cold ache that seeped deep into his bones when she snatched her healing hand away and swept it outward. Mr. Logan, this is our cook, Miss Sofia.

    Every good manner he ever learned disappeared when his thumb motioned behind him without ever taking his eyes off Imara. I have your grocery delivery, ma’am.

    Her wise blue eyes darted between the two awkward souls gazing at each other in front of her and nodded to the kitchen door. You can bring it around the side here, dear.

    The witch fidgeted with the charm on her necklace while she explored every inch of her new admirer until he cleared his throat when he caught her. The alabaster skin on her face became the deepest shade of pink as she blinked away, but he tugged at her fingers and breathed across her ear before he left. I’ll be right back.

    When he rounded the corner of the house and disappeared, she fanned her face and turned into Sofia’s arms. Great balls of fire.

    A shrill cackle came from Sofia’s nose as she rested her chin on the top of Imara’s head. Yes, he’s quite a handsome fella. Isn’t he?

    Sofia rocked her back and forth, and Imara laughed at how her own body turned against her. My knees are shaking.

    Chubby hands slid to Imara’s shoulders as Sofia pushed her back and met her eyes. Yes, I think he was feeling the same.

    The healer’s hand slid over her heart to soothe the flutter, only to have it kick back in when the wagon’s wheels rattled as they circled the driveway. Really? How can you tell?

    She tugged Imara out of the way and whispered in her ear as the wagon stopped in front of them. He was breathing so hard I thought he might faint right here on the ground.

    Sofia passed through the doorway to clear a space and give them privacy when Ben climbed from the carriage. The only words that came when Imara opened her mouth to speak were the ones her brother yelled as he came looking for her. Imara.

    Just a moment, Ben. She held up a thin, shivering finger and peeked around his shoulder. Yes. Did you need something?

    Still buttoning his vest when Thorin came to her side, he nodded at Ben before he tucked in his watch and pressed his fists on his hips. I need to run into town to find someone to help fix the roof. Would you like to ride along and keep me company?

    Two fingers waved back and forth as Ben broke into their conversation. I can do that for you, Mr. Parker.

    The charming wizard had never met a stranger, and he wrapped his arm around Ben’s shoulder like they were already family. Well, that would be fantastic. He rubbed the stubble on his chin and shrugged as he stepped away. Whenever you have a spare moment, of course. With his lips twisted, Thorin lifted his eyes to the branch and shook his head. Do you have someone who can help you? Our caretaker is afraid of heights.

    Um, yeah. Barely able to keep his eyes off Imara, Ben tried to shake off the spell he was under. No problem at all. I don’t have anything going on tomorrow afternoon. We can come after our morning work.

    Thorin cringed a little when he realized what he’d walked in on, and he gripped Imara’s elbow. Come, Imara. Let’s stop bothering Mr. Logan so he can get his work done. He’s probably eager to get back home to his family.

    He pressed his hand on her back to usher her away, but she glanced over her shoulder and wiggled her fingers. Goodbye, Ben.

    Before it drifted off into the breeze, he stole one last deep breath of her, and it was like the first lungful he ever had in his life. The blast of Imara’s life force entering his blood made him stumble back into the wooden bed of his cart, and a burning ache spread through his chest that made him grab his heart as she turned the corner. I’ll see you tomorrow.



    A re you sure this is alright, Sofia? The rush of air she made as Imara rushed through the kitchen, straightening her skirt, blew the little orange curly hairs off Sofia’s neck. Ugh. I look like a little girl.

    Round, freckled cheeks turned from the sink and leaned back to check Imara over. You’d make a potato sack seem like a ballgown. Besides, he’ll be here to work, not to stare at you all day. And, trust me, no man alive would ever mistake you for a child.

    A pink tongue slid across the witch’s palm, then pulled at the stray curl she could never smooth down as she caught her reflection in the window. I’m so nervous. My hands are shaking like a leaf. Here, feel them.

    After she wiped her hands on her apron, Sofia felt her cold fingertips. Bless your heart; they’re freezing.

    I can’t help it. The back of Imara’s shaking hand pressed against her forehead. Maybe I’m fevered.

    The plump cook pushed Imara’s hair off her shoulder and shook her head. There isn’t anything wrong with you. This is love. That little cherub done shot you right in the ass.

    Horse’s hooves started up the drive, and the smile she gave Sofia fell from her face. The louder they became, the faster her heart raced. He’s here. Should I go out there and say hello? I don’t want to be a bother, but...

    But you want to see him. Her teeth held down her pouty bottom lip as Imara nodded, and her eyes fell to the floor. Sofia tapped her little nose with her finger to draw back her attention. Trust me. He’s going to figure out a way to catch a glimpse of you, Sweet Girl. Men are hunters. He’ll want to take a gander at his prey before he leaves here today.

    A silly smile came to her lips, and she rolled her eyes away. I suppose I can make myself useful in the meantime. The chain wiggled under her fingertips as she yanked it from her chest. What can I do to keep myself out of trouble?

    Sofia returned to chopping vegetables for tonight’s meal but pointed her knife at the window. You wanted to get your garden started. Why don’t you ask if Shaw can help you since he’s too yellow to go up on the roof like a real man?

    Like a burglar making sure the coast was clear, Imara peeked out the doorway and breathed a sigh of relief when she realized Ben wasn’t there. The crunchy grass bent under the soles of her shoes as she inched across the yard, where Shaw was digging a hole for a new fence post. Shaw, when you’re finished with that, can you help me find a place to plant my garden?

    A red handkerchief blotted his forehead as he leaned on the handle of his shovel. "Of course,

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