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Can a message in a bottle lead to love?

Twelve friends from the online group, Romantic Hearts Book Club, decide to finally meet in person during a destination Caribbean vacation to beautiful Enchanted Island. While of different ages and stages in life, these ladies have two things in common: 1) they are diehard romantics, and 2) they’ve been let down by love. As a wildly silly dare during her last night on the island, each heroine decides to stuff a note in a bottle addressed to her “dream hero” and cast it out to sea!

Almost two years later...
Jon Whitfield “landed” the message in a bottle on a fishing vacation with his buddies, but it disappeared before he could decide whether to respond. Now he's on a road trip with Kim Rose, whose gratitude in spite of a painful past reminds him of the touching note he wishes he’d kept.

Release dateApr 28, 2021

Magdalena Scott

USA Today Bestselling Author Magdalena Scott writes sweet romance and romantic women's fiction.A lifelong resident of Small Town America, she invites readers into her world to find out what’s hidden just below the surface of those tiny dots barely visible on the map. Romance, mystery, and the journey to be one's best self are all part of a day in her neighborhood. Readers have commented that they'd like to move to the imaginary towns Magdalena writes about, which she takes as high praise indeed.Magdalena is a practicing minimalist, having downsized from a 3,000 square foot house to a studio apartment, where her Giant Closet continues to resist taming. When not writing at home, she loves to travel--carry on baggage only--and is always pleasantly surprised at the kindness of strangers.

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    Kim - Magdalena Scott


    Beach Brides Series


    Magdalena Scott

    Copyright page: Kim

    Beach Brides Series

    Copyright 2017 - Magdalena Scott

    WARNING: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work, in whole or in part, in any form, is illegal and forbidden without the written permission of the author, Magdalena Scott.

    This is a work of fiction. Characters, settings, names, and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, places, settings, or occurrences is purely coincidental.

    Digital Release July 2017



    Published by Jewel Box Books

    Edited by Karen Block

    Cover Design by Raine English

    Elusive Dreams Designs

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve


    About the Author

    Other Books by Magdalena Scott


    Kim’s message in a bottle...

    I’m writing this letter under protest because a bunch of my friends are each writing one. And no, I don’t need to hear the old question, If your friends were jumping off a cliff, would you jump too?

    Answer: No. But I would write this silly letter.

    FYI—I don’t expect this bottle to be found by the man of my dreams. Though I’ve had some rocky times, I am not desperate for romance.

    I have a great career, friends, and a life I enjoy. Also, a cat who occasionally lets me pet him. So, you can see that I’ll probably be much too busy and happy to become involved with you when you read this sometime in the future.

    This is just fair warning because I am a sincere person. If you are married, please burn or shred this note. Or you can seal it back in the bottle and chuck it into the ocean again if you’re the romantic type.

    If you are not married or in a relationship and want to be my email pen pal, I might be open to that. But lets be realistic. We probably have zero in common beyond a possible scientific curiosity, re: bottle floating from where I tossed it to wherever you found it.

    It makes me think, for some reason, of Star Wars. Are you a fan of sci-fi?

    Do you believe people are fated to specific experiences?

    And do you believe it’s essential to stand by someone even when leaving is immeasurably easier? If your answer to this question is no, please forget this bottle came into your life.

    Yours truly (because how else should I close this?)


    P.S. The girls are watching to make sure I fill up the page. Otherwise, I would have written less.

    Like this:

    Hi. I don’t believe you’re out there.

    Chapter One

    The patio of Tony’s Macaroni in Serendipity, Indiana, was busy tonight. Having already placed their order, Kim Rose sipped red wine, letting the rich, warm liquid slide down her throat as she anticipated a delicious meal. The day had been hot and humid, but now it was perfect. A gentle breeze teased her with the rich, spicy smell of the neighboring table’s lasagna. Relaxing while she awaited her friend’s arrival, Kim allowed her gaze to drift around the seating area. For a long moment, her eyes rested on a couple whose body language and rapt conversation suggested they were in a romantic world of their own.

    Her jaw clenching, she dragged her attention to the hanging baskets of bright flowers suspended from the gazebo’s ceiling. Kim wouldn’t allow herself to focus on or dream about romance for herself. She’d learned the hard way that even when you think you’re in love, the other person can end it in an instant.

    Extra points to the ex-boyfriend if he dumps you at the worst possible moment of your life.

    Kim’s attention returned to the present when a car horn honked. Emily Standish pulled out the chair opposite her while waving and calling out a greeting to the people in the passing vehicle.

    Emily tossed her handbag onto an empty chair. Hey, sorry I’m late. I dropped Isabel with her Grandma Lillian, and we got started talking B&B stuff. We’re so busy we may need to add more tiny cabins.

    Awesome. I still can’t get over tiny cabins sprinkled around a Christmas tree farm serving as sleeping rooms for a B&B. Super cute. It could be romantic too, for some people.

    Emily poured wine into her stemmed glass. Thanks. It keeps me busy while allowing me time with Isabel. Plus, working on the farm with the family is the best.

    "Back to a minute ago. Emily, do you know who that was that honked? Or did you wave just in case you knew?"

    Emily grinned. Her name is Lauren. One of her sisters was in my high school class.

    Kim shook her head in amazement. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to small-town living. You seem to have a connection to everyone you see.

    Emily leaned back in her chair, smiling. After all, I’ve lived here my whole life. But, Kim, you know more people every day. Emily tipped her head, her brow furrowed. I hope you’re not second-guessing your decision to move to Serendipity.

    Laughing, Kim set down her glass and reached out her right hand as if to shake Emily’s in an introduction. "Hello? Have you met me? I don’t do second-guessing. Life is way too short for that. I’m still in the adjustment period, that’s all. For years, Kim had lived and worked in New Albany, Indiana, a vibrant community near Louisville, Kentucky’s culture, shopping, and dining opportunities. Except for the incredible speed of the gossip tree, everything in Serendipity moved at a slower pace. Life’s good here, just different. I’m learning how it works."

    Emily nodded, looking relieved. Remember I warned you of what to expect when I told you the local hospital was looking for nurses.

    And I told you I was ready for a drastic change.

    Too many places in New Albany reminded her of her former boyfriend or the mother she’d lost to cancer. Serendipity was tiny, adorable, and friendly, with no unsettling memories attached. The perfect change at the ideal time. Kim started to count blessings on her fingers. Let’s see. I have a good job, a little house within walking distance of the hospital, and a cat who almost tolerates me. She stopped counting, then clinked her glass to Emily’s. And a best friend who likes wine. It doesn’t get much better than that, even if I’m never able to call every one of Serendipity’s six thousand citizens by name.

    Emily cringed. In my sordid past, I probably called a few of them some names I shouldn’t have. Good thing you dragged me down the road to recovery after my car wreck and helped me change my attitude. She shook her head in dismay. Sometimes, I can’t believe how rotten I was back in the day.

    Kim shook her head, glad for the change in subject. Before becoming a nurse, she was an aid in the facility where Emily was sent for physical therapy and rehabilitation. At first, nobody wanted to be around the angry, bitter young woman. "Let’s just say you were one

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