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Serenaded by the Alien Vampire Rock Star
Serenaded by the Alien Vampire Rock Star
Serenaded by the Alien Vampire Rock Star
Ebook116 pages2 hours

Serenaded by the Alien Vampire Rock Star

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About this ebook

After Irene Beckham accidentally discovers rock star Ace Hendrix’s big secret, she wakes up in his bedroom without any memory of how she got there. As flashes of her memory of the night before return, Ace makes her an offer. Let him suck her blood, and he’ll make her a wealthy woman if she can stay quiet about it. Ace even proves to her he didn’t take advantage of her the night before.

When the press gets wind of Ace’s new fling, Irene decides she’s not the right woman for him, but Ace knows they’re meant to be together. He doesn’t care what the paparazzi says, he has to have her in his life no matter the cost.
Release dateNov 19, 2020
Serenaded by the Alien Vampire Rock Star

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    Book preview

    Serenaded by the Alien Vampire Rock Star - Crymsyn Hart


    Chapter One

    Irene adjusted her glasses once more and bit her lip to keep from sighing out of boredom. A line of anxious women stretched from the stage into the seat aisles, waiting to get a glimpse of rocker Ace Hendrix. She fiddled with the badge around her neck awarding her the golden opportunity to meet the singer. Squeals from teenagers nearly made her ears bleed. All the excitement grated on her nerves. Bev, the friend who got her the pass, went along with the throng being as shrill as the others. Bev had a thing for Ace. The crowd parted and the shrieks grew into a cacophony.

    Oh. My. God! There he is. I want to lick him all up, Bev yelled into her ear.

    Irene winced as she caught a glimpse of the rocker. With the leather boots on, he towered over his fans at nearly seven feet tall. Skintight leather pants encased his athletic legs. If the waist went any lower his dick would be hanging out. His brown hair was pulled back into a short ponytail showing off his angled face. He wore a red vest he left unbuttoned, showing off his toned physique and hairless chest. A mass of silver chains hung around his neck like thin snakes curling together. He flashed the crowd a halfcocked smile and the women went mad again.

    He’s okay, if you’re into the emaciated look. Irene took another look at him.

    "Of course, you’re into men who read star warrior books and dress up in fake armor. They wear superhero T-shirts and spend all day parading around at your weekend conventions pretending to be something else." Bev gave her a halfhearted smile.

    If I had known your true feelings beforehand, then I wouldn’t have invited you to conventions. I thought you enjoyed them. It’s where we met. Not every guy I date is a nerd.

    The last three were. Hush, it’s almost our turn.

    I’m not going to hush. You’ve been silencing me for years. When Trish and Alexa bailed on you again, I came with you. I’m sick of being your last choice. I’m done being your tagalong. Irene finally realized Bev had been using her.

    Bev took her arm and yanked Irene closer. I don’t need you making a scene, Irene. I’m here to see Ace and I don’t need you screwing it up.

    The cacophony of the music and the women screaming again made her head hurt. Irene took off her glasses and cleaned them on her shirt. Someone bumped into her, causing her to drop them. Shit. She bent over to pick them up, but the crowd moved forward as the women squished together to get closer to Ace. Squinting, she patted the ground trying to find them, when another volley of squeals erupted behind her. The blurred pavement gave way to black, rounded leather boots, and then fingers held out her glasses.

    Looking for these?

    She took them from the stranger and settled them back on her nose. The left lens was cracked, and the right arm bent. Thanks, she grumbled.

    You’re welcome.

    Irene focused through the cracks. Ace Hendrix had returned her glasses. Bev elbowed her side as Irene forced a smile.

    Looks like those are pretty busted up. I think it’s my fault. Why don’t you and your friend come backstage for the show? It’s the least I can do.

    I --

    Irene, come on, Bev said through gritted teeth.

    I won’t hear the end of it from her if I say no, and I’m not in the mood to argue. That’d be great. Thanks, Mr. Hendrix.

    Nicole’ll get you situated. I have to get ready. Ow! It’s gonna be one helluva show! He winked at her and spun around on his heel, heading into the wings of the stage. A short, blonde woman holding a clipboard stepped forward with two lanyards in her hand.

    Hi, I’m Nicole, Ace’s assistant. These will get you into anywhere in the theater.

    Bev snatched them from Nicole and threw one at Irene. Thank you so much. It’s so nice of Ace to invite us backstage after what happened to my friend.

    Irene rolled her eyes. Nicole waved them onward. Come this way, please.

    Gladly, Irene muttered. She followed Nicole backstage among the stagehands and the rest of the crew. Nicole stopped in a room littered with food and people relaxing on several couches.

    You can stay in here while the crew sets up. There’s water. Help yourself to some of the food. Oh, and here are some earplugs for when they get started. It gets really loud. Nicole handed them the earplugs.

    Thanks. Irene attempted to fight a headache as her eyes tried to adapt to seeing through the cracked lens. Bev grabbed her and led her over to an empty couch. It did feel good to sit down after standing for so long.

    This is amazing. I can’t believe you scored us these passes. I mean no one gets to come in here unless they’re crew.

    Yeah, it’s great. All it took was a crazy mob breaking my glasses. Irene took off her glasses and tried to mend them, but the arm only bent more. She stopped trying.

    Don’t be such a sour puss. Try to have some fun!

    This is really your thing. I can’t see, so that makes it even worse. The world is a little blurry and cracked.

    The lights flickered and went out completely. The echo of a guitar riff resounded from the stage. The sound made her jump and it shut Bev up. Irene put in her earplugs. The sound was dampened, but she could still hear the music. She didn’t dislike the songs. They weren’t her kind of music. Bev tugged at her arm and motioned for her to come out to the stage so they could watch the band play. Irene shook her head.

    I gotta pee. I’ll be back. Irene wound her way through the people hanging around but found her way farther backstage. As the sound of the music lessened, she pulled out her earplugs. The low lighting made it difficult for her to make out the signs on the doors. With her glasses askew and struggling to see, Irene saw a blurry sign for the restroom. Thank God. She pushed the door open and heard a groan.

    Irene stopped when she realized two people were in the room. She could make out the tall form of Ace and his assistant Nicole locked together. Ace had his arm around Nicole and his lips on her throat. Nicole moaned, but Ace seemed too busy sucking on her neck to notice.

    Oh shit. I thought this was the bathroom. I can barely see anything.

    He looked up. He licked Nicole’s neck, but it seemed his tongue looked longer than it should have been. Irene wasn’t sure what she saw because it blurred. What are you doing here? Ace asked.

    Sorry. I got the wrong door. Irene backed away. Ace released Nicole, who stumbled into a chair. Ace closed the door. Up close, his skin color appeared off. Under the red vest his flesh turned green. Even with her glasses being messed up, she could see it. What the fuck?

    I wish you hadn’t come in here. You saw me with Nicole, and now I can’t let you go. Ace grabbed her and pulled her toward him. He wrenched her neck to the side.

    Irene tried to get away, but his grip wouldn’t allow her to. I won’t say anything about this. Honest, I can’t really even see anything clearly. I promise I won’t te -- The pain struck her throat. Irene moaned. Ace stiffened against her and redoubled his sucking on her neck. She beat against his chest. Her pulse echoed in her ears. Her head swam as points of lights twisted in her vision. Please… she whimpered, and she felt another pinch along her arm before her vision went black.

    Chapter Two

    Irene opened her eyes and rolled her neck. A stab of pain struck her throat. She sat up and pushed her hair back. Her fingers hit her glasses. She pulled them off and found they had been fixed. What the hell?

    Glancing around, she discovered she’d woken up in a room not her own. Dark blue walls were hung with pictures of the ocean and cliffside vistas. One was so huge it made it seem like she looked out a window. And yet she couldn’t find any windows. A bed large enough to sleep four people took up most of the room. What the fuck happened? She took off her glasses and inspected them to make sure they were hers. She ran her hands over the wall, looking for any crack that could be a door. After going over the whole room, she knocked on the walls to hear if any were hollow. With nothing but hurting knuckles, she slammed her fist on a bare spot on the wall.

    Let me out of here,

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