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Failures Of the Beginning
Failures Of the Beginning
Failures Of the Beginning
Ebook17 pages9 minutes

Failures Of the Beginning

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About this ebook

This collection of short/flash fiction stories contains stories of courage and family. Whether that'd be Wren standing up to her boss and colleagues, maybe she takes a risky approach or Erica mourning the loss of her father on her seventeenth birthday. Even if you just want to read a quick flash fiction of a favorite memory of mine.

Release dateFeb 28, 2021
Failures Of the Beginning

Vanessa Harris

I love musicals my favorite tv show is Project Blue Book or anything on the history channel I read a lot of science fiction i have an obsession with apocalyptic movies. Shark week, Christmas, and Wrestlemania weekend are my favorite holidays. I write more than i do anything else and i sing on occasion. David Foster is great.

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    Failures Of the Beginning - Vanessa Harris

    Failures Of The Beginning

    By Vanessa Harris

    Failures Of The Beginning

    By Vanessa Harris

    Copyright 2021 Vanessa Harris

    All Rights Reserved

    Smashwords Edition

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