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Ebook315 pages5 hours


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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After humans found out about the gifted, they were split up and silenced. In order to keep their loved ones safe, they forced themselves to hide their true identities.

Will Kassia learn to rely on herself to keep her powers in check without Mira? Will Mira overcome her past trauma and finally let Zane in?

When a phone call brings them together again, they find themselves being hunted by humans, other gifted, and demons. This brought new challenges they hadn’t experienced before. Kassia hates that sacrifices are coming, but she knows they must be made for them to complete their journey.

If they can’t get humans to see them differently and win the war, every loss and sacrifice would have been in vain.

PublisherTalia Jager
Release dateMay 3, 2021

Talia Jager

Creator of worlds and characters.

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    Hunted - Talia Jager


    This book is dedicated to Kasslyn and everyone who has been begging for a fourth Gifted Teens book.

    Chapter One


    It was unreal how much had happened in the years since we closed the entrance to the underworld. Before we shut the door, demon attacks all over the world had caused gifted humans like me to reveal our secrets when we stopped those attacks. Not only did the world learn of our existence, but the existence of real-life demons as well. No longer were they only in movies and books, they were real.

    However, once the demons stopped attacking, people forgot that gifted humans were the ones who saved them. That was when they came for us. Not all humans were against us. They split themselves into three groups: the ones who didn’t care at all about our gifts (perhaps some of them were even grateful that we intervened); the ones who wanted to pay us to use our gifts; and the Supernatural Federal Office, the SNFO, a government agency whose goal was to capture us to experiment on us or lock us up to protect the world.

    Primarily because of the SNFO, many gifted went into hiding. Nobody knew for sure how the SNFO—or other people, for that matter—figured out who we were or where to find us. We could only guess they were using a gifted person to locate us. Once captured, it was unlikely that person would ever be seen again, especially if they were taken by the SNFO. Stories surfaced, however, of gifted being let go if they agreed to do something for their captor—like compel someone or tell them their future or read the mind of a boss or spouse—but those were few and far between.

    Going into hiding had been the hardest thing I had ever done. Since the elders decided only two gifted could be in one area as much as possible, that meant choosing between my best friend, Mira, and my boyfriend, Daxton. I had known Mira for as long as I could remember and even before that—though our memories had been erased. We were best friends. We were sisters. And had Daxton and Zane not been in our lives, we would have stuck together. But we were both in love. Once we were given the news, we all talked about running away together. At first we included everyone, all nine of the gifted in our group. That was too many. We talked about Mira, Zane, Daxton, and I running, but Noe, a predictor, told us it was too dangerous. And if someone who can tell the future tells you not to do something, you listen.

    Mira and I spent the day before we left together. We both knew what we were going to do, but we pretended anyway. We talked about how it would be if we stayed together, all the things we could do, the adventures we could have, but at the end of the day, we both stared in each other’s eyes and said in unison, I’m going to miss you.

    This isn’t fair, I sobbed.

    No. It’s not. She wrapped her arms around me.

    What if I…can’t control myself without you there? Mira had always been there in case I couldn’t control my gift; she would compel me to stand down.

    You can, Kassia. You have it within you. You’re in control now. If it helps, hear my voice. Close your eyes and picture me standing next to you. Just breathe.

    I can’t even call you. I can’t talk to you.

    I know. Using the back of her thumbs she wiped under her eyes. Let’s do something before we’re split.

    Like what?

    You busy now?


    In a shocking twist, Mira did something against the rules. She drove our car to town—far from the protection spell. She parked at a local tattoo parlor, Skin Stories.

    Tats? I asked.

    Yes. Best friend tats.

    Lead the way.

    The bell rang signaling that we walked in. Hello, ladies, a stocky guy with a lot of tattoos and piercings said. Name is Andy. What can I do for you?

    We want some tats, Mira said.

    I’ll need to see some ID.

    Of course. We both whipped out our IDs and signed some papers.

    What do you girls have in mind?

    Mira handed him a picture and he led us over to his work area. I see you already have some ink, he said, gesturing to the markings we got when our gifts presented themselves.

    Yeah. Mira and I shared a knowing glance.

    Andy set up and within no time at all, we both had tattoos near our collarbones. Mira’s was on the left side and said, You love my dark with a small crescent moon at the end. Mine was on the right and said, You see all my light with a small sun at the end.

    It made perfect sense the way Mira explained why she had chosen those words. She was always telling me that I wasn’t the darkness of my power, that I had light in me. Mira’s darkness came when she was attacked and she swore she never would have made it through without my love for her.

    I didn’t want the night to be over. We’d be leaving the next day and I’d be with Daxton, but my best friend would be gone—and it scared me that I may never see her again.

    Early in the morning hours, Noe and Auralee came into our room. I have something for the four of us, Noe said.

    She gave us all the same necklace: a chain with two discs, the bigger one made of sterling silver and the smaller one of rose gold. On the smaller disc, which was centered on the bigger one, was an etching of a compass. On the bigger disc, underneath the compass, were the words, no matter where.

    No matter what. No matter where. We are best friends. We always will be, Noe said. These necklaces will remind us of the love we have for each other.

    We all put the necklaces on and then embraced into a heap of crying goo.

    Saying goodbye to the friends I had grown up with, loved, and gave my life for broke my heart. The only words of comfort I clung to were Noe’s: We will all be together again someday.

    I just didn’t know if she meant while we were alive or not and she didn’t clarify.

    The nine of us stood around in a circle on what was deemed departure day. We shuffled our feet and awkwardly looked around. I didn’t want to say goodbye. I would postpone this as long as possible.

    Eaton is coming, Noe said.

    A few minutes later he rounded the corner.

    He wants us to be on our way, Auralee said.

    We stood in silence until he reached us. You know it’s time, he said.

    We all nodded our heads. We knew. We just didn’t want to. I tried one last time. Mr. Eaton, isn’t there any way we can stay together?

    He put his hand on my shoulder. I know how difficult this is for you—

    Do you? How do you know how hard this is for us? Have you ever been separated from those you love most in this world? I questioned. My lip trembled because this was a nightmare.

    I have, he answered, surprising all of us. My parents died when I was a young child. There wasn’t any biological family to take me in, so I was put into the foster system. One day, a family came and picked me to be their son. They adopted me and a year later, they adopted another boy, and a year after that, a girl. I had a brother and sister, and parents who loved me. None of us knew I was gifted. I’m a little like Mira. I have the gift of hypnotic vision. I didn’t realize I was hypnotizing people with my eyes until my adoptive parents figured it out. They thought I was possessed and brought me to a church where the priests tried to ‘get the devil out.’ Obviously, it didn’t work. They were scared and sent me to a religious boarding school. I never saw them again. They abandoned me. I lost everyone I loved. After I graduated, I had nowhere to go but college. I got a scholarship and graduated with a degree in education. It was around that time that Vala came into my life. She knew I was gifted, and she told me I’d be important. I was placed here, first as a teacher, and then became headmaster. Vala told me important students would come into my life, that those students would be trying at times, but they were imperative to the survival of the human species.

    Us, I whispered.

    Yes. So, Kassia, while I can’t understand exactly what you’re going through because every person, every experience, is different, I do have an idea of what it’s like. He looked around at all of us. I wish there was another way. I wish I could find a way for you all to be together. I wish I could tell you that you’ll see each other again. I’m sorry that I can’t.

    I’m sorry, Mr. Eaton, I didn’t know about your past, I said sincerely.

    How could you have? I never told anyone. Only Vala knew.

    Still, I’m sorry for assuming. Standing on my tiptoes, I gave him a hug.

    It’s okay. Please know that I looked out for you kids as only a father could. I’m sure it didn’t always feel that way, but you guys have always been special to me. Now, don’t go telling anyone else that or I’ll deny it. I can’t have favorites. His smile grew from ear-to-ear.

    I laughed, but then said, We won’t be able to tell anyone else.

    He nodded somberly.

    Why can’t we stay here? I asked.

    Only some are staying. A few teachers and some of the underclassmen. He looked at Nik, Briana, and Chase.

    We’re not even allowed to know where we’re going and where they’re going. What if we need each other?

    If one of you is captured and tortured, if you knew where the others were, you might tell. It’s better if it’s kept secret. In fact, there are five of us who have split everybody up. That way if one of us is captured, we don’t know where all the gifted are.

    But we’ll know where they are. I gestured to Nik, Chase, and Briana.

    The school will be moving. You won’t know where.

    I hadn’t known that.

    It was a smart plan, a good plan, but I still didn’t like it.

    Now, it really is time to get going.

    Give us just a few more minutes, please.

    You have ten minutes, he said and walked away.

    The hugging and tears started. I had said goodbye many times before, always in a way I thought was permanent, but selfishly knowing I’d be at peace. This time I knew I wouldn’t be. I hugged Briana and Chase. Then Nik. Sorry I wasn’t a better sister.

    Oh, yeah, worst sister ever, he joked, squeezing me. Seriously though, I couldn’t ask for a better one. I’m only sorry that I didn’t know you sooner.

    Me too. I looked up into the eyes of my baby brother. Be careful.

    This can’t be how it ends, Kassia. We’ll see each other soon.

    Maybe you’re right. I kissed his cheek. Zane was next. You’ve got my girl, right? I asked with a firm look.

    I do.

    She’s still fragile.

    I know. I promise to be patient with her and always respect her wishes. I won’t push her. I won’t hurt her. I love her, Kassia. I will protect her with my life.

    Good. Take care of yourself too. You’re a good man, Zane. You’re good to her and for her. You’re kind and generous to others. I don’t know what we would have done without you these past few years.

    Thanks, Kassia. You’re a good friend. I know you’ll be fine. You will always be with us.

    I held back tears and gave a slight nod.

    Noe and Auralee stood together. We’re going to miss you, Auralee said.

    Very much, Noe added.

    A couple tears escaped, and I quickly wiped them away. You both are so special to me. It’s breaking my heart… I sniffled.

    Auralee took my hand. You’re strong, Kassia. You’re going to do great things. Nobody will ever forget you. You will always be in our hearts. When you’re sad, just remember the good times.

    I’ll try. I peeked over at Noe. When you marry her, know that I’ll be with you, cheering you on.

    Tears ran down her cheeks now.

    Hey, Noe said. I can’t hear you guys.

    I grabbed her and hugged her then Auralee. You have been the best friends ever. You were always there for me. Through thick and thin.

    And you constantly saved us, Noe said. Maybe this will be good. Maybe we’ll get a break and be able to act normal.

    I’d rather be on the run with all of you than have a break being normal, I replied.

    I know.

    You seriously don’t see anything?

    No. Wherever they’re sending all of us, they haven’t decided. I suppose they’re waiting for us to say goodbye, Noe said.

    What if we hold hands?

    They have a nullifier and a compeller over there on standby if needed. Auralee gestured to a couple people standing in the shadows.



    I hugged them one last time. Love you.

    Love you, they both responded.

    I did not want to move on. The last goodbye would be to Mira and I didn’t know how to do that. Tears flowing freely now, I stared at the ground, not able to meet her eyes. She put her finger on my chin and lifted it until our eyes met.

    I don’t know how to do this, I admitted.

    Me either. Tears streaked down her face.

    What am I going to do without you?

    You’re going to be okay. You’ve mastered your gift. You have matured.

    But what if I slip up? What if I get so angry I hurt someone? You won’t be there to stop me.

    She took my hand. You won’t.

    I pulled her close to me and hugged her tight for as long as I could. I wanted to remember this feeling. This safe, happy feeling of home. I wanted to remember the smell of her hair and lotion.

    Kass, Daxton said. It really is time.

    I inhaled sharply, not wanting to let go. I was beginning to think he would have to force us apart. I can’t… My body trembled.

    Mira pulled back and glanced at Mr. Eaton. You can, Mira said, shifting her gaze to meet mine. We’ve been best friends for a long time. That feeling won’t go away just because we’re not together. I will always be in your heart and you will always be in mine.

    Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for loving me despite my issues. Thank you for being the best friend a girl could have. You’re going to be okay, Mira. Zane will take care of you. He promised. I know you’ll always remember what happened, but I know you’ll move on. I rubbed my thumb over her hand. Don’t forget me.


    When you look up at the stars—

    I’ll remember we’re looking up at the same sky.

    When you see an angel—

    I’ll think of you. She didn’t even bother to wipe away her tears. Don’t use so much glitter and makeup. It’ll bring too much attention.

    I laughed and wiped my face. Okay.

    Mr. Eaton was back. Ready?

    Not even remotely. My eyes didn’t leave Mira’s.

    Try to remember we’re doing this to keep you all alive.

    "How are we doing this?" Daxton asked Mr. Eaton.

    You’re all going to turn around and walk away at the same time. Once you’re far from each other, you will find a guide who will take you to your destination. You won’t know where you’re going until you get there. Your phones have been wiped of all contacts. Your phone numbers and emails have been changed. Your social media accounts have been deleted. A few pictures have been left in your hidden folder under a passcode you will be given. Once you reach your destination, your guide will give you a code word. If you are ever in trouble you will dial 777 and give that code word.

    I almost felt like a spy in the CIA.

    I knew it was time. I knew we had to go. I hugged Mira one last time and when we stepped back, we squeezed each other’s hands. I love you.

    I love you.

    It took everything I had to turn and walk away.

    Chapter Two


    Daxton took my hand and said, I love you, Kassia.

    I love you too, Daxton. I squeezed his hand.

    Keep looking forward. Don’t look back. It’ll only hurt more.

    I’m not sure that’s possible.

    It will be hard, but we will be okay.

    We walked silently until we reached a portal. I didn’t know this would be how we were traveling.

    Hello, angel child.

    Vala? I rushed into her arms and hugged her. Are you coming too?

    No. She smiled.

    But you’ll know where we are?

    No. I asked not to, and I refuse to look. I don’t want to give away anyone’s location. I’m only on this side of the portal. I’m not going through. When you do, you will find a car with instructions inside. You two take care of each other. Watch out for one another. Love deeply.

    We will.

    Remember good and evil will always exist. You’re special, Kassia. You will be okay. Mira did a good job.

    My lip trembled at the mention of her name.

    Vala reached out and hugged me. Then she gently led us to the portal. Be safe.

    With a nod, Daxton and I stepped into the swirling colorful oval.

    The portal disappeared as soon as we landed. We found ourselves hidden in tall trees. It was warm and humid. Where do you think we are? Daxton asked.

    I couldn’t answer him. I was sobbing and crumpled to the ground at the finality of everything I had ever known.

    Oh, Kass. He sat down and put his arm around me. He didn’t say anything else, just let me cry for as long as I needed to. Finally, he said, Do you want me to take you to dreamland?

    I sniffled and shook my head. We should go.

    I’m going to kiss you now. He pressed his lips on mine for a gentle kiss.

    We should go, I repeated when we broke apart.

    Yeah. Okay. Daxton stood and helped me up. Kass, we’re going to be okay, right?



    Of course. I love you, Daxton. I just need some time to readjust. Mira has been my sister for so long that I can’t imagine not spending the rest of my life without her. I know that I was without her for a few months, but I knew I’d see her again. Now…it’s all unknown.

    I know, babe. We’ll have to lean on each other. I’m here for you. No matter what. And Kassia, Mira will always be your sister.

    I touched my necklace, which hung shorter than my angel wings, and forced a smile. Let’s go.

    We found a Jeep not far from where we were. Inside was a packet. New IDs. New names, but close to our real ones. Kassidy and Paxton. The driver’s licenses had an Orlando, Florida, address. Florida, I said.

    We’re enrolled in the University of Central Florida. I’m in IT. What about you?

    I laughed. Something adrenaline pumping. They think I should either pick paramedic or helicopter search and rescue. I guess both start off the same way, so I have some time to choose.

    Well, those are…um…exciting jobs. He didn’t look comfortable with those options. I guess we go to the address and find out what awaits us.

    Anything else in there?

    Keys, credit cards, cash, codewords, he answered.

    The address turned out to be a small, furnished, one-bedroom apartment near the college—with a window seat. I smiled when I saw it. Whoever set this up knew exactly what I liked. I was glad it was an apartment. I couldn’t imagine living in the dorm with some random girl. It would have felt too much like betraying Mira. Nobody could replace her.

    There was a new set of purple sheets sitting on the bed and two purple pillows on the brown couch. Somebody had definitely gone to the trouble of helping us feel at home. I wondered if they had done that for all the others.

    On the bathroom sink sat a few boxes of colored contacts. They want me to cover up my eyes, I said to Daxton.

    Well, they are a beautiful, rare color that not many people have.

    I sighed. I hate concealing who I am.

    Daxton kissed my forehead. You don’t have to wear them here at home.

    Home, I scoffed and put in the contacts. I have to hide my eyes and not put on any fun makeup. I turned to Daxton with my now brown eyes that covered the violet, but didn’t quite look right with my red hair. Now what?

    I don’t know, Kass. Grocery shopping?

    I laughed. I’ve never been grocery shopping.

    First time for everything. He kissed my forehead then wrapped his arms around me.

    We found the local store and got some things to start our new lives. Back at the apartment, I sat on the window seat. New lives. New lives that required us to pretend we weren’t who we were. How was I supposed to do that? How was I supposed to leave everything I knew behind?



    Daxton held out his hand and led me to the couch. I know I’m not Mira, but I promise to be here for you. I love you more than anything, Kass, and I don’t want you to shut down or shut me out.

    I won’t. It feels like I just lost everyone—almost everyone—I care about.

    You did. We both did.

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