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Sons of Alba
Sons of Alba
Sons of Alba
Ebook291 pages4 hours

Sons of Alba

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On the verge of death, the Chief of Clan MacLeod of Skye confessed to his sons - Rhys, Kai and Scott - that they had a hidden sister, Effie. Worried about the sudden disappearance of her lassie, and frustrated by the futility of the ongoing researches, he implored his sons to go out in search of their lost younger sister in the hope of discharging his responsibility while there was still time.
With a brave heart and out of gratitude to their clan chief and their father as well, the MacLeod brothers set off on a journey across the Isle of Skye. Their world view could well be turned upside down through multiple bizarre encounters in the lands of their ancestors. In the course of tracing their family secret, the MacLeod brothers set out on an adventure that will change them forever.
What if opening up for the future was the only way to heal from the past?

Release dateMay 6, 2021
Sons of Alba

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    Sons of Alba - Blandine P. Martin


    In this terrain the nature regained dominance over humankind, tolerating their existence unless they lose respect for the Mother Nature. A primordial mystical magic has come alive in these icy, windswept Northern territories. Ancestral rites, extraordinary creatures and snippets from the past are interweaved in a dance from another era. By their time-honored traditions and exceptional genuineness, Scotland was, is and will be rebounding stronger than ever.


    - The Twilight Of Kingdom -

    Is that all you’ve got?

    His opponent's voice resonated in the wind. He challenged him once more, pointing his sword straight ahead with his eyes full of pride.

    Can’t you do anything more, brother?

    A smirk played on Kai’s lips. They had never stopped quarreling since their earliest childhood. The dagger, the bow, the sword and the lance held no secrets for them. Highlanders underwent an incredible combat training. Some even claimed that their best warriors could already hold a weapon before learning to walk.

    I know what to do!

    After winning the fight with his competitive mind, Kai knelt down and touched his brother unnoticeably. He was struck dumb, gazing at his opponent wearing a joyful face. Together, they burst into laugh and threw their swords onto the ground.

    You were so lucky that I ain’t an Englishman...Otherwise, you’d never be able to walk again!

    Don’t get me wrong. I was playing. Usually, I would have cut a piece of rough bacon in a second.

    If you say so, Kai mocked.

    The cool autumn breeze was beating his long, tangled brown hair. MacLeod's green-blue tartan stood out with dignity on a carpet of moss all over the ground. Seasonal high humidity levels made their beards curlier. The local cold weather speed up the irreversible signs of aging on their cheeks. Those 2 brothers were watching the quiet bay in front of them. The prevailing calm was like a gift from fairies. The waves were violently smashing against the gloomy cliff, beating a harmonic rhythm with the chilly gusts. The sun’s slow disappearance on the horizon announced the onset of night. Both enjoyed the scenery without saying a word. Nothing could keep these away from them, even though they had already spent decades treading the muddy soils in this island. Like all the habitants in the Highlands, their ancestors had built this heritage which they passed on with pride from generation to generation.

    A shaky voice from a young man interrupted their pondering.

    Rhys, Kai, Father wants to see you right now!

    Scott, the youngest child in the family, was standing right behind them, visibly panting after his run. The 18-year-old boy still had a baby face with a mane of coppery hair shorter than his brothers. Freckles sprinkled across his face, while his dark brown pupils were shining against his skin tones.

    Kai and Rhys were gazing at each other for a while. Their father’s call brought no good news in terms of the current situation. His health kept declining in recent months. The brutal fever never lost its grip ever since its outbreak was raging across the region. No doctor in that region had managed to wipe it out. His seniority did not help neither.

    Without a second thought, Kai picked up his sword and grabbed his younger brother by the shoulders. Rhys was closely following his brother. They strode over the fences at lightning speed, rushing across the waterlogged meadows to the Dunvegan Castle. MacLeod the clan leader summoned all his 3 sons. The hour was late. He was in a critical situation.

    At the time these 3 brothers reached the courtyard, they nearly shoved Harry off, one of the gate guards at the entrance to the main tower. The spiral staircase leading up to the bedroom of the great Terrence MacLeod could hardly slow their pace. Scott first came to the wooden door that stood in their way. When he creaked the door open, they quickly gathered in front of the big canopy bed where their old father was lying in. So far Terrence had lived through 77 spring seasons, despite of the repeated conflicts and harsh climate in the Highlands. Only few men could enjoy such longevity. Terrence was known as The Vigorous Man among his peers for decades, as he alone scored more victory over their enemy clans than all his predecessors.

    MacLeod was lying down under the bed sheets, still not brought down the temperature. His sons often wonder if he would live through the winter at last. The answer was clear now. At the time the 1st dead leaves were falling onto the shining soil of the Isle of Skye, their loving father was sinking much deeper into the unfathomable abyss.

    He waved his hand to the housemaid standing at his bedside. The young lady stepped closer with her utmost attention to understand the words that softly slipped out of his mouth. She straightened him up in his bed and carefully propped him up with his pillows. The look of a bedridden old man stirred mixed feelings about this venerable warrior in his most glorious days. His long white hair streaks were tousling over his sweaty temples and forehead. Deep creases and sunken cheeks were also formed on his face. He threw a quick, clear hand signal to ask the tall blond with braids to leave them alone. The gentle, obedient servant did accordingly. Once the squeaky door was closed, his 3 sons came a bit closer to his bed and swept their eyes on the chef.

    My sons…

    Being worn down by the illness, he breathed out the words with all his strengths. Rhys placed his palms against the wooden furniture, leaned towards him and said anxiously,

    What can we do for you, father?

    The old man nodded slowly.

    Boys, I’m reaching the end of my life.

    Emotionally moved, Scott interrupted at a near ear-piercing volume.

    You’ll get well soon. You still have good years ahead.

    A smile full of kindness was looming on the dry, chapped lips of the chieftain.

    You’re young, Scott, happy-go-lucky. But your brothers will know how to take care of you.

    Kai, the youngest child, took his turn to speak up with a resigned face.

    What would he think, the doctor who resides here?

    He doesn’t say against me, MacLeod admitted.

    The head of the family took a breath and slowly wheezed, turning his attention back to his big children.

    I have a few weeks left, at most. That's why I wanted to meet you now.

    His tired eyes stopped at Rhys.

    Our ancestors and I shared the same willingness to see my eldest son to take over the position of chieftain. Get yourself ready. Tell it to you wife, but don’t disclose it to anyone else from now on. Avoid an unwanted envy as well.

    Kai and Scott respected this decision by nodding this decision. In the meantime, Rhys clenched his jaw, seized by this sense of honor. Abbigail would take this pride with her in the years to come.

    While silence was dominating the murky room, Terrence MacLeod spoke again,

    My sons, I must tell you the long kept secret. I don’t want to take it to the grave.

    His 3 sons looked at each other in bewilderment and pricked up their ears on what their father was going to confess.

    The secret is: You have a sister.

    They were all frozen in a clumsy mixture of surprise and fury. At this critical moment, MacLeod kept on as if the outrage did not exist and raised his firm hand to avoid any sharp reaction.

    Let me be clear. I loved your mother more than anyone else in the world. But after 2 years of mourning, I lost my head.

    He took a breath and continued,

    She should be 16 years old in recent weeks.

    Rhys raised his eyebrows and spoke up,

    ‘Should be 16?

    I do not know if she's still alive, her father explained.

    Terrence seemed to dig deep within himself to tell his sons the truth. That message put lots of weights on his enfeebled shoulders.

    I gave her mother the means to support her healthy growth. That’s what I can do if I pass away... But she has been gone for several weeks. Nobody knows where she is.

    The chef puffed in a painful whisper and said,

    Her name is Effie.

    Effie! Scott burst out, The daughter of Ava MacLeod?

    His father gave his only answer in a blink of his eyes. Watching his youngest son being terrified by his confession, Terrence calmed them down again with his brief, simple gesture.

    Perhaps I’m asking for something impossible. I also know it’s such a harsh news to digest, but I would be very appreciated if you could find her in my last moments. If you reassure me that she is still alive, I will leave this world in peace…

    His 3 sons were staring at him. A strange girl occupies a special position in their father’s heart of stone.

    The old man was seized by a violent cough that seriously impaired his breathing. Rhys instinctively called the maid, knowing that she might have already stood at the door in case of any emergency.


    In a flash, she rushed to the room and quickly helped their father catch his breath and slowly stretch himself out.

    The doctor asked him to get some rest, she said.

    The brothers, who were still in shock, nodded their head. The elder dragged them towards the exit.


    - For a Father's Love -

    Still not fully recovered from the shock, Rhys was pacing in front of the stove range. The scowl on his face and his eyes rolling up into his head betrayed the anger and bewilderment buried deep inside his heart. His pacing back and forth gave them a hint on how unsettled he felt at the news.

    Scott found refuge on one of the large wooden countertops a little further. He put his thinking cap on, folding his arms across his knees. Kai stole an apple and took a bite of it when the kitchen staff was gone. Observing Rhys’s body language, he tried to read his mind but in vain. Kai spoke up:

    OK. It’s such a shock for us all, I think...

    Lost in his own thoughts, Rhys continued on his slow dull walk, without a glance on his brother.

    Scott looked up at him and nodded.

    Father is going to die, he sighed sadly.

    Rhys wrinkled his forehead. Shaken up by the remark, Rhys glared at his youngest brother and said,

    That's all you remembered?

    Tilting his head sideways, Kai dashed toward Rhys and said,

    Hey! Don’t take it out on him, OK? Scott had nothing to do with it. He’s only 18! Of course he’s emotional about his father nearing death!

    Rhys groaned, folding himself inside his bubble.

    Oh yeah... Everyone here knows that. The MacLeod's clan chef has been on his last legs for weeks! So stop acting like it's a surprise!

    Kai swallowed hard against his brother’s furious resentment. Did he realize from Scott’s points of view on what he was saying and the heartlessness between the lines?

    Listen to your talk, brother! Anger has set fire to your words! Of course the upcoming news of his death will come to our ears!

    Rhys gave him only a bitter laugh.

    I can understand how it touches you. But my case is different, as you well know!

    He paused a bit and continued,

    I’m nothing but a bastard! The whole clan knows the truth. He took pleasure in hiding my mother’s name to protect his image, but I’m not the one to inherit his throne!

    Kai covered his month with his hand, shocked at the words that had just crossed his brother’s lips. He took a deep breath and, without losing his sight of Rhys, spoke to the boy,

    Please leave us alone, Scott.

    A brief silence hovered above their head. Their youngest brothers sneaked out through the swinging doors at the back of the room. Suddenly, Kai’s face darkened and he said,

    What’s wrong with you, for Christ’s sake? Scott knew nothing about that. You don’t need to expose one more secret to his youth. It’s complicated enough for young boys like him!

    Don’t spring to his defense all the time! Coddling him like this can’t make him a man! He’s not a child anymore! Of course he knows that. Everyone at Dunvegan knows that!

    But you're the oldest son, Rhys. Being the oldest brothers, he repeated firmly, comes with responsibilities, particular taking care of the youngest member of the family, in this case, Scott! You are his role model. Do what you’re supposed to do!

    His palm struck on the metal plate of the worktop on his right.

    Father appointed you as his successor, because you're rightly viewed as an heir to his kingdom. The elders supported that. What else do you want? Go find Abbigail and tell her the news. You may not know who your real mother is, but, Rhys, at least you have a family, a wife who loves you, a son and another unborn child as well. Papa has offered you a future. Wear that responsibility with pride, for God’s sake!

    Rhys stayed silent on what his brother had said. His gaze betrayed his thoughts. He probably knew how to recognize his fault, but, with a big ego, he said nothing. Kai somehow spoke in a fretful voice. No surprise. Rhys was not a think-before-you-speak type. He just acted on his gut instinct unfiltered, which was often detrimental to those close to him. His father compared him to a rough diamond. If his bother could boast of his bravery, faithfulness and loyalty, he, on the contrary, were not among his attributes. As always, he would think afterwards what he had just said. He soon realized that he was too harsh on Scott.

    Kai shot him a warning glance that he should not be complaining about that. Luckily, he still had a wife at his side. But Kai had lived alone for 3 years. No new wife, no offspring. This simple thought froze his brain.

    Blushing with shame, Rhys groaned once more. He quietly turned on his heel and went to the kitchen door. But Kai’s voice still kept him away a bit.

    What do you think about our sister?

    This question left Rhys speechless, who was so confident until then. He was seeking an answer with a blank face. His droopy shoulders were weighed down with burdens all day long. Too much news today. He gave the sort of weary sigh. Losing his patience, Kai stared at him. This girl was like Rhys, a half-blooded MacLeod child. What was worse, she had not had the chance to spend her childhood at the Dunvegan’s court. He had hidden her paternity from all eyes. At least Rhys was allowed to spend his childhood like other children of the MacLeod.

    It’s like finding a needle in a haystack...

    The grin on Kai’s face showed his support his brother’s comment.

    I think we should try. We own him that.

    After a brief ponder, Rhys silently nodded. His eyes took on a distant look below under the thick brown eyebrows. Exhausted, he went to lean against the wooden cupboard a few steps away. He ran a hand through his hair which he used to keep short. He laughed at Kai’s long hair very often, throwing dirty jokes about his manhood here and there. But he brushed them off, noticing the overwhelming brotherly love between the lines. Kai had broader shoulders. Sometimes much more competent than his older brother, despite of the family hierarchy. He could demonstrate sound analytical thinking even in an emergency situation. Having the soul of a leader, he was such a brilliant warrior who could unite hundreds of men in just a few words.

    I'm going to meet Ava MacLeod. We need a little more information to boost the chances of finding this girl...

    Rhys nodded.

    You should apologize to Scott face to face...You know what? He is scared of you.

    Aroused by his words, Rhys looked up at his brother and said, He was shocked for a while before laughing it off.

    Not you? he joked.

    No. Sorry to teach you that.

    Rhys struck his final pose to punch Kai on the shoulder, as if he threw down a challenge to him. Kai soon put a smile on his face. What a great move to ease off the tension. They both shared these few seconds of close interactions. Such a short-lived precious moment to mark a milestone in their siblings relationship.

    I’m going to meet Scott, and go home telling Abbie all about this. She won’t believe what I said! Let me know when you have something new. We’ll see what we can do.

    I’m afraid we should act quickly...

    Rhys frowned and said,

    I do have the same worry.

    This time Rhys put his hand on his brother’s shoulder. They both stared at each other for a while. They both bore an uncanny resemblance, despite of being born of different mothers. Having built their medium-sized muscular body from years of training, they were essentially among the great Highland warriors. Only their hair lengths could tell the striking difference. By taking a close look, we could still discover Kai’s blue eyes and fine traits inherited from his mother hidden under his 3-day stubble beard. Roughed up by the sea air, rain and the rare rays of sun, his hair started taking on shimming shades of gray. In contrast, Rhys had a short, coal-black hair and the dark eyes obviously inherited from his mother. He looked much older than his 38 years, resulted from his years of fighting. Rhys loved to work the land. The extreme climate in the Highland had seize the chance to leave a bit more traces on his face.

    Rhys let his hand slide down Kai’s arm before letting his younger brother go. He gave Kai a nod and left the kitchen to find Scott. He had the apologies to make, although he was not what he had used to be.


    - On the Traces of the Past -

    The heavy rainfall the day before had left craters all over the main road to Dunvegan village. To be on the safe side, Kai had chosen to go there on foot to avoid drawing attention among the entire neighborhood on his presence at the lady’s home. He had already run across her one or twice, but knew nothing more about her. She did not look older than 45 years old at first glance, despite of her graying black hair, hollowing cheeks and the round body shape.

    When the young man finally reached the entrance, he knocked the door 3 times. He waited for a while, but no one came out. He tried again. Still, nothing happened. Puzzled, he looked around the house, but she wasn't there. He then tried to open the door and gently grabbed the handle. The door was not closed. He hesitantly called the owner of the house.

    Mrs. McLeod, Are you there?

    This time, he heard some footsteps. The woman he was looking for was soon spotted in the doorway. Her mood of the day was reflected in her annoying look. Her gaze was telling her visitor that he was bothering her.

    There must be a reason why the door isn’t opened! she cried out while coming out.

    After looking Kai from head to toe, she looked up into his face. A barely audible grunt forced out from her lips clenched. Without saying a word, she turned on her heels and walked away into the darkness of her house. Not knowing what to do, the young MacLeod rubbed his unkempt beard and sighed. Her raspy voice traveled through the air and into Kai's ear.

    What are you waiting for? Come in! I know who you are. I really have no choice but to let you in.

    She made no stranger of the young MacLeod from now on. Mrs. Ava MacLeod reputation overtook her. Kai had already predicted that she would not give him the most cordial welcome. Whatever. He could not continue his journey without passing through her house. He had to show understand and took it upon himself to this woman who, according to his father, had just lost her only daughter. He slowly walked through the door and pushed it back, leaving the door slightly open.

    Like many houses in the Highlands, the building was built with a minimum amount of dark and yellow stones required for all day comfort. Down-to-earth. Without frills. Kai walked with caution, habitually putting his hand close to the dagger. Nothing can guarantee that she would not try something stupid, given the mood of this woman. Groping in the semi-darkness, he finally saw her kneeling with her back bent over a large basin filled with water. Ava was washing her linen. Her steady, skillful gestures could be traced back to years of practice. The woman muttered a few words between one's teeth, without even raising her face to look at her visitors. Nevertheless, Kai managed to control the feelings of nausea. He

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