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Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras
Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras
Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras
Ebook383 pages4 hours

Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras

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About this ebook

Improve your relationships NOW.

Protect yourself for future relationships, too, developing practical discernment that most folks don't have.

How? With the energy reading skills in this unique how-to, you'll be able to read everything about people from addictions to sex drive to truthfulness, 50 very practical ca

Release dateSep 2, 2015
Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras

Rose Rosetree

Rose Rosetree is America's most experienced empath coach, starting with her publication, in 2001, of the first how-to book ever written for empaths. She has created and refined the only trademarked system for helping empaths lead more powerful and fulfilling lives. Her work has appeared in 1,000 media outlets, including The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, "The View," USA Today and "The Catholic Standard." Her leading-edge books-350,000 copies sold-have been published in 12 languages. Learn more about her workshops, personal consultations, and books at

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    Read People Deeper - Rose Rosetree


    Read People Deeper: Body Language + Face Reading + Auras (Kindle Edition) by Rose Rosetree

    Copyright© 2008 by Rose Rosetree

    ISBN: 978-1-935214-39-7



    PUBLISHER: Women's Intuition Worldwide

    PHONE: 703-450-9514


    ADDRESS: 116 Hillsdale Drive, Sterling, VA 20164-1201

    CONTACT: Mitch Weber

    Aura Reading Through All Your Senses® and Face Reading Secrets® are terms for Rose Rosetree’s unique methods of reading people deeper.

    The information in this book has been researched over many years. However, the author and publisher assume no liability whatsoever for damages of any kind that occur directly or indirectly from the use of the statements in this book.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief passages in a review, forum or blog.

    Illustrations: Meike Müller * Cover: Melanie Matheson,

    Editors: Theresa Kramer, Mitch Weber

    Includes bibliographical references. For index, see the print edition, copyright © by Rose Rosetree 2008/

    For workshops, personal consultations, quantity discounts or foreign rights sales,


    call 703-404-4357,

    or write to Women’s Intuition Worldwide, LLC,

    116 Hillsdale Drive, Sterling, VA 20164.

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    Ebook Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share it with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person.

    If you are reading this eBook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use, then please return to the vendor and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this writer and healer.

    50 Ways to Read Deeper Summary


    Table of Contents

    How Accurate Are Rose’s Readings?

    How Specific Are Rose’s Readings?

    PART 1: Read People Like a Pro










    PART 2: 50 Ways to Read Deeper

    1. Addiction, Chemical

    2. Addiction, Sexual

    3. Anger

    4. Balanced Give and Take

    5. Charisma

    6. Charm

    7. Competitiveness

    8. Confidence

    9. Conflict

    10. Conformity

    11. Control

    12. Criticism

    13. Decision Making

    14. Earthiness

    15. Embarrassment

    16. Evil

    17. Facades

    Reading Handshakes QUIZ

    Reading Handshakes QUIZ ANSWERS

    18. Fidelity

    19. Flirtatiousness

    20. Guilt

    21. Hurt Feelings

    22. Intelligence

    23. Intimacy

    24. Jealousy

    25. Listening Ability

    26. Loyalty

    27. Lying

    28. Money, Saving

    29. Money, Spending

    30. Nurturing

    31. Power

    32. Problem Solving

    33. Religion

    34. Resentment

    35. Respect

    36. Risk Taking

    37. Romance

    38. Satisfaction

    39. Secretiveness

    40. Self-Disclosure

    41. Sense of Humor

    42. Sensitivity

    43. Sensuousness

    44. Sex Drive

    45. Sexual Adventurousness

    46. Sexual Promiscuity

    47. Sexual Stamina

    48. Stress

    49. Stubbornness

    50. Trust


    Relationship Reading List



    Book Catalog 2014-2015

    Women’s Intuition Worldwide.. Books by Rose Rosetree

    The Empath Empowerment® Series

    The Energetic Literacy Series

    Aura Healing with Rosetree Energy Spirituality

    About the Author

    Connect with Rose Rosetree Online

    List of Illustrations

    Illustration 1. ASYMMETRY

    Illustration 2. THE MAIN CHAKRAS

    Illustration 3. PLUG-IN BY TOUCH

    Illustration 4. PLUG-IN BY SIGHT

    Illustration 5: PLUG-IN WITH A PHOTO

    Illustration 6. ANGER FLAG

    Illustration 7. SMILE DEPTH

    Illustration 8. DIMPLES

    Illustration 9. JAW WIDTH

    Illustration 10. SHAPES

    Illustration 11. EAR POSITION

    Illustration 12. PRIORITY AREAS

    Illustration 13. LIP LENGTH

    Illustration 14. EYELIDS

    Illustration 15. WARINESS

    Illustration 16. NOSTRIL SIZE AND SHAPE

    Illustration 17. CHEEK ASYMMETRIES

    Illustration 18. EAR CIRCLES

    Illustration 19. MOUTH ANGLES

    Illustration 20. LIP PROPORTIONS

    Illustration 21. SENSORY PREFERENCE

    Illustration 22. PHILTRUM GALLERY

    How Accurate Are Rose’s Readings?

    In more than 800 media interviews, Rose Rosetree has put her techniques – and professional reputation – on the line. Just how accurate has she been?

    I decided to send her a picture of myself… with the caveat that my wife would ‘check’ her report for accuracy. ‘She’s got your number,’ was my wife’s simple response. — The Catholic Standard

    Rose Rosetree can spot a potential fibber a mile away. Or, in this case, 2,400 miles away. — Las Vegas Sun

    Your readings for the Kalamazoo Gazette were the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in a newspaper. I’m in politics myself. I know these people. – Michigan politician

    Capetalk Radio, So. Africa, You haven’t been reading my face, you’ve been checking with my Mum. – John Maytham

    Tony and Julie, BBC radio, Usually I debunk anything spiritual but… you really didn’t know me before seing my photo? Your reading was like listening to my mother. – Brendan O’Connor

    XZone Radio, Syndicated, You have more credibility with me as an aura reader than any others I’ve interviewed." — Rob McConnell

    For an interview in the Chicago Sun-Times, Rose described Steven Colbert as more devout than most people, and he cares deeply about being good. It’s not necessarily what you’d think watching him. He’s not a zealot, but really wants to be a good boy.

    Months later, Parade Magazine published an interview with Colbert, including this interesting fact: He is a devout Catholic who teaches Sunday School.

    How Specific Are Rose’s Readings?

    Skeptics worry that readings supply vague generalities, applicable to anyone. Oh, really? From Rose Rosetree’s files....

    "Oh MY GOD!!! I don’t think you could’ve been any more right on!!! I am stunned!! Recovering alcoholic/drug addict, self-absorbed, our for just himself, completely snowed me with charm when I met him then turned into an evil, nasty man, almost overnight. Or maybe that was what he was to start with and just had a good act going.

    He fooled everyone who met him, too. All my family, my friends thought he was the best. I have been so confused about what happened between us. This really clears up a lot of stuff.

    I am humbled and honored to have received this reading from you. I cried in a ‘coming home’ type of way, when someone really knows you and receives you with great compassion.

    From a student who had studied face reading for years,Your system… is much more specific and enhanced, covering so many more aspects of the face.

    "You instantly put your finger on things that it has taken me years to realize! And you threw some surprises in as well. "

    I just couldn’t imagine at the time of ordering (a bit reluctantly... as you never know what you get on the Internet...) how accurate your readings would end up to be. It sure was worth it!

    "One of the staff in Starbucks ran over to me and told me that they were telling another customer about my face reading. That customer wants my phone number because she needs a personal consultation right away! You must really be good, Rose. Your freshman student already has a job!"

    PART 1:

    Read People Like a Pro

    Incompatibility breaks hearts every day, but yours need not be one of them. Using the techniques in this book, you can avoid problems in your present love relationship… and also learn when a potential lover or work associate shows real promise.

    I’m happily married now, but have been divorced in the past. Twice. And beyond my direct experience, since 1986 I’ve helped clients to release emotional pain over failed personal and business relationships. So I know how much it hurts to invest time, money and hope in a relationship, only to discover that the two of you never had a future.

    Whether it’s six months into a love affair or seven years into a work partnership, inquiring minds want to know, Can I trust this person?

    You wake up and smell the coffee, swoosh it around in your mouth. Such a bitter brew! Maybe drinking coffee of any kind has been a bad habit.

    What helps? Learn the deeper truths about the players in your life. Too many partners look just on the surface, live just on the surface, and—whether they stay together or not—doom themselves to remaining on the surface. Your willingness to read people deeper means that you can reclaim your power to have a happy life.

    If you’re dating, deeper perception is indispensable. Internet services, speed dating and the like can bring you too many choices. Wouldn’t it help if you could instantly read compatibility? Use this book to tell which love relationship has real potential.

    Already in a relationship? Learn how to accentuate the positive. Make it a relationship where you’re committed... to fulfillment.

    At work, relationships may seem even more unpredictable than the stock market. But there’s no law against insider trading — of knowledge.

    Part 1 gets you started at reading people all three ways, with body language + face reading + aura reading. Learn the latest techniques used by professionals to read all three layers. Then Part 2 gives you 50 different categories to choose from. Like a detective, you’ll be able to probe into any relationship without having to ask the big questions questions directly. Find out, for instance:

    Can I trust you to be loyal?

    How do you manage money?

    Are you telling me the truth?

    Of course, you can read straight through all 50 categories. But this book was designed to help you pick and choose what matters most to you.

    That’s why the full set of categories is listed on the inside of the front cover, while the diagram to help you research auras has been placed inside the back cover. In between you’ll find special sections and Bonus Boxes.

    Bonus Boxes

    What are they doing here in your book?

    Bonus Boxes and special sections answer nitty-gritty questions you’re curious about, like the sequence for sexual intimacy that most human beings prefer (see here) or tips for reading your own body language most accurately (see here).

    Some Bonus Boxes will help you most at work, like the instant ways to judge character in How Much Can You Tell from a Handshake? (see here).

    But why go beyond body language? Most people don’t. Why bother to add the more counter-culture skills of reading faces and auras?

    Like Stereo, Only Better

    Deeper perception has more than one layer. Each one can give you quality information. It would be a waste, limiting yourself to only the most obvious layer. Would you would watch a movie with only one eye or listen to music with only one ear?

    When there’s a choice, I’d go for stereo. Wouldn’t you? Well, when it comes to deep knowledge, you have a third eye —and a third ear if only you’re willing to use them.

    Not only does this book give you leading-edge knowledge about all three layers. This is also the first book to show how to use all three approaches together.

    Body Language is the study of nonverbal communication, the best known form of deeper perception. In this book, you’ll learn new ways to interpret how a person stands, sits, points, turns, etc. (You’ll also gain surprising insights about how you react to life subconsciously.)

    Face Reading, though not as well known as body language, is actually easier to read accurately. Unlike expression, it can’t be faked.

    To read faces, you look at certain parts of the physical face, then interpret them. Features like cheeks and ears have multiple categories that can be read just like letters of the alphabet.

    For 5,000 years, face readers from the East have counseled businessmen. Today you’ll find face readers at Ginza, Tokyo’s ultra-modern shopping district. When you read categories in this book related to money, power, and integrity, you’ll appreciate why physiognomy has stood the test of time.

    Auras are the deepest layer for reading people deeper. Soon I’ll define aura in depth, but here let’s clarify what auras are not.

    Contrary to popular myth, auras are not just colors. To read auras in depth and detail, you actually don’t need to see colors at all. My techniques emphasize information, not colors. I’ve helped thousands of students to access this insider information. I can help you, too. The how-to’s in Part 1 will prepare you to find practical information, regardless of whether you have previous experience at reading auras.

    What else should you know up front? Usually I’ll use the term "partner" for the person being read.

    In your social life, a partner could be a family member, a friend (new or old ), a date, or a long-term lover.

    At work, a partner could be an employee or boss, a colleague or a customer.

    I like that termpartner because it reminds me of the old Westerns, what actors call each other just before the big shootout.

    Actually, I mainly like using the termpartner because it includes so many possibilities. For any category you choose, you, the mighty reader, will know which type of partner you want to read.

    Speaking of language, this book uses gender shorthand likehe/ she, with all due apology to my fellow English majors. Although inelegant, this is the most economical way to include everyone.

    And speaking of inclusiveness, this book can help you whatever your sexual orientation. Male and female qualities occur in every love relationship, whether you’re straight, gay, bi, or transgender. You’ll know which kind of sexiness in a partner interests you.

    When I promise that this book can improve your love life, that means your kind of love life! And, yes, you can read for the sake of your work life instead.

    Do both or either. While you’re at it, you might choose to tell friends what you’re doing or, perhaps, you might prefer to keep your new source of knowledge a secret.

    Ultimately you are the one who decides exactly how you are going to use deeper perception. My goal is to support your own choice about what matters most.


    Now that you know you can access all three layers of deeper perception, maybe you’re wondering which one is best. That really depends on the category you’re reading. Using the examples given earlier:

    Body language provides the best clues to loyalty.

    Face reading is best for revealing what a person does with money (not always what he/she tells you).

    Regarding honesty, auras provide the most reliable information… by far.

    Excited at the prospect of reading all three layers on anyone you choose? It gets better.

    With practice, you can read from photographs, including Internet photos. Using the techniques in this book, you can learn more in 10 minutes of research than you might find in a month of You’ve got mail.

    Reading people in depth and detail can be that easy. But is it really accurate? My students (on five continents) say so. So do the clients who hire me to do readings for them.

    Sure, many newbies are skeptical. They don’t stay that way. On a regular basis, I receive thank you’s where a client writes how his/her life has changed because of reading people deeper.

    One smart way to overcome skepticism—and simultaneously build your skill—is to practice on less crucial relationships before you read a biggie like your lover or employee. Why not start with photos of couples you know well?

    Or dare to revisit pix of your ex. Find those glaring incompatibilities. It can help you to smile when you put thatwas inwasband or reminisce over what happened to youin a past wife. Check out that toxic former boss from a workplace photo and laugh, long and loud. Get over it, finally!


    Body language is the easiest way to read people deeper…or is it?

    Sure, body language can be obvious, like when your partner is wearing a deep scowl plus a fist.

    More often, though, body language is complicated, way more complicated than the other two layers for reading people deeper.

    One nose characteristic at a time, face readers! One chakra databank at a time, aura readers! Simple, as you’ll soon see!

    As a body language reader, however, you’ll need to go more complex. Accurate readings don’t involve one simple clue, like the expression on your partner’s mouth. To interpret that grin accurately, you’d better check out other signals from the rest of the body. Those different nonverbal signals may contradict your first finding.

    The sheer amount of body language can be intimidating. How many expressions can show on one little face? Only about 7,000!

    Each of us has our favorite expressions, whether to make or to read. Not everyone is an expert at decoding them all. To avoid mistakes, keep looking until you’ve collected multiple signals from different parts of the face or body.

    For example, don’t make a pass at a date until you’ve found at least four nonverbal signs of attraction. Not one, four. That’s not so many, considering there could be 25 different signs. (See here.)

    Contradictions can abound. For true body language skills, you will need to consider mouth + eyes, legs + arms, etc.

    Jumping to conclusions will help your love life about as much as if you were to physically jump … and land on a new date’s feet.

    Better to stay put, keep your wits about you and show your business or love-life partner the same kind of respect that you would like to receive.

    And talk about tricky! Despite what you may have been told, body language has limited accuracy for certain kinds of information. People you know may pride themselves on how they can always tell a liar by looking for shifty eyes, etc. Well, that’s the kind of pride that goes before a fall.

    Read Your Own Body Language

    How about reading your own body language? You’re not just anyone, you know. Here are some tips for reading that special person you know so well.

    Whenever possible, use photos or videos. Mirrors aren’t as good because you may subconsciously shift body language while reading yourself.

    People tend to be harder on themselves than on others. So take a deep breath and be objective, as if reading a stranger.

    Fresh insights are so much more interesting than same-old habits of viewing yourself. Be willing to find something new, rather than repeating the usual stories that you tell yourself.

    Frankly, reading body language is a terrible approach when you aim to protect yourself from liars. A bright three-year-old can fool a grownup, and some grownups have become expert deceivers—including the very people you need to trust.

    Ironically, the surest way to be taken in by a liar is to focus on expression. Instead, read body language + faces + auras.

    What if you are the one who is tempted to manipulate others?

    My advice is don’t… not for work, not for play, not for sex.

    Sure, it’s true that you can temporarily charm others by mirroring body language, like tilting your head at the same angle as your partner’s, crossing or uncrossing your arms in synch, etc.

    What will you really gain? Maybe your job interview will go great. But based on what, manipulation? Anything you fake about a relationship will bring unhappiness in the long run.


    Three other traps can limit your use of body language. Here’s how to avoid them.

    First, read impartially. Don’t use nonverbal communication as an excuse to project your feelings. And set your expectations aside. For instance, resist the temptation to go gaa-gaa over your date’s welcoming eyes. They don’t mean you’ve hit the jackpot, not unless lust is all that you want in a lover.

    Besides, even if you’d settle for some genuine lust, don’t hook up just because you can. Investigate categories like CHARM. (See here.) It could be a matter of life and death.

    Second, unlike any other body language experts, I will help you to avoid the trap of over-emphasizing body language when deeper layers of perception could really be more useful. In general, use body language as an excellent starting place to read people deeper.

    Third, remember, don’t over-simplify. You may be

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