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SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula
SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula
SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula
Ebook178 pages2 hours

SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula

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SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate - With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula

Also Presenting Reflections of 'ALOHA' in Maui, Hawaii

Getting into the 'Singles Mingle' isn't easy at any age. It's like jumping onto a 'minefield,' maki

PublisherTerai Koronui
Release dateSep 2, 2015
SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate: With The ABC Magnetic Attraction Formula

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    SIZZLE Be a HOT Date for a Perfect Mate - Terai Koronui


    ‘The only baggage I have is Louis Vuitton.’

    —Lauren Frances, international love and relationship expert

    This is not another book to turn SINGLE women into serial, ball-busting daters. There are plenty of those. Rather, this book is a guide to transform ANY woman who has personally dealt with the agony of a relationship break-up or loss to move forward and be her BEST–Beautiful, Empowered, Successful, Terrific self. Be a confident woman who is attractive, not only on the outside but in her thoughts, manner, personality, speech and actions. This level of personal power helps women kick butt in their careers and businesses too.

    I’ve heard ALL the reasons women can’t be HOT due to baggage, which is why every woman needs to get over it AND realise she can BE the complete package instead—a woman who is magnetic and attracts love easily but doesn’t need a man to complete or validate her worth. If you desire a mate or yearn to date, being a woman of this caliber is HOT no matter how old you are, how much you weigh, have children, strapped for cash, failed at relationships or never told you were HOT before. BAGGAGE can be fashionable too.

    I know you can discover and unleash your HOT Date Diva to feel whole and complete, to SIZZLE. To do that, you must move past feeling broken, because on the other side is feeling whole. It’s not easy, but it’s doable.

    Women ask me why I don’t have such hang-ups. Me? Honey, we all have them on some level. But continual work on yourself (as described in this book) eliminates the effects. Trust me; self-improvement is a lifelong habit. See, I too have experienced the dizzy heights of love, superficial friends, loss of a loved one, betrayal, failed relationships and been burdened with overwhelming responsibilities after a divorce.

    As bad as it felt at times, success training for my mindset, getting in tune with my inner knowing, and receiving divine guidance helped me heal, feel whole and BE me again. I took the steps to rebuild my life, renew my spirit and redeem my dreams, which includes writing this book to help women follow their yearning to transform their love life, no matter what they’ve been through. It starts from within, but it affects you, your world, your family and everything you do.

    This book will help you regain your authentic SIZZLE and transform you from the inside out, which is necessary to attract a quality partner. If you follow the lessons, it’s impossible not to be a HOT Date. After all, it’s your default setting as a human being.

    You were born perfect, loved and a magnet to love. After all, LOVE rejuvenates a drained soul and puts zip back into our steps, joy in our days, dreams in our future and love in our hearts. Loving life and living in expectation of meeting the person who completes your image of love is HOT in anyone’s books. Be love, loved and loving.

    —Terai Koronui, love life transformation coach, speaker

    ‘And smiles turn into laughs

    and laughs turn into kisses –

    and before you know it,

    the days turn into weeks-

    and weeks into months.

    And you’ll find yourself

    forgetting what it was like

    before they were in your life.’

    John William Acker

    PART 1


    It really is a jungle out there.

    C H A P T E R   O N E


    ‘Make a space in your life for the glorious things you deserve. Have faith.’

    —Greg Behrendt, comedian, author of He’s Just Not That Into You

    So you’re single, HOT and ready to mingle? Yes? Nah? Nada? Well, one out of three isn’t bad. Besides, it does help to be SINGLE reading this book, unless you want to SIZZLE for the man you’re with already.

    Staying smoking HOT and keeping life fun and exciting is a winning move, whether you’re SINGLE or HITCHED.

    But let’s get real. The thought of jumping into the Singles Mingle is tricky enough when you’re young and free. Not so easy when you’re starting over after your dream relationship ends up a nightmare, you’ve had your heart broken, and life is not as picture perfect as you expected. It would be a lot easier if you were twenty-one again. You would doll up, hit the town, shake your bootie and not even be looking, and abracadabra, a new man is at your side.

    Getting back on track when you’re no spring chicken is hard, especially if you’re juggling work, the bills and the babies too. It’s no one’s idea of fun. More often than not, women like you and I feel (or are made to feel) like someone else’s leftover slops, and as such, we believe we’ll never find love or anyone who wants us. We’re overwhelmed with baggage and feel old, fat and ugly, with little time for play and OUR emotions. Well, even the ‘California Screamin’ at Disneyland is a smoother, more predictable ride—at least you know for certain it WILL come to a stop.

    You know you should already move on, and like Behrendt says ‘make a space in your life for the glorious things you deserve’. Things which, for you, my dear, are happy days spent with a special someone creating lovely memories and a beautiful life.

    Let’s face it, even if you’re willing to be on a HOT Date or to meet your perfect mate, you’ve got to be a HOT Date yourself. Like most of us, you’re probably thinking that’s never going to happen. Right?

    Let me give it to you straight up like a scotch served neat (I assume you can take it like a woman), unless you’re jumping out of bed every morning EXCITED at the solo weeks and months ahead, ECSTATIC to go to bed alone and wake up to yourself, ELATED at the thought of your company for the rest of your life and NEVER want it to change. I suggest you drop that story already. No one is giving you an academy award for that performance, even if it deserves a standing ovation. Besides, you can’t keep fooling yourself any longer either.

    By the way, how’s that working for you?

    It’s true what they say: What you resist persists. It doesn’t get any better over time either. So if you’ve put dating on hold due to past experiences, I guarantee your attitude is only going to make you feel worse, not better. Remaining STUCK in your little bubble surrounded by ugly thoughts of yourself, others or even the world is not the best use of your powerful, beautiful mind. You will become bitter and sad, and a bitter, sad woman is extremely UNATTRACTIVE.

    So you’ve had your heart broken. Join the club. Sadly, most of us have bombed out in the love department more times than we want to remember. You’re not alone there; millions of women have been where you are, and true to our nature, have shut down after a relationship break-up. Naturally, if you were dumped, abandoned or walked out on, the last thing you’ll feel is HOT, let alone desirable. Instead you feel broken, unloved, unwanted and undesirable, and on top of that, overwhelmed and exhausted (because if you have children, you’re probably left holding the babies and manning the fort too).

    Of course, you’ll be feeling like a MESS and looking like one too. Who wouldn’t?

    Getting your SEXY on and enticing a date is lower on your priority list than trying to get a few minutes to yourself for a loo (toilet) break or a shower, especially if you have kids.

    Right now, you probably feel cursed when it comes to love. You pick the wrong guys, can’t get relationships right, and use your time, energy, money and charm on men who are hopeless. Or worse—men think your best ‘come hither’ look is a weird eye twitch. You don’t feel young, fit or beautiful anymore either. Rather, it seems your looks have ditched you too. You’re too wrecked to think clearly, too exhausted to CARE and the excess baggage you deal with on a daily basis kills your joy.

    Things couldn’t feel any worse for you right now, SO don’t let it. Sweetie, you won’t be getting any sympathy from me either; rather, you will thank me, because this book is your get-out-of-jail card—jail being the club of millions of women whose daily mantra is ‘There’s something wrong with me,’ or ‘There are no decent men out there,’ and, ‘The good ones are taken’. Not forgetting ‘No one is interested in ma bootie anyway, so why bother shaking it’.

    I know all of the reasons or excuses why you can’t…. I hear them all the time. Guess what? I never subscribed to that sad story—and girlfriend, cancel your membership el pronto if you want to spice up your love life, SIZZLE and let sparks fly.

    You can meet your Prince Charming

    Darlings, what I know about love and connection is: you don’t chase after it. The more effort it takes, the harder it is to attain. The more desperate you are for a date, the more elusive it becomes. The harder you run after a man, the faster he runs … the other way.

    The very first thing you need to do is to channel your efforts into rebuilding and nurturing you—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. We women need to feel loved before we can make love, so start a lifelong practice of loving and nurturing yourself. If you’re not feeling it, you’ll look for it in all the wrong places.

    Looking for someone to love you when you’re desperate only results in your meeting men who end up rejecting you, using you or letting you down. Or it may be perfect initially, but sooner or later you see the same unloving patterns and negative qualities in them as the last drop kick you let into your life. It’s not the right time to find Mr Right, and besides, you need to be ‘together’ emotionally to find an emotionally ‘together’ and available MAN.

    Yes, I know you might find it hard to believe, but trust me, such a man does exist. I meet them all the time, and so do plenty of other women.

    It is easier to meet your dream man if you hang in circles where eligible men congregate or have the right connections with family or friends. That was common back in the day, particularly among the elite or royalty, but not so much now.

    Alas, don’t be disheartened thinking you have missed out on meeting your Prince Charming—it’s certainly a fairytale come true, one that every Aussie girl knows can occur in real life too. See, the fairytale came true for one of our own—Mary Donaldson from Tassie (Tasmania) met her prince in a swanky pub in Sydney. These days she’s known as ‘Her Royal Highness, Princess Mary of Denmark’. The lucky girl married her prince and, as I write, is preparing to be queen any day now as hubby prepares to take over the Danish throne.

    Like Mary, your love match can show up anywhere (like her royal Dane) as if you always expected to bump into him. He might not be a true blue royal, but you can make him king of your life, or at least feel like one. If you’re still waiting to score Prince Charming, Britain’s Prince Harry is still loose and being a spirited lad—you never know where you might meet him.

    Secondly, before you go finding your man, you must prepare yourself for such encounters by switching on or turning up your magnetic attraction. It is powerful. The woman who masters the art of visual and sexual chemistry attracts people to her magnetically; she is a magnet to love and lust. She makes a statement wherever she goes without having to say or do anything much, even with all of her clothes on.

    Chemistry is something you can’t buy but own; one can exude, sense and share it but can’t give away. It’s a feeling detected by an observer—the ‘it’ factor that makes you stand out when you’re in a room, even if there are hordes of other women there.

    If your dream man is within range, he will feel your presence without having seen you, and when he does, in his eyes you’re ‘the one’. If you’ve got it, your man will not let anything stop him meeting and dating you, maybe he’ll even LOVE you—provided, that is, you have been preparing your heart, body, mind and soul for this man too. He could turn out to be the love you’ve been waiting for your WHOLE life—the one who has been waiting for you too.

    Biological anthropologist and author of Why We Love, Helen Fisher, describes the power of this magnetic attraction:

    ‘You strike up a conversation with someone you’ve never met before, and whether you admit it to yourself or not, after two minutes or so, you know. You’re attracted or you’re not. If you’re single, you’re intrigued; if you’re happily involved with someone, you’re careful.’

    As Fisher explains, when a man who is in a happy relationship meets a woman he’s attracted to,

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