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Blessed And Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions
Blessed And Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions
Blessed And Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Blessed And Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions

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About this ebook

The Kingdom of God is built by the hands and hearts of Gospel Champions.  These devotionals are focused on the faithful and courageous men and women who answer God’s call on their lives.  Often the least recognized, these Christian servants are the hands, feet and face of God’s present-day Kingdom.  Some of the devotio

Release dateSep 9, 2015
Blessed And Blessing: Devotionals For Gospel Champions

Kirk W Hunt

Kirk Hunt is a layman leader and worker (servant) in his local church. He is a business professional by vocation, but his avocation is as a teacher and writer. His vision is to see Christian men and women working and leading in almost every aspect of society and culture. He earned a B.S. in Developmental Psychology and an M.B.A. with an Operations focus.

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