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Constant Awakening: Searching for and Finding Spirit
Constant Awakening: Searching for and Finding Spirit
Constant Awakening: Searching for and Finding Spirit
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Constant Awakening: Searching for and Finding Spirit

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She was born with gifts to help and heal but instead threw herself into a life of an interntional socialite, denying her abilites. Finally through many spiritual experiencies she gave in to her amazing natural instincts and became one of the top spiritual healers in the world.A fascinating true story packed with real life experiences, demon

Release dateSep 18, 2015
Constant Awakening: Searching for and Finding Spirit

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    Constant Awakening - Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn

    Constant Awakening

    Constant Awakening





    Copyright @ 2015 by Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn

    Third Revised Edition

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form

    or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,

    recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without

    written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of

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    8466 Lockwood Ridge Road, Suite 203

    Sarasota, FL 34243



    ISBN 13: 978-0-9965689-1-3 (ebook)

    Library of Congress Control Number: In Application

    Printed in the United States of America

    Cover art by Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn

    Book design by Margaret Copeland/

    "We don’t know

    the true nature of Reality

    or what is truly Reality.

    Because we compare

    with our own limitations."

    —Immanuel Kant

    German Philosopher


    This is my own Story of how I finally found Spirit,

    And came to understand why we are here

    And what is the Meaning of our Lives

    —my life in particular.

    To maintain privacy ALL names

    have been changed


















    It takes great courage to live the life you want to live, rather than the one other people would like you to live. People thrive on the acceptance of others, often to their detriment. Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn embodies such courage, and chose self-acceptance over the lifestyle she’d been raised to embrace, when she turned, instead, to a calling that came from her heart and spirit.

    Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn writes of the compelling, and often life-saving, experiences that not only cemented her acceptance of her gift, but showed her how to recognize and use spiritual knowledge and teach others to, as well.

    How the spiritual affects the physical is a topic that has intrigued everyone, including scientists, for thousands of years. During the last decade of the 20th century, researchers finally began to gather proof in their scientific endeavors, publishing findings that clearly support that link.

    Extraordinary experiences like Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn’s can be studied for their clues to the true nature of coincidence, synchronicity and the power of spirit. Her book will make you question everything you think you know about yourself and the world around you —both seen and unseen. It’s a story that was meant to be shared, and you will be moved by the woman who lived it.

    — Nina L.Diamond

    Miami, Florida

    Nina L. Diamond is the author of Voices of Truth: Conversations with Scientists, Thinkers & Healers.

    Author’s Note

    Constant Awakening has been written in response to the many queries I come across daily in my ministerial work as spiritual intermediary and medical intuitive. Every day I hear the questions: Why was I born to be the one I am? What is the purpose of my life? Is there a God? What is God? What about religion? What is the White Light? What happens when we die? Have I lived a previous life? What is intuition? Why do things always repeat themselves in life? How do I make good things happen in my life? Was my marriage really a mistake? How can I be happy? How will I stay well? And much, much more. The curiosity never ends.

    I have found that the answers my clients listened to the most, were about how I, myself, discovered the way to higher knowledge and how I eventually found that inner peace that we all have been looking for. My clients also asked what advice I could give them, from my own experience.

    The experiences I am going to share with you have been part of a long and incredible journey. As usual when you find yourself on a journey of discovery, trying to live it wasn’t always that fun or easy. But then much later, when you have overcome your obstacles, you realize how much more knowledge you were able to add to your life through the process. You may even be grateful for the so-called bad times! And you may also recognize . . .Yes, there ARE such things as miracles!

    True, the way I began my life may have been different from most since I was born with the gift to see through the dimensions, not only through the physical body, or the mind: I was able to see energy-fields within and around people and find the cause behind why something was a certain way. At times I could also have conversations with those on the other side.

    I had no idea this was a gift. Instead I thought everyone could do the same, you just didn’t talk about it. I also thought it was quite bothersome, and therefore made constant efforts to detach myself from my gift, a process in which for years I managed to blindfold myself from the truth of who I really was.

    We all do this. We all have the same wonderful connection to Spirit. Our true reality is much more extensive than we have ever been able to imagine. We are all shining Lights on Earth with unlimited possibilities within us.

    Unfortunately, since birth we have been taught and conditioned to limit ourselves, to believe a certain way that leads us to look far away in the distance for help and support, when, ironically, the whole truth about ourselves can be found right here —within us.

    Don’t be mislead by the simplicity of this book. As you’ll find, spiritual truth is simple, and the fact that we are spiritual beings in a physical body is easy and straightforward, but our intellect has made the uncomplicated Truth so very complicated. We have been made to believe that something so wonderful simply has to be full of twists and turns. But, this is not so. And, even better: Spirit is for absolutely everyone. Again, all we have to show is an open mind.

    Constant Awakening is my own love story with Life, where, in the end we discover that each person or event in our existence was there for a purpose, and that they were predetermined to be in our lives to help us on our way to self-discovery.

    Please, read the book carefully. Don’t skip any pages. Constant Awakening is multidimensional. The more you read it, the more you will discover and learn. Each time it will seem like you are reading a new book. And in the end, you WILL understand the eternal meaning of I AM.

    —Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn D.D.


    When I wrote the first edition of Constant Awakening more than a decade ago, times were more conservative and I was uncertain how far I should go in sharing my journey of how I found Spirit. My concern proved to be well founded: Once the book was out on the market, the established religious community had trouble understanding why I, an everyday woman and a religiously uninvolved Lutheran with no spiritual ambitions, had been chosen for experiences more suitable to biblical times.

    The first published edition of Constant Awakening was the final result of an earlier attempt to write a book. I had spent one whole year of my life writing my story, eventually ending up with an almost 400-page long meticulously crafted manuscript. A publisher friend had offered early on to publish my work, and I believed I had it made.

    At the time that I had finished writing the book, there was suddenly a buyer for my house, which had been on the market for almost a year. Consequently, on the spur of the moment, I had to drop all I was doing and begin packing.

    To make sure I wouldn’t lose any information stored on my computer, I made several spiral bound printed copies of my manuscript and carefully packed them in a well marked box, along with some of my favorite books. I also saved all notes and finished chapters on several floppy discs (which was the method we used in those days). I felt that I needed some extra time to edit and verify my material before I sent it off to the publisher.

    However, through the most extraordinary circumstances, the movers dropped my computer on a tile floor. Not only did they break the computer, all of its memory was gone—and so was my story. I didn’t worry too much at the time, however, as I still had the manuscripts saved on the floppy discs. But when I got a new computer, those discs had to be converted to new discs to suit the new computer model. So I asked my computer whiz to convert them onto a more modern version of storage discs. I waited and waited for him to return the discs, and when he eventually called me—he confessed that he had lost my floppy discs and

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