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Handbook of Faith: Authentic Faith Believes the Bible
Handbook of Faith: Authentic Faith Believes the Bible
Handbook of Faith: Authentic Faith Believes the Bible
Ebook63 pages53 minutes

Handbook of Faith: Authentic Faith Believes the Bible

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ABOUT THE BOOK: The original twelve followers of Christ changed the world; indeed, they changed the history of the world. So this author, a pastor with over sixty years' experience, poses and answers this logical question: "If there are so many 'Christians' on this planet, why are they so relatively ineffective in serving the On

Release dateApr 25, 2016
Handbook of Faith: Authentic Faith Believes the Bible

Jr. Warren C Biebel

Born in 1928, REV. WARREN C. BIEBEL, Jr., has been communicating the Good News and hope of the gospel for more than seven decades, with a special focus on ministry to and with young people. He has authored five books with Healthy Life Press: We've Got Mail: A Paraphrase of the New Testament Letters; The Big Black Book-What the Christmas Tree Saw; The Other Side of Life: Over 60? God Still Has a Plan for You; Handbook of Faith: Authentic Faith Believes the Bible, and this memoir: My Wonderful Journey through Life with God, Family, and Friends.

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    Handbook of Faith - Jr. Warren C Biebel


    Let’s begin the discussion by acknowledging that there are and have been, for centuries, various schools of thought about the Bible within the general framework of what is called Christianity. There are two extreme positions philosophically and theologically and many others leaning in one direction or another. Some others in their understanding of Christianity consider tradition to be of equal or more important than the Bible. Many of these people, although identified as Christian by label, not only do not believe in the Jesus of the Bible but adapt their own beliefs to a position that is socially and politically acceptable.

    Three Positions

    The first position is that of the theological left, or extreme liberal, which rejects the Bible as any special revelation of God. To this school of thought, the Bible contains some elements of value and some accounts that may be historically true. However, the test applied to the historical accuracy of the accounts is that of reasonableness within the context of scientific knowledge and human experience. In simple terms, anything that is extra-experiential or supernatural cannot be believed or is relegated to the category of folklore.

    Without going into all the ramifications of this belief, it obviously casts doubt on many of the accounts of Scripture and in effect, strikes at the very heart and roots of our Christian faith. Thus, it relegates Christianity to the spiritual level of every other religion in the world and makes Jesus Christ Himself a mere man,and the Bible, if used at all, as simply another resource for finding bits and parcels of truth.

    Secondly, there is another position within the billions of self-professed Christians, which might be called a position of relativity. This perspective insists that we must apply the test of human experience to accounts reported in the Bible as actually having happened. Thus, they believe that many of the accounts of historical events are fables or fictionalized (i.e. they did not really happen as described) though they may contain some valuable

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