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Discovering Self: Developing Me
Discovering Self: Developing Me
Discovering Self: Developing Me
Ebook78 pages54 minutes

Discovering Self: Developing Me

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About this ebook

This book addresses the intricacies of how a person’s self is developed. The author discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life and points out in clear and unmistakable language that the Holy Spirit and one’s conscience are not the same.

The reader will be provided insights into the following:

* How

Release dateApr 20, 2016
Discovering Self: Developing Me

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    Book preview

    Discovering Self - Antwion M. Yowe

    Chapter Summary

    Chapter 1: The Holy Spirit and the Conscience Are Not the Same

    This chapter will help the reader to understand the conscience as a unique and valuable gift that humans possess; however, it is only as valuable as one allows it to be. In the study, we will examine the thoughts and actions of two individuals who neglected to listen to their inner voice, aborting their opportunity to be properly guided in the will of God.

    Chapter 2: Understanding How the Conscience Works

    Levels of the conscience may vary, even among Christian believers. In this chapter, the reader will note how a servant of the Lord was initially influenced by fellow believers but then, moved by his spirit, directed conscience to follow a different course of action.

    Chapter 3: The Conscience and the Old Testament

    To properly train the conscience so that the Holy Spirit directs it, the conscience must be nourished by the Word of God and strengthened through exercise. As readers study this chapter, they will note how a young man was able to train his conscience according to the will of God, despite his upbringing and surroundings.

    Chapter 4: The Conscience as Legislator

    The conscience can act as a legislator by establishing laws or defining parameters within which we operate. These laws or parameters serve as guides and prevent us from doing bad things or engaging in ungodly activities. This chapter will discuss a young man who found himself in an awkward situation. We will see how he reacted despite being far away from home, out of the eyesight of the public, and without a written law to dictate his choices.

    Chapter 5: The Conscience as Motivator

    Altruism abounds in human society because the human conscience prompts people to do the right thing. Our inner voice will encourage us to be proactive in seeking ways to help others. In this chapter’s discussion, the reader will examine the missionary work of the apostle Paul as an example of a person motivated by conscience to help others without promise of a pecuniary reward.

    Chapter 6: The Conscience as Disciplinarian

    The mind acquires knowledge and the conscience then integrates our knowledge into a code of ethics. When behavior that contradicts our code of ethics occurs, our consciences may serve as disciplinarians. In this chapter, the reader will peer into the life of a sinner and observe how his enlightened conscience reprimanded him into repentance.

    Chapter 7: The Conscience as Judge

    Regardless of what actions our consciences may prompt us to take, we are autonomous and ultimately can do whatever we choose. However, our consciences will evaluate our choices as being good or bad, moral or immoral. As this chapter will demonstrate through the Bible case study, the conscience as an internal judge can either comfort or condemn.

    Chapter 8: The Conscience and the New Testament

    Do our personal choices affect the consciences of other people? Are we to be held responsible for the consciences of others? How much accountability do we bear in this regard? These questions affected believers of the early church and continue to be relevant today. In this chapter, the reader is encouraged to consider the advice given by the apostle Paul to the Corinth church.

    Chapter 9: Protecting Our Consciences

    God’s Word must be the controlling influence on our consciences. We also must be willing to remove negative influences from our lives so that we will not be led off course from seeking God’s will. This chapter will help the reader to develop a strategic plan to stay the course and not be led astray by the magnetic pull of ungodliness.

    Chapter 10: Ridding the Guilty Conscience

    A guilty conscience is usually the result of following a course of action contrary to our personal value system. In this chapter, the reader is privy to an episode of King David’s life wherein he made a poor decision that caused him to suffer a guilty conscience. The study will help the reader discover how one can be set free from a troubled conscience.


    Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6, KJV)

    The truth and wisdom of this proverbial adage is proven when a child becomes an adult. To train a child in the way he should go speaks to the noble task of building within the child a strong sense of conscience. It is ultimately the ethics and values instilled in the conscience that enables the conscience to serve as a reliable guide throughout one’s life. Parents and guardians have

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