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Lord, Build Me a House: Restoring the Foundation of Your Sacred Temple
Lord, Build Me a House: Restoring the Foundation of Your Sacred Temple
Lord, Build Me a House: Restoring the Foundation of Your Sacred Temple
Ebook122 pages1 hour

Lord, Build Me a House: Restoring the Foundation of Your Sacred Temple

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Upon this rock I shall build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

--Matthew 16:18

We all have a time to be called by God, and we have the choice to accept Him or reject Him. Lord, Build Me a House is a book designed to educate and guide readers to a higher standard of Kingdom living. Author Latangela Rog

Release dateJun 14, 2016
Lord, Build Me a House: Restoring the Foundation of Your Sacred Temple

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    Lord, Build Me a House - Latangela Rogers



    Published by Purposely Created Publishing Group™

    Copyright © 2016 Latangela Rogers


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    ISBN (paperback): 13: 978-1-942838-90-6

    ISBN (ebook): 13:978-1-945558-81-8

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    This book is dedicated to God’s children, who are the church. Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18 KJV). Our foundation is built on Jesus Christ. We receive our deliverance and healing. Our hardships are necessary processes to build us up and strengthen us for the purpose and destiny that God has chosen for each of us. We are created in His own image.

    Remember that we are all beautifully and wonderfully made. Keep fighting the good fight of faith. Watch God’s hand as it rebuilds and reshapes us to do a great work in the earthly realm.

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1: Swept Clean

    Chapter 2: The Foundation

    Chapter 3: The Framing

    Chapter 4: The Roofing

    Chapter 5: The Electrical Wiring System

    Chapter 6: Insulation of Worship

    Chapter 7: The Drywall

    Chapter 8: It Is Finished


    About the Author


    Love is the gift that keeps on giving. It cannot be bought or sold for any amount of money. We cannot use the bartering system. Trading love is not an option, yet many of us try to buy or trade love to make us feel complete. Love is free. We freely give it and we freely receive it. This is the way that God designed love. We ultimately have no control over who we love. God does not pick and choose which of His children He will or will not love. He loves us all the same. He has proven that to us by the birth of Jesus Christ, His son. Jesus lived among the people. His ministry was the ultimate depiction of love. In three years, He taught us how to live and interact with others. The compassion that He showed through love was infectious. His tone of expression always exemplified love. He came to deliver us from our sins. Without judgment, He cast out demons, He healed the sick, and He restored the lost.

    I have often wondered, why do we love? Have you ever had that same question run through your mind? The difference between loving from the heart and loving from our thought process is great. When we love with our hearts, it never goes away; it is implanted by God. When He examines us, He begins with the examination of our hearts. Jeremiah 17:10 NLV states, But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve. Oftentimes, we get love and lust confused—our thought process can get us into a lot of trouble. Many people have stated that they were in love with someone or something because of feelings that were based on their thoughts and not at all about how they felt in their hearts. All of us have been there at least once. Love is solid, but lust is temporal.

    We were created in God’s own image. God puts the love in us. This love tells us what to feel and how to feel; when we should respond and how we should respond. Love is not political. We are charged to love one another, but we are not charged with loving sin. Lust brings about a sinful nature. Our mind’s thought process can take us into a place of sin. Our minds are a place of conception. Good seeds and bad seeds are planted there. I was reading through a health article online, and this question was raised: what motivates people to seek love? The answer was as follows: Our primary motivation as human beings is to expand the self and to increase our abilities and our effectiveness. One of the ways we accomplish this is through our relationships with other people. We have learned in our research that it is important to feel that you have the ability to be an effective person, especially in our relationships.

    I thought about the term effective person. What makes us effective? How do we even begin to measure our effectiveness? The answer is in how we respond to others with the portion of love that God gifts each of us with. We make sacrifices through that portion of love; it is unselfish. It cannot be turned on or off. We do not pick and choose when we will display that portion of love, because that love will draw all the right people into our circle. God draws us, protects us, and provides for us with this same love. Remember that we are created in His image. This love dwells within our houses. Our house should be fit for the King to dwell in all of the days of our lives. My house shall be called a house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7 ESV). Our houses are built by prayer; they exemplify the love of God. He loves us so much that his love forms a protective magnetism around our outer shells, and in the inside of our temples there is a repellant that will not allow dead things to remain. This repellant is the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.

    We have several different examples in the Bible that show us that love is a sacrifice. Abraham’s love for God was tested when God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham agonized over this sacrifice because he truly loved his son, and he was told that Isaac was the heir to the inheritance. Needless to say, Abraham proceeded to do exactly as God instructed. He took Isaac on the mountain, tied him down, and prepared to sacrifice him, when God intervened and showed him the ram in the bush. Because of Abraham’s obedience to God to sacrifice his own son, God brought forth a ram that Abraham could sacrifice in place of his son Isaac. Our obedience to God is better than sacrifice. God tests us in many ways to see if we are ready to receive the inheritance of His Kingdom. You can see this clearly with Abraham’s obedience. He did not want to sacrifice his son Isaac, but he was willing to do so to prove that his obedience to God was more precious. What are you willing to sacrifice to receive what God has predestined for you?

    God proved his love to us through the sacrificing of His only Son, Jesus Christ. What are you willing to sacrifice to get to your destiny? We all have a destiny, but not many of us fulfill it because we don’t want to make sacrifices to get there. Many of us don’t want to give up our sins to allow the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of us. We don’t want to sacrifice some alone time in prayer with God to be cleansed. However, we must take a stand. We must arrive at the mountain to make our sacrifice. Isaiah 56:7 NASB states, Even those I will bring to My holy mountain And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples. This book is an expression of one of my many sacrifices. I wanted to use the portion of love that God gifted to me to write and tell you about how God saved me and cleaned me up to be a vessel of use for Him. He wants to do the same for you, the reader of this book. He loves us deeply and He wants nothing but the best for us, His children.

    I have had the burning desire to write this book before, but the timing was always wrong. I knew that I had conceived, but it was not time to give birth until now. I have endured enough to apply my life lessons into this book that will train, teach, and guide readers into a higher standard of Kingdom living. The premise of this book is to target you as the vessel for God’s use. God cannot use us as we are because we are born into sin. We were not born into a pure place. Psalms 51:5 NLT states, For I was born a sinner—yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. God has to cleanse us and free us from all of the filth of sin that we were born into. The house is a place that God needs to dwell in, and we are the house. God is the master designer and builder of our house. It reminds me of the scripture that states, "And I say also unto thee, That thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against

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