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How To Turn Your I Can't Into I Believe Can: 30 Excellent Strategies That Will Enable You To Achieve Your True Potential
How To Turn Your I Can't Into I Believe Can: 30 Excellent Strategies That Will Enable You To Achieve Your True Potential
How To Turn Your I Can't Into I Believe Can: 30 Excellent Strategies That Will Enable You To Achieve Your True Potential
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How To Turn Your I Can't Into I Believe Can: 30 Excellent Strategies That Will Enable You To Achieve Your True Potential

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"How To Turn Your I Can't Into I Believe I Can" inspired by my mentor Karl Wilson and motivational speaker Althea Grant is an excellent personal development book, which explains 30 excellent strategies, that can help readers focus on self-esteem; confidence; goal setting; success; motivation and inspiration.

Release dateDec 5, 2016
How To Turn Your I Can't Into I Believe Can: 30 Excellent Strategies That Will Enable You To Achieve Your True Potential

Delroy Constantine-Simms

Delroy Constantine Simms C. Psychol; MSc Occupational and Organizational Psychology; BA (Hons) Social Sciences; BSc (Hons) Psychology; Constantine-Simms has previously taught sociology, psychology, at the Open University; The University of Stirling; Westminster College; and Barnet College. He is also a freelance print and photo journalist, whose work has been published in The Voice Newspaper, Black Britain, The Post, The Gleaner, Miami Times, The Amsterdam News, Pride Magazine. His photos have been distributed through photo agencies such as Demotix, Corbis and Getty images. He is a regular contributor on several radio and TV stations, including the BBC, Channel Four, BBC Radio 1, Three Counties Radio, and has been featured in the Guardian and cited in the Mirror, The Evening Standard, The Metro, Constantine-Simms has presented academic papers in Germany, South Africa, The USA, Jamaica, Gambia, and Ethiopia on a variety of psychology and sociology related topics.He is also the recipient of the 2001 Lambda Book Award for Best Anthology (The Greatest Taboo: Homosexuality in Black Communities). Mst recently, received two Black Excellence Awards (Middle East) Best Photographer Award (2021), and Best Author Award (2021) after writing and editing two consequential books, #Take A Knee Political Awakening of Colin Kaepernick, and The Brazilian Covid Catastrophe. He currently lives in the United Arab Emirates.See

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    How To Turn Your I Can't Into I Believe Can - Delroy Constantine-Simms



    30 Excellent Strategies That Will Enable You

    To Achieve Your True Potential

    Copyright © 2015 D Constantine-Simms

    Copyright © 2015 Think Doctor Publications

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher. If copyright material has been inadvertently used without permission, acknowledgement or credit, the editors and publisher will be more than happy to make the necessary arrangements for such concerns to be addressed at the first possible opportunity t

    ISBN: 978-1-63587-996-4

    About The Editor

    D. Constantine-Simms is an Occupational Psychologist and Counselling Psychologist and a qualified Therapeutic Career Coach, and regularly contributes to:


    This personal development book contains thirty actionable strategies based on six core principles which are self-esteem; confidence; goal setting; success; motivation and inspiration.  This superb book encourages you to think positively, reflect and develop a mindset that will enable you to strategically plan how to move from where you are today, to where you really want to be tomorrow and the rest of your life. The value of this superb book can be appreciated by observing the behaviour of fleas in an open and sealed jar. You can train fleas by putting them in a jar with a top on it. Fleas jump, so they will jump up and hit the top repeatedly. As you watch them jump and hit the top, you will notice something interesting. The fleas continue to jump, but they are no longer jumping high enough to hit the top.  When you take the top off and though the fleas continue to jump, they won't jump out of the jar. I repeat, they won't jump out because they just can't. The reason is simple. The fleas have conditioned themselves to jump just so high. Once they have conditioned themselves to jump just so high, that's all they can and will do. Just like the fleas, many of us fail to jump higher, than we think we can, thinking we are doing all we can due to internal and external programming which has led to engrained behaviours and self-expectations, which in many respects influences the visions we have of ourselves in terms of what we think we can or can’t achieve. There are numerous psychological studies, that tell us that nothing controls our lives more than our self- image.  We live like the person we see in the mirror. We are what we think we are. If you don't think you'll be successful, you won't be successful. You can't be successful, if you can't see it inside yourself. Your life is limited to your vision. If you want to change your life, you must change your vision of your life.  The importance of self-perception can be explained through the following story about the Chicken and the Eagle. Once upon a time, at a large mountain side there was an eagle nest with four large eagle eggs inside. One day, an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of the eggs to roll down to a chicken farm, located in the valley below. The chickens knew that they must protect the eagle egg. Eventually, the eagle egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Being chickens, the chickens raised the eagle to be a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family but it seemed his spirit cried out for more. One day, the eagle looked to the skies above and noticed a group of mighty eagles soaring. Oh, the eagle cried, I wish I could soar like those birds. The chickens roared with laughter, You cannot soar like those. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar. The eagle continued staring at his real family up above, dreaming that he could be like them. Each time the eagle talked about his dreams, he was told it couldn’t be done. That was what the eagle learned to believe. After time, the eagle stopped dreaming and continued to live his life as a chicken. Finally, after a long life as a chicken, the eagle passed away. You become what you believe you are. If you ever dream to become an eagle, follow your dreams, not the words of chickens. In contrast, Arnold Schwarzenegger was not that famous in 1976 when he met with a newspaper reporter. The reporter asked Schwarzenegger. Now that you've retired from bodybuilding, what do you plan to do next? Schwarzenegger answered very calmly and confidently: I’m going to be the number one movie star in Hollywood. The reporter was shocked and amused at Schwarzenegger's plan. At that time, it was very hard to imagine how this muscle-bound body builder, who was not a professional actor and who spoke poor English with a strong Austrian accent, could ever hope to be Hollywood's number one movie star! So, the reporter asked Schwarzenegger how he planned to make his dream come true, Schwarzenegger said: I will do it the same way I became the number one body builder in the world. What I do was to create a vision of who I want to be, and then I start living like that person in my mind as if it were already true." Sounds almost childishly simple, doesn't it?

    But it worked! Schwarzenegger DID become the number one highest paid movie star in Hollywood!  Schwarzenegger also became the governor of California and could have been the President of the United States of America, if the legislation did not restrict foreign born national running for the Presidency. The fact of the matter is this. Schwarzenegger  may have been a flee in a jar constantly hitting the top of the jar, but unlike the other fleas he took advantage of the open top and ensured that his self-belief and self- perception enabled him to see beyond the real and self-imposed restrictions to achieve his goals by turning the often self-imposed Can’t of Life into a "Yes I Can

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