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Cleanse: The Holistic Detox Program for mind, body & soul
Cleanse: The Holistic Detox Program for mind, body & soul
Cleanse: The Holistic Detox Program for mind, body & soul
Ebook241 pages2 hours

Cleanse: The Holistic Detox Program for mind, body & soul

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About this ebook

Are you tired of feeling tired, sick of being sick and frustrated with feeling stuck? Just because others feel the same this doesn’t have to be your norm. You don’t have to just get on with it! 

In this powerful holistic detox program for mind, body and soul, Faith shares simple techniques for cr

Release dateDec 20, 2016
Cleanse: The Holistic Detox Program for mind, body & soul

Faith Canter

Faith is a foraging, foodie, fermenter who loves herbs, hiking, being out in nature, travel and getting creative. She's recovered from self-hatred, body shaming, CFS/ME, depression, IBS and the need to people please. She assists others to to reconnect with self, health and life through coaching, her membership site and YouTube channel.

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    Book preview

    Cleanse - Faith Canter




    for mind, body & soul



    Published in 2016 by Empowered Books

    Copyright © Faith Canter 2016

    Faith Canter has asserted her right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

    ISBN Paperback: 978-0-9957047-0-1

    Ebook: 978-0-9957047-1-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

    A CIP catalogue copy of this book can be

    found in the British Library.

    Published with the help of Indie Authors World


    To me dear friend Lucy.

    You are without a doubt one of the most authentic, honest and caring people I have had the pleasure to not only meet but call my friend. Thank you for always shining so brightly and encouraging me to do the same.

    To all of you amazing people out there who have had the courage to say ‘Enough is enough, and things are going to change!’ You guys rock and inspire me every day!


    Every now and again a book comes along that changes your life – this is one of those books.

    How do I know?

    Because I’ve been through this Cleanse Program, and it gave me my life back!

    I used to think that I looked after myself well – eating and drinking sensibly, exercising regularly, meditating and using various other practices to put myself in the best place to enjoy life physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

    But last year my body decided otherwise. It had had enough.

    I’d become physically exhausted and most days was struggling to get out of bed. Headaches and migraines made regular appearances, often accompanied with dizzy spells. My skin was blotchy. I was experiencing unusual mood swings. And my weight was going in the wrong direction – even though I was following what I thought was a healthy diet.

    What was happening? It didn’t make sense.

    My doctor had briskly dismissed my concerns, suggesting I simply needed to get more sleep. But I knew something else was wrong, and so booked a session with Faith.

    Gosh, I’m so glad I did!

    I had no idea what to expect but was ready to listen.

    I was so desperate for the energetic and optimistic version of me to return, I was ready to do whatever I needed to do for this to happen.

    What did I need to do?

    I left armed with lists of goodies to buy, and notes on how to change my diet and heal my body – essentially, the contents of this book.

    I’d never felt so compelled to take control of my health, and I started this Cleanse Program the very next day.

    Initially some of the new ingredients seemed odd, but I persevered and was pleasantly surprised at how much easier it was to stick to the program than I’d thought it would be.

    You see, Faith, suggests an approach that sets you up to succeed.

    Rather than immediately cutting out the ‘bad’ stuff, as many ‘diets’ do, Faith takes you through a kinder process of nurturing a positive mindset, overcoming emotional resistance, and changing eating and lifestyle habits week by week – so you’re more likely to make the changes your body needs.

    After only a couple of weeks following this program, I felt so much better.

    Seriously, I had lots more energy and my enthusiasm for life had returned.

    Phew, what a relief!

    But the best bit is that now, a year later, I’m much better at taking care of myself and listening to my body – recognising when I need to rest, modifying my eating, or stepping up other health practices to restore a healthy blend of chemicals and hormones in my body.

    How would you feel, if you were healthier?

    It is possible for you to start healing your body today.

    If you’re unsure how, Faith has written this practical step-by-step guide for you.

    It really is a fantastic resource for anyone who’d like more energy, to lose weight, or is looking for a holistic approach to healing a lingering health issue.

    But don’t just trust my word. Try it for yourself!

    With love,

    Alisoun x

    Alisoun Mackenzie

    Business Mentor, Speaker and Author of Amazon Bestseller Heartatude, The 9 Principles of Heart-Centered Success


    ‘You did a great job, Faith. The cleanse/detox was much more fun with your support, and I feel a lot wiser because of it and was able to stick to it that bit better because of you. As a coach myself, I wasn’t always sure about the area of health, and I feel I know a lot more now; so more rounded in my own knowledge, and less rounded round the middle, as I’m a few lbs lighter now.’

    Lester, Edinburgh

    ‘I can thoroughly recommend Faith’s Cleanse Program. It’s almost like Faith is walking personally next to you and holding your hand every step of the way. The most nurturing, holistic, and self-supportive program I have done in a very long time. I have definitely seen the results and positive changes in my life. Thank you so very much, Faith, you really are a miracle worker.’ 

    Tracy, Bristol 

    ‘I took part in Faith’s cleanse at the beginning of this year. I very much welcomed this as a great opportunity to reset and rebalance my whole system. At the end of the cleanse, I felt better and clearer both mentally and physically. I am now continuing with choosing natural sources of sugar only, and avoiding processed and hidden sugars. Not because I should but because I personally experienced how great it feels. Thank you for all you do, Faith!’

    Veronika, Edinburgh

    ‘On doing the cleanse, the first benefit I had was within 2 days when I stopped getting indigestion which I had suffered from every day for over 2 years. It has not recurred. I’m so grateful to Faith for introducing me to this type of detox.’

    Pam, Edinburgh

    ‘Within days of starting Faith’s ‘Cleanse’ program, I had MUCH more energy. That in itself was great. However, after a few weeks, I noticed a massive benefit – chronic joint pain (affecting daily activities) drastically reduced, and I could walk almost pain-free. I’ve found that by following Faith’s recommendations I’ve curbed sugar cravings and no longer consume sugary/processed foods, resulting in weight loss without diet! I no longer feel bloated and I actually feel the best I’ve felt in years! The steps are easy to follow and any questions are swiftly answered. I’d recommend anyone contemplating a detox to try Faith’s program. I’m so glad I took that initial decision to get on board. Thanks again – this has literally changed my life.

    May, Edinburgh  

    About the Author

    Having recovered from ME/CFS and a whole host of other health concerns, using a whole life approach to detoxing mind, body, home and environment, I wrote my first book, Living a Life Less Toxic, to assist others in regaining their own health and vitality. My own recovery and that of my clients was what inspired me to write that book. What I didn’t realise, however, was that the journey to publishing it would be just as healing as the journey that had led to the book being written in the first place.

    The Universe conspired – sometimes it felt like against me, but now I realise it was with me –to publish Living a Life Less Toxic, because from the moment I decided to write it everything fell into place and I ended up winning a self-publishing contract from Hay House Publishing UK with their sister company, Balboa Press. However, I wasn’t to know that this process was also to be part of my healing journey, for in the months that followed I slowly but surely felt like I was losing the plot! Me, who had it all sorted, had healed myself, was helping others…lost the plot (all over again)!

    I suddenly doubted myself again, feared putting myself ‘out there’ in the big scary world, and was anxious about the criticism I thought might come of me and my baby (book). Through the months of self-doubt during the publishing process, I hurt, I healed, and I learned to live more in harmony with myself and life itself. I realised that everything going on in my life was showing up as invitations to resolve things for me at an even deeper level than before. As I became more aware of this concept, I was not only able to resolve my own ‘stuff’ in a much quicker and kinder way, but I noticed this was also happening for my clients as well.

    The more I resolved my own stuff, the more I helped others, and the more of this book (that you hold in your hands) started to take form. Some of the same things feature here as in my first book, but at a much deeper and more healing level. I hope you find this book as helpful as I did in writing it.

    Life really does give us everything we need, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time!

    Much love,


    You can contact me by email at

    or at my website

    Introduction: What is Cleanse?

    You have either picked this book up to address your health or to lose weight. Well, it’s really all about having harmonious health…period!

    What I mean by this is that balancing your weight, your hormones, your mood, your skin, etc, etc, is a by-product of true health and harmony within your body and mind. This is the same for many health conditions and concerns, many of which you may feel are incurable or unrelated to why you want to take part in the Cleanse program. I’ve lost count of the number of clients who come to me for one problem and, when I have ‘prescribed’ this holistic detox program, they find their original concerns and many other areas they didn’t come to me for have cleared up as well.

    Having taken hundreds of clients through this six-week holistic detox program, I know how important it is to nourish and nurture both body and mind when detoxing from toxic thoughts, feelings, bodies, homes, and environments. Detox programs that don’t nourish and nurture often leave us feeling depleted; we don’t stick to them, or we end up embarking on another one a few months down the line as we are back to square one again.

    You’ll find this program is unlike any other detox you have come across before. It’s totally and utterly nurturing in every single way. When cleansing body and mind together, we learn new ways of thinking about ourselves, our lives, and our bodies. This creates healthy and nurturing ways to live our lives, not just for the next six weeks but into the future as well.

    You don’t have to spend lots of time and energy on this process. You simply start by following this six-week Cleanse program that will help you to achieve a more harmonious and healthy body and mind. After this stage, you can still enjoy the foods and drinks you like and do the things you want to do, but you simply continue with some of the items in this program as a sort of maintenance dose of health and harmony. This way, you won’t find yourself feeling the need to do another detox, cleanse, or diet in another few months’ time.

    By putting a little time aside to address your overall health and wellbeing in a holistic and harmonious way like this, you can look after yourself and your family more easily. You may become more productive at work, you will no longer wake up exhausted, your weight will balance out to a healthy level, and you may be able to eliminate many pills and potions you have been taking/using. Being healthy isn’t just about changing your diet; it’s about reducing your toxic load, both mentally and physically.

    Over the next six weeks I’ll be guiding you along your very own do-it-yourself holistic detox program and on to better health, harmony, and wellbeing. What have you got to lose? Health and harmony could literally be

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