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What On Earth Is God Doing For Heavens' Sake
What On Earth Is God Doing For Heavens' Sake
What On Earth Is God Doing For Heavens' Sake
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What On Earth Is God Doing For Heavens' Sake

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"What are we here for and what is everything all about?" Small questions that require a big response thought Sam Baird, as his son John asks him these questions. Given what the eight-year-old had recently experienced, his mother's death from cancer, Sam knew that questions about life and death would come about. Yet this was just th

Release dateMay 23, 2017
What On Earth Is God Doing For Heavens' Sake

Dewey (Bud) Gardner

Dewey "Bud" Gardner, or "Brother Bud" was born in Mississippi in 1931 into a loving family of ten children, humble parents, and wonderful fellowship. He joined the pastoral ministry in 1958 after a life-changing experience with Jesus Christ. In 1960, he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies from East Texas Baptist College and served as a pastor over Baptist churches in Texas and Mississippi. He established a training center called Faith Outreach Center, International in San Antonio, Texas in 2001 to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Brother Bud continues to be a father to men and women who have a heart for God.

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    What On Earth Is God Doing For Heavens' Sake - Dewey (Bud) Gardner



    Dewey (Bud) Gardner

    Copyright © 2017 by Dewey (Bud) Gardner.

    PAPERBACK: 978-1-946801-80-7

    EBOOK: 978-1-946801-81-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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    Printed in the United States of America




    Chapter One

    The Question

    Chapter Two

    An Important Question

    Chapter Three

    The Beginning

    Chapter Four

    The Mystery Of Creation

    Chapter Five

    The Son Of God The Son Of Man

    Chapter Six

    The Mystery Of Iniquity

    Chapter Seven

    God’s Perfect Plan Of Redemption

    Chapter Eight

    A New Creation In Christ

    Chapter Nine

    After This The Judgment

    Chapter Ten

    The Finished Work

    Chapter Eleven

    No Longer Slaves To Sin

    Chapter Twelve

    Under New Management

    Chapter Thirteen

    The Return Of The King

    Chapter Fourteen

    It Will Be Worth It All


    Most of us who are able to reflect upon anything that is of a serious nature, have, at times, had some curiosity about the question of our existence: Why do we exist? What is going on? And, what happens after this? Most, however, are so busy about everyday affairs, encumbered with the cares of this life; they never stop to give it serious consideration. Yet, this is the most important consideration for both time and eternity. In fact, the answer to this series of questions will determine our eternal destiny and the quality of life we live while on e arth.

    What seems to be a troubling curiosity is actually the Lord trying to get our attention, trying to get us to reflect on these things so He can lead us to the answer. Most people close their ears and turn Him away. His desire is to give us abundant life but we are so busy living our small limited life we don’t hear Him. We find real life when we find the answer.

    Real answers to these deep-seated concerns will cause us to re-evaluate our lives, change direction, and find our purpose in life.

    From our finite perspective we ask such questions as: Why is there so much trouble and suffering in the world? Why do people die? Why does God allow all of these things? Why does God put all these things on us? If God is all powerful, why does He not do away with suffering and death? Is He in control or not? What is this all about, anyway?, and Is God really good?

    The ancient patriarch Job, from his limited perspective, asked some of these same questions. He was very careful to do things the way the Lord had directed. In doing so he had become very prosperous, and well respected in the community, He had a large happy family, and everything was going well, until tragedy struck. Calamity after calamity struck his business, his family, and finally his body. He began to question the goodness of God.

    A paraphrase and condensation of the long discourse in the Book of Job, including Job’s questions and complaints might go something like this: I have been careful to follow the Lord’s instructions, and watch over my family. I haven’t cheated or talked bad about others. I have taken care of my own business and done what I could to help others. I have kept myself pure and have been careful to see to it that my children do the same. Why has the Lord brought all this calamity upon me? Where is He? Why does He not talk to me and tell me what I have done wrong? If I could meet with Him and present my case I’m sure He would see things my way, and that He has done me wrong. It seems that I am more just than He. If I were in His place and He in mine, I would not treat Him like He is treating me.

    How many of us have secretly had similar thoughts (with much less justification)? How could God do this to me? If He would just tell me what is wrong, I would fix it. Why me, Lord?, and If God is so good, why does He allow so much suffering in the world? And sometimes worse accusations are aimed at God.

    May we humbly seek for answers in the Word of God. If we allow Him to show us things from His perspective, we will find the Answer!


    Tragedy has no favorites. Hurtful, disappointing and confusing things happen to people who have money and those who are penniless; to the wise and the unwise; to kings and to their subjects; to those who are popular and those who are unknown; to those who are cruel and to the merciful; to those who are good and to the evil. Tragedy does not discriminate. It can fall at any time upon anyone. We are all susceptible to it. The only question is, What will be our reaction to it? Will we profit from the experience, or will we suffer loss?

    The Lord turns these crises to work for our good when we face them in the right way and with the right attitude. We should not conclude, however, that since the Lord uses these things for our good, He is the One who caused them; nor should we identify accidents, sickness and disease, and different types of hardship as suffering for Christ. Suffering for Christ is a category of suffering which includes such things as rejection, opposition, accusations, deprivation, incarceration, and other types of hardship, which includes illegal confiscation of property, beatings and being put to death, because a believer refuses to deny Christ or His name, and for standing up for that which is right according to His word.

    Tragedies which are common to men as the result of being in Adam’s fallen race are just that, the common (natural) fate of all. God sometimes intervenes, preventing some tragedies, and sometimes healing sickness and disease, but it is obvious He does not always do so. When He does intervene we can be sure it serves His purpose and, likewise, when He does not intervene, His purpose is also served.

    The following story is about a family who met a life altering tragedy and how they faced it, how they endured physical pain, mental anguish, heartache, conflicting emotions, and how they profited spiritually because of how the Lord used it.

    Samuel and Eunice Baird represents the normal Christian couple in their everyday life, with its dreams, plans, and hopes for the future. Their plans and dreams are not unlike most middle-class couples; they plan to have children, live modestly, be a positive part of their community and of their church. They currently have one child, eleven year old John, who is the apple of their eye. They expected to have more children, if God so willed.

    Their dreams are shattered and plans altered by sudden tragedy which tested their faith and changed their lives forever. Their personal dreams are shattered and, the plans which they had made, are brought to an abrupt end by the crisis.

    Although this family is not real, that is to say, not an actual family, Sam, Eunice and John are real when considered from the standpoint of what they represent. This book is written in the form of a novel, but the truth contained herein is by no means fictional. Fiction infers the people and events recorded are not actual. What happened to the family in this story is certainly real in the lives many people. The Biblical teachings contained herein are eternally true, and can (and I pray will) be the experience of every individual who reads these pages.

    The reader is cautioned not to consider this material as only make-believe. Although the people named in the book may be made up by the author, the reader is challenged to allow the spiritual truths to enter the heart as you read that you may be transformed by them. My motive in writing in this form is to (hopefully) expose those who may never read and study a book on theology to these eternal truths, that they may know God the Father and of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in a personal way, and that they may discover His glorious purpose and eternal plan for their lives.

    May the Lord give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation as you read the following pages concerning God’s great purpose in the creation and eternal destiny of man. May we who are His possession by creation, and redemption, allow Him to fulfill His purpose and realize His inheritance in His saints. (Eph. 1:17 – 22).

    In Christ,

    Dewey (Bud) Gardner

    9526 Antoine Forest Dr.

    San Antonio, Texas 78254

    Chapter One

    The Question

    What is this all about?

    D ad, before you go, could I ask you a question? It was not unusual for John, the eleven year old son of Samuel and Eunice Baird, to ask questions. His intelligent, inquisitive mind was always probing, searching for answers to what was happening around him. Life, to him, was interesting and fulfilling. The question which he was about to present to his father was unusually probing, especially in light of what had just taken place. They had just returned home from the funeral of Eunice, John’s mother. What Sam did not know was just how profound the question was that his son was about to ask.

    John was truly a son greatly loved. Sam and Eunice knew that this child was a gift from God, not just for their pleasure, but as a stewardship. They were responsible to train and nurture him in the things of the Lord and to provide the loving atmosphere of a Christian home in which he could grow up healthy in spirit, soul and body. They knew before his birth that John had a place in the purpose of God. Eunice had given him his name because she knew, even while the baby was still in her womb, that he was especially loved by the Lord, and that He had great plans for his life.

    Neither father nor mother would have ever dreamed that Eunice would only be with her son eleven short years. Every day of those years was filled with loving instruction and direction according to the Word of God. Jesus was the true Head of their house. Their short time together had been filled with joy and peace. They loved one another with pure hearts. This love, joy and peace extended beyond the walls of their home into the entire community. Eunice’s death came as a shock and loss to the entire community.

    Eunice herself was a very gifted person. Born the middle daughter of her parents, she had excelled at almost every activity she attempted. Her parents were Christians and brought their children up to fear the Lord from birth. Though she was a model child, Eunice became convicted of her sinful heart. She repented toward God and received Jesus Christ as her personal savior at an early age. From that time Jesus became the Love of her life and she served Him faithfully.

    Sam and Eunice met while they were in high school, became sweethearts, and were married shortly after they graduated from college. Sam became a football coach in a small town high school, and Eunice became an English teacher in the middle school. Their combined incomes gave them a comfortable lifestyle. They were able to purchase a modest home at the edge of town and became faithful members of a local church. They were well respected members of the community.

    Father and mother were both overjoyed at the birth of their son. Eunice had insisted that they name him John because she had read in the Bible that the disciple Jesus loved was called by that name.

    Eunice was twenty five years of age and in perfect health when her son was born. One cannot imagine the shock when, eleven years later, she was told the terrible news that she had incurable cancer. Even though family and friends prayed diligently, and doctors did all they could to cure her, in less than a year she went to be with her Lord.

    Although Eunice endured months of indescribable pain as she was administered chemotherapy and radiation treatments, those months of intense suffering never kept her from showing the joy of the Lord in everyday activities. She never complained, and, as much as possible, she hid the pain that grew worse as the disease continued to progress throughout her body. This family and their friends believed in God and trusted in His love and care; and also that He is the Healer of our bodies. They had sought for His healing from this disease, praying continually to that end. No one knew why healing was not manifested, but there was no bitterness or blame expressed. Faith in God grew stronger as they experienced His wonderful peace. Eunice passed into the arms of Jesus with a victorious smile, as though she realized she had served her purpose in this life and could now enter the next.

    Those who have never walked through such times of trial cannot imagine what the entire family goes through. The one stricken by the disease experiences unimaginable physical pain as well as psychological trauma. The family of the stricken also suffer many types of sufferings as they see their loved one going through such pain and agony while they themselves are unable to bring relief. They also suffer the painful prospect of losing their loved one. None of this can compare with what the loved one is enduring, but they do suffer.

    It was very hard for Sam and John to see her go- they would miss her contagious smile and joyful attitude. They would miss her tender touch and loving care. They knew her love would continue, but they would miss hearing her cheerful voice. It was especially hard for young John. He would miss his mother in many ways every day. Every night would be filled with many unanswered questions. And what about his prayers? He had prayed expecting his mother to be healed. His mother had taught him to believe in the Lord who heals. He did not doubt what she had taught him nor did he doubt his Lord- he just did not understand.

    Sam felt he could not allow himself to fully release his grief, he must be strong in order to minister to his wife and son. Even during the funeral he still found it necessary to restrain some of his emotional feelings for John’s sake, but he would vent his sorrow when he was alone.

    The memorial service at the local church had been well attended. Friends and family members had filled the church sanctuary to capacity, with many standing outside. The pastor spoke briefly of what Eunice had meant to him and the church. Most of his message was about God’s grace, salvation through Christ, the resurrection and heaven. A few close friends and family members had spoken briefly of what Eunice had meant to them and some of her students praised her.

    After the burial, some close friends and family members gathered at the home of Sam and John where a meal had been prepared by ladies of the church. The house was completely filled with men and women who had gathered to offer words of comfort and to assist the family. Attempts were made to comfort the family with words of encouragement and praise. Words sometimes faltered as it became obvious that they were inadequate. Most of the comforters just sat silently or engaged in casual conversation realizing their being present sufficient.

    The meal having been finished and kitchen cleaned, and (after a short visit) guests having departed to their respective places, Sam and John were alone in the house which was filled with so many pleasant memories. They spent the next few hours looking at photographs which had been taken over the years (mostly by Eunice) of events the family had enjoyed together. The two laughed and wept together as they recalled different experiences the family had enjoyed together. Sam reached for Eunice’s Bible which lay on the table in front of the couch where they were seated. The Bible which was well-worn from much use, and numerous verses marked with hi-liter, had been her constant source of comfort and strength through those months of suffering. Sam read aloud from its pages some of the comforting verses for himself and his son.

    It was now well into the evening and time for bed. The two went into Johns room where the father did the best he could to help his son to bed. Although the father had always prayed with the young lad at bed time, it was the mother’s soft voice and tender touch that had gently left the son to sleep. The two prayed together, giving thanks for what Eunice had meant to them, and that now she was free from suffering. They also gave thanks for the help and comfort of the many friends who had responded to their need. They prayed for each other and a few other matters, and now it was time for dad to go to his own room, and to his own bed.

    John wished he could spend the night in his father’s room, cuddled in his strong arms, but he felt he was too big for that- girls and mothers might do that- but not us men.

    He remembered what the pastor had said about the Holy Spirit being with us, about the resurrection of the dead, and about heaven, and, though he did not doubt these things, there were so many questions still in his young mind. There was one big question which overshadowed them all. What this young man could not have known is that the answer to this question affects the life of every person on earth. The quality of our life is determined by what we understand about this question and the correct answer to it.

    John knew his dad knew the Lord, that he studied the Bible a lot, and that he would give him the right answer if he could. That is why he waited until now to ask him so he could get the answer from the one he trusted the most.

    Dad, before you go, could I ask you a question? He asked.

    Sure, son. What is it? Sam could see the

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