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Faith To Obey God
Faith To Obey God
Faith To Obey God
Ebook132 pages2 hours

Faith To Obey God

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Have you ever wanted to know why you are here? How you and God fit in with your life, and this thing called destiny and purpose?

Kevin B. Brewer examines the lives of several well-known biblical figures, and locates some uniqueness about each one that you may personally identify with yourself!

If nothing else, he allows you to ask yo

Release dateAug 2, 2017
Faith To Obey God

Kevin B Brewer

Kevin B. Brewer is a retired Military Officer of the United States Marine Corps. He served in both the reserve and active duty forces from December of 1973 to August of 1997. He wore the commissioned officer ranks of Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel. While stationed in Okinawa, Japan in 1979, he accepted the call of God on his life, and in June of 1980 (upon returning to the states), preached his 1st sermon at his fathers church in Cleveland, Ohio (Christ Temple Missionary Baptist Church). In 1984, after graduating from the military amphibious warfare school in Quantico, Va. He was transferred to Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, in Twentynine Palms, CA. In 1985, he became part time Pastor of Faith In The Word Christian Center, and in 1989 became it's full-time pastor. Over the past 50 years combined of serving both the military and the church, Kevin experienced many opportunities to have Faith to Obey God, in both his personal and professional decision making, and trust God for the ultimate results. Kevin was born in Cleveland, Ohio but after graduating Ashland University (1976), and receiving his officer commission as a Second Lieutenant, he departed the "cold" Ohio area, and has spent most of his life in the deserts of Twentynine Palms, Ca since the mid 1980s. Kevin married Malisha L. Long also of Cleveland, Ohio in 1975, and two sons were born to their union. Julian (Tanjier & Kagan), and Jermaine (Tamika & Chase).

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    Faith To Obey God - Kevin B Brewer

    Faith To Obey God

    Kevin B. Brewer

    Copyright © 2017 by Kevin B. Brewer

    All rights reserved

    Rejoice Essential Publishing

    P.O. BOX 85

    Bennettsville, SC 29512

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture is taken from the King James Version.

    Visit the author’s website at

    Faith To Obey God/ Kevin B. Brewer


    ISBN-13: 978-1-946756-12-1

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017947880


    To Mom! Gertrude V. Brewer (June 14, 1929 – May 24, 2017)





    We Must Know The Voice Of God For Ourselves

    We Must Know Our Specific Assignment From God

    We Must Be Ourselves While Learning From Others

    We Must Be A Finisher, Not Just A Starter

    We Must Know Our Position As A Believer

    We Must Not Be Concerned About Our Personal Reputation

    We Must Know To Trust God Beyond Our Natural Understanding(s)


    Table 1/Annex A

    Table 2/Annex B



    To God our Saviour, by the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit by which I am empowered to generate this manuscript. To the entire staff at Rejoice Essential Publishing Company, and Prophetess Kimberly Hargraves, for all that they have done to make it possible for this manuscript to be published. Also, to Pastor Earl R. Brewer (Cleveland, OH), Bishop Willie S. Grant, Sr (James City, NC), Dr. Frederick S. Jones (Triangle, VA), and Apostle Frederick K. C. Price (Los Angeles, CA) all who pastored their own churches for more than 30 years each, and had monumental influence in my personal walk with God!


    Determined, charismatic, and wise is how I would describe Kevin B. Brewer. I can attest to his diligence to create the literary art called Faith To Obey God. This work was cultivated over many years. However, it took tenacity and persistent to birth it out on paper. I was graced to witness this book come together in its final stages. It was so impressive that I offered him a publishing contract. He is truly an example of someone who is focused and will complete the given assignment. I can testify that as the weeks went by, he added more insight to perfect this book. He is very thorough, and he goes above and beyond in everything he does. The proof is in this book. He was my only client who ever provided Annexes in their manuscripts. As a CEO of an international Christian magazine Rejoice Essential and publishing company and author of over a dozen books, I would never foreword a book that I didn’t believe in.

    I recommend this book to use as an aid in the studying the bible. This book covers so many facets, from prophets to angels. There are many self-help books on the market, yet many of them fail to include real-life examples and the lessons gained from them. Faith To Obey God does both. So many people are afraid of the unknown. They have so many unanswered questions about life and their next steps in life. Kevin brings clarity to someone who may be facing these challenges. He does an amazing job of incorporating the Word of God into life examples that any reader can understand. As a full-time minister, I know about walking by faith. I wrote a book called, Walking By Faith: A Daily Devotional. However, Faith To Obey God does an excellent job of describing that process.

    I am glad that Kevin shares his wisdom inside this book because it caused me to look at things from a whole new perspective. I have read certain stories inside the bible numerous times, yet I never considered the faith it took for the biblical characters to accomplish what they did until I read through this book. Don’t rush through this book. Read it and digest the words. Take notes and then seek God! You will discover that this book is full of spiritual meat. When you apply it to your life, you will be amazed at the transformation that will take place. As you do, get ready to receive many spiritual nuggets and impartation of knowledge.

    Author Kimberly Hargraves

    Rejoice Essential Publishing, LLC.

    Founder and Chief Editor, Rejoice Essential Magazine.

    Chapter One


    Many years ago, around the turn of the 21st century, I was invited to speak at an annual conference under the theme "Victorious Living for the 21st Century. After much personal prayer and fasting, God led me to speak on the subject of this book. Many of the things I was led to speak about are contained in this book,

    along with some updated wisdom keys God has provided me personally, in my life’s journey of human experiences.

    It should be obvious to most that as you live longer, you learn more about yourself, life, and who or what you believe in. If nothing else happens in your life, besides celebrating a birthday every year that you live - you learn. Even the bible says it this way in 1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV) When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

    Well, my personal journey in life with God has certainly allowed me to put away childish things, especially in my Faith to Obey God. A Faith to Obey God has to become an element of existence for daily living, that goes beyond natural comfort, and/or provisions. To Obey God has to become an everyday priority for one’s personal life, and not a just on Sunday occurrence!

    Many people have attempted to be faithful to God, in their attendance to a weekly church service, but most of the rest of the week is about their personal desires from God, for what they feel they need as their priorities for them, Not HIM. This has resulted in many becoming associated with the term Church Goer, rather than Christian. The Church Goers mentality is to go anywhere where the service meets their approval for personal taste. Many say a prayer, asking God for His guidance of where to go, but after they arrive, they NEVER ask God again, before they just leave to find another Church, that suits them better personally. I have always agreed with this saying, If being in a garage does not make you a car, then being in a church does not make you a Christian!

    In the life of Abraham in the bible, he is tested more than once in his faith to obey God, after he was 75 years old. Most of us have come to believe that by the time we reach 75 years old, it’s time for us to make sure our burial plans are intact! This was the very age, where it is recorded that God reveals himself to Abraham, not just as God, but with a test to Obey HIM! Genesis 12:4 (KJV) So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.

    One thing for sure, at that age, Abraham certainly should have put away childish things by now! Abraham’s life teaches us that you never get to old, to have faith to obey God! Even in his final test of Obedience, in Faith to God (with Isaac), didn’t happen until after having Isaac (at 100 years old).

    Genesis 21:1-5 (KJV) And the Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken. 2 For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. 3 And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac. 4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him. 5 And Abraham was an hundred years old when his son Isaac was born unto him.

    The purpose of this book, is to help those whose desire in life, is to fulfill their God-given purpose for living. I know I’ve needed help, but our natural world has set a standard of accomplishments and approvals, that never quite complete it in GOD. I have found that striving after the world’s standards of success, never filled the emptiness that only God could fill. Besides, in the world, they are constantly changing the rules, as the years go by (paying taxes is a perfect example!). In the world’s approval of academic achievement and success, you need a High school diploma, then a post graduate degree, then another post graduate degree, then another post graduate degree, and all those degrees are not Free! So, by the time you got all your academic achievement finished, you were too long in school to have any experience in the work force, and also to educated to get employment for the level of your qualifications. However, you still have all these educational loan bills due! But, no one could afford to hire you, at the level of your educational status, and PAY YOU WHAT YOU WERE WORTH, so you ended up on the street, possibly eating from trash cans with maybe a Ph.D Degree Certificate hanging on your mom’s wall in her house! Or you took a job working next to someone who got a GED, and your paycheck and theirs are the same. Or they maybe your BOSS!

    This is where the Faith to Obey God becomes so critical to live by. One of the things that I have noticed, in my own personal bible reading, was that none of the MAJOR Named people in the bible, were ever required to have academic degrees, to be used by God; even to do the things that medical science still can’t figure out (even with 21st century technology). The bible records that the fisherman Peter, one of the original 12 disciples/Apostles of Jesus Christ, walked on water-Twice! Nowhere in the bible does it ever say that he had an academic degree in any subject; but he had Faith to Obey God to believe that if Jesus told him to come (Concentrate On My Example), that he could get out of a boat, in a storm, and walk on water!

    Matthew 14:22-33 (KJV) "And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he

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