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Secret Friends
Secret Friends
Secret Friends
Ebook218 pages5 hours

Secret Friends

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About this ebook

Psh! Me, James Montgomery, the half-Italian stud-muffin fall in love? Never gonna happen.

Why? Because I've got rules.

Rule #1: Family comes first. 

Rule #2: Never take anything too seriously.

Rule #3: Carpe diem. 


PublisherMarie Cole
Release dateOct 13, 2017
Secret Friends

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    Book preview

    Secret Friends - Marie Cole

    Chapter One


    Stepping off the airplane I knew this would be the trip of a lifetime. The plane ride had been long and stuffy and full of strangers, but as I stepped out into the carpeted airport terminal, I felt instant relief. Strangely, this town still felt like home. I remember leaving for college, feeling excited about what was in store for me in a new place, away from my parents, and my overprotective brother.

    I walked through the airport and with every breath I took I felt the expectation I'd set for myself long ago slowly melt away. I'd gone to college, fallen in love, and had my first successful job as a graphic designer. Shortly after, I'd had my heart shattered and crushed. I fell into a two-year long pity party. I wondered what it had been about me that Derek, the man I'd fallen for, hadn't loved. I wondered what I could have done differently, how I could have been differently. I wondered if I could change myself to make him want me again.

    Hey! A tall woman was waving erratically as she came running towards me, jarring me out of my thoughts.

    Katie! I can't believe I'm here! I said as I hugged my best friend. I hadn't seen her since she came to visit me two summers ago, just when the Derek breakup had happened. Even though it had been over two years seeing her now wasn't weird, or awkward. We could easily fall back into our friendship as if no time had passed at all.

    I know, right? The great Ainsley Reed back in Blaine, Virginia. Did you get your bags already? she asked as she gave me a once over, a big smile still on her heart-shaped lips.

    Yeah. I glanced down at the carry-on that I'd wheeled to a stop beside me.

    Just this one?

    Yeah. You promised me a makeover before the reunion so I only brought the necessaries.

    Good. Very good. She smiled at the mention of the makeover. I wasn't sure who was more excited about the prospect of having myself refashioned, me or her.

    She was the kind of woman who made people's eyes pop. Katie, whose long curly blonde hair was dyed every color of the rainbow, had almost every inch of her exposed skin covered with ink. I'd made a pact with Katie on Skype one night, and yeah, perhaps I was a bit drunk when I'd said if I was still single by the time that the ten year high school reunion came she could do what she wanted with me. And here we were. I flew out early so she could have her way with me. So... I have something to tell you...

    Oh no. Don't tell me you deleted your Pinterest account...

    No, it's not that, she said.

    Is it worse than a fire brand on the ass?

    Maybe? she said, her face scrunched up as if envisioning the fire brand approaching her skin.

    That sounds potentially terrible. Are you all right? Are you sick? I asked, assuming the worst, as I had a habit of doing. Katie wasn't one to mince words. She was usually forthright, sometimes brutally so.

    No. I'm just going to come right out and say it. I'm living with your brother.

    We were leaving the airport, and I stopped in the middle of the crosswalk as the news rocked me to my core. My best friend since first grade was living with my older brother? How did this happen without me knowing about it? Why had they been keeping it a secret? How long had they been living together? Did they talk about me at night when they were lying in bed together? I'd told her some of my deepest secrets over the years thinking she was separate from those whom I confided in her about. You what?

    I'm living with Scott. But it's not what you think, she said, grabbing onto my arm, pulling me to safety as a car horn blasted to our left.

    It's not? I was still in shock, still trying to take it all in, but my feet were now moving. She was in the middle of saying something but my thoughts came jetting out of my mouth before I had time to filter them. You and my brother invited me to stay with you? Are you getting married?

    Katie smiled, her famous patience settling onto her shoulders. Ainsley, were you not listening? I just told you that we're not into each other.

    Not into each other? How could they not be into each other? He was my brother, sure, but I knew he was an attractive guy and funny, and really smart. Does my mom know? No doubt if she had she'd be wondering when the babies would start popping out. She'd been eager to be a grandmother since her best friend Faye's daughter started her family five years ago. My mother was part of the reason I hadn't returned to Blaire in all these years. She was constantly making threats, always mentioning one sweet, nice man after another that she'd like to set me up with.

    Yeah, your mom knows, but she thinks our relationship is different than it is. We have a lot of ground rules we need to cover. Number one is... do not spill the beans to your mother about Scott's true living arrangements. That wasn't going to happen. The money I'd spent on an all-expenses paid fourteen day cruise through the Caribbean had been well worth it. I would have no opportunity to talk with her about my brother, or anything else for that matter. And number two is don't bring boys to the house. Scott has strongly expressed his disinterest in hearing your sex life.

    If only I had a sex life to gross my brother out with. I hadn't had sex since Derek. I cleared my throat, hand on my bag as we approached her car. So if I find out that Mike is single I'll have to make sure he takes me to his truck or his trailer? Mike Trainor was one of two guys I'd had a major crush on in high school.

    Correct. Or maybe some tonsil hockey with James. That one might be more attainable since he's still friends with your brother.

    I felt my cheeks flush at the thought of James. I hadn't mentioned him in years and I had hoped that no one would remember my slight obsession with him, especially Katie. No such luck. Desperate to change the subject I said, Let's not rehash any of that, it's all history. So, how did your date go with that guy?

    Who? Katie caught her keys as she flipped her key chain wristlet over.


    Oh, right, Lee. Um... things went okay.

    It was weird she wasn't saying more about Lee. She'd sounded really excited about the date the other night on the phone. Perhaps this thing with Scott wasn't as it seemed. Why else would she be acting so weird and not spilling details?

    That's all you're going to give me?

    Yeah. For now. I don't kiss and tell, she said with a smile as we both climbed into the car. I shoved my bag into the backseat and buckled up. Ready to go?

    I was born ready. I was excited, and it showed, a huge smile on my lips which Katie mirrored as she started up the engine. I couldn't believe I would return to Vegas in two weeks a completely new me. A new me who would finally get the thing I desired the most -- another chance at love.


    Mom! Mom! Settle down! For fart's sake!

    What did you just say to me, young man?!

    I ducked as another one of my old black Chuck's came flying out the front door. I said fart! I stared in amazement that it had landed perfectly in the pile that was starting to form on the front lawn. I had no clue that my mom had such a good arm.

    I warned you, James William Montgomery! You disrespected me for the last time! She raised her red manicured finger, her other hand firmly planted on her hip. It was the same gesture she gave my dad back when he'd come home from the bar smelling of perfume and alcohol.

    Mom! I'm sorry! Come on! I glanced around at the neighbors, all perched on their front lawns like a shoot-out was taking place. You're causing a ruckus.

    "I'll cause whatever the heck I want, James. It's my house. And when you choose to break my rules, you get the crazy woman."

    She disappeared for a moment before she stood, once again, on the front steps, her arms loaded with my clothes. She could barely see over the top. I wished like hell it wouldn't piss her off more but I couldn't help myself. I quickly pulled out my phone and snapped a picture. I never wanted to forget the day my mother threatened to kick me, her baby darling son, out of the house.

    She sucked in a fierce breath and then let out a warrior's yell as my clothes exploded from her arms and landed like bits of shrapnel all over the yard. You little shit! She let out an exasperated growl and then headed back inside.

    I lazily gathered up my clothes, expecting my backup to arrive at any moment. She could throw as many clothes as she wanted, they could be washed, and we both knew she'd be the one washing them when she came and begged for me to return home.

    Really, she was being a tiny bit dramatic. I'd brought a girl home last night, which, yeah, was against the house rules, but I was drunk off my ass and the girl couldn't remember her address either so I told the cabbie mine. We didn't even fuck, we were both too far gone for that. The last thing I remember was trying to get my bar clothes off and falling into bed.

    And when I woke up this morning, I heard my mother screaming and some girl mouthing off to her. I thought it was probably one of my sister's friends, but then my mom came bursting into my room. She was short, my mom was, but she was every bit the Italian stereotype. She was strong and mouthy and busty and the woman knew how to cook.

    She stormed in and grabbed this girl's clothes and then turned around and pressed them into the girl's chest, effectively also pushing her towards the front door so she could make her exit.

    You fucking crazy bitch! I don't have a ride and my phone is dead!

    Don't waste your filthy words on me, you hussy! Get out of my house! Right now!

    It was at this moment I got out of bed and followed after the pair. Hey! Don't talk to my mom like that, that's not cool.

    Fuck off! the spitfire said, as she held her clothes to her body and stormed to the front door.

    My mother shut the door behind the mouthy girl and rested her weight on it for a long moment, her back to me.

    God. Can't believe some people, I muttered, shaking my head dismissively. Didn't her mother teach her any manners? You don't yell at the woman of the house and you definitely don't call her the B word.

    When my ma turned around, I felt the hairs rising on my arms. She had the crazy look in her eye, the look I'd only seen once before when I was five and I told my grandma off because she squeezed my cheeks even after I'd told her no.

    You... ungrateful... little... shit.

    My mouth gaped open to defend myself. Ma...Wait...I didn't...

    You didn't? You didn't bring a girl into this house?

    I...I didn't do it on purpose.

    No? She just followed you home and snuck into your room when you were sleeping?

    Well, no but...

    No. I don't want to hear your excuses. That's all you are, James, a tall skinny glass of excuses. I've put up with your shit for far too long. You're thirty years old now, it's time.

    Time for what? I backed away as she started towards me, her petite hands curled at her sides.

    Time for me to be a good mother bird and kick you out of the nest.

    For a moment I felt relief. I had to admit that I hadn't been thinking about getting my own place, but the thought of it in that moment wasn't such a bad one, especially as I stared at my mother's reddened cheeks and fiery devil eyes. I just needed some time to get it together. And I knew that with enough time my mom would forget all about this little fiasco and forget all about it. All right. I'll start looking for a place next month.


    My eyes widened in horror as she scooted around me and scooped up my pillow and bedspread and retraced her steps to the front door. You're getting a new place right now.

    Ma! That's my stuff!

    Stop pussyfooting around, James, and get on your phone and find a place to stay. I heard on the news it's supposed to rain today.

    I was pulled away from the memory of the morning as Scott's truck pulled up to the curb. My best friend's grin slowly faded as his eyes moved to the front door. I turned around and as if time had slowed to a crawl I watched in utter terror as my CD collection rained down on the sidewalk. Each plastic case that cracked onto the cement was like a bullet through my soul.

    I ran towards the CDs and quickly picked them up, time returning to normal speed. Scott was beside me, assessing the damage quickly before going up the stairs. Mrs. Montgomery, hey, James will stay with me.

    Don't let him leech off you too, Scott! You're a good boy. She turned around and went back into the house and Scott followed.

    I won't. I'll make sure he gets his shit together. Let me help you with his stuff. Why don't you go sit down and get some coffee?

    I grumbled under my breath as I collected my things and put them into the back of his truck. I couldn't believe my mom was being so nutso. Must be the menopause. My father was always grumbling about it. Whatever it was I was happy that she'd pushed me out. She was right about one thing, I was too old to be bringing ladies back to my parents’ house. I would be living in a sweet bachelor pad with my best friend and living the life.

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