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Ebook57 pages27 minutes


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About this ebook

90 pages written in easy-to-read large 16-point font for the early reader. Stories can be understood by four-year-olds and up. 
*At the end of each chapter is "Think & Do" to help the child apply the story to their own life.
*Popular among grandparents & parents, and excellent for homeschoolers. 

Release dateNov 20, 2017

Katheryn Maddox Haddad

Katheryn Maddox Haddad spends an average of 300 hours researching before she writes a book-ancient historians such as Josephus, archaeological digs so she can know the layout of cities, their language culture and politics. She grew up in the northern United States and now lives in Arizona where she doesn't have to shovel sunshine. She basks in 100-degree weather, palm trees, cacti, and a computer with most of the letters worn off. With a bachelor's degree in English, Bible and social science from Harding University and part of a master's degree in Bible, including Greek, from the Harding Graduate School of Theology, she also has a master's degree in management and human relations from Abilene University. She is author of forty-eight books, both non-fiction and fiction. Her newspaper column appeared for several years in newspapers in Texas and North Carolina ~ Little Known Facts About the Bible ~ and she has written for numerous Christian publications. For several years, she has been sending out every morning a daily scripture and short inspirational thought to some 30,000 people around the world. She spends half her day writing, and the other half teaching English over the internet worldwide using the Bible as textbook. She has taught over 6000 Muslims through World English Institute. Students she has converted to Christianity are in hiding in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Uzbekistan, Somalia, Jordan, Pakistan, and Palestine. "They are my heroes," she declares.

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    Book preview

    Samson - Katheryn Maddox Haddad

    1 ~ Empty Room

    When Azell was a little girl, her mother made little doll clothes, her father stuffed the clothes with straw, then her mother sewed the clothes shut at the top and bottom so the straw wouldn’t fall out.  Then they gave it Azell,

    Azell loved her little doll.  She held it in her arms the way all babies should be held.  She rocked it back and forth, back and forth. And sometimes she sang to her doll.

    Sometimes she sang the lulla-bies her own mother had sung to her when she was a baby.  At other times she sang songs she made up out of her very own mind.  Sometimes she sang with words and sometimes she just hummed.

    When Azell grew up, she married.  Time passed and Azell asked her husband to add a room to their house. The room was going to belong to their first baby.

    She put the tiniest little bed in the room that you ever did see.  She put a basket in 1 corner that held diapers. She put another basket in another corner that held baby clothes.  She also put a chair in the room so she could sit in it and rock their little baby.

    A year went by and they did not have a baby. 2 years. 3 years.  Every day, Azell would go into the special room she had fixed up for their baby and sit alone.

    4 years. Still no baby.  5 years and no baby, Still, every day she went into the special room where she sat and rocked, pretending she had her baby.

    Azell would not let anyone take any baby things out of the baby’s room. She kept saying God would give her a baby someday and she wanted to be ready.

    10 years passed.  By now the diapers in the basket in 1 corner had started to fall apart.  The clothes in the other basket were falling apart too.  Azell just put fresh new diapers in the 1 basket and pretty new baby clothes in the other one.

    15 years went by and still no baby.

    Then something wonderful appeared before her very own eyes. An angel.  Yes! An angel appeared to Azell. 

    "You are going to

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