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The Sexual Assault of Babygirl: Building From Broken Foundations
The Sexual Assault of Babygirl: Building From Broken Foundations
The Sexual Assault of Babygirl: Building From Broken Foundations
Ebook124 pages1 hour

The Sexual Assault of Babygirl: Building From Broken Foundations

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About this ebook

It had been a good day. Leah, who tended toward shyness, had finally managed to work up the nerve to ask her supervisor for a modest raise.

“You’re really going to do it?” Mindy, the pool secretary at the next desk asked her.

Leah drew a breath and tucked her brown hair behind her ear. She nodded. “Yes, I am.&

Release dateNov 27, 2017
The Sexual Assault of Babygirl: Building From Broken Foundations

Dr. Rachael Robertson

Dr. Rachael Robertson helps women, youth and individuals identify the root of who they are in search for relationship. During her lessons- she offers communication strategies, reflective feelings check, and emotions and funny practice love relationship tests with humor. Dr. Rachael improves any destructive and troubled characters we all possess as reasons to enter relationships. Allowing oneself to envision themselves through new lens. Her talks and principles help adults rediscover their effective ways of partnering while facing realities that intimate relationships cost us all something. Moreover, at the same note, help rejuvenate the promotions of good, healthy and operative communication, with oneself, friendship identity, work and social relations and later love. Visit and her contact page for webinars and more.

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    Book preview

    The Sexual Assault of Babygirl - Dr. Rachael Robertson

    The Sexual Assault



    Building From Broken Foundations


    Rachael Robertson

    The Sexual Assault



    Building From Broken Foundations


    Rachael Robertson


    To my Daughter:

    I believe you.  I always have.  I never doubted you truth or you memory.  I apologize for the horror you have gone though.  

    In this #MeTOO generation I understand the hidden society that would not allow you voice to be heard.  That manipulated your statements and discouraged you from speaking.  They – from criminal investigations to advocate and authorities; changed your mind.  Told you to be quiet and keep things deep.  But the memory of your own accord – your diaries; and your PTSD and hidden fears are true.

    To my beloved daughter: I believe you and I always have.


    I hope men understand their authority to threaten.  There is now a society that tries to reclaim itself while apologizing for harboring punishments and unacceptability to the women that spoke up.

    We murdered their careers, their social standing and we -other women – as society left  them in the ditch and branded them 'whistle blowers' even though it happened to us as well.

    And now; this acknowledgment is to my son. I understand what you say... and what you can not.  I understand.  And I love you.

    Chapter One – Broken Foundation

    It had been a good day.  Leah, who tended toward shyness, had finally managed to work up the nerve to ask her supervisor for a modest raise.

    You’re really going to do it? Mindy, the pool secretary at the next desk asked her.

    Leah drew a breath and tucked her brown hair behind her ear.  She nodded.  Yes, I am.

    You go, girl, Mindy whispered.

    Just then, they heard footsteps coming down the tiled floor.  Mindy nodded in the direction of the footsteps.  They both became silent and turned their attention to the paperwork on their desks.  A moment later, a woman came walking by.  She was of an indeterminate age – somewhere between thirty-five and forty-something – and a strong, serious demeanor.  Mindy and Leah admired her and feared her at the same time.

    Elizabeth was their supervisor.  The office talk spoke of the way she had worked her way up from the file room to a managerial office on her strength and her smarts.

    And she doesn’t even have a college degree, Mindy once confided to Leah not long after Leah had come to work at the office.

    Really? That piece of information was very meaningful to Leah.  She had never had a chance to finish her college courses.  The need to work and make a living had intruded.  To learn that it was still possible to make something of yourself even without a degree was a revelation that she clung to.  There were many times that she daydreamed of having the same level of responsibility that Elizabeth had.

    Well? Mindy said, looking at Leah as she gestured toward the now-receding footsteps.

    What?  Now?

    No time like the present, Mindy said with a cheerful twinkle in her eye.  Come on, Leah, no one here works as hard as you do.  You deserve a raise.

    Leah smiled at Mindy.  She appreciated her friend’s support.  It was only because of Mindy that she was working at the office.  She was the one who convinced her to leave her job at the restaurant and work in the office.  Then, once she’d started Mindy had made sure that Leah was part of the regular lunches the office gals had on Thursday afternoons.  

    Leah looked at her friend with a worried look and then smoothed her sweater.  Okay, she said.

    Mindy’s eyebrows arched up.  Really?  Okay! she whispered.  Truth to tell, she was surprised that Leah was really going to make good on her decision.  In all the time she’d known Leah, the only time she’d taken any real initiative was when she came to work in the office – and that had only been because Mindy had been bugging her about it for weeks and weeks.

    Leah stood up from her desk and walked in the direction that Elizabeth had gone.  With each step, she felt the familiar nervous fluttering in her chest.  By the time she’d gotten to Elizabeth’s office, she doubted that she could go through with it.  She turned and looked back at Mindy.

    Go on! Mindy mouthed from her desk.

    Leah drew a deep breath and then knocked on the door.


    She opened the door and stepped inside.

    Leah?  Is everything all right? Elizabeth asked from her desk.

    Leah nodded.  Yes.  I was… I was just wondering if I could speak with you for a moment.

    Elizabeth gestured toward one of the two chairs in front of her desk.  Leah smiled and then eased herself into the chair.

    What’s going on? Elizabeth asked.

    Leah looked down.  I can’t do this, she told herself.  My G-d, what have I gotten myself into…?


    She looked up into Elizabeth’s inquisitive eyes.  Then slowly and haltingly, she explained that she thought she deserved a raise.  Elizabeth listened intently.  When Leah had finished making her case she leaned forward across her desk and looked directly into Leah’s eyes.  Leah felt her heart pound but she held the older woman’s gaze.

    You have been doing an excellent job, that’s certain, Elizabeth said.

    Leah felt herself smile.  Really?

    Absolutely.  In fact, I was just finishing up your evaluation this morning and I’ve given you the highest marks I could.  With that, Elizabeth reached for a manila folder on her desk.  I have been looking forward to discussing your job performance with you.

    Leah smiled.  I’ve enjoyed being here since my first day, she said.  

    When Leah came out from Elizabeth’s office, she could barely contain her smile – and Mindy could barely contain her curiosity.

    Well?  What happened?  I can’t believe you were in there for so long!

    Leah smiled.  I got my raise, she said simply.

    Mindy’s eyes widened.  Tell me, tell me!

    Leah almost laughed aloud at Mindy’s enthusiasm.  At lunch.  Right now, I have work to do.

    That noontime, when the girls gathered for lunch at their favorite dinette around the corner from the office, the excited talk was about Leah’s raise.

    You really went in and asked for a raise? Suzie asked, shocked that Leah took the initiative to do something like that.  Suzie was not alone amongst the girls in perceiving Leah as painfully shy.

    Yes I did, Leah said proudly.

    Well, good for you! Suzie said.

    Yes, good for you! Linda agreed.

    So, tell us everything….

    Leah shared almost everything about her discussion with Elizabeth.  Some of their talk had been confidential and it involved the possibility that Leah would get a promotion in the next few months.  I would keep this to myself for a little while, Elizabeth had advised.  Discretion is an important quality in an office.

    Leah nodded.  She understood.  She’d heard the girls talk about all sorts of things – their families, their husbands and their boyfriends, their health issues, their insecurities – that just astonished her.  She was more private than the others.

    At least, that was what she told herself.  There were times when she felt her secrets were even secret to her.  

    Soon, the girls moved on to other subjects.  Suzie had a blind date the evening before.  

    A friend of my sister’s set us up, she explained to the girls.  We met for drinks.  She shrugged.

    So? Mindy asked.

    Already, the conversation was making Leah uncomfortable.  Why did they always have to talk about boys and men?  She could feel her face growing warm already – and no one had said anything remotely improper yet!  She lowered her eyes and stabbed at her salad with her fork.

    "He was hot! Suzie said.  I felt like jumping his bones right there and then when he walked into the restaurant."

    Suzie!  No! Linda exclaimed.

    Suzie waved her astonishment away.  Oh, don’t worry.  I was a good little girl.  I flirted a little but mostly I just enjoyed his company.

    Are you going to see him again?

    Of course, she said.  He has very big hands, she added with a wink.

    Leah felt perspiration gather on her top lip.  Why does she have to make jokes like that?  Why can’t she just talk about the office?  Or

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