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Invisible Chains & Violent Love
Invisible Chains & Violent Love
Invisible Chains & Violent Love
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Invisible Chains & Violent Love

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This book will take you on a journey of love-abuse-love, repeating the cycle over and over, each time showing creative ways to survive and finally escape. I wrote this book to help people gain an understanding about domestic violence after hearing from many people, "I would never let this happen to me!" Each situation is different, so

Release dateJan 19, 2018
Invisible Chains & Violent Love

Liberty Jones

Liberty Jones has lived in not one but two violent relationships. She learned techniques for survival at battered women shelters, in jail (when she was accused of being an abuser), and from ministers while seeking help. After all that, it became clear she needed to share her stories through writing and speaking about abuse. Hopefully this would be a way to help other people in similar situations or those that know someone that are being abused. Many specialists refuse to counsel couples together, seeing each individually. Liberty found many people offering help had no personal experience with domestic violence. Liberty has experience with both a controlling, extremely violent husband and a husband that became violent while intoxicated. She also has lived repeatedly through having both husbands blame and accuse her of victimizing them. Through her writing, she hopes to reach readers by using her personal experiences as a victim and survivor of domestic violence.

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    Book preview

    Invisible Chains & Violent Love - Liberty Jones


    THIS BOOK EXPLAINS MANY unanswered questions about why many women end up in abusive relationships, why they stay for so long, and some of the reasons why they return to the abusers after escaping. I used creative ways to demonstrate dangerous yet successful survival techniques and prayers. You might see from my experiences safer ways to escape the emotional and physical abuse and domestic PTSD, along with ways to refuse and avoid abuse in future relationships. Some of my methods were unorthodox but effective. I will take you on a journey through a typical day and how I dealt with the horror of abuse from someone I once loved, the victory of the final escape, and the healing process. I will also share how I ultimately legally punished my abuser for the horror he inflicted on me. I also learned how to live beyond the hate and anger and found ways to protect my soul from the pain so I could heal.


    I HAVE BEEN IN LOVE with Chris, Tom and Bob during my lifetime. They all have one thing in common, Domestic Violence. Chris and Tom are out of my life! I divorced Tom because there was no hope of safely living with him. I am still married to Bob, he is trying to stop his drinking and alcoholic rages. Each of them tried to control me, including my son who tried to break up my marriage. But ultimately suffered the loss of family because he refuses to be near me if I am still married to Bob. This story is a window into my shattered family while I deal with love for both my alcoholic husband, Bob, and my son, Adrian but they hate each other.

    This story starts out on a fun day with my awesome life. I am twenty-one years old, I work at Atari, and I enjoy hanging out with friends. Many say I am slender and pretty, with long blonde hair. I live with my family. I have a loving boyfriend named Chris, who is in the United States Navy, or so I think since we are so far apart and rarely speak. Chris and I had been dating for three years, and I still got so excited when I would see him. We had the same friends, and I had spent time at his mountain cabin on the lake during the summers. We enjoyed many of the same outdoor activities with our close friends. He never hurt or threatened me and was usually very loving and kind.

    San Diego was so beautiful, and I enjoyed my time visiting him. I even tried moving to San Diego to be closer to him, and I had taken a job at the Navy Federal Credit Union, but living there didn’t work out for very long.

    While I was living in San Diego, he would want to go out a lot with navy friends, and I spent a lot of time alone. One night I went with him to the base, he and his friends were smoking weed and decided I should smoke also, even though I clearly objected. I told the sailors I wasn’t interested, but they held me down and plugged my nose and made me smoke. I was furious and didn’t return to the base with him again.

    The following week, I moved back up to San Jose and took a job at Atari. He came and saw me in San Jose after the encounter, but my life soon changed very quickly. I have an awesome job. I am working at Atari, playing video games and enjoying spending time with my coworker Rosy and listening to her boyfriend-drama stories. She is dating a married man who had been a victim of physical abuse for years and was afraid to leave his wife for fear she would kill him. He raced BMX motorcycles professionally and had many trophies. The wife would hit him with his trophies and threaten him with violence and taking his son away so far, he would never see him again. I give supportive advice to Rosy daily and hope that she can be free to be together with her boyfriend someday, but it seems impossible.

    Chris called me and said the navy was sending him to Hawaii for training; he wanted to be a Navy Seal. So he left for Hawaii within a few days. I was excited to visit him in Hawaii, so I planned a trip. I had a friend who lived in Hawaii who was traveling and not home, so I stayed at his house. While I was there, I got the sad news from some of Chris’s Navy Seal buddies that Chris was going to be spending a year on a remote island in the Indian Ocean. Chris later told me he didn’t feel like he wanted to stay in our relationship since he would be gone so long. I was devastated! I loved him so much and enjoyed being with him.

    I came back to San Jose and went to work to discuss it with my friend Rosy. Soon after returning, I realized that Rosy was pregnant and considering an abortion. I went with her to the clinic for support and tried to comfort her. She found out she was too far along to have an abortion, so she decided it would be okay to have the baby. She was happy that her boyfriend wanted the baby and was ready to leave his abusive wife. I offered to help her coordinate the departure from his dangerous relationship.

    In the middle of the night, we went in two cars. Since his wife didn’t know my car, I parked nearby, and he was able to safely get to me. Rosy was parked nearby; I took him to her and went home. I never realized I was soon going to be in a dangerous relationship myself. You would think that after all I had been through helping Rosy’s boyfriend, I would have known how to prevent it from happening.


    MY HORROR BEGAN WHEN I started hanging around Chris’s friends, a gay married couple. Chris and I had gone to their wedding, and I had spent a lot of time with them while I was with Chris. It eased the pain of my loss and helped me through my breakup. But I was still hurting and missed Chris. They said they were going to have a party and wanted me to come. I agreed to go and enjoyed it very much. There was a young man there, younger than I, and he was very nice to me and spent the evening following me around and giving me a lot of attention. I looked younger than my age. I had very long blonde hair, and he was complimenting me constantly. I was in so much pain after losing Chris that I enjoyed it very much. He seemed very young but didn’t disclose his age. He was way too young, a sixteen-year-old runaway from Washington, and from an abusive family. He seemed too damaged but nice to talk to, plus he had just moved into the home with the gay couple, and they told me he was gay also. But obviously, the way he was acting with me, I assumed he was bisexual.

    After the party, the next day he called me and wanted to see me. I was not sure; he was living with the gay couple who

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