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God's Word on Israel
God's Word on Israel
God's Word on Israel
Ebook138 pages1 hour

God's Word on Israel

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This book gives the reader a clear understanding of what God says about Israel in the Bible. It covers topics Christians need to know about Israel.
Each Chapter has a look at a relevant Biblical subject related to Israel such as: 
God’s plan for the Jewish people; how God has used Israel; the relationship between the body

Release dateApr 25, 2016
God's Word on Israel

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    God's Word on Israel - Melanie Moriah Moscovich

    God's Word on Israel

    Understanding what the Bible says about Israel

    Copyright © Melanie Moriah Moscovich February 2016

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher. Short extracts may be used for review purposes.

    This publication is also available as an ebook.


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    ISBN 978-1-907929-73-1

    Holy Bible, New International Version® Anglicized, NIV® Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Life Publications

    Dedicated to the many brothers and sisters in the Lord who set time aside to pray for Israel


    Melanie Moscovich gives a comprehensive study of the Word of God on the subject of Israel and the Jewish people. Time and again the Lord reminds us, through the Scriptures, that his covenant with Abraham and his descendants is everlasting. God never gave up on Israel, ‘His treasured possession’ (Psalm 135:4). In fact, he chose Israel as a vessel through which he would bring salvation, through Yeshua the Messiah, to the rest of the world. Moscovich reminds the Gentile body that they themselves are like branches who have been ‘grafted in’ through their faith and have been called by God himself, to pray for Israel and share the Good News with the Jewish people (Romans 11:17).

    Chaya Mizrachi Senior leader at Dugit Outreach Center and at Adonai Roi Messianic Fellowship, Tel Aviv, Israel.

    God’s Word on Israel comes from the heart of the author and the heart of the Word of God. This biblically based book should be in the hands of everyone who is serious about discovering the Lord’s passion for the people of Israel and the Jewish roots of their Christian faith. This is an excellent resource for the body of Christ.

    Pastor Gordon Allan, Senior Leader, Edinburgh Elim Church Regional Co-ordinator, Elim in Scotland

    I read this book with joy over its contents, and with gratitude for its successful attempt to reconnect Christianity with its undeniable, irrefutable, Jewish roots. It is written with earnestness and grace, using Scripture extensively.

    The writer is encouraging Christians to re-assess how they understand the place of Israel in God’s Covenant heart, and how to grasp afresh what should be the response of the Church in identifying with it.

    Come to this work with an open heart and mind, and the Holy Spirit will bring utterly vital reminders of the biblical, historical, and universal importance of Israel in the eternal purposes of God, and thereby, the spiritual, moral and social well-being of all nations.

    Rev Angus L. Bayne (Church of Scotland, Rtd.) L.Th. B.Th. (Hons) B.Ed. M.Th.

    What an amazing wealth of knowledge and scripture, as Melanie uses her gift of writing, along with sharing personal experience.

    Debbie Stark, Founder of COLOURS for Women Ministry, Edinburgh


    There are so many people who have supported, encouraged and prayed with me over the course of writing this book. Thank you all so much.

    I especially want to thank Lynn Millar for her support and advice in writing this book. I also want to thank Dorothe Kaufmann for advice and Ann Currie for her wonderful support.

    Special thanks to my mum, Joy Wright, for her wonderful help and enthusiasm and to my sister, Xanthe Burbidge, who has consistently encouraged and believed in me.

    I would also like to thank my three children Koren, Adi and Gideon, who have prayed for 'Mum's book' and given me special words of encouragement. These have been a precious blessing to me.

    Most of all I want to thank my husband, Ofer. Your help has made this book possible. You have given so much of your time and helped in every way. It has been so enjoyable having your help as I have worked on this book.

    I want to thank the Lord for giving me a picture of a gift and the gift being to write this book. I have sensed your presence throughout every stage of writing and when I have felt discouraged your strength has lifted me. When you give us a task to do for your Kingdom you see it through to completion, thank you.

    I also want to thank Chaya Mizrachi, someone who has been a big influence in my life when I lived in Israel. Thank you to Pastor Gordon Allan and to Debbie Stark, for endorsing my work. It has been a blessing to have crossed paths with both of you. Thank you also to Reverend Angus Bayne for your sincere support for my work and the commendation you have written.

    Thank you so much to Jan Holdaway who has taken me step by step through the publishing and editing process and for making it such a pleasant experience.

    Melanie Moriah Moscovich


    A Word from the Author

    My Personal Background


    Chapter 1        Where Does the Name Israel Come From?

    Chapter 2        God’s Love for Israel

    Chapter 3        Israel – The Chosen People

    Chapter 4        Covenants and the New Covenant of Salvation

    Chapter 5        God’s Covenant Regarding the Land of Israel

    Chapter 6        The Use of the Word ‘Israel’ in the New Testament

    Chapter 7        The Special Significance of the City of Jerusalem

    Chapter 8        Salvation is for Jews and Gentiles

    Chapter 9        Israel and the Body of Believers in Christ

    Chapter 10      Prayer for Israel

    Appendix 1:   Using Scripture in Prayer for Israel

    Topical Index

    Biblical Index

    A Word from the Author

    Having lived in Israel and being married to an Israeli, people have often come to me and asked me questions about Israel; questions regarding the salvation of the people of Israel and how Israel relates to the body of Christ, what is God doing in Israel today and also about Biblical prophecies concerning Israel.

    I became aware that many Christians don’t actually know what the Bible says about Israel and how that is relevant to the Church today. I wrote this book so that people would have a clear understanding of what the Word of God teaches about Israel and therefore know the will of God and his plans for Israel.

    I hope followers of Christ will read what the Bible says about Israel and also realise the importance of praying for Israel for God’s will to be done.

    I hope, too, that the reader will be blessed by learning that God is faithful to his Word on Israel and that he is always faithful to all his Word and promises in the Bible for all people. His Word can always be trusted.

    My Personal Background

    The Lord appeared to me in a vision one night, which is how I came to faith. Jesus appeared to me in a white garment with his arms stretched out wide to me and I could see his heart through the garment and I sensed his overwhelming love for me. The light around him was incredibly bright. My legs shook so much that it took a while for me to be able to stand up on to them and walk as I had been sitting on my bed. Later I learned this was the Holy Spirit coming into my life. I knew then that Jesus really existed and that he loved me with an incredible love.

    I shared what had happened with a good friend of mine called Becky, a friend whom I had come to trust and I knew I could speak to about God. She encouraged me to trust God and know that he has a plan for my life. This happened towards the end of my studies when I was a student and I was taking my final exams at college.

    I was born in England but grew up abroad, firstly living for several years in St Lucia and then for 16 years in Kenya as my father worked as an economic adviser to the Kenyan government.

    It was during the second year of my degree course in History and Religious Studies that I had the opportunity to go on a study tour to Israel from my college in Cheltenham. It was on that trip that I met and fell in love at first sight with my husband Ofer. We met at a moshav in Galilee. Ofer was having a short holiday before starting his army service which all Israeli men must serve for three years.

    I returned to England to continue my studies and Ofer and I continued our relationship through phone calls and by letter. Neither of us knew anything

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