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God is Not Angry at Us
God is Not Angry at Us
God is Not Angry at Us
Ebook124 pages1 hour

God is Not Angry at Us

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About this ebook

This book is a thought-provoking book. It will open you up to the great and marvelous things our God provides for us, but most of all, it will certainly let you know that God is not angry with you, but he loves you.

God wants to give you an expected end; he wants you to have life and have it more abundantly. He wants you to prosper and be

Release dateApr 6, 2018
God is Not Angry at Us

Bishop Malcolm L. Browne

I am a christian for over thirty years, and have experience a lot of incidents were people who called themselves christian’s have this belief that some how God is out to get them. on occassions you will fi nd those who believe that the reason for thier sickness, is because God is judging them for some sin in their lives. people like this believe that God is angry at them, because of the failure in their lives. like i said before i have seen many cases like this since i came to know the Lord as my savior. xin addition to this, i have being pastoring for over twenty fi ve years, and have witness much of the same over that period of time. on a more personal note, i want to say that in the earlier days of my christian walk i too at some point believe that God was out to get me, if i had ever sin. as a result i lived my life in fear and under condemnation for a long time. you see it was not so much me but what was tought to me by those who preach at the church i attended at the time. i heard it preached time and time again, god is going to get you if you don’t live according to what the church teaches, you must do this and that in order to please God, and if you don’t God will be angry at you. i heard it too many times. however, now i know that all of that talk was not altogether right. i now know that God is not angry at me. he loves me very much and i love him the same.

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    Book preview

    God is Not Angry at Us - Bishop Malcolm L. Browne


    Purely I thank Yahweh El Shaddai and my Master and redeemer Yahshua Messiah for all things, whether it be blessings or lessons. I truly, from my soul and the depths of my heart, say thank you. In the ways I cannot find words to truly send up to your throne, Father, you know my heart. I love you, Elohim.

    Purely I love and thank you, soul mate and wife, Latrice Goodman. Without you, I would have no favor from Yahweh. My life began with you; it will end with you. I love you with my being. A virtuous and faithful wife and queen you are. Thank you, sugah!

    Next, I give thanks to my seeds, the Goodmans. Daddy loves y’all, and y’all will reap its reward. I told y’all I will get y’all back, and I did. Always remember, words are powerful!

    Woe to those who decree Iniquitous decrees, and the writers who

    Keep writing oppression,

    To turn aside the needy from justice And to rob the poor of my people

    Of their right, that widows may be their Spoil, and that they may make the Fatherless their prey

    —Isaiah 10:1


    Now I thank and love all Stratton Press workers who worked to get this powerful book in the hands of the world. No great work is complete without the great ones who work unseen to get this book to those who it belongs. Thank you, Chris Williams, our author manager, for your hard work and dedication to my book. Cleo Sanchez, our senior editor, thank you for helping us make our book the best it can be. To the unseen agents who promoted and did all the unseen labor that has made this work an international best seller, who knows how much further this door will take us? Thank you all, and blessings be upon my staff.

    Chapter 1

    There is a prophecy in the book of the Old Testament that will speak in the day of revealing when darkness is no longer the shadow of the world but the light of man’s rule. For the "Bucket of Blood" has arrived.

    All take heed! Woe!

    All upon the earth be aware!

    Chapter 2

    "Brothers, there has been an appointed birth, which has been hidden in the sea of the earth. A dark-colored child of our Order has been purposely placed into a family and brothers unto a street with a double number.

    "There will be signs and symbols, which will follow the child and his rising. We calculate this child’s temple to be as we speak now—seven months into his mother’s matrix.

    You know, my mighty Warrior brothers, we begin the age of the temple of man within their mother’s matrix. Not as the race of man who begin their age process at conception.

    Chapter 3

    "Now he is born Warriors! He will be raised in peril, which has to be performed due to ‘messiah.’ He will rise from out of a people afflicted. This people will forget their way. They will fear a nation that they have and, at present, still serve.

    "In the time of his rise, lies will be truth. Abomination in the temple will cause desolation. Within his people, murder will be praised of his own people by the hands of his own people. They will understand nothing but will boast to one another about the slaying of their self. Their hearts will be as thin ice upon the river Euphrates where a man walks upon and, as soon as he steps there, on fall therein an expire.

    "The Universal Church will have upon her Throne the false prophet. Coexisting at the same time, the man of sin will already be in place and seated upon the Throne of dictatorship and King of the world.

    "This will be in the land of treachery and from the people of lies.

    I Ulel, along with Angels in the Warrior Order #0111320, is assigned to him and all that belong to him. We will guard the realms with precision!

    This was spoken during an unknown meeting in 1983.

    Chapter 4

    Airraw? Airraw?

    Yes! he said.

    Look and pay attention.

    Airraw began his retelling to his destiny. "I was inside a tornado, a very huge whirlwind. The day is sunny, no rain is falling anywhere on the outside, but within this storm, merciless violent hail rains down among myself. In the middle of the tornado, I see what the hail is forcefully beating upon, and to my amazement, I don’t believe my eyes.

    I blink to see again, though I knew my eyes did deceive me not. What I see is money.

    His Destiny gives him one of her raised eyebrows.

    Yes, my love, money!

    She then nods for him to continue.

    "This money talked. I see it was an entity. Then sharp swords of crystal inlaid with gold set on fire that was blue that made the double edges scarlet. And as the swords circled around the entity of money both from top and underneath, flank to flank.

    "I looked in the crystal of the swords and saw a heart dripping blood into what appeared to be a bucket. Every time blood poured out from the heart, it spoke. And when it spoke, I heard not its words but felt emotions so thoroughly corrupted! I saw every time death is born in filth.

    "When I returned my witness upon the money itself, it was no longer money but the heart of man. And immediately the sword struck and impaled the entity. As this was done, suddenly people appeared from without and made deals with the storm, but it looked not like a storm, only as documents to some, a woman to others, men to others, yet still joy to others, food and fatness of gained material to others, sex, fame and riches to those who appeal to it.

    After this was done, the people began being destroyed and dissolute by the tornado.

    What does it mean? His Destiny said.

    I do not know, Ecirtal. He stroked his beard. Although I have more.

    There’s more! she said.

    Yes! Now listen.

    She nodded one of her nods again with one index finger from her right hand in acknowledgment.

    "There was a dry land, and this could not be seen openly. It had rivers, lakes, and was boarded by oceans. Still the land was dry.

    "The people were as walking dead, and they ate fear for food day and night. I saw two beasts in this land. One beast took root in the earth and in this land was devouring a perpetual race of people.

    "And this beast was great and its belly a repository of dungeons. The life line of the beast was the tears of this people family. I saw its lungs, and every time it breathed, flies flooded out in swarms. And maggots were pumped into its umbilical cord from foulness on high in the land.

    "I saw then it was in distress and had a scorpion, which was named the Tormentor in its bowels. And it could not hold the doors of its bowels shut any longer due to the scorpion.

    "The other beast is a gruesome-looking one. There was a storm in this land, and a gray day it was. Rain was falling, and people were going ’bout their day as usual. Then amid the heavens, it dropped.

    A beast covered with eyes. Huge and great is this beast and hairy with a form of a mighty black bear. Its head, body, arms, feet, back, heels, toes, fingers, nose, chest, belly, backside, ears, mouth—you get the picture!

    She nodded.

    Everything! Airraw continued, is eyes! No place is void of eyes on this beast.

    Wow, that’s amazing! she began and continued, These dreams you had must be visions of some sort of signs.

    "I know! That’s what I was thinking myself, sugah. Also,

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