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The Supremacy of Christ: Sufficient
The Supremacy of Christ: Sufficient
The Supremacy of Christ: Sufficient
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The Supremacy of Christ: Sufficient

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Of all the books of the Bible, Romans Chapter 8 addresses the entire breadth of the Christian experience. Beginning with Christ's finished work on the cross on our behalf, it progresses to many of the blessings and riches that are available today because of Christ. It goes further to assure believers of the unimaginable eternity with no sepa

Release dateOct 1, 2017
The Supremacy of Christ: Sufficient

William McCarrell

Dr. William "Billy" McCarrell was born in Chicago to Samuel and Sarah McCarrell. After a rocky childhood and youth, McCarrell graduated from Moody Bible Institute. He served as pastor of the First Congregational Church of Cicero which later changed its name to Cicero Bible Church. During his forty-five years at the church, he saw growth from a congregation of twenty-five to an average attendance in Sunday school and church between nine hundred and one thousand-a megachurch in its time. He saw the church through prosperity and depression and through two world wars. The church supported hundreds of missionaries around the world and McCarrell helped plant twenty churches in the Chicago area. He also oversaw weekly radio broadcasts on WGN radio as well as The Moody Network. The Fisherman's Club, a weekly evangelistic outreach of men to the Chicago area, was founded by McCarrell. Records kept by the church show some amazing facts: • 533,815 people were dealt with concerning salvation and eternal destiny. • 140,000 professions of faith in Christ were recorded. • 17,159,690 gospel tracts were passed out. • Daily radio broadcasts were beamed out over five stations, including WGN. • The Cicero Press was established (1923) for the purpose of producing good Christian books and literature; eventually it was sold to a large publisher and moved out of Cicero. • 250 Christian workers were sent out, influenced by Cicero Bible Church. • The very first bus ministry in America was organized, picking up entire families and bringing them to Sunday school and church services at Cicero Bible Church. The bus ministry continued even during the gas-rationing WWII years. Wheaton College conferred an honorary doctorate on McCarrell, who served as a trustee on the board of Wheaton College for forty-nine years. At his funeral in 1979, the then-presiding president of Wheaton, Dr. Amerding, spoke of McCarrell's service and shared that with forty-six years of service, he was the longest serving trustee. While pastoring, he also served for twenty-two years as Professor of Local Church and Personal Evangelism at Moody Bible Institute. He also lectured at Dallas Theological Seminary, teaching on dispensationalism and church planting. This was during the presidency of Dr. John Walvoord, who was the spiritual son of Dr. McCarrell. In 1929, he founded an independent fellowship of churches (IFCA) along with his close friends Dr. M. R. DeHaan (Radio Bible Class), Dr. Oliver Buswell (president of Wheaton), and layman O. B. Bottorff. After his retirement from Cicero Bible Church in 1958, he continued the work tirelessly, traveling across the country and to the United Kingdom. A men's dormitory at Appalachian Bible College was named for him. He even pastored a church in Wisconsin for a time. Through the years, he served on more than fifty organizations, boards, and councils by providing administrative support, advice, or encouragement. They include Pacific Garden Mission, Faith Theological Seminary, Bryan College, Chicago Hebrew Mission, Great Commission Prayer League, and Lightbearer's Association. McCarrell and his wife Minnie were the parents of nine children; their son Paul was killed in action during World War II. McCarrell was known as a "man of one Book" with a relentless evangelistic heart, always sharing Christ with those with whom he came in contact. He was known for his uncompromising stand for separation from the world.

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    The Supremacy of Christ - William McCarrell


    Since Dr. McCarrell was a contemporary and friend of my grandfather, Dr. M.R. DeHaan, it’s especially meaningful to see a re-publishing of his Christ-centered messages on Romans 8. Dr. McCarrell had a significant impact in his day, and I’m glad that more people will be introduced to his teaching and his example of commitment to the vital work of Christ on our behalf.

    —Rick DeHaan


    Our Daily Bread Ministries

    Filled with Scripture and heart-warming stories drawn from the author’s long and rich life and ministry, these small books will remind the reader of the centrality of Jesus Christ and His Good News. For those who seem to think that the church is of recent vintage, and that little of major importance took place prior to the rise of the megachurch, it is instructive to read from such men as Billy McCarrell, who served the Lord so thoroughly in another time and generation. The intensity of McCarrell’s love for Christ and his belief in the transforming power of the Gospel is infectious.

    —Dr. Gary E. Gilley

    Pastor, Southern View Chapel (Springfield, IL),

    Think on These Things Ministries, Author

    These days, most people seem to be obsessed with the now. For many, life is all about the next moment, and how to find happiness and contentment right now. Yet there is much more to life than what we can see and feel and touch: There is an eternal aspect of life that is often overlooked. In The Supremacy of Christ: Sufficient, Dr. McCarrell helps us re-center our focus on what really matters most. With the theological skill of a scholar, and the gracious heart of a loving pastor, McCarrell walks the reader through these famous words of the Apostle Paul and reminds us of the blessings that accompany our eternal riches in Christ Jesus!

    —J. B. Hixson, PhD

    President, Not By Works Ministries

    We’ve heard testimonies of how Bibles were dissected so that books and even chapters could be divided among believers, and how treasured portions of God’s Word were handwritten from radio broadcasts, copied, and shared with others. If we had access to only one book or one chapter of Scripture, which chapter would be sufficient to declare the finished work of Christ on our behalf, the blessings and resources we have for life’s challenges today, and assurance of life and hope beyond this life? The best answer I’ve come up with is the eighth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans. There the Spirit of God inspired Paul to address the entire spectrum of the Christian experience from the wonder of no condemnation to the glory of no separation. Using language and timeless illustrations that can be understood by everyone, McCarrell has unpacked Romans 8 and provided the Body of Christ with a valuable resource. I wholeheartedly recommend Sufficient as a volume to be treasured, reproduced, passed among believers, studied, and applied. The Study Questions at the end help to make this tool especially useful for Sunday School and Bible Study groups.

    —Pastor Dean Stewart

    Lead pastor, Mayfair Bible Church

    What a joy for Grace Acres Press to republish the late Dr. William McCarrell’s book, The Supremacy of Christ: Sufficient.Though I read it years ago, I recently read it afresh with great interest to glean insight and encouragement from this book written so many years ago—and I was not disappointed! He was crystal clear and did not garble the Gospel. I loved how he brought in the three tenses of salvation: so needed but so lacking in much writing and teaching today. He understands the battle between the believer’s two natures, and how to find victory through the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit. Originally spoken on his radio program, On Wings of Song, Dr. McCarrell writes with the passion of an evangelist and the heart of a pastor, interacting with each verse and adding personal illustrations and practical applications in this great Golden Chapter of the Bible. He sums up Romans 8 well at the end of his book: Every saved one is: Justified that sin might never condemn him, Sanctified that sin might never control him, Glorified that sin might never touch him. And all God’s people said, AMEN!

    —Dr. Dennis Rokser

    Senior Pastor at Duluth Bible Church, Minnesota,

    Director of the Grace Institute of Biblical Studies

    The Supremacy of Christ


    Dr. William McCarrell

    Rev. Richard McCarrell D.D.

    Grace Acres Press

    Larkspur, CO

    Grace Acres Press

    PO Box 22

    Larkspur, CO 80118

    Copyright © 2017 by Grace Acres Press. All rights reserved.

    This booklet is a compilation of a series of expository messages on Psalm 23 as delivered by Dr. McCarrell on Cicero Bible Church’s On Wings of Song broadcast.

    Originally published by Brown Gold Publications.

    Printed in United States of America

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    All Bible references are from the King James Version unless otherwise noted.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted by law, without the prior written permission of the Publisher.

    Grace Acres Press also publishes books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books.

    ISBN 978-1-60265-045-9

    eBook ISBN 978-1-60265-050-3

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: McCarrell, William, author.

    Title: The supremacy of Christ : sufficient / William McCarrell, D.D.

    Other titles: Sufficient

    Description: Larkspur : Grace Acres Press, 2017. | "This booklet is a

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