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The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: Soul Restructuring
The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: Soul Restructuring
The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: Soul Restructuring
Ebook214 pages3 hours

The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: Soul Restructuring

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Elevated consciousness changes your perspective on life, allowing you to detach from the ego self which causes disease, pain, suffering and fear.

The first book of the Elevation of Consciousness series, Soul Restructuring, contains the theory and technique to experience true self awareness. Making emphasis on how to clear the sou

Release dateJun 7, 2018
The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: Soul Restructuring

Johanna Bassols

Johanna Bassols is a specialist in the semantics of consciousness. She brings her knowledge of 25 years of research about the subconscious mind, consciousness, and holistic healing methods from around the world in practical and inspiring books, classes, and products that take readers in a journey of self-discovery. Johanna is a law graduate and entrepreneur who found her life purpose after an intense and transformational experience of awareness, which led her to write books and create classes explaining the ramifications of experiencing awareness in an intense or frequent manner, a process known as elevation of consciousness. She is also the founder of the Healers of the Light, an alternative healing academy, and an author of non-fiction.

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    Book preview

    The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness - Johanna Bassols


    The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness series is a compilation of theory and practical exercises in three books, that lead the reader to experience self-awareness and to trigger changes in their perception as a result of reaching a higher level of consciousness.

    These changes restructure the entire soul imprint, the chemistry of the cells, and have a direct influence on the body functions. Allowing the reader to move from a perception of reality in which they live to satisfy physical needs, to one in which they are conscious and aware of all their aspects, physical, mental, and spiritual.

    This book contains more than just written information. The exercises and practice make it an interactive experience and create a nexus of community with all of those who embark on the mission of bringing enlightenment and higher consciousness to their own lives and to the collective as a result of our interconnectedness.

    The book is complemented with a workbook to help the reader to keep track of their progress in the practice of the exercises shown here. It can be found at the end of the book and is also available for download on our website

    Visit our website https://healersofthe­ for more books and classes.




    Part I: The True Self

    Chapter 1: Finding the True Self

    Chapter 2: Differentiating True Self from Ego

    Chapter 3: Consciousness

    Part II: The Soul

    Chapter 4: Soul Restructuring

    Chapter 5: Decluttering the Soul

    Exercise 1: Identifying the Source of Emotions

    Exercise 2: Tapping

    Chapter 6: Removing Blockages to Experience the True Self

    Exercise 3: Identifying the True Self

    Chapter 7: Removing Limiting Patterns from the Soul

    The Electromagnetic Field

    Exercise 4: Resetting and Increasing the Frequency of The Electromagnetic Field

    Exercise 5: Increasing the Range of Expansion of the Electromagnetic Field

    The Forming Body

    Exercise 6: Releasing Limiting Patterns From the Forming Body

    The Emotional Body

    Exercise 7: Releasing Stagnated Elements From the Emotional Body

    Exercise 8: Resetting the Emotional Body

    The Psychosomatic Body

    Exercise 9: Expanding the Energy of the Psychosomatic Body

    The Mental Body

    Exercise 10: Resetting the Mental Body

    The Astral Body

    Exercise 11: Bringing Awareness to the Astral Body

    Exercise 12: Releasing the Elements of the Soul to Reach the Zero State

    Part III : The Multidimensional Self

    Chapter 8: Our Multidimensional Nature

    Chapter 9: Elevating the Consciousness of the Elements in Your Physical Body

    Exercise 13: Identifying Your Energy

    Exercise 14: Perceiving the Connection Between Your Physical and Astral Bodies

    Chapter 10: Energizing The Body

    Chapter 11: The Energy Centers

    Exercise 15: Connecting Your Energy Centers to the Center of the Universe

    Exercise 16: Inverting the Flow of the Energy Field 99

    Exercise 17: Giving Autonomy to the Energy Centers 102

    Chapter 12: Expanding The Heart Center

    Exercise 18: Opening the Heart Center

    Exercise 19: Opening the Energy Centers from the Physical Body

    Part IV: Activators of Awareness 117

    Chapter 13: Mastering the Art of Awareness

    Exercise 20: Practicing Awareness of the All

    Chapter 14: The Activators of Awareness

    Chapter 15: The Process of Expansion of Consciousness

    Chapter 16: The Origin of Perception

    Chapter 17: Awareness of Your Life Purpose

    Exercise 21: Recognizing Your Life Purpose

    Chapter 18: Healing Through Awareness

    Appendix: The Workbook

    About the author


    The purpose of this book is to help you return to the state of being in which you are free from ego identifications by simply becoming aware of your true nature, the true self.

    To activate this state of being, we will focus on removing any filters and blockages to self-awareness.

    As you move along the pages of this book, you will become your own healer and your own guide in the process of the elevation of consciousness by awakening the true self.

    The Power of the Elevation of Consciousness: Soul Restructuring is the first volume of a series of three books that provides you with a practical path to reaching the state of awareness. This state ignites a process of restructuring of the systems—mind, body, and soul—and ultimately leads to a shift in consciousness.

    The state of awareness is a state of being in which you can perceive your essential nature or true self. The state of awareness also leads to the activation of the process of elevation of consciousness, which is the way of becoming the true self.

    Have you ever felt that you are in a constant search for happiness, that nothing seems to fulfill this search other than temporary experiences, and that as soon as the temporary joy ends you return to a state of unfulfillment or dissatisfaction?

    Even if everything seems to be going well, the reason you don’t feel fully content is because the paradigm you are using to define your happiness is an external model and not an expression of your true internal nature or true self.

    Once you become aware of the true self, you simply allow all experiences of this same nature to manifest harmoniously around you.

    However, this transformation does not happen by magic; it takes work that requires recognizing yourself, embracing your presence in all its aspects, and making the necessary changes to allow that presence to be expressed through you.

    The process for attaining the realization of your own true nature is described in detail in this book, with practical exercises, meditations, and guidance that will help you reach the state of awareness and restructure your systems.

    Some of the practices that you will learn in this book are:

    How to identify your emotions

    The process of tapping

    Grounding your energy to reset it

    Clearing and expanding the electromagnetic field

    Clearing and expanding the layers of the soul

    To activate the state of awareness, we will leave no stone unturned as we explore the science of the elevation of consciousness by explaining the mechanics of how the soul, brain, and body can become expressions of higher consciousness.

    When you experience the state of awareness in an intensity and frequency that ignites the process of elevation of consciousness, you can experience:

    Changes of mindset, in the chemistry of the cells, and the whole structure of how perception is formed.

    Detachment from ego-self identifications.

    A stronger connection to your inner self

    Access to higher consciousness

    Awareness of your higher purpose

    A more harmonious way of living

    As you move through the pages of this book, you will detach from the limitations that identifying with the ego causes not only on your psyche but also in your body and mind.

    The ego self

    The ego is the sum of all those roles, emotions, identifications, and beliefs that shape your idea of who you are.

    The ego is a perception of yourself that you internalize as you, separating you from the realization of the true self.

    The more you accumulate beliefs, patterns, roles, and any other identifications that you allow to define you, the more you separate from the true self.

    You can only manage one perception of yourself at a time. If the ego is the identification that you choose, then your entire systems will be restructured to reflect this identity.

    Remember, your body, mind, and all your systems are nothing more than a reflection of you or of who you think you are. You command this process of self-expression with the internalization of the identity you choose. And if that identity is the ego, you will be a representation of that.

    The ego self will cause imbalances, discomfort, conditions of all kinds, and suffering because it is not your true nature. By forcing yourself to become the ego self, you separate from your optimal operating blueprint that is the true self.

    And this is the main reason that awareness heals.

    This book, Soul Restructuring, focuses on detaching from the ego identity to embrace your true identity.

    Through the practical exercises that are offered in each chapter of this book, you are able to experience awareness and recognize your true nature and the limitations of the ego.

    The second book in this series, Cellular Activation, centers on your habits, specifically those pertaining to your lifestyle, eating, thinking and behaving, and helps you reprogram them to trigger important cellular changes that allow you to also experience the awareness of the true self in your physical body.

    The third book, True Self Perception, explores in detail the process of the elevation of consciousness to continue expanding your awareness and reaching the shift in consciousness that can change your entire perception to a more expansive one.

    Let’s see how this works. On to chapter 1!

    PART I

    The True Self

    Chapter 1:

    The True Self

    Life is a wonderful journey of self-discovery. We may have experiences that make us think that life is about something else, but the essence of all of our experiences lies in finding the true self in each one of them.

    When we allow those experiences to lead us to the true self instead of focusing on the circumstances they bring, we reach awareness and transformation.

    Every time we create identifications or internalize an experience as the experience itself and not as a path to reach self-realization, we create boundaries and separation from this inner nature.

    Many times, we open our hearts to receiving, but we are only willing to receive what our limited minds want to believe is true. Then we believe our circumstances are not generous enough, and that they are not giving us what we deserve, when we are the ones limiting our own abundance with our own thoughts.

    Therefore, the lack that we experience is not really coming from an external source or our circumstances, it’s a product of our patterns and beliefs.

    From the time we are born, and even before that, through our genes and cells, we receive information that we assimilate as part of our identity. We believe that our circumstances are what make us.

    And we continue accumulating identifications and roles for our entire lives, attracting experiences that resonate with these identities.

    As a result of all the identifications that we internalize, we create an alternate identity called the ego.

    But if the ego is the alternate identity, what or who is the original one?

    The true self.

    It’s not until we have experiences that lead us to realize our true nature that we detach from the ego to allow what is inherent in us to come forward.

    The true self is our original and optimal blueprint of being. However, because we don’t remember our origin when we are born, we choose to identify with what we can see, touch, smell, and taste, instead of what we can feel internally.

    With time, maturity, and many times with suffering, we start realizing that we are more than what we can see. We have many aspects that can’t simply be perceived through the senses, but which we can still feel.

    Every time we say yes to a belief, every time we accept playing a role and we believe that this role is who we are, we are adding layers of separation from the true self.

    This separation of our optimal blueprint of being comes with repercussions that we later perceive in our bodies, minds, and energy, as they are manifested as imbalances, disease, or other conditions.

    For example, if you have an argument with a loved one, and as a result you identify with the experience, you will record anger as an identity. This anger will be housed in your heart and liver for as long as you keep this identification, causing energetic imbalances. Having energetic imbalances for extended periods of time creates a pattern that affects the physical functions: heartbeat,

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