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Awakening: Book One of Kira's Story
Awakening: Book One of Kira's Story
Awakening: Book One of Kira's Story
Ebook383 pages5 hours

Awakening: Book One of Kira's Story

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In a world based on castes and predetermined position, Kira Metallurgist has always known she was meant for more. And as the world undergoes unprecedented change, Kira sets out on a new career, hoping to make her mark. But the journey is tumultuous, leading her toward a destiny involving two men who call to her heart in different and powerful wa

Release dateJun 15, 2015
Awakening: Book One of Kira's Story

Rebel Miller

Rebel Miller writes gripping stories about charismatic characters who often turn social conventions on their heads. She earned a graduate degree in Communications and Culture from Ryerson University, and an undergraduate degree from the University of the West Indies. While overindulging in Pinot Grigio and caramel popcorn, she binges on an eclectic mix of movies, music and, of course, angst-filled romance novels. She lives in the outskirts of Toronto, Canada with her husband and two sons.

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    Awakening - Rebel Miller


    I am a queen.

    Or at least that was the meaning of my name in our world’s official language. Yet I had been born to a metal worker and homemaker sixteen years earlier. I figured I would be an unrequited queen, if there ever was such a thing. Nevertheless, I knew my place within my family just as well as I knew my role within the Realm.

    My family gave me my first name, but my caste determined my last. I had always liked my last name. It was strong, distinctive and unapologetic, as well as telling my father’s profession. Together with my first name, it gave me what I believed was an undeniable presence before I even entered a room.

    Truly, who wouldn’t look to see who was named Kira Metallurgist?

    As soon as I entered the halls of the Realm Exhibition with my family, a young woman bumped into me, her expression tight as she strode passed us toward a small group. She spoke into the ear of one of the younger males then pulled a small metallic object from his coat pocket. While his friends dispersed, she took another device out of the inside flap of her black and gray jacket and started to tap at it. The young man’s face took on a pleading expression. An elderly man overseeing a nearby table with similar metallic objects on display approached them quickly with growing dismay.

    Rabble-rousers, Ma said to me with a frown before walking over to Da, who was at an exhibit close by. She exchanged a look with my Uncle Khelan as he approached. Please ensure that she doesn’t get into trouble, she said. I know how much you like to steer her in unusual directions.

    After nodding his compliance to Ma, Uncle put on a face of exaggerated horror for only me to see and I laughed.

    My brother and I called him uncle, although he wasn’t truly that. He had just always been a strong part of our lives. In my earliest memories, I could remember him sitting at our dinner table, regaling us with stories about his world in the dominion of Argon, with its luminous deep blue waters and cresting mountains. It was why I always wanted to visit his home and would be glad to do so that day.

    I hugged him. I can’t believe I’m here.

    He ran a hand over my head then cupped my face. You have no idea how much it means to me that you are, he said with a smile. Come. It’s time I introduced you to my world.

    Uncle took my hand, pulling me toward the rear of the hall, where the ceilings soared to unbelievable heights and windows seemed to reach for the sky beyond. Monitors just as tall showcased influential citizens, technologies and worlds I’d only ever heard about. There were people everywhere, milling about and jostling each other in an attempt to get closer to the rows of station tables filled with items on display.

    At the right of those was a stage surrounded by monitors and draped in gold and deep purple embroidered fabrics, bearing the official emblem of the Realm. Positioned in front of it was seating for what must have been a thousand people, empty at the moment, but to be filled once the Corona, our sovereign leader, took the stage later that day.

    Rhoan, my older brother by five years, came up from behind us, a chupa stick in hand.

    Of course, the first thing you do is look for food. I nodded to the sweet, cold candy, known only to the worlds of Hale dominion. Or is it that food finds you?

    We have a long day ahead of us. Do you expect me to last these blessed long lines and crowded spaces without sustenance? he said with a lick to the treat.

    We ate just two hours ago, Rhoan. I narrowly avoided barreling into a group of women. I’m sure you’ll survive.

    Yes, well, I needed food, and I also wanted to say hello to a couple of old friends from the Academy. Luckily, they both happened to be at the Hale exhibit.

    Part of Rhoan’s Primary Academy education had been the option to go to Hale world three, or Hale Three, to do military training. My family was of the Subordinate caste, so if Rhoan succeeded in advanced training, he would be elevated to the higher Protectorate caste. Rhoan had done so well at basic training that the Protectorate asked him three times to apply for advanced enrollment, but he’d turned down their requests. He told me he wanted nothing to do with the Realm’s instrument of oppression, but I believed it was because Rhoan was a man of the people and wanted to stay that way.

    He pivoted mid-stride to walk backward. I’ve always had a thing for redheads, he said, watching a tall one go by.

    You’ll be surprised to learn then that the last girlfriend you had was not a true redhead, I quipped, sidestepping a small child.

    He spun around to walk forward again. You’re kidding.

    It was an optic. She turned it on with a tap to her comm every time she visited you, I said, referring to the communication device we all wore on our wrists.

    Rhoan looked mortally wounded. How do you know that?

    I’m a woman, I said pertly.

    You’re not a woman yet, Uncle Khelan said with a wry twist to his lips. He came to an abrupt stop in front of a sign that promised never-before-seen exhibits from Argon dominion. And please don’t remind me that you soon will be either, he said over his shoulder as he strode through the entryway.

    I closed my mouth since that was exactly what I’d been about to say, and followed his lead. When we stepped inside, I made a slow turn, staring up at the projection cast on the high ceilings.

    It’s beautiful.

    Wildlife of all types and sizes, known only to Argon, swam through a watery illusion. The ceiling looked like a gigantic aquarium with long frond plants dancing silently in the undercurrents swirling overhead.

    I glanced at Uncle just as he looked down at me from the corner of his eye, a broad smile on his face. Follow me, he said. There’s a lot more to see.

    The three of us headed over to a station where, according to a sign, women were modeling the customary garb of Argon Four, Uncle Khelan’s world. They welcomed each visitor with a bite-sized brown cake with sugar crystals on top.

    I popped one in my mouth and promptly spat it out, the pungent taste burning a peppery path across my tongue.

    Uncle Khelan chuckled as he chewed on one of his own. I waited for the expected reaction, but he had no problem eating a second cake a few moments later. You should try it with hot mint cider. Makes the flavor stronger, he said with a grin.

    He collected a few more of the vile treats and strode over to a table filled with the latest version of halo-readers, just released by the Protectorate. Rhoan patted my back and handed me a cup of water from a nearby patron services table.

    Try not to make a fool out of yourself, Kira. It will reflect badly on me among the fairer citizens, he murmured, spying another woman, this one with short, dark hair. Had I known there’d be this many exquisite females, Hallowed Halls, I wouldn’t have been so dismissive of this farce of an event.

    As expected, once the brunette saw my brother, she lit up like a festival-day bulb.

    Rhoan was a tall and muscular man. With light green eyes and dark hair that formed a curly black storm about his striking face, he was always attracting attention. My friends said he was handsome, so I was inclined to agree. He looked a lot like our father, only with a much darker complexion, though I could never tell him so without bearing the brunt of his disdain.

    Rhoan grinned and the brunette waved with a shy smile. But when he moved in her direction, a stack of muscle stepped in front of her, blocking his way. The muscle, clad in the black and gray uniform of the Protectorate, gave Rhoan a dark look that surely made many a man’s bladder go weak but only made my brother jut out his chin in welcome challenge. Rhoan snorted as the man gave him an unhurried once-over and walked his woman away. I rolled my eyes and turned to toss my empty cup into a nearby receptacle.

    You really haven’t changed, have you? a voice, deep and rich, enquired from behind me.

    A tingling sensation danced up my spine and landed somewhere about my shoulders. Turning to my brother, I saw his eyes widen and a broad smile replace his look of defiance.

    Tai! Holy shit, it’s you! Rhoan proceeded to pull the most beautiful man I had ever seen in for an aggressive half-hug, half-wrestle. I stopped by your station, hoping to see the recently shackled man in his pretty uniform, but you weren’t there, Rhoan said when they pulled apart.

    I was called away. We had some trouble with small bands of youth stealing from station exhibits. The demi-god named Tai slapped my brother on his back. Fuck, you look good. Here I thought your decision to sit on your ass all day would turn you to fat, but you seem to be maintaining the regimen.

    Female citizens are more than enough reason for me stay in shape. Rhoan grinned.

    More than protecting the Realm?

    Ah, don’t start that again. How many times can a man say no to the Protectorate before he starts feeling abused?

    Tai and Rhoan shared a laugh, engaging in a violent round of pats to each other’s backs.

    Good grief, he’s gorgeous.

    Tai had hazel eyes and dark brown hair that was trimmed close to his head, but the style couldn’t hide the slight curl. He cut an imposing figure at a few inches taller than my brother and was heavily muscled. I watched as he crossed his arms, the deeply tanned skin on his forearms stretched taut by the obvious strength and power within. His eyes were alight with camaraderie as he and my brother bantered back and forth about things both witty and crude.

    Oh, sorry. Rhoan stepped back as he remembered me and stuck his chupa to the side of his jaw. Kira, this is Tai Sentinel, newly appointed protector and old friend from Hale. Tai, this is my kid sister, Kira.

    Kid sister!

    I flushed and gave Rhoan an evil eye that I prayed only he could decipher. Schooling my features into a practiced look of cool sophistication, I turned to Tai as if I had only just noticed his presence.

    Tai’s eyes fell to me immediately. His gaze walked across my features — eyes, cheeks, lips and hair. I’d never been so thoroughly considered in my life. He looked befuddled for a quick moment and then his expression went blank as he pulled his shoulders back and clasped his hands behind his back.

    A pleasure to meet you, Kira, he said.

    Congratulations on your seniority, I replied quite eloquently for someone whose mouth had gone dry and whose heart was pounding through her chest.

    His thick lips ticked up into a slight grin.

    I wanted to lick those lips. I didn’t know where that came from, but the insolence of that mouth made me want to run my tongue across it.

    Sela is going to die when I tell her about this.

    Sela was my closest friend, yet we were so unalike I feared the truth was I was using her for my own gain. Truly, I could not have reached the impressive age of sixteen a studious virgin with a bright future ahead of me if not for her.

    Tai seemed to be waiting on me to say something since he continued to stare.

    So … you and Rhoan were in training together on Hale? My fingers played along the edges of my bag.

    Yes, before he bailed.

    Rhoan snorted and turned to toss the now chupa-less candy stick away.

    Tai’s eyes slipped to my mouth before bouncing back up to my eyes. My body temperature spiked. I couldn’t have been more heated if he had just kissed me instead.

    You can’t bail on something you never had any intention of finishing in the first place, Rhoan muttered as he turned back to us.

    Tai smirked. If you start something, you finish it, asshole. You excelled at the program. You could be in a higher rank than me by now.

    I’ll always be in a higher rank than you, shit head.

    They fell into a round of belly laughs.

    I needed to draw Tai back to more important matters before the conversation devolved into more male posturing. He seemed to bring out the cave dweller in my brother. Your name … Tai. It’s known to our dominion. You’re originally from Prospect, then?

    Tai sobered as he crossed his arms. Correct.

    I licked my lips. So … um, you’ve been working at the exhibition today? I didn’t know why I insisted on asking questions to which I already knew the answer.

    Yes, he replied, this time with a lazy smile.

    Oh. There was really nothing more to say. He seemed awfully cool for a person who, only a short while ago, had been effusively manhandling my brother.

    We’re going over to the arc station next, Rhoan chimed in. Too bad you can’t come with us.

    Tai turned to my brother. My shift just ended. It’s why I’m here. I remember you saying someone in your family is from Argon. He looked over the crowd, which seemed to be increasing, encroaching on our space. I’m lucky I found you in all this.

    So he did have the ability say more than a few words. Maybe he only spoke freely to males.

    Our uncle is from Argon. Have you been there? I threw in and narrowed my eyes, daring him to respond beyond just one word.

    His lips tipped up slightly as he glanced down at me from the corner of his eye.

    Rhoan, Kira! Come and look at this! Uncle bellowed. He held up a halo-reader, a wide grin across his face.

    And there is the uncle from Argon, I imagine, Tai said, raising an eyebrow.

    I raised my own brow and quirked my lips in response.

    We stayed at the Argon exhibit for what must have been over an hour, marveling at the stunning displays of technology and military precision while enjoying the tastes and sounds of culture and food. It was just a sampling of the dominion my uncle called home, but soon I was ready to visit the real thing.

    As we made our way over to the arc station, I learned through snippets of Rhoan and Tai’s conversation that, like Rhoan, Tai was heading to Advanced Academy this year. Tai was ambitious. He was from a family with a history of becoming leaders in the Protectorate. In fact, his father was marshal, directly supporting the high marshal at Realm Council, the governing body over our system, for years before he passed away from a wound he obtained during a skirmish on Dignitas dominion just the previous year. Many members of his family had died in service, leaving only his mother as a remaining close relative. Sadly, her health was failing, a condition which Tai believed was more a result of grief than physical illness.

    It was obvious that Tai was well respected among his peers. I could tell, not only from the stories he and Rhoan shared, but also by the way my brother responded to him. Rhoan was a man whom others admired, not the other way around. Yet despite their differences in opinion on governance and law, Rhoan clearly admired Tai. Though they seemed to be around the same age, Tai commanded a power and authority that belied his years.

    The arc station, as expected, was teeming with people of every caste. We wanted to visit only one world, so after a relatively short time waiting, it was our turn to enter the arc craft headed for Argon Four.

    Having settled into my seat, I started struggling with my lap belt. Tai came over and gave it a swift pull, tightening it.

    Thank you, I said, surprised by his unsolicited help.

    He nodded and took a seat beside Rhoan then chuckled in response to a joke my brother shared.

    I studied him. Most of the afternoon Tai had said little more than a handful of words to me and had looked my way only once, when, in my haste, I tripped and nearly fell face first at the arc station. Rhoan had stopped me from my fall, but I’d been humiliated to have Tai see me act the clumsy little sister despite my best efforts. I had peered up at him to find him staring at me with an unreadable expression. I determined shortly thereafter that he was an aloof snob, and I was becoming quite comfortable with that categorization when he’d suddenly come over to help with my belt.

    With a small shake of my head, I decided to figure him out later. I had more important matters at hand.

    When the greeting and instructional messages on the monitors came to an end, I squeezed my uncle’s arm. This is incredible! I said. Uncle Khelan’s eyes gleamed — he was as excited as I was.

    It was many hours later when we left Argon to return to the halls. Like many other citizens in attendance, we chose to end the day by attending the Corona’s address to the Realm.

    Our sovereign was in her thirties, very young, but her eyes reflected an immense and quickly gained wisdom. Resplendent in the purple and black uniform of the Elite caste, she was quietly beautiful, with pale blond hair and soft brown eyes. While simple, the cut and quality of the fabric spoke to the prestige of her position. Of course, nothing could speak more to her rank than the headdress she wore. It was a gold and silver bird’s-nest design that was meant to mimic the orbital rings around the interconnected worlds of the Realm. Diamonds were placed strategically in multiple spots along each of the rings so that light caught from every direction, giving off a halo effect.

    I was riveted, but not because of how she looked or even by what she was saying. It was the impact she had on the audience. Despite her quiet bearing, she held a thousand or more of us captive. I believed she could have told us anything in that moment and we would have followed without hesitation. She held such power and influence that even Tai, a fierce warrior, was spellbound.

    As I looked on the faces of my fellow citizens, something fierce and deep took root inside me. It was a question that had teased my mind ever more frequently through the years. My family and the Realm had great influence over my role within our worlds, in effect determining who I would become. But what was my responsibility?

    As I listened to the Corona end her speech, I felt nearly suffocated by the idea that I would be expected to simply wait for my future to unfold, revealing clues and signposts that would show which path to take. For a few moments after she left the podium, while my family readied themselves to leave the space, I sat lost in my thoughts, wondering whether I could chart my own course, determine my own future.


    Five years later.

    You’re a fucking goddess. He caressed my thigh as I ground down hard on top of him, his cock long and deep inside me.

    Yes, yes, yes, I whispered, reaching for that elusive feeling that was once again slipping away.

    He leaned up to kiss my neck and molded my breasts, paying homage to my body with soft, sweet words.

    It should have had me panting, but it was leaving me cold.

    No, damn it! I pounded a fist on the bed, allowing my head to drop between my arms.

    Shit. Don’t tell me you want to stop.

    I’d thought it was going to work this time, but not even Lukas Merchant was going to tip me over the edge.

    I opened my eyes to look down at him. I can’t do this, I said with a heavy sigh.

    Fuck. Kira, did I hurt you? Lukas asked as I crawled off him, looking around for bits of my clothing. He immediately started to right his pants.

    I shook my head in response as I stood in the middle of the room. Lukas took one look at my expression and reached to give me a hug.

    When Lukas did things like that, showed me compassion and support even while I showed my other side of crazy, I knew something was wrong with me. Since Lukas and I had met at Primary Academy, we had been seeing each other here and there. We were supposed to be in off mode, but lonely nights and stressful final evaluations could turn any rejected coin into a valuable one.

    As he bent to collect his shirt from the ground, I stole a glance at my comm and became alarmed by how late in the day it was. Rhoan would be back at any time, expecting me to be ready to head over to our parents’ home.

    That evening, I was to be celebrated for graduating at the top of my class, turning twenty-one and accepting an entry-level position at Prospect Eight’s Judiciary, our world’s legal arm — all achievements earned within the last month. I was looking forward to the event. It meant more than an excuse to overindulge in food and drink with family and friends. It was a rite of passage. If a person is the conclusion of decisions in life, then up to this point I was a collection of my parents’ choices.

    I heard the familiar ping of my comm, signaling a message.

    My brother’s here, I said, quickly pulling on my panties and pants at the same time. I prepared myself for the inevitable whirlwind of high anxiety —not mine, but Lukas’s.

    Lukas stopped mid-stride on the way to my small bathroom. He spun around and grabbed his remaining strewn belongings. Duffel bag, shoes and comm were put on just as hastily as they’d been divested only minutes before. I crossed my arms and rested a hip against the doorjamb, watching Lukas do an unintended pirouette in the middle of my room as he tried to locate the last of his many items. He tripped over my bag and stumbled toward his tablet, immediately rolling up the flexible device into its portable scroll-like shape.

    Lukas held it up in triumph with a silly smile. I shook my head as he ambled over to me and threw an arm around my shoulders. Maybe next time? He winked, affecting an over-the-top seductive grin.

    I had to smile at that, but there wouldn’t be a next time. I had to find a new fix. I’d lost my virginity four years earlier, but since then, while enjoyable, sex hadn’t been all that wondrous with any of my four partners. At some point, I had to stop trying different flavors, because they were all leaving me with the same bitter taste.

    Ducking my head, I busied myself with buttoning up my shirt. One of the buttons was missing, a casualty of our anticlimactic encounter. I glanced up to give Lukas what I intended as a hopeful smile, but it felt more like an apology on my lips than anything else.

    Come on. I’ll let you out, I said.

    We entered the main sitting area the same time as the front door slid open. As was customary, Rhoan strode in, disengaged the door to close it, threw his duffel bag on the floor and headed straight to our cooler to forage.

    One of the first things I had done after my twenty-first birthday was to move in with Rhoan. It was a declaration of my independence. I didn’t know why I’d thought moving in with my brother was a good idea. He had the capacity to eat massive amounts of food yet was not keen on buying or cooking any of it. I wondered how he’d existed before I came along. At first, Rhoan had been apprehensive about having his sister live with him, but I was getting the sense that my ability to clean, cook and shop was making me look more and more like a win to him.

    "Why, hello, Lukas and Kira. It’s so nice to see you. How was your day? I took on an outlandishly formal and deep voice. That’s what normal people say when they come home and see company," I added, reprimanding my brother. As expected, my words fell on deaf ears.

    I looked to Lukas to offer an apology on behalf of my tactless kin when I noticed he had frozen like one of those sculptures in those old books Ma loved to pull out on significant religious holidays. Lukas was staring at my brother with a mixture of admiration and fear. It leaned much too far toward the latter.

    And therein laid much of the problem.

    Lukas, while sweet and perfect, as so many of my friends concurred, was scared shitless of my brother. Like all my past partners, he had a healthy fear of one Rhoan Advocator.

    While I’d been gaining higher education and becoming sexually liberated, Rhoan had completed his advanced training. Having achieved the highest level of education in governance, his last name had been changed to Advocator, a name that would be his for the rest of his life or until he applied for a change in profession. Following graduation, as expected, he was quickly appointed subordinate representative for our region and worked at the Prospect Eight Advocacy, our governance arm. Accomplished or not, he was still an annoying, eating machine of an older brother.

    I watched as Rhoan proceeded to inhale most of our limited food supply within a few minutes of having arrived. He sat at our small table, feet propped up, and tapped out a message on his tablet.

    What self-respecting person could be intimidated by this fool?

    I turned to Lukas to find him still caught in an odd state between man crush and abject fear. Apparently, Lukas Merchant was that person.

    I snapped my fingers in front of Lukas’s face to catch his attention. He offered a contrite smile and mumbled something indecipherable as I shuffled him out.

    "Rhoan, would you please not put your feet where we eat?" I shoved his boots as I stalked into the kitchen to clean up the wake of his food annihilation.

    Rhoan tilted his head toward the door, still typing out his message. Angus still hanging around, huh?

    I rolled my eyes. I didn’t bother to correct him. He very well knew his name was Lukas.

    Rhoan snorted, wiping his mouth with a napkin. You ready to go? He eyed my very casual outfit, eyes narrowing as they snagged on the missing button.

    I was just about to get dressed. I turned to prevent him from studying me too closely and tapped in a code on my comm to activate our wall-to-wall monitor in the sitting area. Watch something. I’ll be ready in a minute.

    I was in the middle of deciding between a skirt and pants when I heard Rhoan call my name. Panic lit his voice, shooting shards of fear through me. I dragged on the skirt and ran out of my room.

    I found him standing stock still in the middle of the room. I followed his line of sight to see a newsfeed running on the monitor. With growing dread, Rhoan and I learned that during a private meeting, just concluded, the Realm Council had, after confirming the dominion’s involvement in exploration and interaction with rogue worlds, struck a motion to expel Argon.

    Over four hundred years ago, soon after the creation of arc travel, our founding guardians had established the Realm’s governance and law. By that time, our technological advancement in exploration had led to the discovery of multiple new worlds and to a call for federation under one system. Unfortunately, not all worlds agreed to unify. Those other worlds were categorized as rogue and deemed part of the Outer Realm, their people cut off from arc access into our system and considered exiles.

    For many years after our system was established, the Council permitted limited travel between worlds, whether rogue or not, until Septima One, formerly known as Earth, was attacked. The story goes that Septima One citizens had traveled to a rogue world and been held hostage by a group of exiles. While the arc station was still engaged, the exiles went to Septima One and used their weaponry to wipe out all of our citizens. All exploration had been banned ever since.

    In my periphery, Rhoan turned to speak into his comm. I just heard. Shit, what does this mean for Prospect, for the Realm? Rhoan suddenly spun back to me, his eyes wide. Uncle Khelan.

    I gasped, realizing the tragic impact this news would have on him. Though his only living relatives, my Aunt Marah and her family, lived close by on our world, Argon was still his home.

    I started to engage my comm

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