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Sex, Sanity and Sleep: A natural solution
Sex, Sanity and Sleep: A natural solution
Sex, Sanity and Sleep: A natural solution
Ebook197 pages2 hours

Sex, Sanity and Sleep: A natural solution

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Many women struggle with maintaining their interest in sex, and staying active. They also may have memory issues and problems getting enough sleep. These problems tend to get worse as they get older and are often caused by hormonal dysfunction. This book describes in great detail the problems women face as a result of hormone changes and what to

Release dateOct 22, 2018
Sex, Sanity and Sleep: A natural solution

Nadu A. Tuakli M.D.

Nadu A. Tuakli MD, MPH is a board certified Family Medicine physician with a Masters degree in Preventive Medicine. She trained at the University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins, Harvard and the University of Zambia. She is the director of the Anti-aging and Longevity Institute in Columbia, Maryland and Assistant Professor with the Department of Family Medicine at Georgetown University. She has received several awards from different universities in the Baltimore DC metropolitan area for teaching. Dr. Tuakli has been in private practice for over 25 years specializing in anti-aging, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as well as the full scope of family medicine including pediatrics. Dr. Tuakli has been featured on the Discovery Health Channel and several radio shows. She regularly conducts public seminars on women's health and longevity. She has volunteered on medical missions around the world and is passionate about Health Education and women's empowerment.

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    Sex, Sanity and Sleep - Nadu A. Tuakli M.D.


    Sex, Sanity and Sleep!

    A natural solution

    Nadu A. Tuakli, M.D.

    Copyright © 2018 by Nadu A. Tuakli, M.D.

    Paperback: 978-1-949804-76-8

    eBook: 978-1-949804-77-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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    Printed in the United States of America




    Chapter 1   Sex, Sanity and Sleep

    Chapter 2   Don’t let fear make your decisions for you

    Chapter 3   Meet the Pauses: Menopause, Perimenopause, and Postmenopause

    Chapter 4   The Role of Hormones in Women

    Chapter 5   Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

    Chapter 6   Sexual Intimacy

    Chapter 7   Sanity

    Chapter 8   Sleep

    Chapter 9   Treatment of Menopause

    Chapter 10 Scientific Research On Hormone Replacement Therapy

    Chapter 11 Are Hormones Right for Me?

    Chapter 12 Interesting Facts

    Chapter 13 Male menopause aka Andropause

    Chapter 14 Parting words: looking to the future





    TO MY HUSBAND and soul mate, Roberto Sanchez PhD, who quietly puts up with my unending projects which can range from a burning need to write a book to spontaneous volunteer trips to disaster areas and so much more in between. He is my stabilizing rock, more loving and supportive than I could ever dream of. Thank you for taking the cover photograph (autumn in Pom peii).

    Thank you to Fatima Azam for editing several chapters in this book. She accomplished all I asked for and more especially given my time constraints.

    Also thank you to Susan Ganz who was so moved by my first book that she generously gave of her time to proof read my second one.

    Finally, I would like to thank my patients. For over 30 years they have trusted me to help them and their families. It has been wonderful to watch children, young couples and mature adults alike, grow and thrive as they have equally enriched my life. My patients have shared their stories and challenged me to keep them in optimal health as I have shown them how to age in the healthiest way possible.

    Chapter 1

    Sex, Sanity and Sleep

    Nadu A. Tuakli MD, MPH

    Once you stop learning, you start dying.

    -Albert Einstein

    SO HERE IT is: the book that I wanted to write for years! I would vow to write this book every time a woman walked into my office suffering needlessly with menopausal symptoms. I vowed to write this book so women could educate themselves and not have to suffer in this way. It took me a while but I finally got it done.

    I originally published the book under the title Lifting the Veil of Menopause. When I convinced women to read it I would get tons of positive feedback. Patients thanked me for writing the book and for insisting that they read it. One lady told me she saw herself on every page. The ‘problem’, if there was one, was partly the title. Women do not think menopause is exciting and so they were hesitant to pick it up or even admit that they needed to read it.

    This book is about the symptoms of hormone imbalance and how to manage them. ‘Sex, sanity and sleep’ encapsulates some of the major symptoms in terms of extent and severity but as you will discover when you read this book there are many others.

    So, let’s just say it right at the beginning: none of us necessarily want to discuss sex, mental issues, or menopause with our doctors.

    Sometimes it is because the topics, quite frankly, can be just a little embarrassing and many times women are in denial about needing help in these areas.

    An organizer of a women’s conference told me last year, No one wants to hear about menopause. So I did not find it too surprising when I mentioned my previous book, Lifting the Veil of Menopause, and women would say Oh, how in-ter-rest-ing! as they stared blankly over my shoulder into the distance, a polite way of saying "Really, do we have to talk about it?"

    The original book was specifically conceived to bring light to the issues of menopause that many women feel uncomfortable mentioning to their healthcare providers. I will discuss this reluctance later in the book and the possible causes. Suffice to say many times women find it easier to read about these issues than to talk about them. Be that as it may, these topics must be discussed one way or the other, if women are to improve their quality of life.

    So I have taken a new approach: To talk about specific issues while also discussing menopause and perimenopause. Unlike the bored response to ‘menopause’, most women react to the topics of sex, sanity, and sleep with a nod and a knowing smile. These subjects are important to so many of us, and we know we must find balance, something that’s not easy to accomplish with our busy schedules and various daily life crises.

    If I told people that I still think of practicing medicine as an art and that I constantly enjoy polishing my craft, they may laugh at me in disbelief. But actually it is true, the hands on wisdom I have acquired during the last thirty years of practicing medicine has fueled my desire to continue making a difference in my patients’ lives, particularly in the area of women’s health and longevity.

    So, why did I have to write this book? The answer can be found in the old saying knowledge is power. Never is that more true than for a patient. Often, I find that, even though I am an experienced physician, many of my colleagues are unwilling to engage in a meaningful debate about hormones with me, much less with an inquisitive patient. To put it very simply, I believe providing my patients with the knowledge I have gained through my experience will only make them more powerful in their own lives. Who couldn’t use a little bit more power in their daily lives? In addition to my clinical practice, I have always enjoyed teaching. Currently, I am an assistant professor at Georgetown Medical School. I also enjoy teaching under less official hats like preceptor for nurse-practitioner students from Duke, Catholic, Maryland, and Marymount Universities or just as a mentor for high school seniors. Most importantly, I teach my patients. I truly believe that my most essential role as a doctor is to provide my patients with the tools they need to be healthy and that means information and education.

    Over the years I have had the opportunity to treat a lot of menopausal patients and have seen, firsthand, the dilemmas that hormone imbalance can create. In writing this book I want to give readers the best medical advice I can about menopause and its symptoms. I aim to show how suffering women can alleviate their symptoms through various therapies, particularly hormone balancing. Better yet, I believe that when you have this information, you will be able to more confidently and knowledgeably discuss the subject with your doctor. Let me mention here that my take on this subject is different from what you may have heard from other doctors or read in the mainstream media; later in the book, I will explain exactly what I mean by this.

    Please, before you allow your doctor to refer you to a psychiatrist or hand you pills for anxiety and sleep, read the rest of this book!

    I want to spread the word about bioidentical hormones as a viable and likely healthier treatment option in an area of women’s health that has been neglected, dismissed, underreported, and misunderstood for decades. Women need to pay attention to this wonderful and effective treatment option.

    For centuries, women have accepted that menopause signals the end of a woman’s vitality and desirability, with an inevitable decrease in her quality of life. As a doctor, I’m going to tell you the truth: that is a ridiculous myth! A woman’s quality of life, including her sex life, can continue throughout her lifespan. When most women reach menopause, their lifespan is only at the halfway point. Don’t throw in the towel, so soon ladies! An excellent quality of life is available to any woman who wants it. Depending on where you live, it may be a little challenging to find a doctor who will help, but when you do, it will be well worthwhile. Don’t give up, but use the information in this book to find the perfect doctor who will help you live your life to the full extent that you deserve.

    I find the lack of knowledge regarding hormonal issues in menopausal women to be staggering, which is one of my strongest motivators in writing this book. As the years go by, instead of seeing women become more powerful with knowledge about hormones, I havent seen much change. In my view, many women suffer needlessly from the sheer lack of valid and reliable scientific information. I am determined to help you gain the knowledge and power you need to make your own decisions.

    Part of the problem is that the community does not discuss menopause, there is a conspiracy of silence if you will. To put it simply, menopause is often the elephant in the room and the women going through it may feel uncomfortable talking about it.

    On the other hand, when menopause is talked about, it’s often with old-fashioned ideas in mind. Well-meaning loved ones will try to convince a professional woman to cut back on her professional activities, a problem men don’t seem to have. Somehow, I don’t think that kind of advice would fly if the lady in question were the First Lady or head of the Reserve Bank.

    So many women are making huge strides professionally. Does going through menopause mean they suddenly need to sit at home and accept that their life is winding down? Absolutely not, their life is barely half way through! Just look at the many wonderful examples there are of incredibly successful women such as the head of the IMF and many female heads of state. Women like these, with so much responsibility, should have their menopausal symptoms handled efficiently. They should not merely be overmedicated with drugs; and neither should you!

    Having lived and worked professionally all over the world, I am very much aware of the different cultural attitudes toward women and menopause. Although they are gradually changing, none are particularly progressive. We need to change these thoughts and approaches, and the way to do it is by arming ourselves with knowledge then sharing it with others. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said earlier that information is power.

    My passion regarding menopause began around twenty years ago with Mandy (see Mandy’s story a few pages ahead), whose plight so galvanized me that I began to research hormone-replacement therapy (HRT). Furthermore, I regularly began attending conferences on the topic to stay up on the latest scientific information and to compare notes and experiences with like-minded physicians.

    Both doctors and patients should learn as much as they can. Every week, a woman comes to my office in a state of emotional crisis because her hormones are out of whack. These women are invariably successful, up-to-date on the latest technology, and often find me after scouring the Internet looking for solutions. They find themselves blindsided, floored, and totally out of control when they hit menopause. Their discourse ranges from, I wish I had known to loudly demanding, Why doesn’t anyone tell you this stuff?

    I hope this book addresses these issues. Today many

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