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Christmas and Eve
Christmas and Eve
Christmas and Eve
Ebook326 pages5 hours

Christmas and Eve

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Christmas and Eve is a story of love, revenge, guilt, and redemption that takes place during the holiday season.  

Dr. Evangelia Nassos was raised to be the perfect Greek-American daughter: responsible, diligent, religious, and above all, independent.  She never questioned her life's path until the tragic deaths

Release dateDec 4, 2018
Christmas and Eve

Lily Nikopoulos

Lily Nikopoulos is a first generation Greek-American who lives in the Midwest with her family. She absolutely loves the Christmas season, books, and dogs. This is her first novel.

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    Christmas and Eve - Lily Nikopoulos




    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, organizations, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2018 by Lily Nikopoulos

    Hardcover design and art by Kevin van Embis

    Paperback design and art by Olivier Darbonville

    Interior design by Olivier Darbonville

    Edited by Josiah Davis, JD Book Services

    ISBN (hardcover) 978-0-9980383-0-8

    ISBN (paperback) 978-0-9980383-1-5

    ISBN (ebook) 978-0-9980383-2-2

    For my family, especially my intelligent, energetic,

    and persistent daughter, who was the reason

    I finished this book. Thank you for encouraging me

    to pursue my dream.



    Evangelia slowly removed the letter from the pocket in her wallet and unfolded it gently. Its edges were frayed, and if she wasn’t careful, the creases of the paper would tear. She knew it wasn’t healthy to read it so often—she should never have even printed it. She should have just deleted the email as soon as she’d read it and moved on with her life.

    Evangelia glanced around the airport as she waited at the gate for her flight, and after a few moments, she looked back down at the words that had shattered her heart almost a year ago.
    Dear Eve,
    I’m sorry that I have left you wondering what happened to me for the last two days. I should have called you or at least responded to your texts, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Cowardly, I know. I’m not sure how to begin to explain what has happened. Before you end up hating me, I just want to say that I really wish life could go back to how it was a few days ago. Before I knew. When things for us were simple.
    I just learned from the woman I dated before you that I have a daughter. I admit I am still in shock. The relationship I had with her ended abruptly when I discovered that she had cheated on me with another man—her ex-boyfriend, actually. I don’t know what any of this means for my future. I have a feeling that things from here on out will not go smoothly. I need to figure out what all this means for me. The only thing I know for sure is that I don’t want to be like my dad. I need to be better than that.
    I loved our relationship. It was one of the best years of my life. Being with you was easy, pure, and real. You are lovely, and I will always miss what could have been.
    Love always,
    Evangelia folded up the paper carefully, slid it gently into her wallet, and took a deep breath. She wondered where Jake was at that moment. Was he happy? Had he rekindled the relationship with the mother of his child or had he moved on to another woman? She couldn’t help but wonder if his ex’s reappearance had simply been a serendipitous event that had helped him break up with her. Maybe he’d intended to leave her eventually anyway. Whatever his motives truly were, she was heartbroken that he had let her go so easily.
    She knew that she needed to move on, but Jake’s actions had devastated her. Ever since his betrayal, she’d found it difficult to trust anyone. If he didn’t find her worth fighting for after almost a year of being together, then perhaps there was something inherently wrong with her. Evangelia couldn’t understand how he could abandon her for a woman who had cheated on him.
    Evangelia glanced at her watch and ran her fingers through her dark brown hair. She quickly put it up into a ponytail with an elastic band from her wrist and decided to walk around the airport for a while before it was time to board her plane back to Chicago.
    It was eight-thirty in the evening on a Sunday night in Boston, and the majority of the shops in the airport were closed, but she browsed in their windows, picked up a magazine at the bookstore, and then headed toward the only open full-service restaurant for a bite to eat.
    She walked into the small lobby and looked up at the bartender, trying to figure out whether she should seat herself, but instead she was immediately distracted by the customer who was sitting at the bar. He held Evangelia’s eyes in an intense gaze, and she froze instantly.
    Ian Reed had turned his body so that he could watch her every step. She moved gracefully, and he could tell that his interest in her made her uncomfortable. She dressed as if she were plain and wanted to avoid attention, and he suspected she didn’t know how truly pretty she was. He liked that. Consequently, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her.
    Evangelia was completely caught off-guard, and before she realized what she was doing, she had turned around and looked behind her in search of the reason that this stranger was staring in her direction. No one was there, and as she turned back to look at him, she noticed his eyes were still locked on her. A faint smile had formed on his lips, and his strikingly blue eyes seemed to be laughing at her as his fingers traced patterns in the frost on his tall beer glass that sat on the counter in front of him.
    She felt totally self-conscious. He’d probably just recognized her from the conference, she thought to herself, so she smiled quickly and headed for an empty table as far away from the bar as possible.
    Suddenly, she felt like a nervous teenager, not a thirty-something-year-old physician. Granted, she had never been fully comfortable around men socially, but she was surrounded by them at work, and she was able to hold her own even under very intense and stressful situations. Outside of work was usually a whole different story. Evangelia mentally scolded herself for her reaction, which she knew made her look weak. She had changed so much in the last year, and she wasn’t happy about any of it.
    She placed her order immediately when the waitress arrived at her table, and she ate her dinner quickly as she flipped through the magazine in a very determined effort not to look back at the bar. Her mind, however, was on the man who still watched her. For the brief moment that she’d seen him, she’d noticed how good-looking he was. When she finally had the courage to look up after she had paid her check, he was gone, and in spite of her efforts to act uninterested, she had to admit to herself that she was disappointed.
    The computer screens outside of the restaurant indicated that her plane was boarding, so she slowly made her way to the gate, pleased about her perfect timing.
    As she entered the business class section of the plane, in the third row on her left, sitting by the window, was the man from the bar—and he was looking directly at her. Evangelia glanced down at her ticket and sure enough, seat 3C was hers.
    Evangelia let her eyes run over him. He had blond hair, sapphire blue eyes, and he wore faded jeans with a dark grey sports jacket. It seemed he hadn’t shaved in a couple of days which gave him a rugged look. After a few moments, Evangelia realized that they were staring at each other.
    Ian Reed was intrigued. Women usually flocked to him. He knew what he looked like, and he had found that men weren’t the only ones who were attracted to physical appearance. The look he gave her at the bar would have landed any woman on the seat next to him. He was bored, and he was tired. He had figured that a little company would help pass the time, so he had been shocked when she sat as far away from him as possible. He never thought she would end up on his plane, much less in the seat next to him. He wondered whether he was going to enjoy this woman’s company or wish he was seated alone. Either way, there was something that told him that she was going to make an impression on him. He just couldn’t figure out if it was going to be good or bad.
    Evangelia set her bag on her seat in order to find her book, and after she placed her belongings under the seat in front of her, she sat down.
    Hello, she said when she realized that he was still staring at her. She decided she might as well acknowledge him.
    How are you this evening? Ian asked very smoothly as though they were old friends.
    Good, thank you. Evangelia was confused. I’m sorry, but did we meet at the conference? she asked. She couldn’t look away from his deep blue eyes. She saw some specks of green in them. They resembled an aerial shot of the shores of a Greek island.
    No, but I believe that we ate at the same restaurant tonight in the airport. Ian Reed, he said as he extended his hand.
    Eve Nassos, she replied. His handshake was firm, but so was Eve’s. Nice to meet you, she said.
    So what conference were you referring to? Ian asked.
    A work conference I attended. A medical conference, on neonatal intensive care, Eve replied. She wished he would stop with his questioning. He was gorgeous, beautiful even, and she was definitely not interested. It was unfortunate, she thought. Years ago, she would have been captivated by him. Now, she just wanted to read and maybe take a nap.
    Are you a doctor?
    That was a first. People usually asked Eve if she was a nurse after she told them she was in the medical field. It made her look at him a little more seriously. She cocked her head to the side.
    Yes, a neonatologist, Eve replied.
    Impressive, he said with a smile. It had been a while since he’d spoken to an educated woman and even longer since he’d found a woman who appeared to have no interest in getting to know him. She must be married, Ian thought to himself. So you take care of the premature babies or full-term babies with problems, right?
    Yes, how did you know that? Do you have children? Eve asked. She regretted the question as soon as it escaped her lips, and she hoped that he didn’t start asking her about medical issues. She was tired and needed to relax.
    No children. My sister had high-risk pregnancies, and both ended up in the neonatal intensive care unit, Ian said.
    Ah, I see. What do you do? Eve asked.
    I’m a civil engineer. I work for a company in Chicago. Where do you work? he asked.
    I work at a suburban hospital outside of Chicago, Eve replied. She never liked telling strangers where she worked, and although Ian was much better looking than any other stranger she had ever encountered on an airplane, it didn’t mean that he was sane. She tried to stick by her rules.
    How was the conference? he asked, genuinely interested.
    Very good. They had some well-known speakers, and I still had some time to see Boston. So, overall, I would say it was a good trip. Why were you in Boston? Eve asked.
    A college roommate of mine got married, he said.
    That’s nice. Did you have a good time?
    Ian smiled. For a wedding, it wasn’t bad.
    Not a fan of weddings? Eve asked. His leg touched Eve’s. Ian noticed, but he liked the way it felt so he continued to let it invade her space. She made a conscious effort to remain still for a few moments in order to see what he would do. It was her territory, she decided, which was clearly marked by the imaginary line that existed in her head. She tried, but eventually his touch made her too uncomfortable, and since he didn’t appear to have plans to move his leg back to where it belonged, Eve eventually gave in and crossed hers. Ian noticed and moved his leg even more into her space—not near enough to touch her, but close enough that he could tell it bothered her.
    Not really. But I hope it works out for them. He is a really good guy. I don’t know her that well, but he seems happy. Time will tell. Are you married? Ian asked.
    The flight attendant began her speech on emergency exit procedures. Eve felt obligated to watch her, but Ian waited for her reply, so Eve turned back to look at him, surprised that he asked such a personal question.
    No, I’m not married. I’m not really opposed to it or anything. I’m just not. She wasn’t sure why she felt the need to explain anything to him. Normally, she wouldn’t even be answering that line of inquiry and would have swiftly found a way to change the subject.
    Neither am I, Ian offered. He thought that maybe this knowledge would help spark her interest in him. He normally wasn’t this self-absorbed, but most women enjoyed his company. Something about her just wasn’t right. Or maybe she saw through him and simply wasn’t interested in what she saw underneath. Either way, she disturbed him.
    Eve just looked at him, unsure of where to take the conversation next. She found herself leaning a little closer to him, though. She couldn’t help it. His scent was a combination of spice and pine. Ian realized that she had shifted her body towards him, so he leaned in towards her slightly in return.
    Did you go hiking today? she asked.
    No, he smiled slowly. Why do you ask? He started to relax, glad that he had overreacted.
    Oh, you just smell good. Like a forest, or something. Maybe I just wish I was out in a forest, Eve whispered. Now, she felt like she needed to stop talking. She was definitely becoming too comfortable with Mr. Ian Reed.
    He laughed. Thank you. It’s not often I’m compared to a forest, but thank you.
    Eve nodded and tried to smile in order to disguise how embarrassed she was. But after an awkward moment, she decided it wasn’t worth it, so she turned her attention back to the flight attendant who was glaring back and forth between them with an annoyed look. Eve tried to pay attention, but Ian didn’t care and leaned in even closer to her. He enjoyed the game. It had been a long time since a woman purposefully avoided him.
    You smell good, too, he whispered into Eve’s ear. He startled her, and she jumped slightly in her seat. Eve hadn’t felt a man’s breath on her in a very long time. She shifted away from him and folded her arms across her chest. She suddenly felt very cold. When she looked at him, he smiled.
    I didn’t mean to scare you, though. He had a wicked grin. One that could easily convince a woman to do anything. He was definitely a dangerous man, Eve thought to herself. If she had even a tiny bit of hope that one day she would finally be able to trust a man enough to let herself feel something, she could easily see herself falling for him, hard.
    You didn’t scare me, Eve said. The flight attendant finally finished her speech. Ian had thought she never would. It was hard to flirt with Eve when she paid more attention to the safety instructions than to him.
    So is there someone special waiting for you back in Chicago? Ian asked as he settled back into his seat and leaned against the plane wall. He turned his body towards Eve. He decided to give her a little space since she appeared to be scanning the business class section for empty seats.
    You mean is there is a boyfriend or something? Eve asked hesitantly as she turned back to look at him.
    Yes, or something, he smiled. He was definitely amused.
    No, no boyfriend. And you? Is there a girlfriend…or boyfriend? Eve asked and smiled at his reaction. She knew his type. He expected her to fall all over him. She was too old for that and smart enough to know that this was just a way for him to pass his time. She was ready to read her book, but it didn’t seem that he would let her any time soon. She opened it to the bookmarked page anyway. Maybe he would take the hint and leave her alone.
    Yes, there is a girlfriend, but I doubt she is putting her life on hold tonight to celebrate my arrival back to Chicago, he said.
    Why didn’t she come with you to the wedding? Eve asked.
    Because I didn’t ask her to. If you invite your girlfriend to a wedding, it suggests a level of seriousness I don’t think we’ve reached, he said.
    Eve felt like she was prying, yet he was the one divulging all of the information with minimal encouragement on her part.
    Well, then, I guess you really can’t blame her for not putting her life on hold to celebrate your return, Eve replied.
    He laughed again. I suppose you have a point.
    Despite Eve’s reluctance to discuss herself, Ian continued to ask her questions. Eve had to admit that it was the most interesting time that she had ever spent on an airplane with a total stranger. As far as she could tell, Ian very much enjoyed his work. He lived in a nice part of the city. Ian concluded that Eve was diligent and serious, and it seemed that she hadn’t let her hair down in a very long time. He started to think that not only would he be the perfect man to help her with that, both figuratively and practically, but that he might actually be interested enough in her to make the effort of getting to know her first. This realization was definitely unexpected, and it left Ian troubled. He was in unknown territory.
    So you know about my fear of intimacy, he said with a slight smile as he rubbed his temple, but why isn’t someone like you involved?
    What do you mean by saying ‘someone like me?’
    Well, you appear to have it all together. You have a solid career. You seem normal, and you’re attractive.
    Thank you. But I guess you would have to ask an ex-boyfriend about why I’m not involved. I’ve given up trying to figure it out.
    So, he broke it off with you? Ian asked.
    He left me when his ex showed up at his door. That’s all I know. I’m not sure why he picked her over me, but that’s what he did. You probably have a better chance at figuring it out than I do at this point.
    Ian noticed how Eve’s voice changed when she spoke. She had crossed her arms over her chest, and her eyes drifted to the seats in front of them. She was still hurting from what had happened to her. He knew that pain. He had learned how to protect himself from it, and it looked by the way things were going that she would figure that out soon, too, if she hadn’t already. He did not enjoy solitude, but it was easier to live in isolation than in fear that the person he loved most in the world wouldn’t think twice about destroying him. He understood her.
    It just tells me a lot about him, nothing more about you.
    Eve smiled and looked back at him. He was bright. He picked up on her body language and from the few words she spoke, he concluded much more. He could read people. There was something deeper to him than just his good looks and degree, and that was what made Eve even more curious about him.
    Eve was surprised at how quickly the time passed. Ever since Jake had left, her heart had felt frozen. She had become numb. She hated that she rarely experienced any emotions anymore, good or bad. Her life was mundane, and while she wasn’t satisfied with it, she didn’t have the courage to risk losing her mind if she ended up with another man who didn’t appreciate her. But, to Eve’s surprise, for the first time since Jake, she felt a nervous energy that made her feel alive. Her nervous system fired off constant signals, but none of her limbs could understand what they were being instructed to do, so they remained remarkably still. She didn’t want the conversation to end, and yet, she couldn’t wait to get off of the airplane. He managed to make her feel excited and extremely uncomfortable simultaneously.
    As they taxied to the gate in Chicago, Eve placed her book, which had remained at the same bookmarked page, into her bag, and when she looked up, she took the business card that Ian held out for her and read it carefully.
    Just in case you need any engineering work, he said with a wink.
    Thank you. Always good to know an engineer. Eve smiled and slid the card into her book before she zippered her bag. Ian noticed that she didn’t reciprocate by giving him her card, but he had expected that.
    Will you give me your number? he asked with a smile that made Eve’s spine shiver. She wondered if he said that to every girl he met. She imagined that he was one of those men who would get a number and then leave a hopeful and inexperienced woman waiting for days for a call that would never come. Eve also wanted to remind him about the girlfriend whom he seemed to have temporarily forgotten.
    No, but thank you, Eve said.
    He laughed. Why did you thank me?
    I didn’t want to be rude, she said with a smile.
    Well, then, give me your number, he said again, but this time, he whispered it into Eve’s ear and was so close that she felt his breath on her face again. That was twice in one evening. It made her straighten up suddenly.
    The answer is still no, she said with a big smile as she shook her head gently. He smiled, too; not at her answer, but because he couldn’t figure out how she could be so cute and frustrating at the same time. Ian didn’t know why she had to make everything so difficult. He barely knew her, and yet she drove him crazy.
    They walked together to the baggage claim area, and he waited for Eve to find her bag. Ian traveled light, with his carry-on being his only luggage.
    How are you getting home? Ian asked.
    I’m just going to take a cab. How about you?
    I’m parked in the lot. He paused a moment and bent his head down slightly, but his eyes still maintained contact with Eve’s. Would you like a ride home? He spoke a little more softly than before.
    Eve actually wished that she could accept since it would be a lot easier than waiting in a long line for a cab, but she decided that she didn’t know him really at all, and she told herself that getting into a car with Ian, no matter how interesting he was, wouldn’t be the safest thing to do.
    Thank you, but it’s late, and I’m sure you need to get home soon, too. But I appreciate the offer, Eve said.
    Alright, Ian replied, and he was surprised that he actually felt disappointed. His shoulders slumped slightly without him realizing, but he caught himself and straightened them back up. Well, it was very nice meeting you, Dr. Eve Nassos, he said as he extended his hand to her. Eve took it, and he held on to it. That was the best flight that I’ve ever been on, thanks to you, he added.
    Ian noticed that her cheeks flushed. She pulled her hand out of his slowly. I enjoyed meeting you, too, Mr. Ian Reed. Goodnight. Eve smiled, and after they looked at each other for a few more seconds, she turned and walked toward the taxi area. The airport was quiet enough at that hour that Ian heard the clicking of the heels of her boots on the black and white tiled floor as she briskly walked away from him, and he noticed that her long beige coat trailed behind her slightly, almost as if it were a cape. When she looked back before she exited the airport, she saw that Ian hadn’t moved and still watched her. He waved briefly, and Eve smiled as she walked through the automatic doors into the crisp Chicago fall night.



    Despite not being able to sleep very well, Eve felt surprisingly energetic the next morning. She ran into her best friend Matt Rogers in the doctors’ parking lot. They had trained together in medical school and had ended up matching in the same hospitals for their residencies. They had decided to stay at the same training programs for their fellowships, also. Although it remained unsaid, neither of them was willing to jeopardize their close friendship by moving away. He was an adult ICU doctor and one of the most brilliant people that Eve had ever met. Matt loved everything about Eve and would do anything for her, so when Eve had taken the position at St. Mary’s Medical Center, Matt was quick to join the medical staff.
    She handed him a cup of coffee as they walked into the hospital.
    What’s this? You got up early enough to go to a coffee shop before work? he said as he patted her on the back.
    I was going to come find you before rounds, but looks like I’ve been spared the ride to that horrible unit of yours, she teased.
    You on call tonight? Matt asked.
    Yeah, how about you? Eve replied.
    Yes, me too. I’ll come grab you for dinner. Sound good?
    Sure. If our patients cooperate, I’ll see you tonight. Have a good day.
    You too, Eve. And thanks for the coffee, he said as he raised his cup a little in gratitude. Then Eve stepped off the elevator onto the fourth floor of the hospital, leaving Matt behind to ride up to the eighth.
    Her shift started off busy. Eve ran to countless deliveries and had several critically ill babies, so the day passed quickly. It was about six-thirty in the evening when she finally had the chance to sit down. She realized that she hadn’t eaten all day. Plus, Matt hadn’t come
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