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Fragments is Shuvashree Chowdhury’s debut collection of poetry. It is an intuitive journey into various aspects of the human experience — love, passion, jealousy, joy, spirituality and death. The poems engage deeply with the world — turning each heartfelt moment in the hands like fragments of a broken mirror — t

Release dateDec 21, 2018

Shuvashree Chowdhury

Shuvashree Chowdhury is the author of four works of literary fiction including novels Across Borders and Entwined Lives; a collection of short stories, Existences; and a book of poems called Fragments. She spent over two decades in the corporate sector, in senior managerial capacities with top companies before turning a full-time writer. She lives in Kolkata.

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    Fragments - Shuvashree Chowdhury

    A Poem

    A propelling word and then a few lines

    Spurting compelling thoughts in my mind,

    I first mark them down at the nick of time

    Lest they involuntarily leave me behind.

    These lines delve into a maze of thoughts

    That chase unconscious, unravelled tracks:

    I then let myself get lost in their troughs—

    They lead me to my core, to veiled grasslands.

    I’m surprised by the intricacy of my soul

    Whose thoughts I unconsciously abhorred,

    Yet it was that momentous fleeing thought

    That has led me to myself—otherwise lost.

    From deep within the fissures of my mind—

    A well of experience, emotions, wisdom arises:

    Infusing a repertoire of words I’ve imbibed—

    A poignant, myriad kaleidoscope I inscribe.

    A Lonely Star

    In life’s long journey I needed a friend,

    I looked in all directions—you let out your hand:

    A life-saving shaft in a turbulent sea—

    I grabbed it and held on as tight as can be.

    Clinging to it I swam to the shore—

    The crowd, the neon lights, scared me so;

    I looked back to see the lean strong hand

    But, lo and behold, it just did not show.

    Seeing the men and women cheer me so

    You thought I would let your hand go;

    The men and women do not know my goals

    But you my friend were the crutch of my soul.

    The men and women who cheer me so

    Only know the beauty at the fore,

    They do not have time to look into the core—

    Which my friend is what you alone know.

    My heart and soul were yours to protect—

    To safeguard from the feeling of unrest;

    But you my friend would rather save a moth,

    Brilliance of a butterfly could blind you thought.

    Without the strength of your hand to shelter me—

    Don’t you see I am just a caterpillar on a tree?

    Come my friend give me your hand once more,

    Turn me into a butterfly with shine and lore.

    Wherever in the world I may fly or be,

    Men and women will only behold me;

    However, you my friend will only always see—

    The brilliance that lies inside of me.

    I am a lonely star don’t you see—

    Lost in a galaxy of revelry?

    Come my friend out of a caterpillar set me free:

    I’m a butterfly for the world to perceive!

    A Handsome Couple

    You said you loved me—but you lied,

    I was just an object in your eyes;

    An item to flaunt in the public eye,

    To boost your ego, bring you into limelight.

    My foolish heart—believed your words,

    It longed to be loved, it longed to be hugged:

    Believing you would love me forever

    I bartered my love for your wandering lust.

    You treated me well, you handled me right—

    I was a naive princess in your eyes;

    You gifted me well, dined me in style,

    The wine for sure blinded my trusting sight.

    Just when I was sure we could last forever,

    You told me I was not the only one dear:

    That there were others your heart desired—

    Who gave themselves to you without a tremor.

    I had given you my heart, bequeathed my soul,

    So my foolish heart passed all this off as a joke:

    Your passionate kisses had blinded me so—

    How could you ever love anyone more?

    My light and shine I had passed on to you,

    You were now at the centre of the world:

    Robbing my light—you now shone bright,

    While I was happy to glow in your light.

    Then one fine day in front of my eyes—

    What do I see by the shimmering seaside?

    A man in black, the woman in white:

    You the man, the woman—of whom you had lied!

    Walking up to you in the wind and the surf—

    I rolled into my voice an impeccable calm,

    You make a handsome couple I said, flashing my best smile:

    My eyes—they stung, my heart burnt amber in the cool night.

    A Green Stretch

    In a pine wood with winding mud-tracks—

    There’s green stretches where cows graze,

    The breeze here bounces off lashing waves

    As it embalms the scent of the sea in haste.

    It’s few hours’ drive out of the city here—

    A weekend getaway, a charming locale;

    Amidst childhood friends I feel safe now

    As no pretence I need to convey all’s well.

    The chalet is empty, the others are out—

    I opted for a rendezvous with my mind;

    It’s been so long since I could spare time

    To romance emotions flurried over time.

    Moonlight on my face, I’m awake in bed

    As I listen to the leaves rustle in the wind,

    Over the gurgle of the sea rough at night

    I still hear the clamour of thoughts within.

    My mind discerns what it must do now

    But my heart puts up a stiff, strong fight,

    Between the two I am squashed in pain—

    Sitting on a bed of arrows life provides.

    Injured, the heart never loses its yearn—

    However much the cognizance of strife,

    Till it’s crushed to the very core by fraud—

    Defeating, eradicating, its trust in mankind.

    I must rise over din that crushes humanity,

    Listen to the sound of the sea and of life,

    I must heal now—raise my soul from ashes,

    As to live without trust would mean I’d die!

    I doze off, my mind exhausted from combat,

    Tired of chiding my heart ever ready to trust:

    I open my eyes to bright sunlight on my face—

    I know I’ll upkeep faith in humanity—not doubt!

    Your Hidden Face

    In the rain on leaves I see your face—

    Shapeless, green and tenderly faint,

    Floating in my memory as in a haze,

    Yet your soul I brazenly embraced.

    You speak to me as soft as a breeze—

    Caressing my face, tender on my skin;

    Drops of rain fall steady on the roof

    As loud as your unspeaking words do.

    Chirping of a range of birds that abound,

    Trying to drown the sound of rain’s fall

    That drips steady, drop by drop on walls:

    But I hear dribs—pure as I do your voice.

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