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Finding the Right Path with God
Finding the Right Path with God
Finding the Right Path with God
Ebook142 pages1 hour

Finding the Right Path with God

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About this ebook

This is a book about miracles. It’s the way God
can work in your life and help you on so many
levels. This book will show the things God can
do for you. Open to the possibilities of God’s
miracles. Learn how to fi nd that right path
with God. Sometimes in life we feel hopeless
as we struggle to han

Release dateMar 26, 2019
Finding the Right Path with God

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    Book preview

    Finding the Right Path with God - Linda Lou Johnson




    Minister Linda Lou Johnson


    Proverbs 4:18 KJV

    But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

    A True Story


    I dedicate my life to:

    Jesus Christ, My Savior, My Healer, My Lord.

    I dedicate this book to:

    My three nieces: Pat, Cookie, and Connie.


    Linda Lou Johnson has such a passionate pursuit after the things of God. Her book takes you on a tremendous journey into the highs and lows of her life’s experiences. This is a true story into the depths of the miracles that she has personally witnessed and experienced. Finding the Right Path with God was such a joy to read. I am sure it will greatly lift the spirits and encourage each and every person who reads this book.

    —Bishop Gary L Greer

    This book is a must read! I believe it will minister to your whole person: spirit, soul, and body.

    As a born-again believer and a minister for over 35 years, I’ve met very few people like Linda Lou Johnson. She is a person whose life exemplifies a genuine love for the Lord. She is always a willing servant who is filled with the joy of the Lord. She is both an eager learner and teacher who shares with everyone (and I mean everyone) the goodness of God.

    I was truly surprised when she shared with me the journey of her life, especially in the area of her health. One would never know the severity of what she’s been through by looking at her now. Not only does Linda openly share her testimony about her personal healing, she has documentation in the form of doctor’s reports and x-rays to show what God brought her out of. I’ve heard countless healing testimonies but very few with the evidence that Linda provides. Her book will give you hope, regardless of the situation you may be in!

    Sometimes in life we can feel hopeless as we struggle to handle what life throws at us, while hoping to simply make it through another day. Perhaps you feel like this, like you’re ready to just throw in the towel. However, I believe that as you read through this book, you will learn that God wants you well, regardless of how deserving or undeserving you deem yourself to be. I believe that faith will arise in you so that the miracle you need will no longer seem out of your reach. It will become tangible. Just as God healed Linda, I believe He will do the same for you.

    —Reverend Kirk Peterson

    Lisbon Church of God


    This book was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

    I say this because I did not have a clue how to write a book. God told me to write about my healing miracle. I told God I did not know how. The Holy Spirit began to talk me through the process, step by step, making suggestions and encouraging me. God has all the answers. We simply need to ask.


    I would like to thank

    Bishop Gary L. Greer and Co-Pastor Cheri, pastors of Lisbon Church of God.

    Also, Ministers Kirk and Susan Peterson, Sunday School teachers and Bible study leaders.

    I appreciate the Ladies Ministry of Lisbon Church of God for establishing the book club.

    I want to thank my neighbor Shelley Smith because she gave me a hand-up and took me to church where I received my healing.

    I appreciate and thank the pastors where my healing occurred:

    Pastor Ron, Pastor Sandy, and their daughters Christi, Mary, and Catherine of United Christian Church of Candler.

    I want to thank my mentor, Reginal Butler, and his wife Virginia.

    I also want to thank my husband, Roger, who has always supported everything I have done.

    Most important, I am grateful to my mother, Ellen Agnes Tablett.


    This is a book about miracles. It’s the way God can work in your life and help you on so many levels. Your life may seem frustrating and you’re out of hope. This book will show the things God can do for you. Open to the possibilities of God’s miracles. Learn how to find that right path with God.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Life’s Lessons 19

    Chapter 2: God’s Plans for You 41

    Chapter 3: God of the Bible 45

    Chapter 4: Jesus 53

    Chapter 5: The Seeds of Faith 61

    Chapter 6: Healing Scriptures 65

    Chapter 7: Unforgiveness 75

    Chapter 8: Faith Miracles 79

    Chapter 9: Grace 85

    Chapter 10: Hope 87

    Chapter 11: Peace 91

    Chapter 12: The Church 93

    Chapter 13: Prayers Answered 99

    Chapter 14: Satan 103

    Chapter 15: Words of Wisdom 107

    Chapter 16: Children 117

    Bibliography 127

    About the Author 129

    Chapter 1

    Life’s Lessons

    Looking back, it’s so clear.

    I was sitting on a stool at the Jack Douglas Saloon in Columbia State Historic Park, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. It was a tourist stop where they had old-timey music and sold sarsaparilla. This park is the only one in California with a living community that boasts a stagecoach line, a tour through a working goldmine, and horseback riding. It is an authentic 1800’s goldrush town with a blacksmith shop, a newspaper office, museum and shops selling fun items of the past. The main street is lined on both sides with trees. During the 4th of July celebration there would be sack races, greased pole competitions, and the volunteer fire deptartment would pull out and demonstrate the town’s pride and joy, Papeete, an antique hand pumper which took several people on both sides to pump. There would also be a barbecue and at night, a street dance. This was a wonderful place to raise children.

    I loved living in this town. Well, as I was saying, I was sitting on that stool at the Jack Douglas Saloon. I looked up and saw a man who was at least six feet tall, broad shoulders, narrow at the hips, wavy dark hair and blue eyes that you could fall into and never come out. He was gorgeous. Unknown to me at the time, he had noticed me too.

    On reflection, I too was pretty in my youth; green eyes, blonde hair and a figure to turn an eye. This gorgeous man was the most eligible bachelor in town. So well-liked by the ladies. He was a divorced man and was raising his sons by himself. Also, he had a good job and there weren’t a lot of men around those days that had good jobs. We had something in common, we were both raising our boys on our own because our spouses had decided they’d rather live with someone else. Only difference, Roger was divorced. I was married. My husband was living with one of his girlfriends.

    One day Roger came to me and said, Could you babysit for me? I was working evenings and he worked dayshift. So, we took turns babysitting. Roger understood me. Sometimes when he saw I was having a bad day, he would hold me and let me cry and cry and cry. He knew I loved my husband. It was years before God showed me why my first husband was so heartless toward me; I was the rebound from the girl who had rejected him. He had never loved me. I became pregnant by him and we were married. He became physically and mentally abusive.

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