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Saving Face
Saving Face
Saving Face
Ebook311 pages

Saving Face

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After a bitter divorce, Dani Marshall trusts no one but the horses at her beloved Southern California ranch. Then she hires Lucas Herrington. He's the best handyman and vet assistant she's ever had, but he's a temptingly handsome devil who comes with a complicated past. His seemingly bottomless chest of secrets could tear her world apart.

PublisherRifi Strawn
Release dateJun 26, 2019
Saving Face

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    Saving Face - Rifi Strawn

    Saving Face


    Rifi Strawn

    Saving Face

    by Rifi Strawn

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used factitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, event or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright ©2019 Rifi Strawn

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the publisher.

    Digital ISBN 978-1-7337158-2-9

    Print ISBN 978-1-7337158-3-6


    To my husband, Jim, who encourages and supports me by reading my books, editing them, and giving me his input to make the stories better. He’s not a romance novel reader but yet he takes the time to support my passion. Thank you for always being there when I need you the most. I also dedicate this book to my two beautiful children who encourage me to keep pursuing my dreams.


    Editors: Sharon Prickrel

    Critique Partner: Sue Haas

    Publicist: Audra Lewandowski

    Cover photo from Shutterstock

    Cover design: Diana Carlile

    Formatting: Diana Carlile

    Chapter One

    A thick layer of late afternoon fog lifted off the California coast, revealing the wide, blue ocean and the majestic Santa Monica mountain range. The cool ocean breeze blew off the water, rustling the pine and eucalyptus trees up Topanga Canyon, then floated into Dani’s Jeep’s open windows.

    She drove down the winding canyon road toward Malibu. The construction detours and the backed-up traffic took longer than she’d expected. Nervously, Dani pulled into the church parking lot. It was filled with the luxury cars of people she’d invited.

    Everyone showed up, even Gavin’s friends. But she didn’t expect her ex-husband’s cousins, Rachael and Gerard, to accept the invitation. They were two of the biggest gossips in town and probably came only to snoop on her. If only Father John didn’t need their money to feed the poor, she could’ve done without seeing them.

    She parked next to a white pickup truck. It stuck out like a sore thumb among the luxury cars and SUVs in the parking lot. No one she’d invited drove a pickup. It could belong to the delivery people or one of Father John’s friends.

    The laughter and chatter of happy guests echoed outside the fellowship hall’s open doors. Great, she was late to her own party. Next time she needed to plan extra time for road hazards.

    She smiled and asked the receptionist for her nametag. The nervous volunteer searched for it in her big box but couldn’t find it. Try Dani Marshall. I’m the hostess. Dani looked past the busy lady at the room full of people. This was the best turnout she’d ever had. Great. Maybe she’ll raise a bunch of money for a good cause tonight.

    Ah, here it is. The receptionist sighed. I’m sorry, I made a mistake filing your name.

    Dani pinned the hostess nametag to her shoulder. Singer was my married name. I changed it recently. You didn’t make a mistake. She smiled. Enjoy your evening.

    She wiped her sweaty palms on the sides of her blue chiffon flare dress and avoided eye contact with Meg, her nemesis since high school. The nosey woman’s new philanthropist husband had supported the cause for years. Too bad the spouses were invited too.

    Dani shook hands and welcomed everyone, especially the big corporate donors. Her scanning gaze swept the room to greet the latecomers. She noticed a handsome man sitting all alone. Her curious gaze focused to the mingling divas to see who claimed him. Usually one of the cougars brought her new trophy boyfriend to show off to the others that she still had it. The poor guy looked out of place in his bright blue sport coat and casual jeans among the well-dressed men in black tuxedos.

    She met a few more people but kept a close eye on the hottie. He sat alone at his table without a hint of awkwardness. His quiet confidence was sexy. She scanned the room for Father John to ask who he was, but the good ole priest was too busy chatting with a group of guests. Her mind flashed back to the last gala. Father John had invited a stranger, and the donation box went missing. Thank God, the security guards she’d hired caught the thief.

    Dani walked back to the receptionist desk. Who is that? She nodded in the direction of the hottie.

    I don’t know, but I saw Father John talking to him.

    Dani sighed. Don’t let that donation box out of your sight.

    Don’t worry. They’ll have to walk over my dead body to get to it.

    I wouldn’t say that too loud. Someone might hear you.

    Dani’s suspicious gaze moved between the stranger and the donation box. No one was stealing money under her watch tonight. She kept a close eye on him and alerted the security guards too.

    She wasn’t going to let his supermodel looks fool her. If criminals weren’t charming, no one would trust them. Rosa, her beloved friend and mentor, had drilled this into her since childhood. Any negligence on her part could jeopardize the safety of her wealthy guests.

    Dani’s determined steps moved to the mystery man’s table. Her heart skipped a beat when his captivating hazel eyes caught her steady gaze. Speechless, she stood staring at his smiling face. Oh yeah, she was going to welcome him and find out what happened to his nametag.

    Hello, he said in a deep friendly voice.

    Hi. She extended a handshake. I’m Dani Marshall, the organizer of this charity event. I don’t think we’ve met.

    He held her hand in his gentle grip. I’m Lucas Herrington.

    The warmth of his lingering handshake sent a jolt of excitement through her. She quickly released her hand from his tempting hold and turned on her professional charm. Thank you for your support tonight…

    Lucas leaned forward in his seat with a smile and locked his gaze with hers. I didn’t come for the fundraiser. I came to see you.

    She took a step back. Excuse me?

    Great. Father John must’ve collaborated with Rosa to find her a date again. What type of crime was this one rehabbing from? Was he a computer hacker? Nope. He was too fit to sit in a chair all day. Insurance salesman? Hmm. He could be a stockbroker or some sort of financial wizard. She could see him embezzling money from people with his charming personality. Now here he was stalking the wealthiest people in the area to find his next victim.

    Before she could interrogate Lucas, Father John came over to see them in his black suit and a white collar. I see you two have met.

    She gave the good priest a sharp look. Yes, we did.

    Wonderful. Father John smiled and patted Lucas on the shoulder. Dani, this young man has been a tremendous help tonight. We couldn’t have gotten ready for the party in time. He set up the tables and chairs and placed the china, glasses, and the silverware just how you like it. He even fixed the broken door in the men’s bathroom. Lucas is quite the handyman.

    Dani looked over the white linen covered tables. He didn’t miss a trick to get the room ready. Most financial scammers knew how to entertain their wealthy prospects. Good thing no alcohol was allowed here to get the guests drunk. Thank you for your help. Nice touch with the white roses, but I don’t remember ordering fresh flower centerpieces.

    They’re my contribution to this worthy cause. He smiled.

    She tucked a strand of hair behind her diamond-studded ear. Thank you. The room looks beautiful and festive.

    His admiring gaze moved over her face. How often do you have these?

    Whenever there’s a need to raise money for the parish.

    As if on cue, Father John swooped in and sang her praises. You’ll never meet a more generous and kind-hearted young lady than Dani. Every week, she cooks, cleans, and serves the meals without a complaint.

    Lucas’s gaze fixed on her blushing face. You must be a saint.

    Hardly. Father John exaggerates sometimes.

    She gave Lucas a skeptical look as he complimented her for a well-organized event. A handsome man never flirted with her unless he wanted something from her. She sighed at Father John as he excused himself in a transparent attempt to leave them alone together.

    I better go visit the other guests, the Father said.

    When the good priest disappeared from her sight, Dani leaned into Lucas with her lowered voice. I’m not interested in going out with you.

    Chuckling, he rubbed the back of his neck. I’m heartbroken.

    She didn’t care for his sarcasm. Sorry you wasted your time coming here to meet me.

    Actually, I’m here to see you about a vet’s job at your ranch.

    Oh? He caught her off guard. You were supposed to stop by the house, not here.

    I did come by your house this morning, but you were fast asleep. Your housekeeper said I’d have a better chance of meeting you here. He turned up his smile a notch. I understand you don’t wake up before noon.

    She crossed her arms. Rosa didn’t tell me you’d stopped by, but then again she doesn’t remember much these days. And she’s more of a mother to me than a caretaker.

    His eyes softened with sympathy. Father John mentioned that she has Alzheimer’s and you’re taking care of her.

    I’m not letting her stay in a nursing home while I’m around.

    I enjoyed chatting with Rosa. She speaks her mind.

    Dani laughed nervously. Oh yes, she’s good at that.

    He reached inside his jacket’s inner pocket to get something. In case Rosa didn’t give you my business card, I have another one for you.

    She glanced at his impressive credentials and returned the card. "What good is a call when you don’t return it? And there must be a mistake. I asked for a real vet to take care of my horses—not a vet’s assistant."

    His hands were too perfect, soft like silk. They didn’t look like they’d ever worked with an animal. Her old vets always had cuts, scars, and calluses on their hands, and dirt embedded under their fingernails, none of which he possessed. She didn’t trust a man with manicured hands.

    Lucas answered all her interrogating questions. FYI, I’ve owned and taken care of horses all my life. My father was a respected equine vet. I’ve assisted him since I was old enough to talk. Other than performing major surgeries on the horses, cows, and dogs, I handled preventative care of all his four-legged patients. To ease your mind, I will always have two experienced vets on standby in case of an emergency.

    She detected the annoyance in his voice. Sorry, but I’ve always worked with a certified vet. My horses are very precious to me. If his experience was any indication of his qualifications, he could be the most capable equine vet in the state, certified or not. I’ll consider your help provided I find your resume acceptable.

    Fair enough. He stood up to leave. I can stop by late in the afternoon tomorrow, so I don’t disturb your sleep.

    Dani ignored the mockery in his voice. That’s not necessary, but fine.

    She walked with Lucas to the exit and tried not to stare at his perfect tall, fit body and sun kissed tan. He stood well above her five-foot five-inch height and four-inch heels. Hmm. He could be over six foot. He must spend a lot of time outdoors to get those natural highlights in his hair. She quickly looked away when he caught her admiring gaze on him. Now she wished Father John hadn’t gone overboard praising her. Lucas probably expected her to act like Mother Teresa.

    Her guard went up when Lucas paused by the donation box. He stuck his hand inside his jacket pocket to get something. Goodness. Where was security? Taking his time, he pulled out a folded check and dropped it in the slot. She exhaled with relief. You’re not required to donate.

    His captivating gaze locked on her. I’ll do anything for a good cause.

    Dani watched his beautiful body walk out the exit door and disappear into the darkness. She stepped out the threshold to see which car he drove. The bright lights of a white pickup truck flashed by her. She about died of embarrassment, when he stuck his hand out of the window and waved at her with a smile. Shit. He wasn’t supposed to see her.

    Meg, the gossip queen, surprised her with a sneak attack. Is that your new boyfriend?

    No. Dani nodded her head to confuse the nosey woman.

    Surprised, the diva gave her an overall look as if to assess her worthiness for the hottie. He’s a keeper.

    As if she needed her permission or approval to see a man. I need to check on something. Dani smiled and walked away.

    Shortly, gossip floated around the room about Dani’s new beau. Nice. If she were to have a rumored boyfriend, there was no one more handsome or charming than Lucas to make Gavin jealous. But then again, why did she care what her ex thought?

    The last guest left at ten o’clock. Father John was thrilled with the donations Dani had raised. The money tonight will keep the soup kitchen open for two years.

    Hold up, Father, we’re not done yet. She checked her phone. More pledges are coming in on the website I put up last month. As of right now, we have over fifty-thousand dollars.

    Father John lifted his hands and eyes up to heaven in gratitude. "God is so good!"

    She checked the time, as he shared with her his vision for the charity. I’d better get home.

    How is Rosa? he asked about her seventy-five-year-old live-in companion.

    Her voice dropped with sadness. She has her good and bad days. Her disease seems to get worse every day. Some days she forgets where she is.

    I’m so sorry to hear that. Father John walked Dani through the parking lot. Is Lola working out for you?

    Yes, thank you. She’s great. Rosa thinks Lola is there for dance lessons. She’s too stubborn and proud to accept she needs a babysitter.

    He smiled. I saw you chatting with Lucas for a long time.

    She just stared at him. Don’t get any funny ideas. There’s no room in my life for a man, other than to move furniture and do repairs around the house.

    He chuckled softly. You have to keep an open mind for God to work a miracle.

    FYI, Lucas is a replacement for Doug, my retired vet. Of course, Rosa forgot to tell me about his visit to the house this morning and gave him directions to meet me here. She laughed nervously. One of these days she’ll give directions where to find me to a serial killer.

    Father John’s smile faded. Lucas is anything but a criminal.

    A godly man like you sees the good in everyone.

    I’m sure your trusted old vet wouldn’t have recommended him if Lucas wasn’t qualified for the job.

    She crossed her arms. I’m not going to hire him unless I’m totally confident he can do the job.

    Father John hesitated. Did you know Lola is looking for a full-time live-in job?

    Yes, but I’m not ready to share my house with another person yet. I need my privacy.

    I understand, he said sympathetically.

    Dani checked the time again. Father, I have to leave now, or Lola will be late getting home.

    He opened her black Jeep’s door for her. I have something important to tell you.

    She paused to get behind the wheel. I’m listening.

    My child, you have some tough decisions coming up. I want to help you with more than my prayers.

    You’ve already done enough; you sent Lola. Thanks for that. Now all I need is a good, trustworthy handyman to fix the fence and get the stables back in shape.

    Perhaps you should talk with Lucas about what you need done. He’s a good handyman, and he’s looking for a temporary place to live while his home is being remodeled. I told him he could stay in the spare bedroom here at the rectory until a visiting priest needs it. He paused with a suggestion. Maybe you could offer Lucas room and board in your vacant cabin in exchange for the repairs.

    She sighed. I can’t let a man I barely know live on my property.

    It would be nice for you to have a man around to fix things and scare unwanted intruders and animals from wandering too close to the house and horses. I worry about you and Rosa living all alone on that big secluded ranch.

    Father, for all I know Lucas could’ve just been released from prison.

    I can assure you, he is not a criminal. Lucas is an honest and hardworking man. God sends people into our lives when we need them the most. I think Lola and Lucas couldn’t have come at a better time to help you out. You need them just as much as they need your jobs right now.

    She slid behind the wheel. I’ll think about it.

    Good. He smiled. Don’t fear, God is always with you, Dani. Gently he pushed the door to close.

    She drove home a little perturbed. No man was ever going to manipulate or take advantage of her again like Gavin did—not even Father John with his well-meaning advice.


    Lola, Rosa’s caretaker, was ready to leave when Dani arrived home around ten o’clock. The sweet lady smiled and admired her beautiful dress. You look so pretty. I bet everyone was looking at you tonight.

    Dani smiled. They couldn’t help it, I was on stage. She put her purse and keys on the entry table. How did it go with Rosa?

    She doesn’t like to be taken care of. So, I had to pretend I was here for my dance lesson. She smiled. I got some expert moves now.

    Rosa was a competitive dancer in her day. Dani smiled. Is she in bed?

    Yes. I tucked her in about an hour ago.

    Okay, thanks.

    She walked Lola to her car in the driveway, and waited until the taillights disappeared down the canyon road. Enjoying the fresh air infused with the eucalyptus trees, abundant at the ranch, Dani stood on the front porch gazing at the stars. The night was beautiful but it was a bit chilly without her jacket.

    Rubbing her cold arms, she walked back into the house to check on Rosa in her bedroom. She quietly opened the door to take a peek. The old lady sat in her bed smiling at her. Hey, what are you doing up? Dani said.

    Waiting for you. The darling pudgy little woman smiled. How did it go at the church?

    Dani sat with Rosa on the bed. We raised lots of money to keep that soup kitchen open.

    The old lady flashed her eyes. Did Gavin come?

    Thank God, no. She would’ve died if her ex had showed up with his supermodel girlfriend.

    Rosa sighed. I thought about you running into him all night, and prayed he wouldn’t come.

    Well, your prayer was answered.

    Rosa gently stroked her hair. It’s time for you to find someone. It’s been over a year since your divorce.

    It’s been fourteen months, seven days and six hours, but who’s counting. Her voice cracked.

    Rosa’s softened eyes moved over her face. Don’t you shed another tear over that man. He doesn’t deserve them. There are plenty of fish in the sea besides Gavin, the minnow. She stroked Dani’s beautiful face. You look very beautiful tonight. Did you meet a handsome man tonight?

    Yes. I met the vet you sent over. Her eyes narrowed at the beaming lady. He’s coming here tomorrow sometime to interview for work only. This time wake me up when he gets here.

    Oh, okay. I didn’t want to disturb you from your sleep.

    He thinks I sleep until noon every day.

    "Ay dios mio. Rosa sighed and quickly changed the subject. Did people like my chicken tortilla soup?"

    Oh, yes. They loved it! It was nice to give them a sample of what we serve in the kitchen. She smiled. I think it loosened up their pockets more.

    That was a good idea you had, Dani. Rosa affectionately stroked her back. You’re such a smart girl.

    You’re biased. She yawned. I need to go to her bed; it’s been a long day. She leaned over and kissed Rosa on the cheek. Good night.

    Good night, she smiled as Dani tucked her in. I love you.

    I love you too.

    Dani turned off the light and walked to her bedroom. A stack of dresses sat on top of the ottoman in her huge walk-in closet. She took her dress off and tossed it on top of the pile. It’d been a hectic evening of dressing for this event. Nothing in her closet fit.

    The old buzz killer scale said she’d gained thirty pounds in the last year. It must be broken or something. That damn thing didn’t know the difference between muscle and fat. She flexed her arm in the mirror and frowned. Oh, God. Where did that flap come from? It was time to lift the weights again.

    Comfortable in her pajamas, Dani took another look at the dress she’d just tossed in the giveaway pile. It was the same one Gavin and his new girlfriend had seen her try on in the boutique’s dressing room when she ran into them by accident. They’d shown up just as she was getting ready to leave. Talk about Awkward. She pinched the bridge of her nose as she relived that awful memory. Then her mind flashed to Lucas’s admiring gaze on her in that same dress tonight. Maybe she should keep it.

    Chapter Two

    Dani grabbed her rifle and rushed to the front porch when a pickup truck rolled up the gravel driveway. It wasn’t a county or a utility company truck. No one came up the canyon to see her unless she invited them or they were lost—and she didn’t remember inviting anyone for a visit today. Especially at eight o’clock in the morning.

    Heart thumping, she pointed the rifle at the fearless driver. It was hard to see his face behind the wheel. He wore aviator sunglasses and a baseball cap. She’d never killed a man but today might be that day if he got aggressive with her or something.

    She pulled the Winchester stock tight into her shoulder and took a step forward.

    Finger on the trigger, she glared down from the porch at the unafraid man stepping out of the truck. Stop! I’ll shoot you for trespassing! she yelled in a firm voice.

    I come in peace. He stopped at attention and held his hands up. I’m Lucas, the guy you met last night. He took off the hat and sunglasses to reveal his face to her. Remember me? He smiled.

    Oh…it’s you. She sighed and took another look at his big, white pickup. It looked different in the daytime. You’re early for your appointment. You should’ve called first. In a quick glance, she skimmed his soiled, weatherproof jacket and mud caked heavy-duty work boots. Maybe he did work outdoors with horses as he’d claimed.

    She caught his admiring gaze on

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