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The All That Is: The All of Everything, Book 3
The All That Is: The All of Everything, Book 3
The All That Is: The All of Everything, Book 3
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The All That Is: The All of Everything, Book 3

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How many times have you stopped to ponder if the universe was sending you a message? You unexpectedly get goosebumps; you hear a song that instantly reminds you of someone you love or who has passed away; perhaps you wonder if a recent “coincidence” is more than just a random occurrence. Divine intelligence always has a plan. Whether

PublisherSavaah Media
Release dateApr 24, 2019
The All That Is: The All of Everything, Book 3

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    The All That Is - Laura Saltman


    What is a life? Is it what you make of it or what it makes of you? Is it divinely planned or destiny? What makes us who we are? Who are you?

    I am is who you are. I am is everyone and everything. It is love. Love is who you are.

    At our core we are energy, and our energy is definable. Defining who you are is the journey you are on in this life, in the body you now inhabit.

    It is divine intelligence that organizes everything—God’s plan. The name we give to this organized energy is God, Yahweh, Allah, Source, or Universe—anything that defines the indefinable, gives it context, and makes it real and true.

    We think we are controlled by our God, the contextual version we define as if it’s something outside of us.

    We are in fact ultimate control. We define. We shape. Because we are God, all of us.

    I know you have come here because you are seeking a new way of life, a new understanding of how and why we are all here. I was a seeker too, and it’s why and how I was able to create these books.

    Three books—The All of Everything, The All of the All, and The All That Is—written through the voice of the All, which is you and me and we.

    They are miraculous in their creation. A divine mind revealing our truth in rapid dictation. I, the willing participant in the stenography of it, which shocked even me.

    To this day I still go back and wonder, Could this really all be true? Could I seriously have created these books, definitive guides to life?

    Somehow, some way, I did.

    These books reveal truth in a way that cannot be ignored, because of how they were written—quickly, succinctly, and with every word perfectly placed. Each book is stronger than the previous one and offers new, deeper, and more complex information.

    You are you, and I am me, but we are also we. This is God’s voice.


    Why are we all here? Isn’t that the question humanity has been asking century after century? I started asking this profound question myself around the age of eleven (after my first grandparent died), and I haven’t stopped being inquisitive about life since. I never really got the answers I was looking for until I finally started asking the right Source.

    When I began listening to my intuitive voice the answers arrived but not in the way I expected them. Unlocking the mysteries of life on earth involved going through fear, tragic loss, depression, anger, emptiness, guilt, shame, jealousy, and resentment.

    My rabbit hole of despair began after my brother died of cancer. My dad committed suicide shortly thereafter. I lost two babies during back-to-back miscarriages, and then I suffered through a disrupted adoption. This was followed by career-ending failures and a blindsiding divorce. If you have read my first two All books, you have heard it before. Darkness overcame my light.

    Only after I was completely broken did I begin to heal and start my journey toward enlightenment. This is how many begin their journeys. If you are lucky enough to be someone who found a spiritual path without hitting a road block or tragic setback, congratulations—you are a unicorn.

    All of my personal tragedies led me to seek spiritual counseling because I somehow knew I was meant for something more. I knew I had to fight the demons of depression over taking my psyche.

    Through a series of what seemed like coincidences (which I now recognize are a part of my sacred soul contracts), I met and began to work with Kim Stanwood Terranova—my mentor and a spiritual guidance coach who knows no fear, no doubt, and no worry. Kim is a beautiful soul unlike any other I have ever met. She puts her trust in Spirit, the divine mind, which lives inside of us; she embodies life and how it is meant to be lived—joyfully and meaningfully. She lives her life in service to others by sharing her spiritual gifts with all who come seeking a path of enlightenment.

    After a year of weekly one-on-one sessions with Kim, I realized I wanted to do what she does, to help others. I wanted to share the spiritual knowledge I was learning in a way that opened my heart, mind, and soul to those of us seeking guidance. Having been a journalist and TV reporter for more than twenty years, I wasn’t quite sure how to make this hard turn into spiritual coaching and mentorship, but I was determined to figure it out.

    To get started on my new endeavor, I put myself through what I like to call spiritual college. Every single day for two years I read books and listened to downloads from spiritual teachers, including Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, and Gab-rielle Bernstein. I followed the daily curriculum set forth in A Course in Miracles, a well-known spiritual self-study program, took online new age/new thought seminars, and attended classes on mediumship and clairvoyance.

    One woman in particular, Jolene Carlson—a healer, intuitive, and reiki master—helped open my intuitive gifts. I had been hearing the voice of Spirit (which at the time I thought was coming from dead people) since my early twenties but did not recognize who or what it was until Jolene allowed me to accept my gift. I was clairaudient, which means clear hearing or having the ability to perceive sounds or words from outside the physical world.

    I began using my clairaudience and turning to the voice of Spirit more and more by journaling every day. I would ask daily questions about why my life had taken such a dark and tragic turn, listen to the quiet voice inside my head, and wind up writing profound, life-changing answers to my problems and anguish.

    During my spiritual college years, I went on many trips to the library. I kept noticing a book series called Conversations with God sitting on a high shelf. These books by Neale Donald Walsch called out to me as if to say, Read me, but I wasn’t quite ready to listen, because the word God was always difficult for me to accept. Though I believed in a higher power, I was not someone who followed any particular religion. So Neale’s books sat there untouched by me for over a year. I see now that I wasn’t ready for them.

    After my divorce, I found myself at the lowest point of my life and desperately needed some sort of boost to lift me out of my despair. I finally downloaded the audio version of the first Conversations with God book figuring I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I quickly realized while listening to it that this God was not the one I was expecting to hear from. This God was not the one of religion. This God was not a he or she. This God was saying we are all Gods, and because of this, any one of us can hear the voice of God. This God was the one I believed in.

    I also realized that perhaps this God was the one answering me in my head during my journaling sessions, just the way Neale had said it worked for him. I needed to find out for sure, so I sat at my computer late one night and started asking questions in an attempt to write my own book. Sure enough, as I asked questions, I instantaneously heard the answers inside my mind. I heard a quiet voiceless voice talking to me. That’s really the only way I can describe it. It wasn’t my voice or anyone else’s for that matter. It was just there.

    I would wake up every morning around two o’clock and write for hours without stopping—just listening and typing as if it was a dictation. After writing about fifty pages, I realized I was creating something truly miraculous, and a spiritual book of teachings was born. I was told I would write three books in this series and was given each of the titles by the God voice.

    After I finished the first book, I immediately started my second book. This was soon followed by this third and final one. In just more than a year’s time, I channeled three books full of spiritual wisdom written as a dialogue between the God voice within and a skeptical journalist.

    As you go through the pages of this book, you will find that my questions can be repetitive (sometimes annoyingly so), but that is quite purposeful in that almost every one of us seeking enlightenment goes through similar ups and downs. One day you will listen, and another day you will question. The world will make sense, and then it won’t. Peace will come over you, and then peace will go away. My frustrations, upsets, and setbacks mirror what nearly everyone else on the planet who wakes up experiences.

    Just know that every line in this book—every word—is purposeful as a means to awaken you to a truth that you already know but have forgotten through what Spirit would call amnesia of the soul. Because of this amnesia, we must be reminded of our truth daily. Life is seemingly difficult: relationships fail, wars are fought, children are harmed, money seems unobtainable, storms rage, and lives are lost. So we ask questions. We get angry. We fear.

    People who write books often say, My book wrote itself, and this is absolutely true from a spiritual perspective. As I learned through writing the All series, everything that has ever or is ever going to happen has already happened to us as Spirit. In terms of writers, this means that all we are doing is typing out words that have always been available to us in metaphysical form; in a sense, we just have to connect the dots.

    The more I wrote my books and began to believe what was being taught to me, through me, the easier it became to hear the words being spoken. There is also a progression to the books. In book 1, I was very skeptical of the new age and new thought principles I had been learning over the last couple of years. I questioned everything, especially my own thought processes.

    Book 2 is a slow move toward belief. Own your spirit, but still suffer the pain. I recognized the signs and messages guiding me every step of the way but still struggled to make changes in my life.

    This third book is where I finally got to the knowing. Knowing we are truly all one. Knowing we are here for a specific purpose. Knowing we create our lives through our own thoughts, words, and actions. Knowing we come from and are divine love.

    When you know, you create consciously, you stress less, you accept more, and you understand that life is unfolding perfectly for you. You are truly on purpose no matter what is happening in and around your life.

    Getting to that knowing is hard work and takes dedicated effort, and that is the point of these All books—to share how to get there. Less doing. More being, Spirit would say.

    If we are consistent with our daily spiritual practices of being (using inner guidance tools, such as meditation, intention, and prayer), then, and only then, are we capable of truly using the trifecta of body-mind-soul. That’s when we change, we heal, and we know.

    Our humanness—our ego—is what stops us in our tracks because this life, our mess, feels so very, very real to us. It’s hard to know when all you see in the news is tragedy. I started the dialogue in this book at a very difficult time for my country, the United States, which has continually suffered through mass shootings and one natural disaster after the next. As hard as it was to hear divine truth of why these terrible evils occur, I finally understood it, all of it. We are here to grow and evolve our souls, and everything, literally every single thing that happens upon our planet, has a rhyme or reason.

    If you are here reading this book, then you are here to remember that reason. You have come here seeking divine truth and have found it. No matter where you are in your journey, know that you are on purpose. I was led to spiritual teachers and books, movies, and classes about spirituality and universal principles at the exact right time I needed them for my soul’s growth and my journey toward enlightenment. What you read may shock you but know that every word is meant to reveal divine truth whether you believe it or not. Your soul does know and when you learn to trust, it will allow you to know.

    After you read my books, write your own book, song, poem, or movie. Recognize within yourself the power to access these divine teachings. They live inside of you too.

    Chapter 1:

    Don’t Shoot the Messenger

    Dear God and All of the Universe, as our country struggles to recover its footing yet again after tragedy, may we join minds to reveal the true nature of life. Let us reveal universal principles to all who are willing to listen and comprehend. Amen.

    Laura: I hate to have to start this book right here, but yet again we are dealing with gun violence and death in the United States, and this one hits really close to home as it was in my community, just twenty minutes away. Yesterday, Valentine’s Day (February 14, 2018) for goodness sake, a day meant to celebrate love, a nineteen-year-old gunman opened fire at his high school in Parkland, Florida, and seventeen people were killed, and many more were injured. Most were teenagers, students at the school. While I very much get your principles that we are all one, that only love is real, I just can’t in good faith feel my feelings about the current illusions but not dwell upon them as you stated in The All of Everything. I have a child. My heart aches for these families. I can’t ever say to a grieving parent, This is all just an illusion, and we are here to grow and evolve through circumstances like these, as you have told me time and time again in these books.

    We as humans in body form feel emotions. We feel pain. We feel as if our hearts are being ripped apart when we lose someone. It’s not fair. It’s just not fair. Stop doing this. Stop taking our children. Stop making me tell people none of this is real, because it feels very real. My heart hurts. Dear God, make this stop. Protect our children. Protect our schools. Protect our country. Protect our souls.

    God: There is no answer we can give you that will suffice here. For always are the answers within. We cannot satisfy your ego in a way that explains this as you want us to. There simply are no words that can ever explain what is going on here in a way that won’t upset the masses. There is one truth and one truth only. Only love is real.

    L: But children are dying. If you can’t explain it in a way that heals us, then help us transcend it. Help us remedy it.

    G: Within each mind we have placed a guidance system, which is there to remind you of who and what you truly are. Activating this mechanism is the only remedy for all of life’s heartaches and hurts. Switch those lights on internally, and healing may occur.

    L: That is easier said than done. If you could only see the comments on social media, the ignorance that takes place, the anger and venom spewed at each other, the religious battles. All we do is fight and argue and spew terrible words at each other.

    G: We see what is happening upon your world, both inner and outer. We see the anger and venom and hatred spreading across the country. We know what occurs. There is no need to explain it in a way as if we don’t understand it. Transformation of oneself is the only true mechanism of healing. We have said this time and time again here in these books and materials. Nothing happens to you that is not through you.

    L: So you want me to write in a book that one day millions of people will read that these high school teenagers or those children in Newtown, Connecticut, were at cause for their deaths? You want to cast a burden so gut-wrenching it sickens me to even write it here or ask it? We are now at book 3 of this conversation, and as much as I understand the core concepts, I live this truth now daily more and more. I’m sorry for the rest of the unenlightened world, and I still can’t fathom the need for these horrendous acts of violence.

    G: Man has been creating horrendous acts of violence upon one another since the dawn of time. Children have been dying at the hands of arsonists, terrorists, and other violent offenders forever on your planet. Not one act of denial has ever come without a lesson attached to its meaning. Not one teen killed this week made a choice that wasn’t in keeping within the evolutionary nature of change.

    L: So you are say saying that their souls made the choice—

    G: To die. Yes. Their souls made a choice for themselves and for the others to grow and evolve to the next level of consciousness via an act of violence that will lead others toward change.

    L: Why do I have goose bumps right now?

    G: One’s truth is a factor in physical manifestations.

    L: It still breaks my heart, though. I still grieve deeply for their loss and anyone killed in acts of gun violence.

    G: As you should. You are human, in a body allowing thoughts of collective consciousness to shape the world you see, and it is very much purposeful to allow such thoughts to be undertaken. I see you. I am you.

    L: I just don’t get why they would choose this as soul, especially a child. Why would a soul want to destroy a life? Destroy a family? Destroy a community?

    G: It is not tragic to die. It is divine. To define who you are (which as we told you in our preface is the journey you are on), you must be willing to recognize who you are not. To do this as soul is to reveal circumstances of opposite polarities. To view it as divine order is what makes it tolerable as soul. It is an illusion. A dream state that, although it feels heartachingly real, is just that, a dream. It is soultavision. Like television. Watching it upon a screen like a writer would do. Change this. Keep that. Move this character away. Leave this job behind. Die this tragic death. Repeat.

    L: Your—

    G: Our.

    L: Fine. Our words will never change, will they? As much as I want to write a different answer here in this book, you simply will not allow me to. As hard as it is to take in and wrap my head around this concept of soul growth and what it entails here on earth, I get it. I really do. But it still makes me want to cry when I see these tragedies.

    G: As you should. That is your humanness. It is divinely ordered as well. Empathy and enlightenment go hand in hand. You are expressing love through your emotions, and that is a beautiful trait of the collective.

    L: I feel these parents’ pain. My heart grieves for their losses and the hard battles ahead they have as humans to be without their children in physical form. How one can ever as a human get over that is beyond my scope of knowledge. I cannot fathom the pain they are going through right now.

    G: Empathy is how humans relate to one another. Through emotions is how you connect to one another within the lens of love. When fear is enacted is when the opposite of empathy occurs, which is why so much hate exists upon planet Earth.

    L: I want to help these families. What can I do on a spiritual level to help lift them up?

    G: Just be willing. Be willing to allow anyone seeking enlightenment to remember through you. You have no need to ask. You have only need to be. We will say to you, to all of you—life on earth is uneasy. It’s difficult. You are in a body designed to allow for growth of soul. Always are there going to be circumstances from which to heal. Always will there be struggles and strife. It is the nature of being human to handle chaos. The design flow is such that no one is untouched by tragedy. It is how you deal with the tragedy that is of most importance. Look away from it, and you will feel disconnected. Look upon it, and you will feel anger, spite, and animosity. Look toward it, and you will feel exasperation and anticipation. Look upon it, but understand its purpose and not its perception. Then you will know truth.

    L: I understand. I don’t like it, but I understand it. I feel very connected to these kids and their community, and I want to help. What is the balance between helping and hurting? If we are helping, are we hurting ourselves because we are just giving into the illusional nature of life and dwelling on it ourselves? Or can we help from a place of inner knowing and still offer our condolences? I want to help the teachers and the students. I want to enact change. You said in our first book my calling is to help shift education away from academic learning and focus more on assimilation-based learning. How can I do this? What can I do?

    G: There is nothing you need do. You only need be. Be of service. How may I serve? What may I share? What message would you have me deliver today? A message of hope.

    L: I want to bring hope.

    G: And you will when you stop trying.

    "Dear God and All of the Universe, together let us enact change all around the world as it relates to gun violence in our society. Let all who seek change be reminded of who they truly are so that we as a collective may resume our forward momentum without need for fear. Our right to bear arms shall not supersede our right to equality for all students of earth. No child shall suffer

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