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The Bird: The True Story of God's tears in Heaven
The Bird: The True Story of God's tears in Heaven
The Bird: The True Story of God's tears in Heaven
Ebook106 pages1 hour

The Bird: The True Story of God's tears in Heaven

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About this ebook

I am an ordinary man who traveled through some
extremely painful events physically, mentally, and
emotionally that took me to the brink of death. My
story is about an amazing connection with God that
was built at the lowest moments of my life. God gave
me something I can’t ignore any longer. God chose to

Release dateJul 30, 2019
The Bird: The True Story of God's tears in Heaven

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    The Bird - Maurice Medel


    a true story of God’s tears in heaven

    Maurice Medel


    To my family, and friends who loved me through my crazy moments.

    Thank you...

    Thanks to my friend Chris who was there every time I needed help and support without hesitation, even when it meant working twenty-hour days.

    To my 2% Laura for believing in me and trusting that God would work out all things even when things

    were stacked against us…It was your commitment that no matter what happened you would stick by

    my side, we would grow young together. Your faith fueled my drive when I thought my tank was

    empty. Thank you, my love. Look forward to many great adventures ahead.

    In the Beginning

    God Loved us

    So much he sent his Son to die for us that we may have life everlasting and

    No matter how badly we screwed up in rebellion against him with sex, drugs, and everything imaginable, Jesus’ blood, and God’s grace covers all of our secret sins. Forgiven and made a brand-new creation, transformed with a deeper understanding of how much we are loved by our Creator, we are free from bondage in His truth. Jesus has reconciled us to God, repentance with faith, and now an extraordinary life begins...


    He wants me to go and get His prodigals...Why me?

    I was going through a tough time a few years ago. I was confused because I was going through loss I told myself I would not ever go through again. I was in my forties and I thought I knew better, believing I had learned from my past mistakes, but there I was going around the mountain again.

    My life had been filled with incredible experiences and opportunities. I lived in great places, drove fast cars, saw wondrous locations, had adventures that left all my senses in awe, had exciting relationships, and enjoyed everything the world had to offer. Then I found myself in a place I did not believe I could be, thinking I had checked all the right boxes for a great life.

    I was at the tail end of a divorce I did not think was possible. I was living with a roommate, I no longer had my own home. I was working, but not the person leading the projects, as I once did. I was mentally drained. My finances were not as they once were. I was shedding tears in my closet. I was living in Texas, far from California where my family lives. I couldn’t let people know that I felt like a failure; that was too much vulnerability. These are some of the tame experiences my life’s journey of heartache was taking me through then.

    How could God let this happen to me, again? I thought. I was going through a multitude of emotions, and nothing I did was making me feel any better. I was still carrying the Bible everywhere, and regularly opened it to find out what God was saying, yet here I was…

    No one that I spoke with could give me any real answers. I was alive, but not living...I felt a huge hole in my heart. I needed real answers, but who should I ask? I wondered.

    I decided I would go directly to God, not just read the Bible. So, I got really quiet, and slowed my life down. I started praying to God as most people do when stuff happens, but not really having a dialogue, more telling Him what I thought He needed to do.

    After several weeks I still felt empty, so I changed my approach and started by having a real conversation with the real God of the Bible without any rules; just my raw feelings about everything, and now actively listening.

    To my surprise God answered. Over the last couple of years God and I have been walking together, asking each other questions about life. I mean, God really wanted to hear what I thought, and how I felt about my struggles. I did not hold back, I asked the hard questions. Sometimes I did not like His answers, but they made sense after I applied them to my life. God did not give me answers to every question I asked, which left me frustrated, but I came to understand that sometimes not knowing a particular aspect of life’s mysteries worked to keep my life balanced.

    My life changed dramatically after my conversations with God. My life was restored and the blessings multiplied after applying God’s Word to my life. I discovered we don’t need to know every answer to live a peaceful existence. World views have created a false narrative of God’s character to keep the real God of the Bible contained. God really loves us, and wants the best for us, but we have become our own gods, falsely believing we can take care of ourselves apart from Him.

    The real God of the Bible is genuine freedom. Getting to know God gave me a peace that is hard to describe to people, and nothing this world has to offer would be a fair trade. It’s like finding a treasure so amazing and fantastic you’re in awe and you want to tell everyone about it. That’s the peace (undisturbed well-being), and wonder I’ve been living with.

    Then one day, God throws me a curveball, and gives me the bird...He wants me to go get his prodigals (Christians and unbelievers), who are following their own paths. There will be more to come on what, why, and how in the next chapter.

    I said, What?

    He responded, Write to them and tell them I miss them, and I love them, but they’re drifting.

    I held back on publishing my conversations with God because I was concerned if I missed a comma, or misspelled a word, what people would think. But God said, It’s not about me. God did something I couldn’t ignore any longer... Real joy is attainable.


    Life is a masterpiece in the making. And if your perspective is true, the whole canvas will be beautiful.

    Thomas Kinkade


    Preface 15

    God Gives Me the Bird 17

    Dear Child 27

    Owner or Renter? 31

    Your Own Way 35

    Choosing the Right Story 39

    Sidelines 45

    Don’t Blame God 51

    Gray Areas 55

    Why Jesus, and the Bible… 61

    What is Love? 73

    Paradigm Shift 79

    Accuser 91

    Worry 95

    Fear 105

    Pride 111

    Money 117

    Sexual Promiscuity 131

    End Notes 139

    Author’s Notes 143


    One day, in 2008, is when my life began to unfold. I had a bad motorcycle accident that resulted in not being able to walk for about three months. During that time, I had a lot of time to

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