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Downloads From Heaven: Instructions and Examples of Hearing from God
Downloads From Heaven: Instructions and Examples of Hearing from God
Downloads From Heaven: Instructions and Examples of Hearing from God
Ebook122 pages2 hours

Downloads From Heaven: Instructions and Examples of Hearing from God

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Jay's 88 year old mother in law read this book in three days, and then bought more copies for the extended family. Downloads from Heaven is a candid and edifying blend of incredibly fun short stories, including power points and processing times to help every reader learn how they too can hear from God and act upon what they have heard. Writt

Release dateJun 26, 2019
Downloads From Heaven: Instructions and Examples of Hearing from God

Jay W. West

Jay, Diane and their son Jason West flow and function together as a family traveling team that has crossed 63 denominational lines. They minister through biblical teaching, worship prayer, words of knowledge, and healing. Pastor Jay has been in ministry for 35 years, traveling to over 1700 churches, schools, and businesses. Jay has personally prayed for and seen over 6000 people healed many with medical verification, and for twenty years Jay served as a pastor in three different denominations. Jay and Diane have been married for 35 years.

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    Downloads From Heaven - Jay W. West




    Instructions and Examples of
    Hearing from God

    Jay W. West

    Copyright © 2014 by Jay W. West

    Anointed 2

    GO MdM

    Bellevue, NE


    Cover & Key Images © Copyright byDesign 2014, Cynthia Pleskac

    All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book or any parts therein may not be reproduced, distributed, copied or transmitted in any form, not electronic, mechanical or any other means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher. The use of short quotations or occasional passage copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged.

    Unless otherwise identified, all Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    EBook: 978-1-312-33487-8 Paperback: 978-1-312-33467-0 Hardcover: 978-1-312-41204-0

    For further information, to book Pastor Jay West, or to order resources: Please contact us at by email at or online at

    E-Book Distribution: XinXii


    Table of Contents























    "Encouragement, Biblical teaching, true-life stories, and mind-set challenges are all involved in Jay West's book, Downloads from Heaven. I love Jay's conversational style of writing that should draw in every reader. It can be a strange concept to some to think that we, mere humans, could actually hear from God and receive His direction, instructions, and knowledge. Yet, Jay makes a clear case that the Bible does teach exactly that truth and that each follower of Christ can experience a word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit as a regular part of life.

    In Downloads from Heaven, Jay lays the Biblical foundation for his premise, and then follows up with story after story of personal encounters that illustrate the Biblical truth. People love stories! And Jay West's personal stories are fun and funny - a great way for everyone to see the simplicity of the gifts of the Spirit. I love how Jay takes the spookiness out of walking in the Spirit that some Christians have been taught. This book clearly demonstrates the beautiful New Testament reality that every believer is a candidate to hear from and act upon a word straight from their Father's heart to theirs. I believe Downloads from Heaven will be the launching pad for a new infusion of faith for believers to experience, and then release to others, a tangible, loving message from the Heavenly Father that brings life and changes lives for the glory of Christ!"

    Pastor Kristen Gray

    Missionary to Cuba & Latin America Great Door Ministries

    Omaha, NE

    "Does God still speak to His people? Do you want to know how, when and where? Then Downloads from Heaven is a book you want to read. Jay West documents Scripture in a masterful way and exposes strategies and tactics meant to keep us from understanding how God communicates with His people today. The systematic methodologies explained by Jay will make an indelible impression and lead people to a greater understanding of how the Lord still communicates to and through us. Jay's style of writing and personal testimonies are down-to-earth, funny and real without being weird or scary. This book is for every believer and a must-read for those who want to learn to know God's voice."

    James K. Hart

    Lead Pastor, Eagle's Nest Worship Center,

    Omaha, NE

    "Downloads from Heaven is exciting and captivating yet simple and fun to read. It is easy to read yet it presents a foundational truth. This may sound like heresy, but I believe most Christians put too much emphasis on the written Word or Logos Word (the Bible) and far too little emphasis on the Rhema Word or Living Word (the Holy Spirit). This book shows how receiving downloads from heaven (Living Word) can cease from being occasional events and can become a process or a way of living with the Living Word. It is as simple as saying, Yes Lord to every slight nudge of the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus spent 3 years mentoring the disciples 24/7 and answering their questions, but He told His disciples it was good that He was leaving them because He would send them something better, which was not a book. He was going to send the Holy Spirit to His followers which meant they could get continuous Downloads from Heaven.

    When I met Jay 30 some years ago, he was already practicing getting downloads from heaven. So this is not just a theory but a way of life for Jay. He is showing you how it can be a way of life for you. I am in complete agreement with Jay that downloads from heaven needs to be a way of life for us. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would teach us all things. I personally have been practicing this as a way of life for more than 81 years.

    Jay begins the book with a dilemma. He hears an internal voice say, Get off this plane! It is going to crash! What should he do? Get off the plane and let the others die? Ignore the voice? What would you do? You need to read quite a ways to discover what Jay did."

    Dr. Neil Kanning, Pastor

    Previous scientist who designed

    the shape of the Space Shuttle

    "Downloads from Heaven is an inspiring and often entertaining account of what the Lord is doing through the ministry of Jay West."

    Gary Peterson, MA,

    Assistant Professor and Chairman,

    Humanities Dept. Grace University, Omaha, NE.



    Jay W. West


    I thought I would take a different course with my dedication page by selecting someone that I have never met, but someone whom I have read about, and probably so have you.

    This fellow made a lot of mistakes, but he ended up being a great preacher, evangelist, and yes, even an apostle. In his early days he seemed to be bungling lots of kingdom ministry, but he later proved to be a valuable asset to God and to the cause of Christ. I think we can all see a little bit of ourselves in this man's early years as a follower of Jesus.

    And believe it or not, this guy was actually called blessed by Jesus.

    Now, it is one thing for you and I to be called blessed by someone that we know or have met, but it is quite another thing to be called blessed by Jesus. That was awesome, cool, and sweet all together.

    So, I dedicate this book to the Apostle Peter, who received one of the first New Testament Words of Knowledge; or in modern day vernacular, a download from heaven, as outlined in Matthew 16:13-19.

    Peter, you illustrated true discipleship by having listening ears and a teachable heart. I so appreciate your tenacity and willingness to grow in your faith and learn from the Master. Thanks for being faithful and for setting the bar up high for the rest of us to follow. Dude, you done good.


    Wow—where do I start? First, to my lovely, kind, and patient wife, Diane, I offer a profound and heartfelt Thank you. I cannot count or tell you the number of times you said to me, You should write a book. And it's not a secret either (smile). But after so many newsletter articles, magazine submissions, Bible studies, and email blogs came the encouraging words, You should write a book. Thanks for helping me believe it was possible. Thanks for loving me through the process. And thanks for saying yes so many years ago, making this first acknowledgement so special to me. Lou ya.

    Okay, Jason Bradley West. I won't tell the world your many other middle names, but if I did, it would include, You can do this, Daddy. You have worked so hard on this book from the beginning when I first began to write, to helping me with chapter titles, plus the first edit, to formatting, along with set-up and design, including ordering ISBN numbers, and hours and hours of computer technology that made my job so much easier. I could never have done this without you. Wow! Let me write it backwards. Wow! Love, Pastor Daddy.

    Other people that I want to thank in random order are:

    Cynthia Pleskac, for patient hours of cover design and then discovering I had accidentally given you the wrong format to follow. You are a gem!

    Gary Peterson, who provided the second edit, but prior to that, on many occasions, suggested to me that I write a book. Also, thank you for writing one of the recommendations and actually using your real name, and not your pen name. Gary, you are a blessing to the faculty at Grace University.

    Pastor Duaine Johnson, Senior Pastor of Purpose Church, for your time and encouragement to help us just after you wrote your first book. God bless you and Latosha as you plant this new church

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