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It was the best of times . . . but it was going to be the worst of times in the vibrant, real-life city of Wilton Manors, Florida. The city and its residents, including Rusty and Romeo Dickerson, Guy Gaylord, Joe Mocha, Harry Ballser, and their Straight girlfriend, Brooke Fields, are busily preparing for the most widely-attende

Release dateSep 19, 2019

Brooke Fields

Daughter and Mother, partners in crime (without the crime), and "besties," Brooke Fields and Miranda Dickerson are two peas in a pod! The two of them, along with Brooke's sister, collaborated on a picture book as a tribute to Brooke's grandparents. In 2016, Brooke self-published Written By.... The book contains various submissions from people of all walks of life, and serves to promote the written word. Brooke and Miranda love to read mystery books (of course, Brooke's favorite sleuth is none other than Nancy Drew), cook, and enjoy working on all sorts of projects together. Brooke and Miranda inspire one another to do great things. They live in South Florida with their family, and their two dogs and pet tortoise.


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    DRAGGED INTO MURDER - Brooke Fields


    Putting her Best Foot Foreword (Briefed by Brooke)

    Hi! My name is Brooke Fields. I am going to be introduced later in the story by Rusty Dickerson. He’s a very important person . . . but so am I, and no one can possibly explain me in detail, from my good looks, to my charming personality, as well as me!

    Besides Rusty, I also have a lot to say, which is why I gave him no choice but to make this my moment in the spotlight. I have also taken a few liberties, by sharing my own thoughts and information through my journal entries. They were written to open the minds and hearts of people of all walks of life, just as my own heart and mind has been opened and filled to the brim with love for those in the Wilton Manors community. My goal is to bring people together, because Every Single Life Matters. People in the Wilton Manors community have really made such a wonderful impact on my life. In this wonderful and colorful city, I never feel like an outsider. I have always been included, which is how we should all feel . . . that we are in this world together.

    Speaking of people making an incredible impact, the mayor of Wilton Manors, Florida, Justin Flippen, was gracious enough to share his personal experiences and message of positivity, which I hope is a reflection on what I want to portray through my journal entries. Judge for yourself:

    I first became aware of my sexual orientation when I was a young boy. In elementary and middle school, I had a crush on a male classmate, much the same way the boys in my class had crushes on girls. At first, I didn’t understand why, but when I learned the word Gay, I put 2 and 2 together, finally sitting down in the living room with my mom and stepfather to tell them I thought I might be Gay. I was terrified, but I was fortunate to live in a family unit that encouraged openness.

    As one raised in a right-wing Conservative Christian home, being Gay was incompatible with our then spiritual and religious understanding.  As a family, we talked and ultimately chalked up my feelings to advanced puberty and basic curiosity. To spare my parents’ heartache, I remember agreeing to this explanation, even though I felt otherwise and doubtful about it. I remember hoping I would grow out of these feelings because of the rejection and disapproval of Gay people by society, my family and friends, and ultimately, as I was taught, by God.

    I never did grow out of my boyhood feelings.  Instead, they naturally grew stronger and more intense as I became a young man and entered high school. No longer able to keep my emotions suppressed, I sat down again with my parents, so we could deal with my perceived affliction, as a family. We went to church, where my pastor sought to determine if I was sexually abused as a child, to see if maybe I was playing with typical girl toys instead of boy toys, or engaging in typical girl-oriented playtime activities.  No, I wasn’t abused.  No, I didn’t play with Barbies or host doll tea parties (not that there is anything wrong with that).  I was a fort-building, Transformers and G.I. Joe toy collecting, fishing and camping loving boy who was active in Cub and Boy Scouts, read comics, Star Trek, and Hardy Boys books at home, and rode his bike around the neighborhood.

    The only explanation my pastor offered was that, because my mom and dad divorced when I was a boy, somehow, this messed me up and made me have these feelings. I remember how this seemed so far-fetched; but with the pastor’s encouragement, and even that of my family doctor, I voluntarily underwent conversion therapy counseling. I had individual counseling at my church, and attended an Exodus International affiliated group at another church.

    After nearly two years of conversion therapy from my latter high school years to early college days, I had a personal awakening, discovered that God made me who I was, and found an affirming church and clergy to seek as a spiritual sanctuary and rescue me from the dogma of my Conservative religious fundamentalism.  Most importantly, I grew.  I grew academically and personally, holding on to my core spiritual beliefs, while making my faith truly my own, and living freely and accepting who I am. It was as if a weight was lifted from my shoulders, and I was allowed to live without a sense of oppression, and be myself. While not all in my family fully understand it, most all—including my grandparents, parents, and brothers—love me for who I am and all that I am.

    I treat my sexual orientation as just one of the many components that makes me human. I have been fortunate to live in a place that affords me the freedom to live authentically and pursue a life of public service and policy making. In college at Florida Atlantic University, I interned for a U.S. Senator and excelled in student government, ultimately being elected Florida’s first openly Gay student body president.  Here at home in Wilton Manors, I have been active in politics, was an official voting delegate to the 2008 Democratic National Convention, president of the local Dolphin Democratic club, and a member of the Broward County Democratic Party and Executive Committee. I have been twice elected by my neighbors as a City Commissioner in 2008 and 2014, and most recently elected their Mayor in November 2018.

    After coming out, reactions by others, including those who were surprised to hear it, have mostly all been positive.  Not everyone may understand what it is like to be a Gay man, but among my family, friends, and many professional colleagues, I am respected and accepted.  I have been mentored and befriended by important role models, including the judge for whom I clerked in undergrad and law school. I have had to deal with prejudice and homophobia in public and in the workplace on occasion.  I remember being called a f—ing faggot once by a guy who was driving by in a truck while I was taking a picture with my boyfriend out at a state park near Jacksonville. The times of amazing affirmation and support far outweigh the episodes of discrimination, however. My mom and dad have participated in pride parades with me, and have stood beside me when I was sworn in as City Commissioner and as Mayor. I’ve danced in Straight bars with dates, danced with Straight friends in Gay bars, received support as a candidate and elected official from folks of all walks of life, and have even had the blessing of helping others as they’ve come out to accept themselves for who they are. Candidates against whom I’ve run for the same office have also changed their political positions to be more LGBTQ+ inclusive.

    I have been fortunate.  Fortunate to live in a progressive community of which I am a born and bred native. So, I feel a deep sense of connection to my home. I know not everyone’s journey to a place of acceptance is the same, but Wilton Manors allowed me to live authentically and feel valued as an equal, not as someone with a lesser status than others. So, to those struggling with coming out, I would say, Find the courage to live authentically and find a community that accepts and doesn’t reject you for who you are. Whether you are surrounded by the family you were born into or the family and friends you choose for yourself, you deserve to be happy and surrounded by those who support you. This isn’t always easy, but life particularly allows us the opportunity to be courageous when it isn’t easy. So be brave, never allow the close-mindedness of another to weigh you down, and be courageously true to yourself! Welcoming communities like Wilton Manors, and the accepting neighbors and resources there, stand as beacons of hope that you belong in this world and in a community that loves and values you. And to people who may not be LGBTQ+ themselves, I would say this, The best path towards acceptance is to follow the maxim of loving your neighbor as yourself, because all people deserve to be treated with basic dignity and respect. Love doesn’t mean you will always understand or relate to every aspect of another’s life, but you should not hold disregard for someone because she or he is blonde and not brunette, blue-eyed and not brown-eyed, black and not white, Muslim and not Christian, Gay and not Straight, or Transgender and not what you believe is gender conforming. The same advice of being brave applies to you, too. Be brave enough to recognize your own prejudices, courageous enough to overcome them, and wise enough to become the best person possible.

    Having courage and being kind does the world good and all who live in it a world of good.

    Justin S. Flippen, J.D.

     The People’s Mayor

    City of Wilton Manors


    Let’s continue with my spiel . . . you will notice some key words being used within the text. I learned that these are common, everyday words that are used by some Gay men. Of course, everyone lives differently and may not associate with these terms; but these are some of the words I have acquired by hanging out with my wonderful group of friends, as well as people I have spoken to in the community. Being Straight, it took me some time to understand the lingo, and, for some of you, I am sure it will be like looking at a foreign language—but, never fear! If you see a word marked with a number next to it, peek at the bottom of the page, and you will find a definition. I have also created a handy dandy glossary for you. Some of you may already be knowledgeable about certain things in this text. However, I feel that these historical moments should not be forgotten, which is why they have been included. And, ditto for the lingo!

    While your focus continues to be on me for the time being, I might as well get in as much as possible. I was first introduced to the LGBTQ+[1] community through my friendship with Rusty and Romeo. I consider it both a privilege, and definitely a pleasure, to be accepted as one of the group. Let me start off by telling you how I met the dashing duo, and how I became a member of the Dragged Into Murder Detective Society. . .

    It all started that fateful day when I walked into The Fashion Detectives (that’s Rusty and Romeo’s fashion boutique, if you don’t already know). Of course, Rusty and Romeo were mesmerized by my distinctive sense of fashion. Anyway, we started talking, and realized we had a lot in common. We easily bonded because we have a shared passion for fashion, and we are obsessed with all-things mystery. As time went by, I found myself constantly hanging out with Rusty and Romeo. They even introduced me to their group of friends, Guy, Joe, and Harry, who you will learn more about in a moment, so just be patient! They are also mystery lovers. Needless to say, I quickly connected with Guy, Joe, and Harry, who were each one-of-a-kind. They are like three peas-in-a-pod—kind, loyal, and accepting. They are my extended family—like the brothers I never had (and like the extra sisters I wish I would have had!). Our friendship and love of a good mystery led us to form the Dragged Into Murder Detective Society. I know, you are just dying to hear more about the Society. When I am good and ready, I will tell you folks all about it! You will learn that I have a knack for getting things my way.

    Moving on . . . I don’t mean to brag, but my friends are awesome. Rusty is basically the leader of our detective society. Being somewhat bossy and liking to be in control, you will see that, occasionally, I like to take the reins as well.

    Rusty’s husband, Romeo, is described as reserved. As the story unfolds, you might begin to change your mind. Remember, most of the story is being told by Rusty, so it is a little biased.

    Guy is a tough guy when he wants to be, but, usually, he is a big Teddy Bear. This is ironic, because, in the Gay community, he would also be referred to as a Bear[2]. Guy’s partner (as in his steady beau), Joe, usually keeps Guy in line. They are such a cute couple!

    Speaking of Joe, he is hilarious! He is referred to as a Black Diva (and for good reason). For one, he is Black. He is also what some would call self-absorbed, especially when it comes to his wardrobe. He loves to look stunning, regardless of where he is going. You would think that someone like Joe would love the opportunity to work as a fashion designer like Romeo. However, he would much rather run his coffee shop and library. It’s a good fit for him, too, because he loves to talk and get the latest tea[3] from his customers!

    Harry is the beauty queen of the group, although, if you put all my friends in a room together, each of them would probably argue that statement to some degree. Harry puts his beauty skills to work as the owner of Wilton Manors’ primo salon. I swear, since he came out of the womb, he was born to own a salon! He can turn you from drab to fab, in a matter of minutes.

    Finally, there is me. Oftentimes, I am described as quirky. If you take the time to look that up in a dictionary, you will see that quirky means, strange, odd, peculiar, and so forth. I’ve never liked that definition. In my opinion, it doesn’t give the term enough pizzazz. So, I created my own definition. The Brooke Definition of quirky is awesome, spectacular, and unique, whether with my wardrobe, or my writing (I am trying to be a famous writer, thank-you very much!).

    On a side note, pay attention to the pronouns used. As I previously mentioned, there are some common, every day words that some Gay men use. In certain instances, some of the male characters will be referred to as she, or girls; but, here’s an interesting tidbit . . . I learned that, not all Gay men use these terms, as they can be seen as offensive or demasculinizing. In the company of close friends, you may observe some using these terms to poke fun at one another, or when talking about more feminine Gay guys.

    Now, you have a sneak peek from my point-of-view. Oh, did I forget to share with you the background of the Dragged Into Murder Detective Society? Ooops! My bad! I guess you will just have to continue to be patient. Don’t worry, it will be well worth the wait! Well, I’ve got to go now. Rusty insists on putting his two cents in, and says I’m hogging the limelight. No worries . . . you haven’t heard the last of me! This Babbling Brooke is not done babbling!


    Brooke Fields

    Stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning; the + includes Ally, as well as an umbrella of other terms

    A big, hairy, and often older Gay male who is very masculine

    Gossip, information, news, or facts



    Most people who know me would say that my life is a drag. Not because it is uneventful or boring. As a matter of fact, it is just the opposite. My life is as colorful as the Pride Flag. It consists of wigs, bold lipsticks, red stilettos, and, on occasion, black pantyhose (which are worn only when I do not have time to shave my legs). Oh, by the way, did I mention that I am a guy and I am Gay? Sorry, sometimes I forget to share those little details.

    Allow me to introduce myself . . . the name is Rusty Dickerson. Having the first name Rusty and the last name Dickerson is interesting, to say the least (just use your imagination, and you will know what I am talking about). Nevertheless, Rusty is my name, and detecting, or, as we refer to it, Dicking around (get it, Dick, as in Detective?) is my game. Sorry, that is the humorous side of me coming out of the closet (see, there I go again!). By day, my husband Romeo and I run our boutique, The Fashion Detectives. Our job is playing dress-up with our clients. We glamorize them in the sexiest, never-to-go-out-of-style outfits. Romeo is the best fashion designer in Wilton Manors, a vibrant little city located near Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He creates most of the outfits that are sold at our store (but, back to that later).

    When I am not Rusty Dickerson, I am known as Scarlett Feva, Drag-Queen-Extraordinaire! Romeo and I, along with our best friends, Guy, Harry, Joe, and Brooke, solve crimes in drag for the Dragged into Murder Detective Society, which is a club that we started. Knowing Brooke, I am quite sure that she mentioned our club. She also probably gave you as little details about it as possible, just to keep you on the edge of your seats. Well, sit back and relax! The moment has finally come to share the story behind our fabulous group of sleuths! Speaking like the true professionals that we are, Romeo, Harry, Guy, Joe, and myself are like Sherlock Holmes, and Brooke is our very own Nancy Drew (though, as much as we love our dapper English gent on Baker Street, we prefer Nancy’s wardrobe!). Our motto is, Solving Crime in Style!

    Without further ado, let’s continue these introductions, with me being first, of course (what, you thought I was done talking about Moi? Not by a long shot!). There are so many remarkable qualities that I must divulge about myself. However, since my time is shared with Brooke, I shall be brief. I am the queen of detecting, fashion, good looks, as well as a myriad of other things. I am 6’2, and a loveable 165 pounds. I am what most Gay guys would refer to as a Twink[1]. I have auburn-colored hair, which explains why I am so bold and confident (and sometimes sassy).

    Next, is my huggable husband, Romeo Dickerson. Romeo has two drag names, to avoid blowing the Society’s cover when we are solving crimes. In the Dragged Into Murder Detective Society, Romeo is known as Juliet. In the fashion world, she[2] is known as Jewels. Though he is younger, I think that, in this relationship, he is definitely the old soul. Although nine inches shorter in size, my little Twinkie (I’m talking about Romeo, here) has got the biggest heart of anyone I know. Like the delicious golden sponge cake, Romeo, too, has that creamy filling that makes him so delicious. But, don’t be fooled. Although Romeo is more reserved than I, he is also quite a diva, and mostly towards me (what can I say? I’m a handful!). Romeo has wavy, chestnut-colored hair and is a huge fan of Shakespeare (who would know, with a name like Romeo?). He is my Pocket Gay[3]!

    Joe Mocha is the owner of Hot Stuff, a café and library on Wilton Drive (or, as we locals call it, The Drive). Joe’s cherished book collection in the Hot Stuff library consists of the entire Nancy Drew series. These books are extremely important to us—in fact, they are like our handbook to detecting. The Dragged Into Murder Detective Society lives by Nancy Drew! Joe also takes great pride in his Sherlock Holmes collection, as well as his prized Agatha Christie’s! Joe’s drag name is Juniper Rose. Similar to the Juniper flower, with its needle-like leaves, Joe can be prickly in his demeanor. Joe doesn’t take crap from anyone, not even his partner, Guy. Joe has curly black hair, enlivened with blonde highlights, and mocha-colored skin. He is the Society’s equipment manager. He supplies us with the latest detecting gadgets, along with the necessities of any drag queen—lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, tissues, and, as a bonus for the Society, a Nancy Drew book (for reference, as well as moral support), all of which he keeps in his favorite sparkly, pink purse.

    Guy Gaylord is the manager of The Glitz Luxury Apartments on Wilton Drive, which is where we all live. He is the oldest member of the Society, and the burliest. Even though I am the leader of our little group (thank-you very much), I refer to Guy as being the Lord of the Gays. One, he is like an upscale landlord at The Glitz, and, two, how can you not joke around with your bestie, whose last name happens to be Gaylord?! Guy’s drag name is Gayety. However, unlike the word, "Gaiety," with which his name was coined, sometimes, Guy is anything but lighthearted. Don’t get me wrong—with us, he is his true self: outgoing, silly, and, as Brooke said previously, a big Teddy Bear. But, out in the world, where everyone is watching, Guy presents himself as more serious and business-like (you will discover why later . . . I know, I am pulling a Brooke by not giving you the details right here and right now, but just be patient!). Guy can be very hot-tempered at times. It is no wonder, with Joe and Harry constantly pushing his buttons! Sometimes, I think they just like to see his face get beet-red, about to erupt like a volcano at any moment (I must admit, it is pretty entertaining, if you are not directly near the line of fire). Guy has dark brown hair, is slightly bearded, and is the most macho of our group. He is very rugged and athletic, but do not judge him too quickly . . . occasionally, you will see his glamorous side come out!

    Harry Ballser (can you believe it?! This is not his drag name, it is his birth name!) is the hair stylist and owner of Blow Jobz Hair Salon (no wisecracks, please! Okay, maybe just a few wisecracks, because how can you not LOL at a name like that?!) on Wilton Drive. Harry’s drag name is ChaCha Cheeky. Harry is a member of the Twinks. His fashion preferences are short shorts, and brightly-colored clothing, usually fitted tank tops. He has light brown, short hair. Harry is not only snippy with his scissors, but also with his attitude (hence the name Cheeky). CAUTION: Never be caught in a room with Harry, Guy, and Joe when there is an argument brewing. Even though they have explosive tempers, bottom line is they are roommates and they love each other.

    Our struggling writer is Brooke Fields. We call her D. Eva. Even though Brooke is Straight, we consider her an honorary member and consultant for the Dragged Into Murder Detective Society. She is our own little cheerleader. Brooke has the ability to bring us up when we are down, listen to our problems, and give a heartfelt hug when no words are necessary. She is the baby of our group. Brooke has short, dark brown hair, wears glasses, has a petite frame, and possesses a very individual sense of fashion. Since she is already a girl, her drag attire involves applying loads of makeup (which she does not normally wear), a blonde wig to cover her dark brown curls, and ballet flats, which she insists on wearing because she hates heels. She feels they

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