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Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel
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Fallen Angel

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The Clock is winding down… Whose time is running out?
      A year has passed since Toby went missing and finally, it seems that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but when a terrible accident rips everything away Clemit is left scrambling for new clues. 
     At home, James must conf

Release dateApr 1, 2019
Fallen Angel

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    Fallen Angel - December Knight

    Chapter 1

    The only audible sound in the office was the soft popping of the fading fire. Toby shifted in the compliance chair, the different braces pressing against his skin making the flesh beneath raw and sore. He had been sitting, waiting for almost two hours. Even though he was only fifteen, he was experiencing fear that most men would never understand in their entire lives. His jade eyes glared at the desk ahead of him. He wished a hand was free so he could brush the annoyingly long dark brown strands of hair out of his face. His tongue passed across his dry lips touching a recently scabbed over reminder of everything that had previously transpired.

    As the fire continued to crackle, sounds of charred wood fragments falling into the cooling blaze tickled the air, the call of the fading ashes drew Toby away from his thoughts and back to the darkening room around him. The books filling the enveloping bookcases seemed to weigh down on him as they always did, the titles on their spines were like eyes that he could not define, but that he could feel against his skin, their cool judgmental glare observed and processed Toby with eagerness to betray him as soon as their master entered. Toby looked around the room wondering where D hid the pipes he used to listen to them. Thoughts of D’s haunting voice lingered in his ears like poison making his hair stand on end. Did it really matter if Toby knew where they were? What would he do if the pipes were coming from every room impaling this one, boring into every single wall? Even if Toby found them, he would still be as helpless as he was before.

    Toby tried to nudge himself forward, but the leather belt seemed only to pull him closer to the back of the chair. His eyes glanced at the pocket doors to his right and then toward the single door behind him. He let his head fall back against the headrest, the leather straps connected to its sides swaying gently in his peripheral vision. Everything seemed so dull in the dark gradient layer of the room. His eyes fell to the floor landing on the ink blotches just in front of him. The black pearls stippled the red rug licking away the crimson color marking it like a wound on its twisted threads.

    The pocket doors were abruptly thrown open, Toby’s eyes were at once lured by the sound. D walked in ignoring everything but his forward movement, while someone in the hall shut the doors behind him, very likely for their own benefit. He didn’t glance at Toby, his steely black-brown eyes going straight to his desk. He moved to the chair taking a seat on the padded surface facing Toby. D pulled out several leather-bound notebooks and a sharp spiraling pen he favored and commenced scribbling, his hand moving smoothly writing down a note in one book, turning then to the next until each of the three leather books had been handled.

    Toby watched as D observed each line he had written. He seemed so intent on letting him just sit there. Was that his punishment? Was he going to make him sit in this chair forever? Toby’s mind went to the fateful drawing of Saint that brought him to this place, this point in time. He knew he had been the cause of Saint and Daniels’ deaths. Now what trouble had he caused the others over a picture? He hadn’t just hurt himself, but now Hannah was suffering as well, not to mention anyone else D saw fit to punish. Was that what D had done after he had sent Toby away? Had he hurt Allen, Nathaniel, or Douglas? What about Sally, Gwen and Hannah… were they alright? Terrible as it would be, it seemed too much to ask that D discipline Stanley. Stanley very rarely did anything that bothered their mutual master.

    D gently shut each book returning them all to their individual places within his desk before turning looking at Toby. He twisted a key in the drawer then returned it to his pocket all the while their eyes remained locked. The damp firelight gave D a strange sort of glow that reminded Toby of why D’s full moniker was Devil. D’s lips curled slightly into an unpleasant smile. Toby had never seen this look grace D’s gaunt features before. He stood and moved around the desk leaning against it in front of him. Those strange empty eyes seemed to grow a sort of fire in them, Toby could feel their heat burning into his own soft green.

    D reached into a pocket and pulled out a bit of fabric, turning it then on Toby. The smudged image of a Saint Bernard, of Saint, looked out at him from the fibers of the cloth. D turned the picture back toward himself, his dark eyes looking at it with empty hunger before turning it back toward his young captive, then pivoting he moved back to the other side of the desk. D purposefully, yet carelessly, tossed the drawing into the fading fire where the flame shriveled the image consuming it in an instant.

    D stood there for a long time watching the flames even after the fabric had burned up in the withering embers. What was he waiting for? Why was he doing all this? Toby watched the back of his suit jacket not able to shake the feeling of somehow being observed by this man despite the fact that he was turned away. It felt as though hidden eyes returned his gaze from behind D’s thick brown hair that were just waiting for Toby to move so that he could make him regret it.

    D turned around slowly his eyes first going to the mat on his desk and then drifting up to meet Toby’s. He bit his lip for a moment and stressed his brow as though he were thinking of something. He raised his index finger giving it a slight stiff wag and then started to laugh as he came back around toward Toby yet again.

    Tell me, Tobias Blake, do you have a desire to make yourself an enemy? He halted when he was directly in front of Toby though keeping close to his desk, his dark hair falling into his face slightly. Toby couldn’t release eye contact. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t know how to answer. What is wrong? Can you not find a way to defend yourself? You were so gallant a moment ago protecting dearest Hannah, and now you have no words at all. How interesting!

    Toby’s breathing stiffened. Nothing I could say would help you understand. Words would just be a waste. He mumbled this to himself, in such a light tone D couldn’t possibly have heard him.

    Tell me, Tobias, have I not given you excellent opportunities? Have I not offered to take care of you, if only you would listen? Why is it that all you do is step on my toes? He could tell D was getting impatient or at the very least beginning to show how he actually felt. Here I am having to discipline you again. Can you not see the frustration and futility in this? Can you not see how an insignificant variation on your part could preclude these disagreeable exchanges we cannot seem to circumvent? If you would merely do as you are told you would surely find that there were no limits afforded to you within these walls. You could do anything, have anything. There would be nothing that would be set beyond your reach, even the stars themselves could be yours.

    Unlike Stanley, I don’t want to be like you. Toby was not surprised when that fire flared brighter in D’s dark eyes.

    Why must you always buck, it is such an infuriating trait. I do not want to have to reprimand you, and yet you leave me with no other recourse. I suppose that is the bit of you that is like your uncle, always pitching for a fight. Then there is the other part of you. That fragment that is like your father, always stoic, always wanting to stand in a place of superiority no matter the cost, with an overbearing philanthropic attitude.

    You know nothing about my family.

    Do I not?


    You baffle me, Tobias. How you can do and say all this and have not an iota of self-preservation. It is as though you have an odd affinity for ascribing to falsehoods. He moved slightly nearer. However, as curious as this may be it is my place to warn you that I will bring you to my viewpoint at any cost.

    At any cost to me, you mean. Toby tried not to shake as D drew nearer. He tried not to make it seem that his words were as empty as they felt, but he was finding it very difficult to do so.

    Do you not imagine that a price you pay is also a price I have to pay? Do you not yet recognize that your actions also affect others? Toby’s heart throbbed hard. Do you not yet comprehend that if you were simply as good as I know you to be you would find favor in my eyes and be valued above all… perceived as though you were my own flesh and blood…? He was very near now, though you were my own son.

    Toby’s jade eyes shifted as they tried to look into both of D’s dark black, his stomach turning when he saw sincerity in them. I don’t want to be your son! I will never want to be, no matter how you push, prod, or bribe.

    D’s eyes seemed to savagely come to life, the odd fire in them now a raging inferno. D moved to his desk and removed his suit jacket exposing his white dress shirt and navy colored vest. He was smiling quite broadly now, but this was not a smile that any would like to see, it was cruel and cutting, saying more than even his gaze could. The person Toby had seen before was gone.

    Is that truly how you feel?

    Yes, it is.

    D rolled up his sleeves. Then if reason cannot reach you, force must be used for your own benefit. I was reared on those words, on this ideology, and so that is how I shall cultivate you. You see, Tobias, the pain that I might produce in you will only be slight to that which I am sparing you from.

    Is that what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better? That you are just trying to teach me something. That it’s not your fault. Toby pressed his spine as close to the back of the chair as possible as D drew nearer, his fingers pulled into fists. Every part of Toby screamed retreat, but there was nowhere to go and even if there was he couldn’t move to take refuge.

    I do not delude myself, Tobias. When I process and assimilate a truth that requires action, I act upon it. So, this is what I know, I have offered you everything and anything you would like if only you will perceive and comprehend reason.

    Your reason is no reason at all. You’re lying to yourself and to everyone else who is forced to share your company! Toby yelled, while in his heart he whispered, Please God in Heaven sustain me.

    If you would only utilize logic, Tobias. If you would prevail upon yourself this singular opportunity, you would find you have no other choice then to absorb yourself into this idea, this ideology. You must give yourself time to be enlightened by the truth, to allow yourself to go through an internal renaissance. If you did, you would understand. Your mind would no longer be clouded by meaningless diversions. Those same distractions prompt your father to make a humanitarian fool of himself and also propels your uncle toward destruction. The two of them have displayed nothing to you excluding how to run from their proverbial demons through deeds and distance. Yet, here I am offering you the chance to surpass them, not through those futile avenues, but through your own mind. Nonetheless, here you are, fighting me at every turn. He stood just a breath from Toby’s left arm.

    You are lying to yourself if you think that’s true. You offer nothing but destruction to all who follow you. I will have no part in it. Toby steeped his words with all the determination left to him, knowing that in doing so he was sealing his fate.

    Why is it that every opportunity I give you, you refuse? D leaned in very near to Toby and in so doing their eyes leveled. I am providing you with one final chance Tobias. One last opportunity to recant your open and blatant disregard for the regulations I have very clearly laid out for you. If you do this, I shall not lay a finger on you. In fact, I will allow you to return to the others as though nothing has transpired between us. If you refuse and take the alternative path, I will be forced to see to it that you are provided with ample reason as to why you should have heeded my commands.

    Toby’s heart was pounding, his breathing felt choppy, yet he managed to continue. If you lay a hand on me, then nothing you ever say will I hear. Nothing you ever do will have an impact on me. You will become nothing to me. As God in Heaven is my witness, you shall never shape me into whatever monster you want to fill your false utopia with. I’ll die first.

    D stood back and shrugged his shoulders. I suppose only time will tell if there is any merit to your threats. He moved and then turned around. It is unfortunate though that I am forced to teach the lot of you what retribution will come when you over exert yourselves. It is a pity really, it seems such a shame to damage you. He moved to Toby’s left hand, forcing each of his fingers to extend. Know that next time it shall be your right.

    Please God, don’t let me give him the pleasure of hearing me scream.

    Not a sound escaped Toby as he felt every wretchedly painful crack.

    Chapter 2

    James sat in his room looking out the window, his placid muddy eyes examining the grass as they had many times before. A restlessness had seemed to cling to him all day, yet this was all he was able to get himself to do. He caught a glimpse of Belle who had tightly wrapped herself in her favorite wool shawl, her honey eyes gazing intently in the same direction his own had been. He almost couldn’t help fear that between her wrap and her thoughts Belle might squeeze herself into oblivion. Belle had watched Adelaide’s horrible journey from the top to the bottom of the stairs without having a hope of helping her. The memory of it must have weighed heavily on her mind for she had both said and done very little since the event.

    In truth, James blamed himself for what had happened. It was his duty to Adelaide’s family to look after her. Why had he not reached out to stop her from leaving? He might not have been able to spare her the shame, but he was the one who should have gone after her, not Belle. She shouldn’t have to live with that memory or the feeling that she could have done something to stop it.

    His thoughts drifted to Mrs. Everglade who had yet to respond back to his telegram. What would she think when she read it? James was supposed to be taking care of her daughter not tossing her down stairs. Surely, the mere thought of it must be a shock to her.

    What about the kiss? Why had Adelaide done something so brass? James ran a hand over his mouth contacting the bits of patchy stubble on his chin and above his lip. He had pulled away and in the process had laid down the appropriate line with her, but a part of him wished he hadn’t. Maybe if he hadn’t reacted so harshly she might not have left the room in such a hurry, and then none of this would have transpired. But then he knew that was only speculation. There may have been nothing he could have done, short of reciprocation that could have stopped her. He never would have stooped to that.

    James pressed his eyes and looked out the window again. The sun was setting against the trees in the distance spreading warm color on the deep green grass and the nearly naked branches. The world outside seemed distant from the world within, as though they were mere illusions to one another. His eyes drifted to Belle again who had closed her own, her head now resting against the cold pane of glass.

    Why don’t you go lay down? She seemed surprised to hear his voice, giving a slight start before opening her eyes to look at him.

    Oh no Sir, I am quite fine. She whispered from where she sat smiling, leaning back on the window frame.

    He chose not to push the point, truthfully, he didn’t want to be alone. He watched the fading colors as his mind wandered to his wife and how she would stand at this very same window and stay until the stars had begun sparkling in the sky. Leah was the most beautiful woman he had ever known inside and out, no one could possibly replace her. He ran a hand over his lips again captured by the soft impression that remained. The subtle scent memory of magnolia drifted passed his nose.

    He tried to stand but almost lost his balance narrowly avoiding falling backward. Belle moved to assist, but he lifted his hand to assure her that he was quite fine before maneuvering himself around his wheelchair. Belle seemed to notice that his movements required an inordinate amount of will.

    Why couldn’t he let that go?! The young lady had just fallen down the stairs for pity’s sake. She could be dying here in a house that was no longer her home in too deep of a daze to recognize anyone. This thought only made him more disconcerted. It appeared to him very much like a weed planted in a garden, something unwanted, and yet it seemed to grow better than the intended crop.

    He thought of Leah so still and cold laying there, so distant, and yet so close. He thought of Toby and how his son was growing up who knows where. The horrible idea that he may not even be alive piercing his fragile thoughts. Now here was Adelaide, possibly fading from the world and there was nothing he could do about it, no way he could spare her loved ones from the potentiality of losing her. Why did everyone have to leave in such horrible ways? Why were all the people he loved taken from him? Why was he always…

    What was that thought? Did he actually think he loved Adelaide? That was impossible! It was absurd! Or was it? He couldn’t care for her, he wouldn’t, it just wasn’t going to happen. Besides if he did, in fact, feel anything for her it was nothing more than the affection he felt for everyone under his care, a sort of obligatory fondness.

    Sir, do you need something? Belle asked calling him back to reality. James turned to find her standing near the window looking worried.

    He hadn’t realized it, but he had walked to the door. No thank you, Belle, I am just going to see if anything has changed with Miss Everglade’s condition.

    Would you like me to do that Sir? You look so tired. You might want to rest instead.

    No thank you, I want to do it myself. Noticing she still appeared bothered he quickly added, I am quite fine, I assure you, Belle. Besides, it will give me more solace to see after things for myself, at least every now and then.

    Would you like your canes then Sir?

    No, thank you, I’ll try without. James opened the door after giving her a reassuring, and yet quite pathetic smile.

    He walked down the hall toward a thin passage on the far-left side of the house where a select few of the servants were allowed to take residence. He thought it sort of funny how his father would have reacted to having the servants on the same level as them, They are not your equals James, learn that and learn it quickly. Yes, that was just like his father stern, cold, and distant. Always reminding you of who you were and who everyone else was. In his way, James was sure that his father changed him, had made a kind of impression on some of his views. Yet, this had never changed Toby.

    Toby was different. He was made of something much stronger. It’s true to say that Toby was fragile, yet he was so incredibly resilient when it came to everything that had nothing to do with his health. Although James disagreed with his father, he had still been influenced by him, and that impact somehow prevented him from being who he wanted to be. Toby was special, he was like his mother, not exactly like his mother, but a combination of both Leah and Clemit. Strong and meek, kind and hard, cool and intense, tactful yet brass. He was everything James had ever wished to be and was happy to find his son becoming. Yet, he couldn’t fight the ache within him that wondered what he was now and what he might become.

    Please God, don’t let him change.

    James stopped, his heart feeling heavy, thoughts of his son drifting in and out again and again. He looked at Adelaide’s door and thought for a moment that he would knock, but instead, he let the fancy pass and fell into the chair near it. His head was throbbing, he rubbed his temples trying to still the ripping pain. He didn’t quite understand what was wrong with him or where this all was coming from.

    Are you all right, Lord Blake? James looked up and found the young doctor from Lisborn standing just outside the door.

    I’m quite fine thank you. He did his best to stand, the doctor grabbed his arm to help steady him. I was merely waiting for news and thought I would come and see if there was any.

    His dark green eyes looked into James’ face searching for something but allowed it to pass out of thought. She appears to be improving, but she sustained quite a few injuries in the fall. She has yet to wake fully, she was very restless. It was difficult to get her to lay still and she was talking insesantily, but since her fever subsided that’s all stopped.

    She was talking? What did she say? There was such a rush in his response that the doctor almost seemed worried by it.

    Nothing really, she was very hard to understand.

    James released himself from the young doctor taking his arms instead. James’s eyes were on fire with irritation. Surely, you must have heard something.

    Only that she didn’t want to leave. At least that is what my nurse heard. Lord Blake, are you positive you are quite all right?

    James loosened his grip feeling suddenly tired, Yes, I am quite fine. Was that all you heard? This is of the utmost importance Doctor, so I entreat you to remember if you can.

    He seemed to ponder this for a moment and then replied. She may have said she wished she had not done something. I think you should go lie down Lord Blake, you are quite pale.

    Did she say what it might have been that she regretted? James remained calm this time during his questioning, but there was something in him that felt agitated, so much so that he was having a difficult time keeping himself composed.

    No, she only made that dazed comment a few times and always in a very muddled way. I am afraid we could gather nothing more than she felt guilty for something.

    James smiled and released his grip entirely, the doctor was again supporting him. It couldn’t be true. She couldn’t have betrayed their entire family. Surely, she was speaking of the kiss and not what had happened to his son. She had denied ever having done anything to Toby. She said she had no part to play in his disappearance, yet here she was mumbling these things when her mind was at its most vulnerable. It was wholly possible that she had lied to him. He had seen people do it countless times before. He had just never suspected that she could be one of those people.

    James was shaking now. He could feel the trembling from deep within himself. Here, Sir, let me help you back to your room.

    No, I can do it myself. He went to move but found he could not steady himself.

    Had she seen the affection he had for her? Had she used that affection against him? If this were true, he would rather she had died. If she had dared to lay a hand on his son, he would never forgive her… never, and most of all he would never allow her to forget her decision to betray him. No amount of time would stifle this pain… this anger. Nothing could make this right.

    He would have to question her again while she was recovering and still weak, when he could press her without manipulating her, possibly stir within her what appeared the only truth of that fateful day. He would have to try again. James had to know, once and for all, if Adelaide had been the one to take Toby from him.

    Chapter 3

    Jasper was taken aback when the door to his office was thrown open. One of D’s lackeys brought in a blurry eyed Toby, who was shaking from head to foot coated in sweat. He directed the beast of a man to deposit Toby onto the metal bed in the center of the room. After sterilizing his hands, Jasper moved toward the boy and began examining him. The Brute stopped Jasper before he could do much, pulling him back away from the shivering boy on the table.

    What do you think you’re doing?! Jasper barked, ripping his thin arm from the Brute’s thick grasp. That boy needs my help. How dare you pull me away at a time like this!

    That ain’t my business. The Brute extended a folded bit of paper. Read it.

    Jasper wrenched it out of his meaty fingers and read over D’s smooth words,

    Do not mend the boy's hand. Give him something for the pain. If you disobey me, I shall see you pay for it.

    Remember, I am a man of my word.

    Jasper ground his teeth wishing he had been a little more accepting of the blade that had been so near his throat just a moment ago.

    He glared at the Brute and shoved the letter back in his hand. Fine! Tell our master I shall do as he bids. Now leave me in peace!

    Jasper waited tell the thick brute left his makeshift examination room before slamming the door nearly clipping his back. He turned and walked toward Toby who was now sitting up as pale as a sheet quivering. The boy smiled as he drew near, but there was nothing like joy in it. Strangely, it almost seemed that the curve to his lips shared the same sharpness D’s sometimes did. Jasper reached to grab his hand to examine it more carefully, the boy who had previously fought him at every turn just let him do his job his jade eyes watching him closely. It killed him to look at Toby’s mangled fingers and not be able to find the power to do something to help him, to not be able to get himself to do anything other then what D wanted.

    You are as useless as his fingers, Jasper. He thought to himself considering how he would have reset each one of them. You are so frightened of D that you won’t do a thing for this boy.

    Just do whatever he told you to do. Jasper looked up when Toby spoke, his voice so deeply callused it was almost surprising it had come from him. I know he told you to do something, I am not an idiot. Just do it and be done.

    How could the child say that? Did he not understand the gravity of the situation? If Jasper were to do what he was told he would render the boys left hand almost, if not completely useless. But he was telling him to do it. What sort of strange boy was this? He glanced back up at him and found that his eyes had softened slightly.

    It’s alright, just do it. Toby breathed, he sounded a little lightheaded. It doesn’t matter. Really, just do it.

    Jasper moved to the cabinet and fiddled with a few things his mind shifting in almost every direction. He looked back at the boy who seemed more thoughtful now than dangerous, his cool green eyes looking at his damaged fingers. How could Toby be so calm about all this? He had understood when he was angry, but he hardly seemed to own that feeling for long. How did he maintain his demeanor? How could he possibly sit there like this looking at his hand and not be mad … not want some sort of vindication? He must be hurting, but he didn’t show it. How did he manage it?

    Jasper moved back to him with bandages in hand, as well as some materials for the splints. He would have to support the hand so it could heal, but how could he do that? He had sworn an oath to help people not make them worse, but here he was binding a boy’s hand so it could heal

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