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Three sisters with mommy issues and dreams of making their memories of the hood a thing of the past, are struggling hard to function. Murderville, the one man who can put an end to the struggle, is also the same man who is causing the chaos. He has hired one sister to defend him in court. And why wouldn’t she? After all, she is his childho

PublisherPen2Pad Ink
Release dateAug 9, 2019

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    Betrayed - Anitra Ferguson


    Am I My Sister’s Keeper?

    Anitra Ferguson

    Copyright © 2019 by Anitra Ferguson.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    ISBN: 978-1-970135-32-9 paperback

    978-1-970135-33-6 ebook

    Published in the United States by Pen2Pad Ink Publishing.

    Requests to publish work from this book or to contact the author should be sent to:

    Anitra Ferguson retains the rights to all images.


    Ohhhhh! Yessss, baby, yesss, babyy! Oh shit, this feels so damn good! Sand was saying while smiling with eyes closed. Pop pop pop pop. Four shots sounded off in the small room seemingly from nowhere.

    Ohh fuck, Murder! Why you do dat? Earlene screamed. Ohhh my god, ohhh my god! She screamed again while simultaneously running around in circles then falling to her knees, scared out of her mind. Shut the fuck up, bitch, and get the fuck up off your knees. Help me get rid of this motherfucker’s body! Listen and learn; never think you can get away with fucking over Murderville, ’cause I don’t play that shit and I run this fucking city! Money talks and bullshit walks. If the dollar amount is right, a motherfucker will sell they soul to the highest bidder and I’d pay rather well. I am the man, Murda v-i-double-l-e! Murder was saying all this while rolling Sand White’s dead ass up in a tarp to be thrown in the river.

    Mikeela Kee-Kee Rye

    I rolled my eyes as I prepared to leave De’Lamars. This was a popular restaurant on the south side of Millville, Illinois. I had just been involved in another unsuccessful, boring-ass date with a no class having mothersucker. (I am trying to quit cussing.) Damn, damn, damn! I just screamed in a crowded restaurant. I didn’t care about the stares I was receiving. I was totally frustrated right now. I thought that he might have been the one so I could end this single-person shit. Nine months ago, I had decided to become celibate to accommodate this new life role I had chosen to lead. You see, I rededicated my life to Christ and I wanted to lead some type of peaceful, faithful life. However, this celibate thing was turning out to be harder than I thought.

    At this particular moment, sex was on my brain and my body had begun to betray me and demand the attention of a man. Ughh! Life can be tricky sometimes, especially when you are trying to live right. Temptations seem to always show up and show out in your weakest moments. At this particular moment, I was weak and I wanted to be sexed. I had come on this date with this man, Daniel Davis. Now he was sexy as hell, so I hadn’t checked out much else about him besides his body and how he filled out a suit. His penis print was appeasing to the eyes too. Well, hell, to mine anyway! All of a sudden, I look up and both my mistake and my current situation had found me in this damn restaurant. Not only had I not made a love connection or even a lust connection, for that matter with this brother, but this loser had also left the damn place, leaving my ass to pay the check. Now ain’t that about nothing?

    Ma’am, ma’am, how will you be paying for this? The waiter asked rudely interrupting me from the conversation I was having with myself in my head.

    Umm, how much is the bill? I asked with as much ghetto attitude and irritation I could muster up.

    He handed me the bill and sashayed off. I chuckled because I needed to find the humor in something. Afterall, there certainly wasn’t any in this bill or this waste of a night. What kind of man walks out on a bill and on a date that he asked me out on? I was getting pissed, so it was best that I just paid the motherfucker and took my embarrassed ass home.

    The waiter came back with all these brave ass questions. What happened to that sexy ass gentleman you was with? I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to ask me that. I just looked at him.

    Company must not have been pleasant, he continued with a slight laugh. Better luck next time, sweetie.

    That is none of your concern! Can I get my damn receipt before I slap your sweet ass to sleep? I said loud enough to cause another scene. I knew the people in this damn restaurant were shaking their heads at me and my antics, but I didn’t care. I had a good mind to complain on the waiter, but instead, I left a big tip and a dirty note on the receipt. Kill ’em with kindness (well, kind of). You would think that with me being a successful defense attorney, with my own house and my own financial means of supporting myself, I would be able to find someone on my level to build a life with. Did I mention that I was beautiful in the face and thick in the waist, if I can toot my own horn? Toot, toot! Well, tomorrow is a new day, so I will shake this experience off and keep it moving.

    Ms. Rye, you have calls waiting on lines 1 and 2, Danita Wallace, my secretary, said through the intercom.

    Thank you, Mrs. Wallace, I replied, and I pressed line 1. Hello, this is Ms. Rye. How can I be of service to you?

    Hey, sexy, this is Daniel. I really enjoyed you last night and was wondering if we could do a second?

    Hell naww! And where the hell is my money for your part of the dinner that you stuffed your mouth with?

    I screamed into the phone, interrupting Daniel and his lies. I was politely met with silence and then the damn dial tone in my ear.

    The nerve of this motherfucker! Then he hung up in my damn face! I promise I bet not see him in the streets. It most definitely will be a misunderstanding!

    Mrs. Wallace, from now on block all calls from Mr. Daniel McNothing Davis. He has been deleted and dismissed. I also need for you to forward the rest of my personal calls for today— business only for the rest of the day.

    Yes, ma’am, Danita replied. Your wish is my command.

    I really didn’t know if this bitch was trying to be funny, but I’ma let her make it today cause I had work I needed to focus on. I have dealt with all the bullshit I was going to deal with today. I had to make my coins, so for the rest of the day, I’ll be focusing on my clients and their needs. Yes honey, attorney extraordinaire in full effect.

    I was finally home after a long day and couldn’t do anything but sigh long and hard as I made my way to the kitchen to pour me a glass of Merlot. I needed to relax after the past two days— hell, after the week I was having. I was beginning to think that I needed to take the day off, maybe even a month or a year, for that matter, to get my personal affairs in order.

    The time off would allow me to refocus and determine what I really desired from the relationships that I wanted in my life. Some decisions needed to be made because to remain single was not the life I planned on living, and it was certainly not the life I thought I would be living at this stage of my life. Maybe I was going through a midlife crisis at thirty-five years of age. However, I knew that before taking an extended vacation, I would have to think long and hard. Although I could afford to do so, I had the livelihood of my employees and clients to consider. As a successful defense attorney in Millville, I had built a nice reputation for myself, and I intend to keep it that way. So before I made a final decision, I would have to consider all my options. Law was my life and my first love, so being able to walk away for any time period would be difficult.

    Damn, this wine must be good as hell if it got me thinking about vacations and shit. I gotta get another bottle as soon as possible.

    I walked over to the radio in my bedroom, hit the on button, and then made my way to my spacious master bath. I could hear Charlie Wilson singing his heart out: There goes my baby, there goes my destiny. I was snapping my fingers and dancing from side to side. That was my jam. I had to go back to the radio and turn it up as loud as it could go. The Merlot and Charlie had me feeling some kind of way. I danced from the radio all the way back to the bathroom and turned on the hot water and added my bubble bath, all the while still dancing and sipping on my glass of wine. I removed my robe and slid all so beautifully into the tub. I was thinking that having a man to go and cuddle with would make this night all better. Soon I hoped that my prayers would be answered. As of the present time, I was certainly in a more relaxed state and a better headspace than earlier today, so I was glad for that. I knew that at least tonight I would sleep good.

    I had decided to let not having a man rest for at least tonight and removed the thought from my mind. Instead, I focused on my bath, my glass of wine, and the songs blasting from my radio.

    In God’s time, not Mikeela’s, what is supposed to be will be.

    Chanel Co-Co Rene Rye

    Y’all betta get somewhere and sit yo ass down and stop running in this damn house! I screamed at my two boys. They were working my nerves this morning, and it was too damn early. I have two boys, Juju, aged four, and Lil Ray-Ray, aged three. I was trying to sleep in to at least ten o’clock, but these children of mine were loud as hell and was ignoring my ass like I wasn’t screaming at the top of my lungs for them to get someplace and sit their ass down.

    Damn, I knew I might as well get out of bed, but I was so tired and couldn’t move. So, I rolled over and tried to return to some type of deep sleep. I was the single mother of two young children by two different men, living in the projects and stripping at one of the clubs in town. I knew my story seemed cliché, but it is what it is. I needed to provide for me and my children, and since I hadn’t listened to my mother or grandmother, stripping was what I could do without much education. The street life had taken me in with open arms when I was in my teenage years. I was hotheaded, hard headed, and a fastass little girl who thought my shit didn’t stink and that I knew every damn thing. Sooner rather than later, I found out that in fact, I didn’t know shit, but by then I was in the game and it was too late to turn back. My mother was a crackhead and a hoe. She taught me to use my body and my looks to get what I wanted from men, and so that was what I did. It was funny how I decided to listen to my mother about being a hoe, but didn’t listen when

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