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Triangular Man: Unlocking our being to Becoming Whole
Triangular Man: Unlocking our being to Becoming Whole
Triangular Man: Unlocking our being to Becoming Whole
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Triangular Man: Unlocking our being to Becoming Whole

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Triangular Man: Unlocking our being to Becoming Whole probes the deep structures, embodied in the angle and the triangle, that shape reality and give meaning to life. Through her private study of the Torah and her exposure and exploration of the history of interpretation that lives in Israel, Polaris arrived at a comprehensive approach

Release dateOct 10, 2019
Triangular Man: Unlocking our being to Becoming Whole


Polaris is a pen name. Born in Tunisia, the author grew up in France, married an Englishman, and finished her study of English and Russian in Great Britain. She read the Torah on her own. In Israel, she learned other interpretations of those writings. A freelancer, she lives in Jerusalem.

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    Triangular Man - Polaris


    Tri∇ngul∇r M∇n

    Unlocking our Being to becoming Whole Towards a unity of life.

    By Polaris

    Copyright © Polaris

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by reviewers, who may quote brief passages in a review.

    ISBN: 978-1-64669-649-9 (Paperback Edition)

    ISBN: 978-1-64669-650-5 (Hardcover Edition)

    ISBN: 978-1-64669-648-2 (E-book Edition)

    Some characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    Book Ordering Information

    Phone Number: 347-901-4929 or 347-901-4920


    Global Summit House

    Printed in the United States of America


    Triangular Man is dedicated to my sons. Also, to Eve, our primal mother, who had to bear the mental discrepancies of Adam, the first manic-depressive person on earth.


    Adam is conveying Eve to socialize with the Primal Snake.

    By Koskas.

    It’s highly possible that Bi-polar people are the descendants of Adam. These people are the makers of this world from Winston Churchill to Marilyn Monroe.

    When her best-half (Adam) was in deep slumber (sleep/ depression), she (Eve) was bored and went to be entertained by the snake. When on high, overwhelmed and overactive, he was busy naming animals according to their very essence.

    Olive tree. By Sarah Yvonne.


    Together with wheat, barley, wine, figs, pomegranates and dates, the olive tree constitutes one of the seven species original to the Promised Land (Deuteronomy VII:8). To this day, a special fruit blessing has to be made before the consumption of olives by observant Jews. This is a reminder that earthly goodies do not belong to us and that G-d is hosting us in His world. Some scattered controversial references refer to this tree of Mediterranean origin in the book of Moses, as a benediction or a malediction. In his Psalms King David relates it to male purity. Its oil was used as food as well as for religious ceremonies. Its leaf is nowadays a symbol of peace.

    There is more mystery in the seen than in the unseen. is the motto of Triangular Man.

    A super califragilistic expialidocious! motto from Mary Poppins.

    It is above all surprising with what perverse ingenuity men seeks to obscure the conception of a Divine Author, an intelligent, designing and benevolent Being, rather clinging to the greatest absurdities, or interposing the cold and inanimate influence of the mere elements, in a manner to extinguish all feeling of dependence in our minds, and all emotions of gratitude.¹

    Everything would not have been possible without the help of G-d, the first inventor. When inspirational ideas, moral strength and tenacity were failing, He always knew how to arouse my attention and spirits, either by a bird’s flight or by a clear sky broken up with stars, by a book or a magazine somehow crossing my path, by a song or by other means that go beyond human imagination.

    My hand was not enough,

    My Whole Being was His tool.

    This is a theory based on facts.²

    Deep and mysterious for people who understand Kabbalah (Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher, Dean of the Diaspora Yeshiva. Jerusalem.)

    1 The Hand, its mechanism and vital endowments as evincing design, by Sir Charles Bell K.G.H., London, 1833.

    2 Franklyn Wepner, Geshtalt Educator -


    by David Z. Rich.

    The technical ins and outs of the aerodynamics of planes are not the forte of Polaris, rather preferring to deal with overall shapes such as those of their airborne flight. Rather rejecting the unromantic option of medical introspections of the human that cannot be revealed by a surgeon’s scalpel.

    This is not a reference book regarding particular biblical events or characters. The main purpose is to make the reader aware that climactic events happening today have a deep cause rooted into them. It is, for instance, stated that Jacob stole Esau’s birthright. Surely not! Esau stole it! Thousands of commentaries have been made in Oral law, Gemara, Kabbalah, or commentaries of Jewish mentors during the generations. Leprosy might well be an Israeli disease. Noah may be considered as an absolutely good person, or as a relatively good person of his generation.

    Most readers may object to the fact that, despite its apparent aloofness, Hebrew is the linguistic source that quenches the thirst of world languages. We shall see multiple examples of this.

    Triangle/angle is not only the product man and woman are made of, but also the hidden signature of our Maker in the way He created the world at large. The circle is His blatant signature; see our circular planets. But this could well be the next topic of another grandiose musical, mystical and philosophical book! Last, but not least, one is to be constantly aware that this book defies the laws of logics, gravity and better judgment.

    It is an intellectual mess: Polaris’ most privileged milieu, a place where cognitive muscles do not stifle but rather strive to look beyond. I found this innovation appealing and of value.

    Movement is the secret of the universe, said Albert Einstein³.

    One needs to know Hebrew to be aware of many concepts.

    The snake is "nakhash" in Hebrew because of its high copper content ("nakhoshet"). A story reports that a scientist once turned to the Jewish faith because it had taken him years of PHD studies to discover that snakes have a high level of copper!

    •  The cat is "khatul" because of its ability to clean itself up.

    •  The dog "kelev" is the friendliest animal close to the heart of man… (Lev=heart/k=likelike a heart). But not quite… If only all humanity could learn Hebrew!

    Polaris, author of Triangular Man, sometimes feels like a ferret, gleaning information from all over the place. Torah/ (Thora in French) is a Divine theory and a Tree of Life and her main source of inspiration. The French spelling fits well the word ‘theory’. In France Polaris was born and brought up in French speaking Tunisia.

    You are my first, my last, my everything

    3 Réflexions sur quelques messages de Hanouca, RavYehia Benchetrit (MekorDaat)

    4 From a French song for children

    5 Song interpreted by Barry White.


    Triangular Man unveils Polaris’ original insights that led to the discovery that "the angle and the triangle are the product Man and Woman are made of (David Rich), a theory based on facts"

    In all, Polaris is trying to sell refrigerators to Eskimos. Some kind of philosophy when most people do not know what is "to be or not to be", don’t read much nor think much.

    At a time when people lack interest to understand what the pragmatism is laying behind our consumption society, Polaris tries to convince people to buy another product, a product which is not even hers.

    Note that throughout Triangular Man, the word G-d is not fully spelt out since when spelled backwards it spells "dog". Therefore, the vowel o has been purposely omitted. Oddly enough, this observation comes to mind when one associates our Designer with this, particular, Anglo-Saxon language. In Russian "god- год- means year", as G-d blesses the years much resembling Hebraic concepts. This is why you will be asked to achieve by yourself some active cadenced knowledge that holds an untarnished source of wisdom elevating the human soul. For instance, the word atom comes from the Hebrew satum (closure). This is an example of an ‘unbabeling’ linguistic method unexpectedly bonding Hebrew – the divine language - to other languages. Hebrew will be much used as the language of reference rather than Greek and Latin.

    Born non-observant, Polaris takes upon herself the task of spreading to the world at large her Judaic roots that she coins day after day. A medley of Jewish and profane thought, of comparative linguistics, and yes, re-introducing G-d, a task Moses somehow made a mess of.

    How? Via chaos and fragmentation, yet bringing unity, that may remind one of the style of Dos Passos, where fragmented paragraphs work as arguments to reach ideas in people’s heads.

    The original personal premises stem from the endless ramifications⁷ that occur in our earthly vegetal world and in the structural make-up of the animal and human. In other words, most of us descend from the vegetal and surely not from a Primal Monkey. This is expressed in the symptomatic discoveries of famous thinkers, and clearly conveyed to you with illustrations.

    This innovative theory explains, for instance, that a popular internet takes its roots on the vegetal, much akin to surfing a virgin forest, namely a system of endless branching outs. In all, a vegetal pattern progressively breaking out for you to be aware of. In it, triangular shapes cause the movements of angles. The angle and the triangle are therefore the product Man and Woman are made of. This basic leitmotiv of life can be an acceptable source explaining how the world goes around. In it women are in essence a triangle guiding the movements of men at large, like the moon inspires the waves of the ocean.

    Let’s be real: if an Egyptian seed can be eventually traced over a Spanish cucumber to fight an e-coli bacterium, so can one traceable truth flood humanity!

    Seeing through this common denominator of vegetal ramifications will open our eyes to a perennial truth that many have already glimpsed and, as a result, have either become saints or deserved to be locked up in the psychiatric wards of hospitals. "I remember when…I lost my mind. I was out of touch. But it wasn’t because I didn’t know enough, I just knew too much"

    Multiple artifacts are re-valuated: for instance, the Shield of David whose two interlocked triangles have created multiple angular movements. The two palms of your hands once clasped and reversed towards yourself (Illustration on Chapter I) will produce a full triangle pointing toward your own ego with its specific mission on earth. Lose it and fail your mission. Hold it tight, and you will grasp your own goal. You are such an important link within the chain of the 70 major nations, and the nation of Israel.

    You are all part of the divine project excluding the Amalekites that surely descend from the primal Monkey mentioned by Charles Darwin⁹. At long last, these fabricated people will flop away since they are not part of the divine project, so that G-d’s project will be fully commissioned. Good riddance and let all the 70¹⁰ nations of the world be the righteous sons of Noah and recapture the genius of their long-lost original identity.

    Once G-d is put onto our earthly map, the last and final purpose is to emulate His masculine judgmental and Her feminine merciful dimension. Awe/Mercy.

    6 Franklyn Wepner, Geshtalt educator; op cit.

    7 Also generally named ‘capillaries’. Biologists tell us than even the smallest of creatures contains millions of capillaries and veins visible to the human eye. (Moses in the Twentieth Century by Suzan Roth. SJR Associates – Union, New Jersey. p.57).

    8 Gnarl Barkley – CRAZY, a musical band.

    9 From the teachings of Rabbi Dynovicz.

    10 This number is the essence of the original nations as per the Biblical code.





    Chapter I: Miscellaneous observations

    Chapter II: Searching for common denominators

    A display of examples showing that angles and triangles (figures 2 and 3) may well appear as the leitmotiv of life. A range from the vegetal world (leaf/branch/root pattern) to human anatomy. Evidence of the angle in languages and in pain as common denominators of our structure. A focus is given to the ye sound (Yod), whose phonic shape appears to be angular. A table of this particular sound is provided (i/a spiritual and a/i physical). Hebrew is triangular and other languages are angular.

    Chapter III: The secrets of the triangle

    As per the Five Books of Moses (Torah/Thora/divine theory). This is supported by examples from Bible, Oral Law, and secular sciences. Some key words are given as codes like Rib/Wing/Hip or Thigh /Shoulder Blade. The Children of Noah’s Keep the seven and go to Heaven, as well as the Jews and their 613 precepts. The design of the Sanctuary as projected into the content of the vegetal world

    Chapter IV: A triangular evidence in daily Jewish rituals sets the pace for meaningful angles.

    Examples of religious artifacts, food regulations, the anatomy of some Jewish prayers. The Sardine run as a benevolent expression of our Maker that goes beyond the understanding of scientists, and which is part and parcel of our environment. The anatomy of food is also under scrutiny.

    Chapter V: Our Natural Environment: Artifacts, Symbols, Kabbalah.

    Examples of artifacts, and symbols. Some Kabbalah transparencies are conveyed regarding some artifacts and symbols from our environment, which lead to a ramification pattern versus the triangular pattern of the Man/Woman/G-d relationship. An Eastern and Western mind correspond to particular triangles and the position of their apex. In the structure of Man, animal life may well be connected to vegetal life. International coins are reviewed, together with symbols like the caduceus, the Highway Code, flags, Kabalistic concepts, and more. Oral history tells that a Queen of England pickled a coin from the floor. Why?

    Chapter VI: Torah, astrology, anatomy, morphology and numerology as food for thought

    Analyses of popular nursery songs are presented as appetizers. Songs from Mary Poppins weave the spirit of the book as a leitmotiv, stressing particularly how far over-exposure washes away intrinsic values. Most importantly, the reader is given some linguistic observations that slowly unravel the Babel language-confusion syndrome. G-d is re-introduced with a masculine and feminine dimension from a most unexpected source of information. Torah, like any other tools is described as angular, hence backed by three supportive forefathers. Three humanities, the Jews, the sons of Noah and the sons of the nations are necessary in the divine project of improving the world. Terape (You will cure in Hebrew) / Therapy. The rectifying process was initiated by Abraham.

    Chapter VII: Text commentaries

    Focus on the original creation as per Jewish sources of monolithic creed, reviewed step by step via the innovation of the angle/triangle pattern. The original sin is viewed as a hardcore event with bestiality at its best. The Tower of Babel event was one of its consequences. Then a few stops to some literary analysis: (Moscow Evenings, Ne me quitte pas, Je t’aime, moi non-plus). They expressplagiarism and eroticism.

    Chapter VIII: A Reader’s workshop

    A practical reader’s workshop, whereby the reader is asked to translate some numbered sequences (1- 100) by drawing angles or triangles accordingly on a notebook. Scattered statements and questions can then be recalled visually. At the end of the task, results will tell whether your outlook comes from the digital era we live in or is analogue.


    The forbidden fruit, a hard-core event. Ancient and current events (Wikileaks, Binyamin Netanyahu’s visit with Angela Merkel, and more). Truth will eventually surface and lies will eventually collapse so that G-d will no longer remain homeless. Amalek, the visceral Jew hater is not part of the human project and won’t have any raison-d’être. Most of us are little Adams and Eves connected to the vegetal rather than to the animal species.

    Index – terms as viewed by the authoress

    Plant a tree


    Thanks to the people who have contributed from a nearer or farther angle to the writing of Triangular Man. To the known or unknown beings, who have crossed my path. Thanks to some members of my family, whose understanding, patience and love enabled me to stay sane and to fight for an ideal that was starting to dwindle. To my mother, who instilled in her four daughters the importance of education, and to my sons, who supported me. To my academic and non-academic friends, to some of the staff of the Universities of Provence and Essex.

    Needless to say. To my late husband, who had to bear with the secondary effects of the time and passion that bore this fruit. He was, more than once, tired to see how far our poles of interests were going further and further apart, as his wife would rather stay at home, than be entertained by close friends or by a good film or a London show! To Ernest Singer, prime editor, Daniel Louzoun of Gemofice, Jérémie Agaman, graphic artist, Talia, social worker, and sketches from Don Maxwell, Piumi, Oren, Koskas and Yvonne Sarah. Last, but not least, to David Z. Rich, musician, philosopher, charismatic drum player with a foot in the United States and a foot in Israel, who gave Polaris the incentive to remove her Triangular Man conceived in 1987 from a drawer, to take the dust off and reshuffle it. Thank you to Tsiona and her husband Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher.

    Everything would not have been possible without the help of G-d, the first inventor. When inspirational ideas, moral strength and tenacity were failing, He always knew how to arouse my attention and spirits, either by a bird’s flight or by a clear sky broken up with stars, by a book or a magazine somehow crossing my path, by a song or by other means that go beyond human imagination.

    My hand was not enough,

    My Whole Being was His tool.

    * Translations and illustrations by Polaris, unless specified otherwise.

    Duo Mother and Son.

    Whether you are a digital or an analogue, you will apprehend the same facts differently on the Cast Lead Operation in Gaza (2008-2009). This is a duo that still can be heard at large, expressing two ways of looking at a military operation. Two views of the Middle East conflict: Three by Fabrice Schomberg¹¹ and Goldstone’s quiet but determined golden barks by Polaris.


    First round: discover

    I hear,

    with my ear,

    that all is clear.

    I am here.

    I see, I see, one, two, three,

    a universe made just, for me.

    And hear, a tree, one, two, three,

    with roots and leaves, it never leaves.

    You see, I hear, it’s here, to give to me.

    I see, I see, one, two, three,

    a universe made just, for me.

    A fresh start, I’ll dress up smart.

    I kill, I eat, I feast with meat,

    with lots of love, a moon above.

    I see, I see, One, Two, Three,

    a universe made just, for me.

    And I am here, where all is clear,

    but what is this? And who are these?

    One at battle, one at ease.

    I see, I see, one, two, three.

    Round two: acquire

    I hear,

    with my ear,

    that all is clear.

    I am here.

    I see, I see, one, two, three,

    a multiverse made, just for me.

    And hear, a tree, one, two, three

    with roots and leaves, it never leaves.

    You see, I hear it here, to make for me.

    You see, I see, one, two, three,

    a multiverse made, just for me.

    With a fresh start, I dress up smart.

    I kill, I eat, I feast with meat,

    in plain moon, I hear, loud and clear:

    I see, I see, One, Two, Three, a multiverse made, just for me.

    Where all was clear, I hear plain fear.

    But what is this, and who are these?

    One in battle, one at ease.

    They roar, in times of war,

    when all is right, who is left?

    who is right, when no one’s left?

    Round three: gather

    I hear, with my ear, that all is clear, I am here.

    You see, I see, one, two, three,

    an omniverse made, all for me.

    And here, a tree, one, and two, and three,

    with roots and leaves, it never leaves.

    I hear, it’s here, to take with me, one, and two, and three,

    an omniverse made, all for me.

    Another start, I dress up smart,

    I kill, I eat, I feast with meat.

    Sound and sharp, the moon is dark.

    I see, I see, One, Two, Three,

    omnivores set, all around me.

    And I am near, where all is fear.

    But what is this? And who are these?

    One all battle, one all ease.

    One will break, one will shake.

    You see, you see,

    one and two, make three.

    At times of war, when all are right,

    who is left? Who is right?

    Who is left, when none are right?

    You see, I see, One and Two in Three.

    This world and you,

    make me.

    Goldstone’s barks, his mum’s interpretation:

    The war against Hamas and the barking Germans is nothing but a war against international terrorism… Instead of support - both mentally and physically - for the State of Israel, the UN is either condemning, like a barking dog, or sending observers and cash after much damage has been done.

    In the same way as the global economic crisis, which sparked from the US, puzzled the world and led to the opening of the Capitalistic abscess (previously other isms like Communism, Socialism, Leninism etc.), an ailment, which can only be healed through G-d’s rectangular philosophy of Life. See the Latin: recto i.e. straight, working together with the angle in the framework of a merciful approach. After a year as somber as 2008, stamped by an unfathomable recession, festivities were happily taking place everywhere to mark year 2009. How can one cry and at the same time go dancing at discotheques or light fireworks? Year 2010, when there were no lights and no fireworks in the Eiffel Tower. France is setting the example.

    The repeated wars against Hamas and co. consist in wars where Israel takes upon itself servicing Western civilization against international terrorism. Instead of being supported - both mentally and physically, most nations condemn Israel (a democratic island in the map, surrounded by millions of Arabs under regimes of tyranny). Herds of barking dogs unleashed. Then, apologizing softly, after much damage has been done. Hitler took our Jews away and brought us Muslims! said a French politician.

    G-d gave better chances to the Hebrews, by proceeding to a linguistic surgery. A name-change from a biblical shunned Jacob to a modern assertive Israel. Jacob was bowing, and afraid. Israel is the only country who has balls! said one of Polaris’ neighbors. Yet, this country as small as New Jersey is entitled to some substantial retroactive compensations for the multiple damages incurred, servicing the nations. Financial (cyclical drops of economy growth), military costs, loss and injuries of soldiers and civilians and psychological abuses from politicians, citizens of the world and the media. During the many wars and hostilities Israel takes upon itself guarding the free world. May the Jews no longer be pointed by any entity as drinking Christian Palestinian blood. If doubtful on this, look up their food regulations (Leviticus 11).

    All this can only be healed through the straight philosophy of Life as promoted by G-d and from the Latin: recto i.e. straight. After a year as somber as 2008, stamped by an unfathomable recession, festivities were happily taking place everywhere to mark year 2009. How can one cry and at the same time go dancing at discotheques or light fireworks? A merciful world upset to see that Kassams made in China did not cause enough Jewish casualties. Terrorists couldn’t have done it all by themselves asphyxiating their brethren.

    GAZ GAZ GAZa Gazan brethren…

    11 Fabrice is Polaris’ eldest son. An artist, writer and political activist.

    Chapter I

    Miscellaneous observations

    Let’s look at the screen monitor of an electro-cardiogram, displaying the heart condition of a patient in a hospital bed. As sharper or rougher angles appear on the screen, some are faint, and some are fainter. Until the angles become a straight line, with narrower and narrower angles. It reflects a lifeless rest position when life ends; a non-existence of angle means non-existence of life itself or death as we understand it. While life movements focus on the angle, our death line is translated by a straight line as our life ends. The triangular shape is the tool triggering movements. It is set within the sockets of our aloof shoulder blades (scapulae) Triangular blades trigger the angular movements of our hands and fingers. Our triangular hip bones control our legs.

    G-d instructs Moses about the garments to be worn by the High Priest "that he may minister unto Me Referring to the Ephod, it shall have two shoulder pieces joined to the two ends thereof, that it may be joined together…" (Exodus 28:7). The angle aspires to higher levels generated from the triangular shape, for the best or the worse. This will be elicited further as we shall go into the concept of a leitmotiv of life.

    The secret code of the angle

    As soon as a baby comes into the world, the first movement is to purse his fists and screw up his little hands. As a person dies, the opposite occurs: his last body expression is to open his/her hands up into a straight line: a giving up gesture. At the first minute of life, an angle is formed, and at the point of death, this angle disappears. The level of life condition translates through angle, and of death through a straight line. These observations show how far our angular taking gestures take shape as we start life and deviate into a straight line as we end it, when a giving back-like gesture takes over. This last movement of the hand clearly indicates that all our angular movements express life, whether we hold a glass of water, walk, eat or bend down to pick up a tennis ball. When we die, it’s a straight line.

    What came first? - The chicken or the egg?

    Genesis describes the movement of living creatures as an angle displayed in detail by the movement of progression which characterizes the reptiles: "And the Lord created the great sea monsters and every living creature that creepeth, wherewith the water swarmed, after its kind". (Genesis 1:21) Creeping is definitely based on a horizontal position, with angular movements.


    Interestingly enough, soon after the creation of the creeping movement, the first anatomical feature mentioned in the Bible is the Wing: a characteristic of the fowl… These facts underline that these two features are connected and fully interlinked: there is always some angle in the triangle, and some triangle in the angle. To understand this concept, there is the analogy of the Yin and Yang as the symbol of the ancient Chinese creed, whereby there is always some Yin in the Yang and some Yang in the Yin, and in the concept of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!

    Yin Yang.

    Google free images.

    "This Chinese science was discovered at the same time as the Ten Commandments were given to the Hebrews by G-d at Mount Sinai, when many other nations captured some of these wavelengths indirectly with a poor radio transmission. These G-d sent truths became part and parcel of their beliefs, and although unclear, the emission was good enough to become a meaningful science of life."¹² Science Professor Colin Price compares to hearing music or voices from across a lake; depending on the wind, humidity and temperature, the tones may sometimes be crystal clear and sometimes inaudible.¹³ Godly sparks bring some substantial basis to philosophies like Hinduism and Buddhism that retained their popularity. Mysticism, healing and sub-medicines also apply. In all, beyond their ego, more people are aware that other things do exist beyond what is seen and surely relate to G-d.

    Moses’ face was shining from receiving the bittersweet laws of G-d that the common people could not ingest directly. Later in time, The Synoptic Gospel claim that "Jesus selects disciples to the top of a mountain where he is transfigured, his face shining like the sun and his clothes brilliant white."¹⁴

    Linguistic surgeries

    Hebraic letters lead us to a life-giving connection. Let’s start with a micro-analysis of the letter Aleph, first letter, and most difficult to master in Hebraic calligraphy. Hence, the complexity of its essence. It reflects Din / ןיד in Hebrew, namely Judgment and Awe, regulated like a Swiss watch. On the other hand, Rachamin / ןמחר Mercy allows some leeway. These character traits are subdivided into optimism, patience and will-power.

    The Aleph, first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and Latin languages, is used in the key word. Ichud¹⁵/דוחא and crystallizes the concept of Unity:

    Hebraic Aleph. Image28751.JPG

    By scribe Oren, of Judean hills

    It nearly conveys the same message as the Chinese Yin and Yang, a search for balance and harmony. It relates to the concept of Judgment as it looks like the scale symbolizing Justice. It is held together against all odds by the letter VAV/ו, whose slanting bar carries two frail Yods/י: Both the top one on the right, and the lower one on the left convey fragility akin to butterflies gathering their wings upward.

    Ozen/ ןזוא/ Ear

    Izun /ןוזיא/Equilibrium¹⁶

    Our shoulders could have been selected to control our balance!

    Unlike the Chinese symbol, the two Yods reach flimsily the dividing bar, while maintaining harmony within division and the vegetal world pattern. Still, a balance is brought along between two contradictory yet matching aspects of life: Judgment and Mercy, Good and Evil, Feminine and Masculine, Hot and Cold.

    Some comparison transpires from the Yod with the Yin versus the Yang of Chinese philosophy and the Yetzer ha Ra/ ערה רצי (Evil inclination) versus Yetzer ha Tov/בוטה רצי (Good inclination) of Judaic thought. However, the comparison stops there, as there is no such overlapping concept in the Judaism as in the Chinese.

    Some masculine aspect overlaps the feminine aspect of life, and vice versa. Extreme overlaps may lead to accept homosexuality as well as other derived kinds of bestiality. These are estranged concepts in Judaism, where divine information regulates the negative command regarding homosexuality: "And if a man lies with mankind as with womankind, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall be surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them". (Leviticus 20:13) Within this blueprint given in Mount Sinai, G-d has given us multiple hints for each one to us to support intuitive ways of morality.

    Jewish scholars have also the possibility of associating words to figures/Gematria, or by changing the order of letters, thus discovering the intrinsic concepts of words and names.¹⁷ Word associations are another tool. Consider the word horizon. In ancient Egyptian it sounds like the Hebrew word Ofek /קפוא. Historians explain that in leap years the Sun was leaving the horizon to reach both the Sphinx and then the Temple of the Pharaohs.

    "One can proceed to linguistic extractions, like removing the Aleph from the beginning of the word Emet / תמא/ Truth. This gives us the word Met /תמ/ Dead."¹⁸ Lies compiled from truths lead to various forms of death. Most of us actually lost our genetic immortality after the Fall of the first couple as originally created with a living soul. Adam and Eve lost their harmony because of lies added to a truth, and subsequently performed bestiality related deeds.

    When processing likewise the word Izun/ ןוזיא /Balance, we obtain the word "Z-n" / ןז /feed, which relates to an unprecedented harmony. Zen collapses as far as physical and spiritual foods are concerned: a critical issue for people facing nutrition difficulties. To this day there is no ideal diet accepted worldwide. Foods that spark on our plates come directly from the bounties of Ha Shem (The Name). This explains some difficulty in tackling them in moderation.

    It may well be that overeating occurs in order to overcome a metaphysical gap related to an inability to get near our Maker. Hence a longing for mum’s good soothing food. It can be the parting of a very dear person. Not a coincidence that so many people are currently suffering of eating disorders: it surely corresponds to the fact that most humanity has banned the existence of G-d from planet earth.

    Aleph’s meaning of Unity has a frail equilibrium that sets humanity in a precarious position. Note that Exile /Galut /תולג and Redemption /Ge’ulah /הלואג only differ by the addition or subtraction of the letter Aleph / א (given the grammatical interchangeability of Heh / ה and Taf /ת). Note also that these 2 words begin with the letter Gimmel, the 3rd letter of the Hebrew alphabet, whose shape is a triangle generating either fruitful or unfruitful angular movements.

    All elements have an opposite. However, in the Judaic way of life, they are closely intertwined but not quite apparent. This particular aspect makes a difference that enables meaningful ramifications to keep growing permanently. This outlook conveys a climactic difference between Jewish, Chinese and other spiritual tendencies. Best is to keep Zen, and each one of us has one’s own way of achieving it within the detailed guidelines supplied to us directly by the sacrosanct triangle of Torah, the blue print supplied to the Jews by G-d, to be eventually shared to a suffering humanity.

    Look up the Hebraic alphabet featured in the last page. As things work in dualisms, try to choose a letter going up against the unifying Aleph concept of harmony…The Peh expresses best this dismantling force (P or F/P, Ph) as suggested below. Although, you may not know Hebrew words to justify your choice, you may do so just by reviewing the shapes of its letters.…

    פ / Hebraic ‘P’ Peh

    Peh /הפ /mouth with either fruitful or destructive powers as words implode from it when consuming food or explode by talking.

    The word Piruk /קוריפ /Breaking up, generates the idea of creating gaps and cracks. We then have the word PRIרפ/fruit, and its primal meaning of producing good and bad in the context of the Garden of Eden.

    •  HaFrada דרפה/separation, when a genuine communication is broken.

    •  Pachad חפ/fear, as we explode outside of ourselves,

    •  Pnimiut וימינפ/ an interiority potentially bursting out into the open.

    •  PiZur/ crack, splitרוזיפ so similar to the French word Fissure.

    •  Pashut ושפ /simPle. Simplicity is achieved by extracting from the complex… This Hebraic root also provides the verb le hitPashet /טשפתהלto get undressed.

    The English word EXPLOSION traces to the Hebrew word Pitsutz / ץוציפ.

    So many words display one concept and its counterpart, using the PEH and the Aleph. Other seemingly unrelated cases will be scrutinized often through the use of an unbabelling linguistic method, unexpectedly bonding other languages to Hebrew, the divine language. The word "Religion" is used so much that it has lost much of its meaning.

    -  It contains the morpheme El’, G-d’s name in Hebrew. Allahin Arabic. Both referring to the Almighty.

    -  It contains the letter "g" which is the central letter of eGo.

    -  The concept that Relates to the ego/selfin English. I translates in Hebrew as ani / ינא. The opposite of ani is ein / ןיא, the same letters as ani reshuffled.

    Let’s go through these gibberish morphemes crashing into each other. They could mean: "How does my ego relate to G-d?" Who am I? To start with: nothing as I was created. Now it’s up to me to develop my mission. He gave me life. What have I done with my life? When speaking English, people don’t realize that they also are speaking Hebrew!

    Christianity is a religion focusing on Love, Mercy and Grace. Islam refers to Awe and Justice. Buddhism picks on idolatry to reach a somber spirituality through senses and incenses. Judaism is a way of life with its two feet stabilizing themselves on both Awe and Mercy with no Grace involved. No free gifts! One has to match one’s own goal up against one’s specific ego. Character traits are not to be taken for granted and continuously remodeled. The original characteristic of Abraham, the first patriarch, was Justice and Awe; he is yet known for his Mercy. Observant Jews are prone to rituals within their way of life, and the sons of Noah have a way of life rather than a religion.

    In a reduced mathematical term, this analysis correlates to the succinct equations:

    •  RE- concerning/(E)L-G-d/ g=ego/on=ani ינא/my ego

    We will also go through the technique of letter reshuffling that will enable us to enter some apparently unconnected insights:

    •  Tzinor/רוניצ /Pipe and Ratzon /ןוצר/willpower.

    The word Remez /זמר /hint, once reshuffled and read from right to left, gives

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